Aurora:Sean Underground-highway System

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Sean Underground-highway System(SUS) is an ice way system in Pilbara. It is founded by Seanisverygood in July 2024.

It currently has 4 Lines, 38 Stations.

Green Line

Sean asked Kobikraft if he can build an ice way. Kobikraft gave him permission. Sean expanded the original line(Now between G4 and G6) in Onslow Bay,to connect with other towns on the continent.

Green now has 18 stations. Sean added Ćwierkania station in December 29, 2024.

Green Line
Code Official Name Unofficial Name Transfer
G1 Nová Praha - Black Line
G1a Ćwierkania - Black Line
G2 Derbbi Kimberley Comune
G3 Broome -
G4 Pilbakraft Hall - Blue Line
G5 Bambüs -
G6 Onslow Bay Center -
G7 Cactus - Red Line
G8 Karratha -
G9 Ashburton - Purple line
G10 Chałk -
G11 Guriąk -
G12 Mandurah -
G13 Mundaringy Mundaring
G14 Onfast West - Black Line
G15 Onfast East -
G16 Ponti -
G17 Penrith -

Purple Line

Purple Line
Code Official Name Unofficial Name Transfer
PU01 Learmonth - Black Line
PU02 Ashburton - Green Line
PU03 Zekium -
PU04 Adelaide West - Black Line
PU05 Adelaide South -
PU06 Aussie -
PU07 Atocarret - Blue Line
PU08 Baark -
PU09 Icelap -
PU10 Ipswich -
PU11 Rockhampton - Blue Line

Red Line

Red line is above the ground. Sean currently does not want to expand it. And the R4 station was destroyed after Sean took a break.

Red Line
Code Official Name Transfer
R4 Cactus Green Line
R5 Onslow South

Black Line

Black Line's tunnels were dug, and ice were paved around August. When Sean went back in December, He started making the stations. The Black Line is open for people in December 30th, 2024.

Black Line
Code Official Name Unofficial Name Transfer
BA01 Onfast West - Green Line
BA02 Лодз Łódź
BA03 София -
BA04 Azur -
BA05 Adelaide West - Purple Line
BA06 Adelaide North -
BA07 Liechtensteiner -
BA08 Mesa - Blue Line
BA09 Ćwierkania - Green Line
BA10 Nová Praha - Green Line
BA11 Gonzo 広住町