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Uganda is a nation in East Africa, founded May 16 2022.

Empire of Uganda: The Motherland

is official discord server.

National Information
Full Name Empire of Uganda
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Capital City Kampala
Largest City Kampala
Oldest City Kampala (May 1 2022)
Government Information
Political System
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information


Founded by Fire783, YoweriMuseveni, Legion_Games, and co.

Uganda is a nation & project among friends to have fun in game.

Created by the Original Ugandans who founded Uganda on Uganda(Nova), 2016.

Great Nation focused on inspiring Africa to Grow and be Big.

Creating Uganda @ the launch of Terra Nova & Terra Aurora has been fun and epic.

Beginning Nations in Africa included MALI (the shop), Gold Coash, Carthage, and Uganda.

Then South Africa, Madagascar, Egypt, and Japan also formed.

Lots of cool people & towns have join Uganda few have remained, some left to build their own nations or most are lost to the sands of Sahara.

~ Few remain, some left, and most are lost to time. - YoweriMuseveni

~ 残っているものはほとんどなく、いくつかは残り、ほとんどは時間の経過とともに失われています。-YoweriMuseveni

Roster circa 2022:

  • States (aka towns):
    • historical records for older towns & posterity are in the discord atm.
  • Capital City Kampala - Fire783
  • Kigali - ImprovedFaund
  • Kisumu - fire784
  • Fresh Mayo - puckbud2
  • Nairobi - fanmets
  • Central Africa - zekass
  • Greenfield - MINTYFIELDYT
  • MiddleTown - samu554
  • Aksum - vaisforhate

Honorable Ugandan Nations/States:

  • Tanzania - helloben
  • Central Africa - YazzyFromAfrica
  • Nyanga - leeemoon1106
  • Nubia - 01ivi4
  • Yemen - GarbageClient

Central Africa (town): owned by Zekass

Zekass was wholesome and great! Just a Homely Hermit farming & Living his best life in the center of Africa. He would Walk to and From Kampala to trade animals & villagers.

Little did he know his little town called Central Africa caused conflict between 3 African Nations, Uganda, Central_Africa, and ?goldcoast maybe? in continental conflicts and debate. (aka central Africa the nation was upset a town called central Africa existed lol & zekass joined Uganda for the quiet and calm life style.)

~ Africa is the last bastion of gold ore - quick we must mine Before the Europoors start digging south - Fire783

**Obligatory Mali is Best Shop**

Nation Leaders


TITLE: Great Emperor King Holy Sun God Enlightened Conqueror Kabana Judge Supierior, Enlisted Enstated Divine Right Holder etc., .

Their Might, Will, Claim, and Decrees are not disputed. Why Question your king when he is just and right?

Communal Leader decided by ancient tradition & he said he was the leader and we just followed.

Fire783 is responsible for the Ugandan Metro, Uga-Kampa Museum (under the copper chicken), Preserving Kampalan Brown Pandas, creating enclosures for all the animals listed in the [zoo].

main job: lead Africa, lead Uganda, and lead Kampala. Also, preserve digital history and rule fairly and justly within Uganda.


TITLE: Warload General

Commanding General, International Ambassador, Language & Communications specialist, Espionage consultant.

Rumored Leader of Africa revived into a Minecraft Steve.

Local Builder.

main job is to build, help build, and vote for gold.


TITLE: Stair Master General.

Agronomics and sustainability Secretary.

Infrastructure and Creative lead.

Main job is to make stairs and farm crops.


Ugandan Metro

  • Created by Uganda(Aurora) residents and spearheaded by Fire783 and YoweriMuseveni, in order to reinforce Ugandan settlements north vs norther incursions by hostile actors.
  • Also easy transportation between towns was helpful too! So, nation residents can visit each other to help build/ fight enemies/ cultivate Ugandan comraderies.

Ugan-African Museum-

( found under the copper chicken in kampala )

Museum of Uganda(Aurora) African Towns/ Nations -

  • Personal Project of Fire783, in order to preserve records of our small nation upon Africa.
    • Found under the large copper chicken
    • Artifacts readily on display

THE DOJO - religious holy sight where rare disputes among cultural leaders are concluded through Power and Might.

  • Bare Fist Diplomacy
  • PVP is enabled for everyone.
  • Chairs installed for maximum strength training through arm wrestling and Ugandan Martial Arts (UMA).

OPEN FARMS - **Replant if Used**

  • A Tenet of Ugandan culture is to end hunger in Africa, There are communal farms for ally nations and Ugandan residents to gather crops and feed their families.
  • Pumpkin
  • Wheat
  • Melon
  • Carrot
  • Potatoes
  • Beats


  • There are shops.

Amp Théâtre -

  • Currently: Death-Row & Knuckles open air holding cell.
  • Our primary charter, lost to the annals of time, explicitly stated our inception in 2016 was solely in retaliation to the Ugandan Knuckles Incident, just like the Invasive pumpkin plight found on African fauna, we strive to eradicate the Crimson Knuckles vermin.


There is a zoo, kampala has multiple enclosures for animals

  • Sheep
  • Pigs
  • Cows
  • Parrots
  • Wolves
  • Pandas
    • Brown Pandas
  • AXolotyls.
  • Fish
  • Tropical FIsh
  • Sea Turtles
  • Villagers
  • Ugandan Knuckles ( currently on death row for their crime of existing ).

Outlaws History

  • BlacksVSWhites (BVW)
    • Marching Orders: ignore him all he wants is attention at this point. ( This was a historical blunder but Kampala has bounced back and is is stronger than before.)
      • Once a trusted member of Uganda, because they brought African pandas through the rivers to Kampala in the early days.
      • BVW has betrayed Kampala because we would not disparage contemporary LGBT+ Ugandans joining our ranks from towns across north Africa at the time.
      • Sadly we' were not based enough, so BVW killed Kampala livestock, villagers, brown pandas, normal pandas, axolotls, and plundered whatever gear and gold he could find.
      • Rumor is they are still Running. :woman_running:
      • Town: Pirate Land
      • Specialty: Traps & Base Traps.
  • Others?
    • there are invisible people cob web trapping near by. (2023)