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Coat of Arms
Iceland Coat of Armssvg.png
National Information
Full Name Kingdom of Iceland
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Population PopulationSymbol.PNG Iceland: 11 (13-12-2021)
PopulationSymbol.PNG Ioslainn: 1 (13-12-2021)
Chunks 875
Capital City New_Wexford
Largest City New_Kildare
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System Constitutional monarchy
Economic System Capitalism
Army Size Neutral foreign policy
Part of
Historical Information

Iceland (Iceland [ˈistlant] - "land of ice" or "ice country", previous name is Austurland) is an island state located in the west of Northern Europe in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean (northwest of Britain), in the north and northeast it is washed by the Northern The Arctic Ocean. The puppet states: Ioslainn (now), Island (earlier).


February 23 is definitely an interesting date, since two kings ascended the throne on it (Hexagram_ and RandomWill). Iceland was formed in November of 2018 by Toadally and re-established in November of 2019. The original ruins of Toadally's Iceland scatter the landscape, telling a story of a nation once thriving but long since has been forgotten. Today, new towns once again are beginning to inhabit the cold mountainous terrain that is Iceland.

The only state with which Iceland has a land border is Godthab. Godthab has been Iceland's main ally throughout history. The emperor of Godthab respects and honors the traditions of the people of Iceland and has never encroached on its territory. The territory owned by the Godthab is the historical territory of them.

Throughout its history, Iceland has hardly taken part in wars. Therefore, the state is considered relatively neutral in the world arena. The interests of the kingdom in geopolitical terms are rather modest: Iceland claims the integrity of the island part, in addition to Godthab's claims, as well as several nearby archipelagos of islands. The main priority of the state is political stability, capital growth and the construction of cities. Iceland also loves to fund education, which is why there are many educational institutions in the kingdom.

At the moment, Iceland is in a military coalition with the Britain, as it is its partial puppet. In times of instability on the island, subversive forces were financed, through whose efforts aristocrats from England came to power. Recently, however, Britain is losing popularity on the island, which may soon become the reason for the redistribution of power.

Current Towns






Reykjavik Ulok 4 76
New_Kildare TheCuberHat 3 202
New_Wexford Connor_OReilly 1 151
Everlux RedGoldfish1 1 130
New_Ennis MadMaxChips596 1 129
akureyri EphixaTR 1 28


New_Shannon TheRealDolyLlama 1 113

[Last update: 13/12/2021]


Iceland's history is divided into eras. Era is the time of the reign of one of the kings. The era includes a description of important dates, events, the political situation in the country and abroad. Especially outstanding kings received nicknames, which are also indicated next to their nick.

Icontoadally.png Toadally the founder

[Disclaimer] This part of the story has been carefully researched, so most of what was said here really happened. However, some points were written by the king himself and it is not possible to verify their accuracy.

The first nation of Iceland was founded in Reykjavik on November 4, 2018, by Toadally after abandoning Tokyo in search of a location still isolated but closer to the political center of EarthMC, which was Europe at the time. After encountering issues with the plugin Towny, the name of the town was changed to Reyk, which remained until Toadally left in January 2019.

In late November 2018, Toadally established a bond with the nation of Norway and sought mutual protection. Soon after, an Icelandic town was planted on the Faroe Islands in order to establish a larger presence in Europe. Unknowingly to Iceland, Britain had a claim on the Faroe Islands, which then led Slyprince to use an alt to establish a small town on the southernmost island in the archipelago. After attacks from Toadally and some Norwegian players, Britain sent a battalion of eight (fact-check) players, easily defeating the unprepared Icelandic and Norwegian forces. Soon after, however, Toadally and the Norwegians returned and forced the British to retreat. The alliance then landed in Scotland and made a push for Wales, where Toadally was trapped and killed. The alliance fought over Southampton for a while before becoming bored due to claim hiding, and left.

