Town Guide

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Rules you must follow while Making a town

Following requirements must be fulfilled:

  • costs 64 gold.
  • Can't be in another towns claims.
  • Must be 10 chunks away from another town.
  • Command to make a town is /t create (town name)

It also takes 16 gold to buy another plot for your town

Town Ranks

There are a multitude of ranks that mayors can give to their citizens. Each ranks comes with its own unique set of permissions and functions, which apply to the citizen only. The following list showcases all available ranks to hand out.

  • Can invite players to a town (cannot kick)
  • Can set up plots for sale
  • Can remove plots


  • Can build in the entire town on any plots
  • Trusted
  • Councillor
  • Tax-exempt
  • Police

These ranks can be given and taken away with the following command; /t rank {add | remove} {playername} {rankname}

Overall, residents and their ranks can be checked with the /t ranklist command.

Town Permissions

  • "/plot perm" : This command will check the permissions of the chunk you are in.
  • "/plot perm hud" : This command lets you see the permissions on the plot you are going through with a hud to the side of the screen.
  • "/plot set {choose option}" : This will change the type of plot.
  • "/plot set reset" : Resets plot type.
  • "/plot fs {G}" : This will put the plot up for sale at the set price.
  • "/plot claim" : Buys the plot if it is for sale.

Towny Commands

  • "/t leave" : Leaves the town you're part of.
  • "/t new {town name}" : Creates a town for 64 G.
  • "/t deposit {G}" : Deposits set amount of gold into town the bank. (This is necessary for buying land; you need 16 G in your bank to purchase land.)
  • "/t" : Lets you view your bank.
  • "/t withdraw {G}" : Withdraws set amount of gold from town bank.
  • "/t claim" : Buys chunk. (Only if it is adjacent to another chunk in the town.)
  • "/t rank add {player} {rank}" : This changes the rank of the player, granting the player more power.
  • "/t rank remove {player} {rank}" : This changes the rank of the player, taking away their power.