1.17 Update (Nova)

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The 1.17 Update for EarthMC happened on November 6th, 2021. The update made all 1.16 and prior clients unable to join and requiered Java to be updated to at least Java SDK 16.

Before the update

On November 5th, Fix announced on the Announcements channel on the EarthMC Discord that the server would update to 1.17 the following day.

Fix's announcement on November 5th.

The update

Features added

The update brought everything that came with the new version of Minecraft, including amethyst, moss, dripstone, axolotls, etc. CombatLogX was implemented to fight claimhiding and Towny's PvP protection was implemented. New custom recipes were added for dripstone items, copper, amethyst shards, basalt, calcite and moss.

Features added after the update

A new queue system was implemented.


The day the update happened, Fix spawned in 1 to 3 axolotls in select locat ions in the server. _Smithyy, PycckueBnepeg and T3Z1A found the axolotls on the 18th, 20th and 21st respectively. Fix infamously stated that the first axolotl was located in a very small lake. _Smithyy revealed that the axolotl was found in the Atlantic Ocean, which very clearly isn't a lake.

Fix alerting the players in the server of the first axolotl's location.