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Sami flag 250.png
Lapland-coa 150.png
Coming Soon
National Information
Full Name Republic of Lapland
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem Sámi Soga Lávlla
Motto Coniuncti sumus ut One

(We are United as One)

Population 38
Chunks 465
Capital City Rovaniemi
Largest City Jyvaskyla
Oldest City Jyvaskyla
Government Information
Political System Federal Republic
Economic System Capitalism
Army Size 4
Part of
Historical Information

Lapland (also known as Lappi or Sápmi and officially known as the Republic of Lapland) is a country in Northern Europe. It was founded by AghastBlock on July 26, 2021.


Lapland is located in Northern Europe. Its namesake comes from the area where it is situated in, the northernmost region of Finland known as Lapland. There are some towns not located inside the Lapland region. Some towns are located in other Nordic countries like Norway and Sweden.


Early History

AghastBlock first settled off the coast of Finland and built a boat house. He wanted to create a town in Finland, but he didn't have enough gold to create one.

(June 7, 2021 - July 26, 2021)

After deciding where to settle permanently, AghastBlock decided to settle in Northern Finland and created the town of Finnish_Inquis. The town was established on June 7, 2021 after Aghast had voted for a week to gather gold for the town. The town grew quickly with the help of Aghast's friend, AimForNorth_. A few days later, Finnish_Inquis. joined Finland.

AghastBlock had proposed to AimForNorth_ about creating a nation. After telling AimForNorth_ that creating a nation costs 1024 gold, he told Aghast that it was impossible and that he would never get that much gold by the end of the summer.

Founding of the Nation

There was a gold drop that was being held in Britain. Not missing his chance to get rich, Aghast went to the drop party. At first, he wasn't getting that lucky, only getting 1 gold block in the first few minutes. After a couple of impatience minutes, Aghast had kept getting larger and larger amounts of gold blocks and, eventually, he had racked up 2 stacks and 43 gold blocks. As soon as he spawned back at his town, he waited until night and deposited the 1024 gold needed to make a nation into the town bank, He made the Sámi flag and made a flagpole, and finally created the nation of Lapland. He took a screenshot in front of the flagpole, and was happy he finally created a nation.

(July 27, 2021 - August 14, 2021)


TraumaSoft Era

Aghast's friend Argues, who had a town in Norway called Holstein asked Aghast if he wanted his town. Aghast said sure, so Aghast had to transfer being mayor of Finnish_Inquis. to his friend, the_crakken so he would be able to absorb Holstein into Lapland. He joined Holstein, and Argues transfered the mayorship to Aghast. Eventually, Argues' friend TraumaSoft wanted the town because he was the one who created and named the town, so Aghast transfered the mayorship to TraumaSoft. Aghast was still the leader of Lapland when he joined Holstein, the capital was just moved because he had joined Holstein. Since he transfered the nation to TraumaSoft, TraumaSoft immediately became the leader of Lapland.

Government Structure

The government of Lapland is set up in the way the United States government is set up. The government of Lapland has 3 branches, the executive, legislative, and judicial branch.

Executive Branch

The executive branch is run by the President. The President is elected by how many votes a candidate got in the Electoral College. Electoral votes are determined based on how many members there are in the House of Representatives and the Senate, which then are distributed amongst the states. There is not a set number of electoral votes as of yet.

Legislative Branch

The Republic of Lapland Congress is the legislature of the Federal Government of the Republic of Lapland. It is a bicameral legislature, comprising of the Senate, the upper house, and the House of Representatives, the lower house. Senators and State Representatives are voted in through a direct election. There is not a set number on how many Senators or Representatives can server in either house of Congress.

Judicial Branch

The judicial branch is organized under the Lapland Constitution and federal laws. The highest court in Lapland is the Supreme Court of the Republic of Lapland. Congress can create federal district courts. Federal judges are chosen directly by the President.


Town Founded Mayor Population State County Area (Chunks)
Cor_Meum 03/18/21 Timdancealien 1 Lapland 109
Enschedey 11/22/21 NickyColork 2 Lapland 14
Finnish_Inquis 10/28/21 the_crakken 1 Lapland 11
finnmark 10/01/21 netherhobbit 9 Lapland 25
High_Hulgade 12/20/21 CAPCOMCUTIE 1 Lapland 2
Holstein 11/06/21 Jo_Star 1 Lapland 14
New_Kuopio 12/14/21 BlU3_B0i13 1 Lapland 5
Pankikland 10/04/21 Pancat_the_King 3 Suomi 34
Rovaniemi 06/07/21 AghastBlock 3 Lapland 82
Skellefteå 01/08/22 Swegbanta447 1 Lapland 42
Soixante 11/03/21 EntombedSheep25 2 Lapland 42