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Lucastorni was a brazilian player present throughout most of Brazil's old era.

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He served, during different time periods, as a brazilian diplomat, politician and mayor of São Paulo, changing his post each new regime that came in and which he decided to support, playing under Marco Jenkin's First Empire, Heinz88's dictatorship and TwisterSelvagem's Second Empire before becoming inactive and quitting Earth MC.

Lucastorni's most used skin
Twister's Second Empire (2019)

Notable Actions

  • He was mostly responsible for writing many constitutions for Brazil and guiding foreign relations while helping different brazilian leaders and regimes. Most notably Twister's and Heinz88's.
  • He was responsible for writing many documents and guiding many policies which helped to define Brazil's old era history, like the ultimatum to overthrow the first empire and the decision to support Nashik, iniciating the Hindustani-Indian war.
  • Lucastorni was opposed to the Empire of Brazil, guiding most foreign relations between the two monarchies during the Second Brazilian Civil War.
    Marco Jenkin's First Empire (Early 2018)
    Heinz's Dictatorship (Late 2018)