Nova:Holy-Empire of Victoria

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VIctorian Empire Flag.jpg
Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name Holy-Empire of Victoria
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Motto Vivat Imperium qui Vivat
Capital City Saint_Alexandre
Largest City
Oldest City
Religion(s) Catholicism : Moutonnism, Paintism
Government Information
Political System Parliamentary and Constitutional Monarchy of divine rights
Legislature Parliament (7 people / 2 months mandate)
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information


First Empire of Victoria

July 2019

Creation and origins

Jeanlepasroux or Jean I joined EarthMC in july 2019 : he walked with Fouquette from Siberia to Australia where Poms24, actual leader of Oz, invited them to join AppleTown (Suzaku now). Poms helped them to create the first town of the Victorian Empire : Empire Quebec Lorraine. This town joined the nation oz when Poms created this nation.

In end of July 2019, jeanlepasroux with Fouquette and the army of oz won the battle of Amery (nation in the center of Antarctica) against Raptor130, the enemy of FuzeIII. This nation scammed Poms24 and that's why the war started.

In 27th July 2019, Jeanlepasroux, helped by Fouquette, ElisaThePrincess and AliceOmbre created Victoria (now SouthAustralia) because Poms borrowed them 1000 G.

~5th July 2019 : Jeanlepasroux and Fouquette were recruited by Poms24

~15th July 2019 : Jeanlepasroux created Empire Quebec Lorraine

26th July 2019 : Jeanlepasroux and Poms24 won the battle of Amery

27th July 2019 : Jeanlepasroux created the nation Victoria

August 2019

The nation of Victoria was a little nation in the Victorian plains. After difficulties, Leroux recruited some people and had 6 towns : Imperatoris (Empire Quebec Lorraine), Duchy Bar Verdun, Forest Ruin, Bruxelles (in Australia), Aquaynor, and Adelaide. The first election finished in the end of August 2019 and was won by AliceOmbre and the Imperial Monarchist Party.

End of August : AliceOmbre won the elections

September 2019


Victoria started to become a big nation in this month : indeed Jeanlepasroux and his friends recruited 2 famous people in the server : LeChocolatier (Now Chococlater) and MonseigneurAdam ! 4 towns has been add in Victoria : Nouvelle-Empiria (Town of MonseigneurAdam) in the suburb of Imperatoris, Geneve (Town of Chococlater), Moudon (Town of DeltatFrost) and Galactrice (Town of NewOver). On this month, FatalSun_Yt, 4Tea_ and AtomixBlaK_Yt created Faromix and helped Xternz to create Learisia. Bruxelles betrayed Victoria and Leroux takes important decisions against the mayor.

A big work started : Victorians Canal were created to travel on all the Victorian territory. ElisaThePrincess became the ministry of Rivers. A forest was created near Duchy Bar Verdun. This month, Raptor130 took a revenge and trapped Poms and Jeanlepasroux in a big conference. Poms said that MonseigneurAdam was one of the trappers.

Victoria and Oz were friend with Eyre. Oz was in conflict with Queensland, Victoria was neutral and Eyre was friend with this nation. Australia was hostile for these nations.

28th September 2019 : FatalSun_ Yt created Faromix

October 2019

A new important part of Victoria was created because Faromix, Fortown and Learisia joined the Victorian Empire. MFG and Horizon were also created this month. The Empire of Victoria became one of the biggest nation in Australia and had a few protectorate like in Angola. MonseigneurAdam became the minister of Interior and Chococlater became the minister of Foreign affairs.

In the end of this month a famous election started : FatalSun_Yt and AliceOmbre were the favourite candidates and AliceOmbre won the elections with 15 votes : FatalSun_Yt had 13 votes and start to have more power. He fought to protect his new influence area (Faromix-Learisia-Fortown-Moudon-Galactrice) and started to annoy the Emperor.

October was too the month where the towns of Queensland started to fall : FatalSun_Yt tried to reclaim a few towns.

