Illinois is an empire based around the real life state of Illinois. While it mainly has towns inside this area, there are also towns that stretch around the Michigan Lake, and three towns in New England. The capital of Illinois, Chicago, hosts a large number of members.
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The government of Illinois is a diarchy: where two leaders rule the country. The current leaders are Cencius and _smithyy.
Vassal states
Nation of Hamptons currently led by NewYorker9.
Nation of West Jersey currently led by DAmOnD_Warrior.
Nation of Carolina currently led by 67Noodles.
Nation of Wisconsin(united_states) currently led by KingDeEspadas.
Nation of Indiana currently led by TJPlaysNow.
Nation of Missouri currently led by Alex70982.
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Illinois is currently not at war.
One notable building is the Embassy in Chicago, a large building made out of sandstone.
Notable People
- Cencius
- _smithyy
- Ooban
- DripV2
- CreatorWill
- Blo_1590
- xBlite
- Pyromaniacs
The capital and largest city of Illinois; Borders Plainfield (Illinois), Fort Wayne (Illinois), Green Bay (Wisconsin), Langton (Illinois), Riverton (Illinois), East Chicago (Michigan), and Lansing (Illinois). Mayor is Cencius.
Large city with the third largest population; Borders Allegany (Maryland), Philidelphia (Pennsylavania), Newark (New_Jersey), Washington (Union_States), Canton (Illinois), and Frederick (Illinois). Mayor is CreatorWill.
Medium-sized city directly south of Chicago with second largest population; Borders Chicago (Illinois). Mayor is xBlite.
Small city east of Michigan with the fourth largest population; Borders Farwell (Illinois) and Chicago (Illinois). Mayor is Blo_1590.
Large city in the east with the fifth largest population; Borders Richmond (Virginia), Washington (Union_States), and Culpeper (Louisiana).