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1024px-Flag of Cuba.svg.png
File:Coat of arms of Cuba.svg
National Information
Full Name 1024px-Flag of Cuba.svg.png Republic of Cuba
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem File:Cubaanthem.oga
Motto "Viva Cuba,Viva la revolution!"
Population PopulationSymbol.PNG338
Chunks 3658
Capital City Havana
Largest City England
Oldest City Havana
Language(s) English
Government Information
Political System Constitutional Monarchy
Economic System Gold Icon.png Capitalism (Santa Clara exempt; runs on CommunismHammer.png)
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

Cuba is a nation which is located in the Caribbean and Central America led by the Emperors Antlex and _Beanyy. Antlex is the in-game leader of Cuba. It Contains various territories from as far north as Florida, as far south as northern Brazil, it claims parts of Mexico, all of Central America - except for Panama, due to Runnerboy7200 - and much of northern South America. It's claims are recognized by the leaders of neighboring nations.

The Golden Age (Modern History)

The Rise Of Antlex

Since the rise of Antlex, Cuba has gone through massive development, later aided by the Prime Ministers, which as the time of writing makes it the 10th largest nation in EMC.

Brief History

Early Days and Creation

Nueva Gerona was created December 17th, 2019 on Isla de la Juventud. By Feburuary 5th, 2020, Antlex made the nation of West Caribbea. After claiming the rather small island, Antlex began to claim up north on mainland Cuba. Around this time, Del Ross was created, initially named Vytsky City. The name referring to the mayor's old town on their banned account called Vyatskyburg. Vytsky City joined West Caribbea. At this time Cuba was a separate nation and owned by FishyCalls. Sometime in April the town of Del Ross seceded leading to the worst war in Cuba's history. Three major griefs were made on Antlex' town and nation, but by the third grief, the Del Ross gang was IP-banned. In late May, Del Ross finally fell, and Antlex claimed the rest of west Cuba.

True Cuba

MarxTheFox, a former Prime Minister of Cuba, owned the town of PP, in modern day Santa Clara. He planned on creating a nation but it never came to fruition. Leon4Realz7, owned the nation of Pilon, in modern day Bayamo. At this time West Caribbea only claimed western Cuba, some islands including Inagua Island, and significant land in Central America. FishyCalls, the owner of Cuba, encouraged diplomacy helping create formal borders for these nations. The nation of Cuba bordered West Caribbea, and PP claimed land stretching from Cuba to the Ice Road that goes to Bayamo. Pilon claimed the rest of Southern Cuba except for land that was given to Haiti. Antlex bought the nation of Cuba, renaming West Caribbea to Cuba, and his town from Nueva Gerona to Havana. The original Havana was renamed to East Havana and given to Antlex' friend, _Tikki. Eventually PP collapsed and Cuba claimed the entire region that PP claimed. Similarly Pilon collapsed and Haiti claimed the region that Pilon claimed. This left Cuba and Haiti bordering each other on the Bayamo ice road.

Control of the entire Caribbean

After much thought Haiti, and East Caribbea merged with Cuba creating a dual emperor nation between Antlex and Benny. After this Cuba bought New Granada from Poland and gave it to Scrabs. Later Cuba negotiated with Venezuela to claim a massive region in north South America. Cuba owned much of Central America before the merge, but after the merge, the size and power of Cuba cemented its ownership of Central America.


32Fruit bought Everglades before the Merge, and continuously expanded it, and renamed it to Miami. Later after the merge, the massive town, and now a nation, joined Cuba as a province. Giving Cuba increasing control of Florida. Eventually a war broke out between Cuba and Orlando, Cuba won the war and successfully bought Orlando from Louisiana. During this time a prominent but controversial figure in Cuba, called Cyber, got scammed for Orlando, and quit EMC.


Current Government

Role IGN
Prime Minister RollinsLiverpool
Deputy Prime Minister 32Fruit
Minister of Peace Mememanthegoat
Minister of Affairs IceFrosti
Minister of Expansion RollinsLiverPool
Minister of Truth Guestex

History of the past - Current Prime Ministers.

