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National Information
Full Name Dominion of Mansel
Towny Name
/n list
Formed October 27th 2024
National Anthem
Motto Small island town in Canada...
Population 40
Towns 2
Capital City Aurora:Polis
Largest City Aurora:Twinpeaks
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System
Leader stompyblue
Chancellor Mittens4Kittens
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

Mansel is a nation located in the North of the Hudson Bay in North America. The nation's population is 40 and has 2 towns, Twinpeaks (Aurora:Twinpeaks) and Polis (Aurora:Polis), on 2 islands. It was built from the ruins of the Coats & Arctic Islands and is only accessible by teleport or boat.


Mansel's extensive history is split into 3 Eras of different nations which were unaware of each others' existance before (until now).


Originally Mansel Island had a large fort which was believed to have served as the main building for the island.


Arctic Islands Era

Wayloren and 4uora discovered the Mansel/ Coats islands and formed the Arctic Islands (Aurora:Arctic Islands) nation on January 18th, 2022. The capital was made to be on Coats Island and on January 20th, 2022 the Arctic Island joined Greater Quebec. Then on January 26th, 2022 players founded the town of Mansel Island which had a cattle farming industry. Next, the Landscape Project was started to terraform, landscape and fully claim the island.

Eventually, town buildings were constructed on some of the islands in a Nordic style. The islands were abandonded shortly after.

Coats Empire Era

Early Coats

On 26 June 2022, SgtCartoon who had owned the successful Alaskan nation of Kodiak had elected for a town to be constructed on the uninhabited island of Coats. The nation of Coats (Aurora:Coats) was founded on July 10th, 2022 with a capital of Twinpeaks.

On the SouthWest of Twinpeaks residential housing was built meanwhile on Coats Island, residents built a lively shopping street in the town's center. The first rule to be made, prevented residents from modifying the exterior of their homes in Twinpeaks to maintain a late 1800s American colonial style.

Rise of Coats

Rapidly, the Coats became a major economic center for the server and joined the USA meganation on August 7th, 2022. Coats proved to be valuable for the meganation because 10 Coats residents were involved in USA elections. Additionally, Coats officially vassalized the nation of Nunavik with the permission of player Serwatek.

On August 21st, 2022 an international ice track was built in Twinpeaks (which held an official F1 race on September 11th, 2022 with video coverage of it) and at the Twinpeaks City Hall, SgtCartoon heralded the beginning of a great "anti-anime war" on September 7th, 2022 which led to the prohibition of anime.

Previous claim

Into a Regional Power

Coats joined the League of Nations and IMA Allience through late September/ early October to expand the nation's influance. However inactivity in the USA and SgtCartoon's presidency led to Coats voting to officially leave the USA meganation on October 29th, 2022.

Coats joined a war with Nunavik (Aurora:Nunavik) (Coats' vassal state) on November 7th, 2022 because Nunavik seeked Québec unification. 2 days later Coats gave Nunavik full independence and formed an allience with them. On November 19th, 2022, a border dispute between Acadia and Nunavik & Coats led to a one-day war which may have started the decline of Coats as a power. Coats claim image on the right shows what they could claim around the Hudson bay.

Mansel Era


Around December 1st 2022, Mittens4Kittens gained control over Twinpeaks & Coats Island which had no land claims leftover. This led to the new naiton of Mansel being made. Twinpeaks kept its name but Coats Island was renamed to Polis. Both Islands were renovated over the following years.


Now in 2024, the nation has reached a population of 40 residents with new developments such as the ship which is to serve as the spawn area for Twinpeaks which was finished around December 22nd, 2024.


Mansel is a Dominion with Leaders and Chancellors.

Leaders 2022 to Present - stompyblue

Chancellors 2022 to Present - Mittens4Kittens

Notable People

  • Cactusfoot - Major part of The Landscape Project
  • alexsquibbs - Mayor of Mansel Island
  • stompyblue - Current leader of Mansel
  • Mittens4Kittens - Mayor of Twinpeaks & Chancellor
  • lola - Built the ship for Twinpeaks town spawn.
  • Rocktapper1 - Researched and wrote the wiki page for Twinpeaks and Mansel


no known wars have happened during this Era


  • Lorraine
  • Central Asia Realm
  • Québec
  • Scandanavia
  • Savoie
  • Nunavik