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Louisiades flag.png
Lousiades coat of arms.png
Map of louisiades 25-03-2021.png
National Information
Full Name Federation of Louisiades
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Motto "Mlecz is the real polish king"
Population 47
Chunks 246
Capital City Tagula
Largest City Tagula
Oldest City Tagula
Government Information
Political System Utopia
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

Louisiades was a country in Oceania with the capital in Tagula, created on January 23, 2021 by Mlecz. Its name was changed to Austronesia on September 11, 2021 by its last leader mell0_jell0.



Lousiades was created on January 23, 2021 by Mlecz with the capital in Tagula.

Conquest of Muyua

On January 25, 2021 Mlecz, batmanololo and Klus3k attacked the E-gowno Island. Mayor of the town (Zuki19) quickly surrendered and joined Louisiades. Also she had to change the name of the town from E-gowno Island on Muyua that is correct irl name of the island.

On February 19, 2021 town of Muyua ruled by Zuki19 fell into ruin. Tagula decided to take care of this island and claim it in the future so it has been left in Louisiadean borders.

Louisiadean-Botswanian War

During January 25th - January 27th 2021 Louisiades and Botswana were fightning each other. Peace has been signed on 7th February 2021. Most of the battles were won by Louisiades.


Laser Town

On January 28, 2021 Laser_Town ruled by Laser_Wayne joined the nation.

On April 3, 2021 mayor of Laser_Town (Laser_Wayne) decided to make his own nation called Tabar_Group. Later he also changed the name of his town to Toigitoig.


On February 12, 2021 town of New_Guinea ruled by Blu_Zebra joined the nation.

On February 22, 2021 New_Guinea changed its name to The_D.O.G

On June 12, 2021 The_D.O.G fell into ruin.


On February 16, 2021 town of Highlands ruled by Massgamer94 joined the nation.

On March 11, 2021 Highlands left the nation.

On March 18, 2021 Highlands fell into ruin.


On February 16, 2021 after negotiations, town of POG_(NEW_GUINEA) ruled by mommymisato joined the nation.

Probably on April 24, 2021 town of POG_(NEW_GUINEA) fell into ruin.


On March 9, 2021 town of PoopaNewGuinea ruled by poopylover joined the nation.

Date of its fall and leaving the nation is unknown.


On March 10, 2021 town of Esaala ruled by Klus3k joined the nation.

On June 26, 2021 town of Esaala fell into ruin.


On March 22, 2021 town of Wadowice ruled by zombiakZEN joined the nation.

On March 25, 2021 town of Wadowice became a new capital of Louisiades.

On July 5, 2021 town of Wadowice fell into ruin.

Coronation of zombiakZEN

On March 25, 2021 Mlecz decided to leave the server and give power in nation to the zombiakZEN. Wadowice became a new capital.

Fall of the nation

On July 5, 2021 Wadowice fell into ruin due to the zombiakZEN's inactivity.From that time to August 28, 2021 history of Louisiades is totally unknown. From August 28 (and before but there's no any earlier exact data) to September 3 the capital of Louisiades was Bixyanovo (this town probably joined Louisiades on May 16, 2021) and the leader was Fobryy. From September 3 to September 8 the capital was New Eldia with Stugrace at the head. On September 8 previous EMC Mod mell0_jell0 gained power in Louisiades and Xibalba (which joined the nation on September 5) became a new capital. On September 11, 2021 mell0_jell0 changed nation's name from Louisiades to Austronesia.

Notable people

Mlecz - founder of Louisiades

Batmanololo - prime minister of Louisiades

ZombiakZEN - former king of Louisiades

mell0_jell0 - the last leader of Louisiades, he changed its name to Austronesia
