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8set (first joined January 2nd, 2023) is a famous PvPer and owner of the Somali Empire

Profile Information
Towny Rank Nation Leader
Spouse(s) n/a
Discord 8set
Spawn Information
Date of Spawn July 3rd 2022
Spawn Location Mongolia
Physical Information
Nationality Polish-American
Gender Male
Nation History
  • Cascadia
  • RMF
  • Kamikaze Gankers
  • RMF Founders
  • Seljuk Gang

The Beginning (January - February 2023)

Spawning and joining nations

On January 2nd, 2023, they joined EarthMC for the first time. After waiting in queue for about 5 minutes, they were sent into the middle of the Asian wilderness where they wandered hopelessly until receiving an invite to Dubai, TerraAustrailis. At the time, the city was immensely disorganized, and after a few hours they had left to join Olympia, Cascadia, where they claimed a plot in the downtown section.

Military Experience

During this time, 8set began learning EarthMC's laggy pvp and began fighting in Cascadia's military. At one point, they were killed by the famous pvper 4kolk (also known as iqqd, 21don, _KOKLOL, etc.), which made them dedicated to improve in pvp.

The town of Banff 2/10/23


On January 26th, 2023, they created the town of Banff in western Canada, and began expanding it.

The Age of War (March - June 2023)

The Birth of the Rocky Mountain Federation (RMF)

On March 6th, 2023, after a few day's planning, 8set and two of their friends seceded from the Republic of Cascadia with two other towns (Jericho Ranch and Tarnish) to form a new nation known as the Rocky Mountain Federation. The leaders of the RMF were to be 8set, BillowySplash5, and Akeboun; however Akeboun, later the same day, revealed he was a spy, raiding Banff of roughly ~700 gold worth of items and destroying a Rocketship belonging to Laccadive Sea.

Later, on March 16th, after much negotiation, 8set signed the Treaty of Banff, ending hostilities from Cascadia and letting the RMF secure a border as well as be forgiven of any debts. However, the peace didn't last long and another war with Cascadia was started.

PvP experience

8set began rapidly improving in PvP skill during this time, fueled by the new nation's need for an effective defense. They soon became well-known throughout the American EMC community as one of the best PvPers in the region. Eventually, they improved so greatly that they won various battles were stacked against them, such as their 2v7 against Cascadia and 1v3 defense of Banff.

The New Dawn (July 2023 - Present)

(Note from 8set: I will edit this when I can. Kinda hard to write about current events lol)