15th-16th October : 4 towns joined Victoria

20th October : Horizon and MFG joined Victoria

28th October : Election between AliceOmbre, Fouquette and FatalSun_Yt

November 2019


Knightsland and Saint Foy joined Victoria in the beginning of the month. A new colony was created by Fouquette in Congo called Victoria Congo. Victoria started relations with Alaska, France and Godthab. Clement, the mayor of Normandie, was an enemy of Victoria like NorthTerritory who had a powerful TNT rocket. Alessiopolis was created by DeltaScorpior and joined Victoria : Delta became the architect of Imperatoris, the capital city and had an ice road project with FatalSun_Yt. With this project he became the minister of Interior. FatalSun_Yt had a project of regions with Jeanlepasroux : 4 regions were add one month later in Victoria : Farosia, Lorraine, Quebec and Valais.

DeltaScorpior became the heir of the Empire.

Victoria was very prosper and became one of the powerful and biggest meganation in EarthMC. The nation had 600 residents with their colonies and 150 residents in the central nation.

NewOver of Galactrice and Knightsland betrayed Victoria and created a new nation called New South Gales.

05th November : Knightsland joined Victoria

10th November : Saint Foy joined Victoria

22th November : Alessiopolis joined Victoria

25th November : Drama between 4Tea_ and FatalSun_Yt

29th November : First Parliament meeting about ice roads and regions projects, DeltaScorpior became the new heir and official architect of Imperatoris

30th November : NewOver created New South Gales

December 2019

The beginning of the end

A famous parliament meeting with 30 people started in Victoria : MonseigneurAdam started to be inactive so he lost his responsabilities, the Ice road and regions projects were approved by everyone. DeltaScorpior finished to build the center of Imperatoris. A drama between FatalSun_Yt and 4Tea_ continued and 4Tea_ decided to grief Faromix. Victorian representants didn't punished 4Tea_ and FatalSun_Yt decided to leave Victoria at the end of the month. DeltaScorpior and PasobossMFG were the only people who kept the contact with FatalSun_Yt. NewSouthGales and URSA joined Victoria as vassal states. Saint-Siege, the future capital of the Empire was created and FatalSun_Yt gave 16 G per week to build a new cathedral. Leroux became seriously ill.

06th December : Famous parliament meeting

07th December : Raid against Knightsland

10th December : The center of Imperatoris was finished

15th December : URSA and New South Gales joined Victoria as vassal states

24th December : FatalSun_Yt betrayed Victoria

26th December : AliceOmbre won the election with 19 votes and Xternz had 18 votes with the support of FatalSun_Yt

28th December : DeltaScopior left Alessiopolis and created SaintSiege

31th December : Leroux was sick

January - February 2020

The end of the First Victorian Empire

Jeanlepasroux stopped to play and all the Empire fell : Aquaynor, Nouvelle-Empiria, Moudon, Adelaide, Alessiopolis, Knightsland, Saint Foy, vassal states and colonies like Victoria Congo and URSA fell into ruin. During this time, FatalSun_Yt created UnitedAustralia the 25th January 2020 and joined Victoria as a vassal state. He helped DeltaScorpior to become the new Emperor of Victoria. When Delta became Emperor, some jealous towns joined Oz like MFG, Duchy Bar Verdun and Geneve. AliceOmbre and Fouquette joined oz. AliceOmbre promised to Poms24 that she will give Victoria to Oz and DeltaScorpior and FatalSun_Yt were not nice with Alice. Xternz said a few secrets about Victoria and Learisia joined Oz. Fortown created a new nation called Australian Union and joined Victoria as a vassal state. Gabzam81 and Ballarat joined Victoria.

1st January : Leroux stopped to play

25th January : FatalSun_Yt created UnitedAustralia

26th January : Fatality joined UnitedAustralia

1st February 2020 : 4Tea_ created Australian Union

5th February : Brisbane joined UnitedAustralia

7th February : DiamondCity joined UnitedAustralia

15th February : DeltaScorpior became the new emperor and UA and AU joined Victoria as a vassal state

17th February : FatalSun_Yt became the Second Chancellor of the First Victorian Empire

End of February : Coalition anti-Victoria between the nation oz, Duchy Bar Verdun, MFG, Geneve and Learisia

The Second Victorian Empire

March - April 2020

The Terrible first war against oz

Lechocolatier started to raid UnitedAustralia with BadMax and Koro. They were toxic, griefed and insulted the people of this state of Victoria : the UnitedAustralia and Victoria declared war on Oz and Poms said that Victoria must refund him 2000 G + 20 G interest per day. Zeleph0, the king of Zambia, decided to join Victoria but he collaborated with Oz. A few battle started and Oz won 3 battles and Victoria won 1 battle. PasobossMFG didn't want to fight against Victoria but after discussion with WeEdo40 he started to join the battlefields. Finally Victoria lost and found a common ground with Oz in April 2020 follow the catastrophioc speech of FatalSun_Yt. He was banned of Oceania and went in Quebec.

