Nile Company

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Nile Company
Company logo
Company flag
General Information
Name Nile Company
Owner King Fluxeeh I
Commenced operations 30 November 2023
Headquarters Nile, Egypt
/n list page
Capital City
Largest City
Oldest City
Industry Information
Industry Infrastructure Development, Trade
Rank in industry
Prime Minister
Political System
Economic System
Official Language
Official Religion
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information
Past Leaders
Past Headquarters

The Nile Company is an Egyptian state-owned infrastructure development and commodity trading company founded by King Fluxeeh I in late November 2023 but was unincorporated since May 2023. It was formed to operate the concession of the Nile River, which has been subject to the Nile Restoration Project that aims to protect and rehabilitate the integrity of the Nile River. After the incorporation of the company, it began to sell additional excess goods and resources from the Nile region.


In the early stages of Terra Aurora, majority of the Nile River was never firmly controlled by a town despite being claimed by Egypt, which led to an ecocide of the areas surrounding the river. In May 2023, former King of Egypt, Fluxeeh I, created the town of Nile and was a founder of the national Nile Restoration Project, that was heavily funded by the Egyptian government and saw the town grow to 256 chunks in a matter of weeks.

In July 2023, an unknown individual had reported the claims to the server moderation team for claim-blocking and majority of the claims were removed and refunded which hindered the Nile Restoration Project's progress.

The company was officially incorporated to act as a catalyst to continuing the development of the plan in late November 2023 with the intention of retaining the infrastructure development desires but also focusing on commodity trading of the excess goods from the Nile Restoration Project.


After the company was officially incorporated in November 2023, continuation plans of the restoration project were set into motion.


The Nile Company is headquartered in Nile, Egypt and bases their operations in Egypt, specifically Cairo, with future plans to expand globally and market their products in other nations. The company currently owns and operates the Port of Nile.

See also