Saint Petersburg

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Town Information
Economic System
Official Language Flag of Russia.png Russian

Englishflag.jpg English

Drapeau germanophonie.jpg German

Official Religion Russiaorthodox.png Orthodoxy;


Any religion is allowed

Government Information
Political System
Mayor Limkid1.png Limkid
Historical Information
Past Nations Muscovy



Past Mayors BurntArrowMC

ItzNotNeon.png ItzNotNeon

Blackcrow1945-2.png Elgik

Bunnyrich .png _Bunnyrich_


Past Councillors

Saint Petersburg is the capital of the Russian Empire. The largest city in the Russian Empire by population and area — 96 people and 638 chunks, is one of the ten largest cities in the world.

Russian historical capital of the northern Russian states, was founded in late 2018 and was the capital of the first Russian state, was called Leningrad. St. Petersburg is home to the residence of the Emperor of Russia, the Government House of the Russian Empire, and the offices of Russian ministries, TV and radio companies, and business organizations. Also, in St. Petersburg is the Russian residence of the Pope.

For several years, St. Petersburg consisted of two cities: Petrograd and St. Petersburg. However, after the removal of the second one, the city merged.

Saint Petersburg is located in the north-west of the country, on the coast of the Gulf of Finland, Lake Ladoga and at the mouth of the Neva River. The city borders Finland and Terra Mariana.

It is named after St. Peter, the patron saint of the founding tsar, but over time has become increasingly associated with the name of Peter I. The city is historically and culturally associated with the birth of the Russian Empire and Russia's entry into modern history as a European great power.

In St. Petersburg, a large number of historical and cultural monuments of Russia: cathedral of the Savior on Spilled Blood, Peterhof, Russian Government House, Europolis, Elgik Museum. In addition, the residential buildings of Voznesensky Prospekt, Rafi Street and Finskaya Embankment are considered one of the oldest in Russia and are also listed as historical and cultural monuments. Near St. Petersburg is the Novgorod Kremlin, which is also included in this list. In the north of St. Petersburg, the original buildings of the Leningrad period have been preserved. In the north-west of St. Petersburg, on the modern territory of Finland, an obelisk in memory of the Russian soldiers who died in October 2020 during the Finnish War has been preserved.



Cathedral of the Savior on Blood

The Cathedral of the Savior on Spilled Blood was built on Russian Street in August-September 2020 by PycckueBnepeg. It is the world's largest Orthodox church and one of the world's largest religious buildings. The church is located at the intersection of three streets: Sorge Street, Hvorostovsky Street and Russian Street. The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood is visible from almost anywhere in the city due to its high altitude. In addition, the church is one of the most expensive in the world.

Inside the Cathedral is almost not equipped. Only a small part of it in the south is equipped: it contains the tomb of St. Elgik.


Europolis is a shopping center in St. Petersburg, which is second in size only to the shopping center in Moscow. For a long time, it played the role of a key shopping complex in the country, being completely state-owned, but later lost its popularity due to the inconvenient internal layout. Built in the spring of 2020.

Residence of the Pope in Russia

The residence of the Pope in Russia is located in St. Petersburg on Elgik Street. The opening of the residence took place in early 2021, before that this building was unfinished and belonged to the fugitive revolutionary Nicholas Romanov. The building was built in the summer of 2020.


Peterhof is the residence of the Emperor of the Russian Empire, which is located in the north of St. Petersburg. Built in the spring of 2020 by PycckueBnepeg and BurntArrowMC. In the winter of 2021, the building was reconstructed: windows appeared on the back wall, the roof was repaired, and a basement was built.

Old warehouse

The old warehouse building is located on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, it was built at the end of 2019. For many years, the warehouse building did not have a roof: the roof was completed only in 2021. The warehouse was equipped with an enchantment room and a stable.

Historical development of the Finnish Embankment

Residential development of the Finnish Embankment began in November 2019. The oldest house is located at the intersection of Finskaya Embankment and Kutuzov Street. The street was reconstructed only once: in 2020, trees were planted on it and the main road became smaller. The buildings is built in the style of Petricism.

Historical development of the Rafi street

The development of Rafi Street began in the winter of 2020. Several residential buildings were built on the street. In addition, the old building of the Cathedral of the Savior on Spilled Blood (demolished in the summer of 2020) and the Old Warehouse already existed on the street. The buildings is built in the style of Petricism.

Remnants of historical heritage in the north of St. Petersburg

In the north of St. Petersburg, in the Peterhof district, there are two staircases and a small embankment of the Nevsky Canal. These stairs and the river were built at the end of 2018 and have been preserved to this day.

Twin Towers in Petrograd

The twin towers in Petrograd were built either in late 2019 or early 2020. They are two buildings: one of them is lower than the other. These buildings were intended for the residence of citizens, and were also considered universal: they simultaneously contained warehouses, workshops, farms, and living rooms.

City Storage of St. Petersburg

The city storage building was built in the summer of 2020 on Voznesensky Prospekt in Petrograd. The building is five stories high, including a large attic. It stores all the city's resources, and also houses workshops. The building is built in the style of Petricism.

TV And Radio Company

The TV studio building was built in the fall of 2020 and was originally intended for the Korean Embassy in the Russian Empire. Later, it was decided to place the office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in it instead of the embassy. However, in the end, it housed the only TV and radio company in Russia. The building is built in the style of Petricism.

Government House of the Russian Empire

The Government House was built at the end of 2019. The original building from which the project was taken is the Vienna City Hall. The Government House houses the museum of the Russian Alliance (disbanded in spring 2020), which is now forgotten. The building itself is practically not equipped inside because of its large size. On the ground floor there is an unfinished hall, a courtroom and a museum.


In the south-west of the capital is a small manor house, which was built in 2019 as the personal property of the former Russian tsar BurntArrowMC. The building is made in the medieval style, occupies three chunks. The height is two floors. Under the building there is a small farm and a paddock for animals.

New Arkhangelsk

New Arkhangelsk is a now abandoned port in the west of the city, which is not in the possession of the capital. Previously, it served as a city port, where the famous Russian engineer Velafi lived.

Public Farm

At the end of 2019, a public farm was built in St. Petersburg: any resident of the city could take bread, various types of meat, milk, wool, and much more. It actually lost its functionality in the spring of 2020. It is preserved in its original form.

Notable People

  • BurntArrowMC — Emperor of the Russia (2020);
  • ItzNotNeon — Emperor of the Russia (2020);
  • Dutch Games — One of the high-ranking British officials, former mayor of Petrograd;
  • Toporkov — Tzar of the Tzarist Russia;
  • PycckueBnepeg — Emperor of the Russian Empire, architect, builder;
  • Velafi — Russian engineer, author and builder of the first and second Nevsky canals;
  • St. Elgik — Emperor of the Russian Empire, builder, historian, canonized by the Roman Catholic Church;