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Proser's Skin

Proser (formerly silverstreet, Piaras2020) is an EMC player and mod from the nation North Sea Republic / Ireland. He is perhaps best known for being one of the most active mods and being a prominent member of the NSR. His activity can be split into 2 distinct eras, split by a long hiatus)

First Era: Mar 2020 - Oct 2020

The sign dedicated to Proser (silverstreet at the time), found in New Shannon on Nova, dated May 30 2020

Proser first heard of EMC from the youtuber Toycat's videos. He first joined Terra Nova on 23/03/2020 when he was bored in COVID lockdown. He joined and tped to st heard of EMC from the which had 2 towns in it. He left the capital (a 3 chunk meme town called Wales) and walked to the nearby town of Ossory, where he met the mayor IamGawain. Proser soon bought queue priority and the 2 became friends and grew the town, bought the nation Ireland and began rebelling against Accordo's Britain. He changed his ingame name to silverstreet about a month after first joining. Proser began the Irish settlement of Iceland, creating New Shannon where there is a sign commemorating his mayorship. He was the first elected leader of Ireland and was the primary architect and builder of Ossory's shopping district.

Proser's favourite activities around this time was playing poker at the Lixus casino and attending community events. He was part of the team at the EMC Player's Union. As an Irish mayor in Iceland he decided to go on a grind and build up some gold. After amassing around 5k gold, Proser announced on 24/06/2020 that he would be leaving the nation. He created the nation of Khazar in Asia on 02/07 (his birthday) and grew his town to 100+ chunks. He built a shop and began to build roads in the town.

Inactivity would strike, however. As the summer went on, particularly around mid-August, Proser began to log on less and less frequently. A combination of COVID restrictions relaxing, school starting back and other irl reasons led to him going outside more and to stop nolifing. This culminated in him giving out approx. 3.2k gold in one night to randoms for free). He kept his res data until January 2021 by logging in once a month, but simply forgot to one time and his res data was wiped. Proser regrets quitting so early and looks back at this time as his fondest in EMC.

Proser creating Cork, May 2 2022

Second Era: Nov 2021 - Present


Proser was curious to see how EMC had changed so decided to log in on 02/11/2021. He was recruited by Mednis, the Leader of Austria and whose name he recognised from when he first played. He joined Vienna and kept playing. Mednis got one of his inactive mayors to give him the 120 chunk town of Sopia for free on 12/12/2021. Proser thought EMC had kinda fallen off from when he first played but continued to play a bit nonetheless. He was recruited as a helper on 27/03/2022, which gave him a lot of motivation to play. Shortly after he was made helper, Terra Aurora was announced.


After Terra Aurora was announced Proser originally planned to make an Ireland nation with RandomWill, RandovMan, Connor_Oreilly and Lokibeeper. He knew Will from Ireland on Nova (Proser was the one who recruited him). Will knew Connor from Iceland on Nova and Will recruited Randov from EMC general chat. After Dublin was founded by EchoOcelot on May 1st, Proser wanted to abandon the Ireland plans last minute and move to Dubai as he believed Britain/someone else got to the nation first. But Will insisted they make Cork (about the same location as the original Ossory on Nova). Cork was created by Proser on May 2nd as the 2nd town in Ireland. They went on a mining grind for gold, amassing the 2048 gold in 3 days (including a 500 gold loan from Ulok of Switzerland) and creating the nation Ireland on May 5th with Cork as the capital and Will as the King. They believed creating the nation so fast was vital as they wanted to have the Ireland name. After some days, Will told Proser he would be going inactive until at least June, and gave the nation and Cork to Proser to hold.

NSR (North Sea Republic)

On May 15th Dayzle reached out to Proser ingame and informed him of plans to unite the nations Ireland, Britain (of which Belfast was a part of) and Iceland (of which Dublin and Peebles were a part of). Dayzle invited him to the Union discord and they vc'd. Proser was intrigued as he believed large nations with an active community are the keys to success on the server. He tried to get in contact with Will but did not get any meaningful response. Proser then held a vote in the Ireland Aurora discord (which included some old friends) which ended 6 to 3 in favour of unifying. During the voting period Britain pulled out of the unification, but despite this Ireland officially unified with Iceland on May 18th. Proser, with the help of RandovMan, moved the nation capotal to a 1 chunk town within Dublin (Stormont, later named Dublin Castle), which Proser held until the Hoyenah's (Logancreeper50 at the time) term ended on May 31st. Proser was voted in as a Chief in the following election on June 1st, serving 1 month-long term without seeking reelection. Proser handed the nation and the 1 chunk capital to RlZ58, the newly elected Hoyenah. The union went on to recruit more nations and evolved to become the North Sea Republic.

RandomWill logged on to give the town Cork back to Proser and moved to the town Shanghai, however nowadays Will continues to be inactive. After being promoted to Mod on 23/07, Proser handed Cork to iMogs on 26/07, as he felt that he lacked the time and motivation to build/run a town. After the republic voted to move the capital from Dublin_Castle to Better_Dublin, the nation held a public vote to rename it. Proser and others campaigned for it to be named Ossory, which won the vote.

Proser nowadays is a very active member of the NSR and EMC. Despite going on a month's spell of inactivity between September-October, he returned and still plays very often. Proser is likely either chilling in discord vcs or doing mod stuff. Proser kind of bounces around towns in the NSR and holds no allegiance to any single one.


  • Proser is seen for a split second at 8:56 in Drew Durnil's video on EarthMC (ign silverstreet)
  • he was scammed 1.2k gold by Samisol
  • he had his discord hacked in June 2020 and had to make a new one
  • he likes to collect original signed books by prominent players/staff
  • he is 19 irl
  • he is irish
  • he thinks conflict and drama is what keeps the server interesting
  • claims to dislike banning players