Prime Ministers of Cuba
Election Prime Minister Win Percent Term Served DD/MM/YY Opponents Exterminated.
1 NaranciasGhirga 57% 01/10/20 - 01/11/20 Pooschel, SuperiorGIitch
2 MarxTheFox 73% 01/11/20 - 01/12/20 Zadark_, TheRealScrabs, 32Fruit
3 NaranciasGhirga 55% 01/12/20 - 01/01/21 Mememanthegoat
4 NaranciasGhirga 52% 06/01/21 - 01/02/21 Pooschel, Slushous
5 SuperiorGIitch 52% 02/02/21 - 03/03/21 Mememanthegoat, Pooschel
6 SuperiorGIitch 52% 06/03/21 - 01/04/2021 MarxTheFox, Pooschel
7 RollinsLiverPool 71% 01/04/21 - 01/05/21 Pooschel

Election Facts

  1. Narancia has served the most terms (3)
  2. SuperiorGIitch was the first person to serve a consecutive term after their first term
  3. MarxTheFox is the only candidate to have won only 1 term
  4. Pooschel has ran the most times of any candidate (5)
  5. Of the 12 people who have lost 1 of the 7 elections, 3 (25%) left the Cuba discord for an extended period of time afterwards (MarxTheFox, Slushous, TheRealScrabs)
  6. The fourth through sixth election resulted in a win rate of 52%
  7. Superior has served the two shortest terms of any Prime Minister (29, and 26 days respectively)
  8. Superior has been the most controversial Prime Minister.

Election Controversies

A common strategy that has had mild controversy which was used in the first third and sixth election, is for the less popular of the two losing candidates to drop out and leave a custom message endorsing the second place candidate in #prime-minister-voting. Doing so usually resulted in the candidate who dropped out becoming the deputy prime minister of the candidate they endorsed. Often times it caused the endorsed candidate to take first and win the election.

Those endorsement messages include, in order of oldest to newest, are:

If you voted for me. I highly encourage you to vote for narancia. Narancia is very competent and I will be his dept PM. Please make the right decision and don’t vote for puppet puschel.

- SuperiorGlitch in the first Cuban election, 30/09/2020

To all of my voters: I would suggest you to vote for narancia since we have common goals and are now one basically. If you vote for Slushous you will not recive Premium, its bribing he said he will give me a 50$ amazon gift card, i recived nothing

- Puschel in the third Cuban election, 05/01/2021

My supporters, vote for Puschel because I’m definitely not winning this so I advice you to vote for Puschel because currently hes tied with Superior and we have similar policies aswell so yeah vote for my homie. MarxTheFox (also subscribe I need 100 subs)

- MarxTheFox in the third Cuban election, 02/03/2021

Election 6

The sixth Cuban election was for sure the most controversial election due to it being an extremely close election. Initially Puschel took the lead, with Superior not far behind. Eighteen hours into the election Marx drops out due to very low voter count and endorses Puschel. His voters never voted again in this election. Puschel takes back the lead on the morning of the day the election ends, but hours before the election Superior took lead. With a two point lead and three minutes until voting ends, Superior was feeling confident, until that is, his Deputy Prime Minister (he ended up not getting the role for some reason), voted for Puschel, placing the election at a tie. Rollin's explained "I wanna see what happens in a tie", Superior responded with "no no its a coin flip" and "please rollins dont do this". Rollins expressed doubt to the claim if the election came to a tie it would come down to a coin flip. Understandably Superior was upset that his two days of campaigning had gone to waste because his Deputy Prime Minister "backstabbed" him.

In all honesty I am really upset with your actions I was really excited to serve another term with you

- Superior to Rollins, seven minutes after the election ending

Afterwards it began to be decided what should be done. Nobody felt happy with the idea the election would be decided with a coin flip or wheel spin, so several solutions were proposed:

- The senate or judge votes for the next prime minister

- Have a revote occur

- Extend voting

- Chess game or PVP

Puschel advocated for a revote while Superior advocated for extending voting for a day, this is for obvious reasons, a revote would level the playing field while extending voting wouldn't, that is assuming Rollins corrected his impulsive choice. Superior argued a revote would annoy voters, because it would require many more pings, as well as, the proposed voting would last for twenty four hours, which due to the time it would start and end at would place Superior, and American (the continent not country) voters would be placed at a disadvantage with less voting time. In the end a voting extension occurred, and Superior pulled ahead garnering a two vote lead before voting ended. Puschel accidently gave Citizen role to an old player who voted for Superior.