Iconpapiroca.png Papiroca

This player founded the legendary Icelandic fortress - Hoffel. The fortress became the de facto capital of Iceland for a long time. However, as is often the case, almost nothing is known about the reign of this king, whose merits have been imprinted on the history of Iceland for a long time. He became king due to Toadally's inactivity. We can definitely say that Papiroca did not plan to become king. When he became one, his interest in the server had already faded. Despite the enormous influence on the island, the fortress did not compete in spheres of influence with Reykjavik. On the contrary, the economic and transport links between the two towns were extremely close. However, it should be borne in mind that these were still two different towns, both in mentality and in architecture. Hoffel achieved such successes that almost no other town on the Iceland has achieved after it. Hoffel had a large number of inhabitants for that time, about 30-40 people. Absolutely every chunk of the town was explored and built up. The colossal structure of the central tower (we assume that it served as a lighthouse) leaves no one indifferent to this day. The architecture of the Hoffel has given the appearance of Iceland for many years after itself.

"The brighter the flame, the faster it goes out"

Papiroca put his whole soul into his work, but by the time he became king, the server no longer worried him so much. The town and the fortress of the same name, which he built, had a great influence on the history of the Iceland, however, as a king, he did not stand out in any way and served more as a transmitter of the crown from Toadally to Hexagram_. Once he left the server and never returned to it. The crown passed to the next king.

Iconlurdz.png Lurdz92

This king gained power due to the inactivity of the previous king. However, this king was also inactive almost from the very beginning of his reign. After 42 days, Munkl3 became king.

Iconmunkl.png Munkl3

This player served as a sort of deputy mayor in the Hoffel. Unfortunately, absolutely nothing is known about his reign, except that having received the crown, he was inactive for a long time. However, the Hexagram_ that had just arrived in Iceland was able to revive him and become the successor to the crown. Further, it will be advisable to start the history of the next king, since his merits have definitely left a huge mark on the history of Iceland.

Iconhex.png Hexagram_ the virtue

[Disclaimer] This part of the story, just like the part of the story of the first king, was written exclusively on behalf of the king himself. The accuracy of this narrative is difficult to guarantee, moments that sound too unconvincing have been cut out. As for the rest, for six months, he was the only one who carried on the history of Iceland.

Hexagram_ left behind a huge number of records in the history of Iceland. If you are interested, you can familiarize yourself with them. However, our job is to provide the most complete and coherent picture of the events taking place on the island. Therefore, we were forced to compress the History written by him and leave only the important, because even taking this into account, it turns out quite a lot.


He came to Iceland from Scotland, as he was not comfortable with the politics of his nation. Iceland was chosen because of its proximity to Britain, and Britain itself was rejected due to its large population. At first, he settled in the east of the island, founded a town Storidalur there. Initially, he did not intend to secede from Scotland, but over time, his views began to diverge from the views of the King of Scotland. Then, he decided to start hoarding gold to create his own nation. Realizing that it would not be easy to do this alone, he called his friends - gtaagent2 and jojix. The mayor of a major city in Scotland was dissatisfied with this behavior and, having come up with a far-fetched reason, staged a small massacre in Iceland. However, later the king of Scotland entered the server and settled the conflict in favor of Iceland. Then Hexagram_ got complete freedom of action.

Establishing a connection.

Over time, more and more active players settled in Storidalur, among whom were his friends. Some of them wanted autonomy and created their own cities. Thus, Hexagram_'s influence on the Iceland increased, while the influence of the current king (Munkl3), due to his inactivity, increasingly fell into decay. Then, Hexagram_ and his inner circle made an attempt to contact the current king of Iceland. Once they did it. Then, the king went in and invited all new cities to the nation, after which he never logged on to the server again. After that, Hex decided to create a town on the site of the ruins of Reykjavik. Soon he did so, the new town was named Equinox.

Ascent to the throne.

The exact date of his accession to the throne varies. Some sources claim that he became king on February 23, others claim that on February 26 only Munkl3 became king, and Hexagram_ long after that. Since there are no exact data on this score, we will, for the sake of poetry, consider February 23 as the date of his accession to the throne. Moreover, by this time, most likely, he was the most influential person in Iceland.

During his reign, Hexagram_ practiced absolutism. He first undertook to reform the state system and the government of the island. With absolute power on the island, he created the House of Lords and a system of voting for various bills. The Lords at that time were called like this: Jarl. Gtaagent2 and Jojix became the first likeness of a prime minister and a lord chancellor in the country. the prime minister and the lord chancellor made up the upper house of parliament, while all other mayors of the cities made up the lower house of parliament. A member of the upper house of parliament had two votes in decision-making, while a member of the lower house had one. The final decision on all bills was made by the king, however, towards the end of his reign, if the bill gained 2/3 of the votes, it was adopted regardless of the king's decision. This was the beginning of parlamentarism on the Iceland.


The state army at that time mainly consisted of three officers: jojix, gtaagent2 and Zolphax. They were dressed in divine armor and were obliged to take part in absolutely every conflict of the state, of which there were not so many. As for the rest of the inhabitants of Iceland, there was no conscription, the service was optional and only for men.


During Hexagram_'s reign, a huge number of different roads and buildings were built. His team restored the Hoffel's town square, and for the first time built an underground railway from west to east of Iceland. At the beginning of March 2019, there were 4 large cities in Iceland, connected by underground railway.

Foreign policy.

Practically nothing is known about relations with other states during this period. The main burden was directed to strengthening Iceland from the inside, so during this period, most of Iceland was isolated from the rest of the world. During this period, the wiki page of Iceland began to actively conduct, which allowed other states to learn more about the history of the state and which at the moment allows this history to be restored bit by bit.


As with other kings, one day Hexagram_ got bored with playing on the server. Friends are probably also tired of playing here. The king came in less and less often, and closer to April he stopped visiting altogether. His case is unique in that after him there were no successors to the crown and the original nation had ceased to exist by mid-April. This period is considered to be the end of the ancient history of Iceland. For some time after that, life on the Iceland was completely absent.

Iconpadpai.png xPadPai

The nation of Iceland, after it's great fall has been re-estabilished by a man called xPadpai, The nation is a colony of Trinidad and Tobago

The history in this time period isn't mentioned and seems lost for now

In November 2019, All that was left from the previously mentioned history are empty tunnel leading no where, along with ruins of old towns next to towns that have been preserved.

Iconcloud717.png cloud717

This king's reign was short. It started when cloud717 bought the nation. Then he entered the game several times, after which he ceased to be active and after 42 days max300100 became king.

Iconmax300100.png max300100

The Iceland that came out of the summer of 2019 finally fell in October. Max300100 founded our current Iceland and chose Grhust to be a chancellor.

While Iceland was being remade, several players arrived in Iceland and founded towns that slowly joined the nation when ever they could find Max.

Starting November was the fall of our friend, Akureyri.

In the opening week of December, East Lord Ulok was given the rank of Chancellor and along with that he removed all citizens in his city, Reykjavik, besides himself and Biggi2304. Reykjavik is now an isolated city and has no town government. No one can get into Reykjavik at all, and has given the right to be the eastern capital to Djupivogur.

Prompted by our rival nation, Island, we our now considering to start making towns in Greenland after Island made the town Whiteridge.

Icongrhust.png grhust the quiet

During this era, many new settlements appeared in Iceland. However, the nation stagnates most of the time. Three new towns were founded around the capital: Reykjavik (Island) on the south, New_Kildare (Ioslainn) on the east, Arya (Godthab) on the north. The king grhust spends all his time without leaving the fortress.

Iconrandwill.png RandomWill the conqueror

At the end of February, the N.S.A.S. nation was founded.

Iconconnor.png Connor_OReilly

Too little time has passed to tell the story of this king. New_Wexford