Egyptian-Chadian War

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The Egyptian-Chadian War was fought between the Kingdom of Egypt and Chad from 4 February 2023, to 4 March 2023. As a result of this conflict, the towns in both nations were returned to their rightful owner, bringing an end to hostilities.


Beginning of Tension

The war has its beginnings from tensions between the nation of Chad, under Darkstalkerrr, and Egypt, starting from late 2022. Following Chad's rapid rise to power in Central Africa, efforts were made to expand the nation beyond their borders. A campaign was launched to expand into Libya and claim the Libyan coasts, up to the Egyptian border. This eventually led to the start of the tension between the two nations.

Their expansion into Libya was fairly successful, and the nation began claiming the coast after September 2022. A part of the campaign was also the purchase of towns in the area Chad was looking to claim, and offers were to sent to various town mayors across the coast, including Egyptian towns. Multiple offers were sent to towns in Egypt, in hopes of claiming the Egyptian panhandle into Libya, but was unsuccessful. Chad had one eye especially laid on the border town of Benghazi. There were numerous attempts to purchase the town for a large sum of gold to mayor NeFFeeh, and later resumed offers when StoffeH gained ownership of the town. All offers were denied, however the nation continued their attempts of pestering and persuading, using the fact that the town was inactive as their reasons. In order to stop the pestering, actions were taken by StoffeH which led to a heightened level of tension with Chad, however paved the way to the town's flourishment under Egypt.

Chad Heist

On 2 December 2022, a sum of 1,150 gold was sent to StoffeH for the purchase of Benghazi. Since he had originally made it clear to Chad that he did not want to sell his town, and after weeks of being pestered by them, he had taken the gold and refused to give the town up. Since there was a lack of a middleman, and there were not much photo or video evidence of the event happening, StoffeH managed to get away with the scam, leaving the Chadian economy in shambles, and outrage across their government. The scam resulted in outrage across Chad, and it was taken to the chats of the Egyptian discord demanding justice and the sum of 1,150 gold to be returned. Numerous plans were made by Egypt in an attempt to reduce tensions, which included a mock trial in which StoffeH would be tried for his crime in the theft of gold. Tensions reduced following the event, however their efforts to claim Libya became the main focus for Chad, and towns were made to claimblock Benghazi and prevent it from growing.

Chadian Libya

Following the heist that had taken place in Benghazi, and after their failed attempts to raid the Egyptian discord, their operation in uniting the Libyan coast was promoted much more compared to prior to the event. This time, their effort was focused on blocking Benghazi from expanding in retaliation to the sum of gold stolen from them. The efforts made and the gold spent would end up being a disaster for Chad a few months later. New towns and existing towns had been pushed to expand, including the towns of Brega, Misratah, and the new towns of zawyiat, bros, and Libya. A staged court hearing for StoffeH had taken place to ease the tensions between the two nations, which did work out, however a treaty was also proposed, with the terms all in favor of Egypt, which Chad declined.

War was on the verge of being waged, pushing Benghazi, Tobruk, and the new town of Cyrenaica, to expand as much as they can and grow. Despite multiple efforts of them attempting to retrieve the gold back, all failed, leading them to find other ways to try and take over the Libyan coast. Methods include map hunting, trapping, and claim-blocking.

Declaration of War

Formal Declaration

On 4 February 2023, war was formally declared by Egypt against Chad and the nation entered a period of increased efforts to provide for Egypt's armies. This began a series of counter-attacks for Chad's disregard of Egypt's claims.

Second Chad Heist

After finding multiple vulnerabilities in Chadian towns, a series of raids were held on Chad by the Royal Egyptian Army and an ally of Egypt. A total of eight towns were raided and looted, which included the towns of Chad, Relish, Continental, Faya, Desert_Aldia, Desert_Resort, Brega, and Libya.

Egyptian Chad


Treaty of Benghazi




See also