Thanamos, the ancient prime minister of France went in Victoria. He supported Farfal in the March elections and they recruited a lot of residents and invited them on the Victorian to win the elections : he won with 17 votes against FatalSun_Yt who got 16 votes of old residents. FatalSun_Yt and old Victorians created a pacific revolution against Farfal and Thanamos and talked about the toxicity of these 2 people. Seigneur Vladimir insulted FatalSun_Yt and Ruby57, a friend of Diams57 stole Oz and after this theft, the war was terrible. When Thanamos discovered the revolution, he condemned FatalSun_Yt to pay 2000 G (he never paid :p) and his friends paid 100 G. DeltaScorpior supported Thanamos and became inactive.

Miaka arrived in Victoria and installed an ozian politic : she is a member of Poms' family. Victoria organized elections : FatalSun_Yt said it was the most terrible elections in this nation. He said that "It's like choosing between the plague and cholera". Indeed the 3 people were Farfal, Thanamos and Miaka. FatalSun_Yt supported Miaka and she won the elections. Thanamos left Victoria and created a violent revolution movement with Xternz (he created a nation called Lake Torrens and mods renamed this nation Strzelecki). He came back in France and Barvaux fell. Cactusinapumpkin became the new king of France.

1st March : Lechocolatier insulted FatalSun_Yt and FatalMoon_Yt

5th March : Farfal become active and become a political person

10th March : Thanamos and Seigneur Vladimir came in Victoria

15th March : Farfal won the elections and Thanamos got a lot of power

16th March : Revolution of old victorians

21th March : Diams57 and Ruby57 joined Oz

22th March : Diams57 came back in Victoria

23th March : Ruby57 stole 200 G to Oz

24th March : Poms24 annoyed FatalSun_Yt

25th March : FatalSun_Yt insulted Poms

1st April : FatalSun_Yt was banned from Victoria

2nd April : Thanamos discovered the revolution, DeltaScorpior stopped to be friend with FatalSun_Yt

5th April : Miaka won the elections because of FatalSun_Yt

7th April : Thanamos betrayed Victoria and create a revolution

10th April : End of the revolution

May - June - July 2020

Nicaragua and Oz domination

Oz dominated Victoria during 3 months and DeltaScorpior became inactive. Mods renamed Victoria in SouthAustralia and all was bad. Victoria was inactive but Byzance joined Victoria. Imperatoris was given to Gabyts and he renamed the town "Port-Phoenix". Gabzam and Wiked13 hated FatalSun_Yt. Farfal, the old enemy of FatalSun_Yt sold Esperance to xetaflex and bought Nicaragua with FatalSun_Yt. This period was amazing for the colony of SouthAustralia and they formed the Victorian Empire to keep the ancient name. Guinea of Vic Dlt wanted to colonize Nicaragua. Oz agreed and SouthAustralia didn't react but Nicaragua stayed strong and won the war. A new Saint Siege was built in this period and Managua (capital of Nicaragua) was one of the prettiest city in America. Managua won 100 g per day thanks to shops. An industry was created : It was one of the first god stuff factory. Turkish people came in the server and Nicaragua had a lot of residents thanks to this invasion. MonseigneurAdam came back and started to create a big Empire

15th May : Miaka wanted to build a giant farm in Port Phoenix and destroyed all Imperatoris

28th May : Farfal and FatalSun_Yt bought Nicaragua

1st June : Nicaragua joined the Victorian Empire

3th June : Gameking1816 (Alaric_Yt) created Fort_Azertrix

15th June : Nicaragua became a powerful nation

30th June : Managua and SaintSiege finished renovations

1st July : Gabyts finished to build a map art ground

3th July : Guinea declares war on Nicaragua

10th July : Nicaragua won the war

27th July : MonseigneurAdam came back

August 2020

Second War with Oz (Annexion)

