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Albanite tiny.jpg The fleur-de-lis, the symbol of the Albanite people.
Town Information
Full Name
Motto "Assiduity"

"Viva La Albanese Impero"

Population PopulationSymbol.PNG 450+
Continent Indigenous to Nova:Hudson Valley; diaspora in Russia and Southeast Asia
Economic System
Official Language Englishflag.jpg English

Flag of the Italian language.png Italian
French.png French

Official Religion
Government Information
Political System VOLKOV coat of arms.png Tribal
Historical Information
Established February 2021
Past Nations
Past Mayors
Past Councillors

The Albanites, Albanians, or Albano-Quebecois are a geo-ethic group in EarthMC that originated in the Hudson Valley region of North America in 2021, during Terra Nova. Originally occupying the land north of New York in the city of Albany, the Albanites grew to become one of the dominant cities of the Northeast Megalopolis, even uniting Imperial Quebec against foreign aggression during the North American Pact War. However, by mid-2022 and the dawn of Terra Aurora, the Albanites were sent into a diaspora with some of their descendants founding individual towns across the globe, and many gathering in a city on the island of Borneo, subjects of the Indochinese Empire.

The Albanites have historically rallied behind various leaders who've held the title of mayor. Among them include BattingSine, BetaCheese, Deathlife23, and AdrianHES, the latter of which is considered the "father" of the Albanite people. Following the criminal activities of the Volkov Family, in November 2022, many prominent Albanites were banned including AdrianHES himself, in a betrayal by Volkov member Senor. This act was part of a coordinated attack by the Wintour Family, the tribe that historically controlled New York. They are the long-time enemies of the Albanite people and claimants of the Hudson Valley region, and control of the land has been contested for nearly four years.

In early 2024, the admins of EarthMC agreed to unban AdrianHES. In his first move after being unbanned, he once again became mayor of the Albanite diaspora in Indochina, rallying the members together behind the idea of unity. By this point, the Albanites had endured nearly a year and a half of targeted persecution from global leaders and entities, many of which were under the influence of the Wintour circle. This later became known as antialbanism. In the months after his unban, AdrianHES promised his people that soon they would return to the Hudson Valley and re-establish Albany in its original location.

Plans to re-establish Albany had been drawn even before AdrianHES' unban. The Indochinese Albanites had coordinated with the government of Vermont, who controlled the majority of Hudson Valley land, and an agreement was struck that the Albanite people would be allowed to return to their homeland. However, several militant members of the Wintour family attempted to stop this by pressuring the Vermont government to deny the Albanites entry into the Hudson Valley. The agreements were eventually honored, however, and the Albanites were allowed to return in early October 2024.

In October 2024, AdrianHES re-founded old Albany in the western Hudson Valley region, approximately 20 chunks west of its original location. This marked the beginning of the Albanite return. The land, currently known as Mandatory Albany, is now seen as the cultural epicenter of the Albanite people, simultaneously existing alongside other cities controlled by them. According to its founding policies, anyone who can claim Albanite heritage by proving they were once members of /t Albany (on either Nova or Aurora) are eligible for free citizenship in Mandatory Albany, or by other specific means as listed below.

Mandatory Albany is currently a client of Vermont, its capital being the City of Old Albany. It is currently controlled by AdrianHES, as the head of a militant vanguard organization known as the Combatants for the Liberation of Albany and Quebec (CL-AQ), an Albanite-Quebecois liberation army.

Name and etymology

The word "Albanite" is derived from the original town of Albany, founded in February 2021 by AdrianHES. Originally derived from the Gaelic name for Scotland, Alba, the name Albany was chosen by AdrianHES in early 2021 when he founded the town in New York territory. The first occupiers of Albany were a small friend group who established a settlement sometime prior to 2020, and who were later conquered and destroyed by New York. The land, mandated under American law at the time to be part of New York's sphere of influence, was simply known as Northern New York prior to the establishment of the first Albanite settlement there.

During its early history, Albanites referred to themselves as New Yorkers, as the formation of an independent ethnic identity was heavily dissuaded by the American government at the time. Several months after its founding, however, Albany residents began referring to themselves as Albanians, simply as occupiers of the land. This was the term used for most of the people's history. Other Terra Nova terms include Hudsonian and Albano-Quebecois. By the major diasporic era, Albanites also referred to themselves as Albano-Indochinese or Bornean, as the dominant occupiers of the island of Borneo.


The Albanites can be described as a nation, ethnicity, and culture. What qualifies a member of the Albanite people is having ever held residency in /t Albany in either Terra Nova or Terra Aurora. By default, Albanites consider themselves the rightful claimants of the Hudson Valley region, as well as the inheritors of the legacy of Imperial Quebec, whose remaining members are now considered part of the same ethnic sphere. Albanites believe to be the successors of Hodin, the founder and emperor of Quebec on Terra Nova. In addition to seeing the city of Old Albany as the cultural epicenter and capital of the Albanite ethnicity, they also see the region formerly occupied by Imperial Quebec as their inheritance. They are claimants to much of eastern Canada, from the shores of the Atlantic to the Great Lakes. Their core sociopolitical tenants are as follows:

  • Hudson Valley belongs to the Albanite people.
  • The Albanites are the inheritors to the legacy of Hodin and the Quebec royal family.
  • One day, Quebec will be re-established with Albany as the capital.
  • New York and the Wintour family will be vanquished, and their land absorbed by Quebec.

In addition to these beliefs, other cultural traits of Albanites include a practical approach to architecture and city design. They are fiscally conservative and resourceful, and tend to make use of every asset and town chunk they have, and securely storing any items/gold they don't use. The principle belief of making sure every town chunk has some kind of use was propagated heavily by AdrianHES during the early Albanite history, and is partly the reason why the collective population of the Albanites are so high. Financially, Albanites and other Quebecois also have long-honored rules of making deals and loans amongst themselves to grow collective profit. This internal loaning system was one of the contributing factors for Albany's rapid land expansion in 2021.



While all Albanites are considered part of the collective group, regardless of when residency took place, there are several different internal classifications to distinguish between them. Most of these classifications arose following the Albanite diaspora, when culturally-obedient Albanites founded their own legacies elsewhere in EarthMC. Some of these include:

  • Novite - residency was in Terra Nova.
  • Borneac - residency was only in Terra Aurora.
  • Hodinite - lived within mainland Imperial Quebec; related to royal family.
  • Morganic - lived within mainland Imperial Quebec or Indochina; related to the Volkovs or to Albanite diplomats.
  • Volkovic - any relation to the Volkov Family.
  • Coddite - relation to Albany via colony residency.
  • Froyic - diasporic descendant of former Albany residents.

While most Albanites claim heritage through either Novite or Borneac classifications, the others may also be used as claim to Albanite status if the criteria are met.


Within EarthMC, several groups have publicly endorsed the Albanite people and are considered friends of the group. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Indochina
  • Vermont


Several antialbanitic groups and organizations actively target, kill, hunt down, and persecute Albanite players. These groups include: