Aurora:Suez Crisis

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The Suez Crisis was an emergency in Aurora:Egypt in May 2022, during the early days of the Terra Aurora server between the Kingdom of Egyptians (former Indochinese) and the Ancient Egypt from the Terra Nova server. The crisis was primarily centred around control of the Suez Canal and also the control of parts of Northern Egypt. Despite tensions, no fighting occurred between either side. Uncertainty about the future caused the Ancient Egyptians to sell their towns to Egypt which resulted in the Suez Canal becoming under full Egyptian control.



On the Terra Nova server, Ancient Egypt was the dominant Egyptian nation, they planned to move to Terra Aurora and create Egypt once again meanwhile the former Indochinese made plans to create Egypt on Terra Aurora similarly.

Post Server Launch

On May 1, after the launch of Terra Aurora, the Ancient Egyptians founded the town of Giza (located at Suez in reality) and later on May 2, the former Indochinese created Cairo, Alexandria, and Suez. This caused uncertainty and began a race between the two groups to create a nation first.

Creation of Egypt and Discussions

Egypt was created on May 3 by the former Indochinese, now known as Egyptians. This event was the catalyst of discussions between both groups about potential solutions to the current situation to fulfil both parties wishes.

The Ancient Egyptians wished to claim the Sinai Peninsula, the Suez Canal, parts of the Nile Delta and Nile River itself in return for joining Egypt meanwhile the Egyptians wished to be united under one nation with no restrictions on where one another could claim.

Breakdown of Negotiations and Ancient Egyptian withdrawal

On May 7, with discussions slowing and no agreement in sight, considering the troubles in the future, the Ancient Egyptians sold their towns, Giza and Osiris to Egypt for 64g each. They decided to move to Idles, Algeria, and later created the nation of Sahara.


Once the Ancient Egyptians had left, Egyptian sovereignty and ownership of the canal was confirmed after the full annexation of the canal on May 7 and the completion and opening to the public that same day. The crisis hastened the mining process for the Egyptians, during and after the crisis.

Relations between Egypt and the Ancient Egyptians, now known as Sahara had normalised and tensions decreased.

See also