Lapland is in north finland, Northern Europe. The leader is Cacik_, and the chancellor is unknown. The nation was founded in 11nd June, 2022.
The Story:
In the middle of 2024, Cacik_ was just a town mayor, mayor of Kolari. Kolari was in Aland. Then, Aland colony nation leader, Makuferis, wanted to give his nation, Lithuania, to another guy. Cacik_ wanted this nation. They gave the nation to Cacik_. However, Kolari was in Finland (in real life), so, Lithuania got 2.1ed. Cacik_ wasn't happy. He collected gold and changed the name. When he was collecting gold, he was attracted to Baltic mega-nation. Then, he left Aland. In that times, Baltic was in war with Aland, so it was a big W. Then he changed the name to Lapland.
November 19th-December 28th
In these days, Lapland was in its prime. Norrvik, most crowded town right now, joined Lapland. Its mayor, JarleMC, before joining Lapland, wasn't happy about its nation. It had 10 nation bonus. That nation, Scandia, was dead. One day, Cacik_ asked him to join Lapland. He was interested about it because Lapland had 30 nation bonus. He decided to join Lapland. The nation bonus jumped to 60. All Lapland citizens and mayors were shocked. After that, The_Estonian_Guy sweared to Cacik_ that if Lapland becomes 80 nation bonus, he would give Inari and Kuusamo. He thought that it was impossible, but Cacik_ did it with JarleMC's help. After that, when Cacik_ was talking with yi1t, Svalbard's leader, he learnt that yi1t's cousin had a town in Sweden named Laterano. He wanted from yi1t to join Lapland, and he did. In that time, Svartland's mayor, Ultimater3030, sold the town to CollidePlanets. Cacik_ helped Ultimater3030 a lot when he was in Iceland, Ob and more. One day, Cacik_ saw that Bergen, a town that is not exist today, was going to fall because its mayor was offline for 38 days. He asked Ultimater3030 to join Bergen, get the town, and join Lapland. He gave the town to his younger brother and they joined Lapland. After it, Ultimater3030 and MiNiMaG121 became close friends. MiNiMaG was in Bergen, so Ultimater3030 gave the town to him. MiNiMaG121 made a forum about selling the town in EMC Discord. At that time, he found a holder in game. However, he didn't know that the holder was well-known town hopper/hunter; Traian_Basescu. He stole everything in town and deleted the town. Ultimater3030 put his brother because Cacik_ offered him something else, buying Malmo for 400g. Cacik_ gave the gold to Ultimater3030 and he bought it. Then, joined Lapland. Before joining Lapland, Cacik_ offered ST0CS, at that time Kolari resident, to buy Bjork. Cacik_ gave the gold and ST0CS bought it. Also, Cacik_ sent his friend to steal Hamar because its mayor was offline for 35 days. ScubAtam, his friend, also joined Lapland.
Elections will start in 3rd January.
- Cacik_
Prime Minister:
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Parliament Members:
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Town | Mayor | Population | County | Area (Chunks) | ||
Kolari | Cacik_ | 47 | Lapland | 139 | ||
Norrvik | JarleMC | 60 | Lapland | 136 | ||
Pello | efeylb | 6 | Lapland | 20 | ||
Svartland | Collide_Planets | 5 | Lapland | 26 | ||
NewAhıska | EdremitKing | 1 | Lapland | 10 | ||
Rus_De_Kiev | Mistyoff | 1 | Lapland | 44 | ||
Hamar | ScubAtam | 2 | Lapland | 107 | ||
Savonia | Abottleofplums | 1 | Lapland | 1 | ||
YorkChinCity | Nerooh | 1 | Lapland | 14 | ||
Porvoo | Azavy | 1 | Lapland | 1 | ||
Türkiye | L3M01625 | 1 | Lapland | 2 | ||
Bjork | ST0CS | 8 | Lapland | 57 | ||
Yggdrasil | BreadOnCheese | 1 | Lapland | 28 | ||
Kuusamo | Vloveli | 1 | Lapland | 101 | ||
Inari | Terrafire36 | 1 | Lapland | 99 | ||
Cosmopol | SuchSpeed2023 | 2 | Lapland | 1 | ||
Laterano | 22888 | 1 | Lapland | 51 | ||