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Osoyoos is a large diversified, economical, metropolitan city within the heartland of central Cascadia. The city borders Seattle and Vancouver to its west, Spokane Valley to its east, and Tri Cities to its south. The city has an astonishing amount of tall skyscrapers as well as a stunning lake that holds a large amount of biodiversity it also shares a large chunk of the Cascade Mountains with Seattle where both cities have a residential district. Osoyoos additionally owns multiple colonies under its name which include, Astoria, Baroque Works, Grande Furry, and Vernon each colony contributes to Osoyoos' growth as a economic powerhouse. The Osoyoos Mayor is currently KARN4 with the help of his Co-Mayor Flatvent_One and his large group of highly trusted advisors.



Osoyoos was founded on July 7 2023, by KARN4. With his ambitions high KARN4 had invited his two friends Alucart and Flatvent_One with them being the citizens of Osoyoos. With only a small hideout in a hill Osoyoos had built its first tower within the first day of its creation. After some time Osoyoos had gained and additional amount of Citizens who were fleeing from another server. Shortly there after Osoyoos had become one of the most active towns within Cascadia.

Annexation Of Snoqualmie

With the borders of Osoyoos expanding at a rapid rate, the city had found it to be very hard to expand southwards due to the small settlement of Snoqualmie, which was a small Cascadian town which now resides on the Residential districts of Seattle and Osoyoos. KARN4 and another citizen by the name of Chumpcharlie had later acquired Snoqualmie from its owner for around 500 gold. After acquiring, Snoqualmie was then dismantled and was later claimed over by Osoyoos and Seattle respectively.

The Osoyoo's Tragedy

During the East Osoyoos Conflict, KARN4 who had been split up from his teammates was engaging in a heated duel with an Indochina player by the name of Nexus___ when all of a sudden he and another Osoyoos citizen Acelly were both banned for a suspicion of cheating. After a few days Osoyoos' future was starting to look uncertain but with the help of the EarthMC moderation team KARN4 was found to be innocent and was later unbanned resuming the rapid growth of Osoyoos.


The Battle Of OsoTri

The establishment of Osoyoos had caught the attention of the enemy nation of The Rocky Mountain Federation(RMF) known today as Rocky Mountain Brotherhood(RMB). With this the RMF would send numerous enforcements to come harass the citizens of Osoyoos. One afternoon numerous RMF players had come to harass and lure Osoyoos citizens out of their claim. Chumpcharlie being fed up with the RMF players had used a wither rose trap on the south-east corner of Osoyoos to kill one of the hunters known as OnlyPico. After the death of OnlyPico KARN4 and Chumpcharlie had taken up their swords and went to fight the remaining players resulting in the deaths of two more RMF players (Fire_344 and ECHO_69_69), OnlyPico had also died an additional two more times with another unnamed RMF player dying to fall damage while fleeing KARN4. After The Battle Of OsoTri the RMF had stopped sending in players to harass Osoyoos citizens.