Written by superior so may be biased


Town Location Founded DD-MM-YYYY Area Mayor
Havana Cuba 17 December 2019 595 Antlex
Santa Clara Cuba 2 June 2020 231 NaranciasGarca
Sancti Spiritus Cuba 7 September 2020 195 SuperiorGIitch
Baracoa Cuba 25 May 2020 134 ZaDark_
Bayamo Cuba 27 September 2020 116 Verded
Guantanamo Cuba 12 May 2020 87 Ukasso
England Hispaniola 7 February 2020 642 _Beanyy
StDomingo Hispaniola 31 October 2019 471 Pierronus
Bahamas Caribbean Sea 8 February 2020 137 DeltaScorpior
Jamaica Caribbean Sea 21 March 2020 77 superpx1
Free Port Caribbean Sea 1 April 2020 136 AxelAsk
Isla De Gato Caribbean Sea 20 November 2020 34 Polymorph3000
Crooked Islands Caribbean Sea 19 December 2020 46 Knifery
Antilles Caribbean Sea 7 December 2020 37 PrincessKateyUK
Cayman Caribbean Sea 5 August 2020 59 TheMinecraft_Guy
Inagua Island Caribbean Sea 17 February 2020 77 Logansgamer06
Guataloupe Caribbean Sea 20 January 2021 12 SlowHotDogMan
Saint Lucia Caribbean Sea 13 January 2021 7 FishyCalls
Virgin Islands Caribbean Sea 12 February 2021 7 _Dinoxandre_
Bermuda Triangle Atlantic Ocean 22 March 2020 109 guestex
Miami Florida 19 April 2019 455 32Fruit
Orlando Florida 23 May 2020 133 MarxTheFox
Golden Corral Florida 14 July 2020 55 32Pretzel
Oak Florida 29 November 2020 37 AryMinecraft1000
Jacksonville Florida 21 October 2020 59 Mememanthegoat
Tabasco Yucatan, Mexico 15 May 2020 100 NvidiaPredator
Guate Yucatan, Mexico 3 January 2021 1 brendonluis
Temple of Wheat Yucatan, Mexico 23 December 2020 49 Crazy_Owl69
Belize Yucatan, Belize 27 February 2021 29 QuarterCookie
Tikal Guatemala 19 June 2019 76 TheOrbsIsHere
San Miguel El Salvador 10 February 2021 5 PANNA_C0TTA
Blue Fields Nicaragua 30 January 2021 182 Tonton_Frisou
San Lorenzo Nicaragua 29 January 2021 14 jovanjt
Limon Costa Rica 10 January 2021 29 Cryptid123
Bambisia Costa Rica 9 January 2021 6 ImTheBigToe
Monteria Colombia 16 January 2020 247 IceFrosti
name Colombia 13 December 2020 83 Donkerson
Medellin Venezuela 28 July 2019 178 RollinsLiverpool
pp Costa Rica/Panama 12 March 2021 16 MarxTheFox

Mostly up to date as of 3/6/2021 9:30MST

Cuba currently has no towns in Honduras.

Pre–Antlex History

Jartavious and BamBam

In the waning days of the Second Texas Civil War, Jartavious and BamBamTheEggman fled Rio Grande to the island of Cuba to escape Rio Grande's persecution of Jahists, a religious group following Jah_The_Lord. Jah had previously ignited the civil war in a bid for power as the Texas Commonwealth fell apart.

The island of Cuba, recently vacated as the previous Cuban nation had fell a few months prior, became The Kingdom of Cuba under Jartavious as King and BamBam as Prince. Soon after its founding, Jartavious "died" and BamBam took his place, throwing Cuba into multiple conflicts, including the Second Great Server War.

Eventually, BamBam sold Cuba to that0neweirdo, demolished all buildings in Havana, and left for the United States where he promptly got banned.

That0neweirdo and mrg00se

That0neweirdo had a mostly uneventful reign, slowly building and expanding Cuba.

In the end, that0neweirdo's reign was ended like BamBam's, with a ban. Ownership of Cuba was briefly transfered to mrg00se, who then attempted to sell it to lunlun. However, after giving Cuba to lunlun, the latter refused to hand over the agreed 300g.


Upon gaining control of Cuba, it soon became a colony of Niger (where lunlun had originally been from). Lun primarily used Cuba as a base to commit various terrorist acts, as opportunities for actual expansion were limited. Though Cuba itself did not grow significantly under lunlun, he did set the groundwork for the modern Cuban nation, notably being the one to make both its current Discord server and the first major leader to not get banned.

Though lunlun himself was never banned, he did sell off Cuba once his friend Unbated was banned, retiring to a peaceful ranch in Qing, or something. Before he left Cuba, though, he did send the link to the Cuba discord in one of his own personal discords, leading to some new arrivals...


Boonyy came next, and ran Cuba well for a short amount of time. He led Cuba well enough, making it a colony of German Samoa, and was the first leader who's abdication had nothing to do with a ban. Instead, he just realised that Cuba was a barren Caribbean rock with no expansion opportunities.


Ju2's reign represented Cuba's most eventful weeks. He funded and led a series of attempts to acquire land from neighbouring West Caribbea. In that time, a player known as FishyCalls joined Cuba from the discord invite link that lunlun sent on his personal discord.

Cuba under Ju2 gained independence from Germany, and promptly lost it again in a war against West Caribbea and Germany. After losing a second war and gaining independence from Germany, Ju2 too gave up the barren Caribbean rock and handed it over to FishyCalls.


