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Denver is a town in Midwestern part of North America led by FenshBeetM.


Official Discord

New Denver flag ch.jpg Denver Flag
Denver coa.png Denver Coat of Arms
Town Information
Economic System Capitalism
Official Language
  • Englishflag.jpg English
  • Flag of Russia.png Russian
Official Religion Notchism
Government Information
Political System Сonstitutional Monarchy
Mayor Fbm face.png FenshBeetM
Historical Information
Past Nations Washington State


Rio Grande

Past Mayors EggzOnToast

(Dec 19, 2019 - Feb 19, 2020)


(unknown - Aug 29, 2019)



Past Councillors


Old Denver

2019 Year

Was existing at the beginning of the year and had been one of the first cities in сentral part of North America. Mayor had been waffleboyboycony. Words of jpbenzo, player who was living there for some time -

" I remember when I joined Denver for a little while in May 2019, there were a couple of builds but mainly just wooden houses, but there was also fountain and a large wood mansion... "

From that time only the fountain was preserved.

Second Denver

Very little information is left about it. The Second was lying more east than nowadays does. Isn't known exactly when it was founded, most likely in the early spring by PootPoot, HaamburgerHelper, who is considered as the last mayor, and Kemplerr. Second Denver was part of Rio Grande alliance. Approximate Fall Date - August 29.

Current Denver

Current Denver was founded in December by EggzOnToast on the ruines of Old. It had reached about 27 chunks size under his ruling. At that time Denver was in Dakota nation. From his times only the building, which is now used as storage, was saved. On the 19th of Feb Eggz retired as the governor of the town and appointed new citizen Fensh as a mayor.

2020 Year

Since the Feb 19th and till present FenshBeetM rules the city. On that moment, there were no residents in the city except the mayor. In the middle of March was made ice highway, going from north to south and passing the city

On the 30th May Denver left Dakota, and joined Washington, which has been part of Rio Grande alliance. Also in May the city re-started increasing population. Was created and placed the official mascot of Denver - Jackiie The Cactus.

For 2 months Denver and Colorado Springs residents had been saving gold to create Colorado nation. On the Jun 24th the city left Washington and officially joined Colorado. Since that day the city keeps unofficial position as a "second capital" of Co.Tax Incident happened at the end of the June. By mistake of the mayor, were enabled resident taxes, so on the next day 60% of citizens got kicked from town and lost plots. Some of those players had been returned.

During the summer with the help of (ex) citizens were built Almix Shop, St.Notch Church, Starbucks, Clocktower and several dwelling houses. Was adopted the official flag of Denver, created by FBM. At the beginning of November was announced and started infrastructure oriented project "Fortification". Main aim of the project is to make a fort around the town, consisting of 4 walls, create Cloud Castle in the centre and build up new houses on uninhabited plots. Approximately "Fortification" will have done till the summer 2021.

2021 Year

Due Christmas holidays, Denver got winter update. As well all the sreets have become lit up with autonomous streetlights. St.Notch Church got replaced to build the castle. In the middle of January the city reached 100 plots size, so claimed all required territory.


Waving flag near Town Hall
"Giving Light" - statue on top of the Liberty Arch
"Jackiie The Cactus" - mascot of Denver. Photo made in September
Penguin statue near LordMan's house
St Notch Church. View from rostrum
St Notch Church. View on belfry
Starbucks Coffee Shop. 15th of Aug
Starbucks. Second floor.