DeltaScorpior unbanned FatalSun_Yt from Australia and 4Tea_ gave Fortown to him. Australian Union was deleted and Fatal Sun gave the town to Antalya and came back to Faromix. DeltaScorpior banned Miaka from the nation ans Poms24 was very angry and declared war on Victorian Empire. 1 week later, Saint Siege has been stolen by Vic dlt and DeltaScorpior surrender. All the towns of the Victorian Empire joined Oz but Poms didn't respect the treaty : FatalSun_Yt couldn't enter in Oz. Then, DeltaScorpior hated the game because of Oz and became inactive. Dragquest01 created a rebel nation and stole the ancient name of SouthAustralia (Victoria). FatalSun_Yt had 2 choices : Join Australia and never come back in the Victorian Empire (Victorian Empire still existed because ancient colonies of Victoria was not vassal states of Oz and they still represented the Holy Empire) or join the rebel Victoria and try to persuade Dragquest to join the Victorian Empire as a vassal state. Dragquest didn't want and then Gaming35 (now Swed_ish), California and all the Union of Oceanian States declared war on the rebel Victoria because they were in "Oz's territory". FatalSun_Yt and Gameking1816 (now Alaric_Yt) sent an ultimatum to Dragquest. Colonisation by California or Victorian Empire or they will leave the rebel nation. Dragquest took the second choice and now, the Victorian Empire is still at war with the other Victoria (it's hard to explain bruh). In the end of the month, the Victorian Empire became independent and the conflict with Oz was over. Nicaragua was sold too for 300 G and LeRelou35 kept all the golds for him (He stole the nation of Farfal)

1st August : Farfal borrowed Managua and Nicaragua to LeRelou35

2nd August : Australian Union was deleted

3rd August : FatalSun_Yt was officially come back in Australia

4th August : Poms24 declared war on Victoria

10th August : Oz annexed all Victoria (wo colonies)

11th August : Victoria, a rebel nation, was created by Dragquest01

12th August : FatalSun_Yt joined the rebel Victoria

15th August : Union of Oceanian States, Oz and California (current) declared war on the rebel Victoria

16th August : Funny battle in Faromix (0 deaths)

20th August : DeltaScorpior took his independence : Oz can't control the Victorian Empire anymore

21th August : FatalSun_Yt left Victoria and rejoined the true Victoria

26th August : RedFire2500 created Fort_Fire

28th August : LeRelou35 sold Nicaragua for 300 G to EnderTower (Sibir)

September - October - Beginning of November 2020

The price of Freedom and Third war against Oz

Victorian Empire survived 2 months and 10 days against Oz : in the beginning Oz stopped the war and Victorian Empire built a few fortress to fight against a potential enemy. This period was when Victoria built a new roleplay system and started to build a new solid nation. The planifications to reclaim the ancient towns of Queensland started in october 2020 when FuzeCity unclaimed. Gbaguette (actual Marshal and chief of Cape York / Cape Melville) reclaimed FuzeCity, Diams57 reclaimed Celestown and RedFire2500 reclaimed DiamondCity and an old residential town between DiamondCity and Faromix. DeltaScorpior continued to build SaintSiege. He unclaimed the one chunk town inside SaintSiege (In the past, Oz said that SouthAustralia musted be in a one chunk town led by DeltaDrunki and DeltaScorpior had to unclaim one chunk in Saint Siege to put this town) but he had not enough claim bonus to claim this part of his town. 2 days later, Vic Dlt created a town to hollow claim SaintSiege : He detroyed all the chunk and trapped all. It is maybe because of this tragic event that mods adds a rule to forbid griefs and hollow claims. Oz declared war on Victorian Empire and they wrote a treaty to create a new coalition Oz-Victoria : Oceanian Empire (old wiki). PasobossMFG was the new Emperor of this meganation of 200 residents : Victorian Empire was in a one chunk town claimed again by DeltaDrunki near Fort Imperial.

September : Build a new nation after war

15th October : Someone tried to reclaim celestown but unclaim the town 15 days later

26th October : Oz declared war on Victorian Empire

27th October : Gbaguette created FuzeCity with the help of FatalSun_Yt and katiegame

28th October : Oz declared war

1st November : Farfal created Imperatoris

3th November : Vic Dlt unclaimed his hollow claim but claim blocked Imperatoris, the town of Farfal

4th-5th-6th November : Negociations for a coalition

7th November : Diams57 reclaimed Celestown (he created Fort Celeste) and Oceanian coalition was created because of The Celeste's Pact

November - December 2020

Oceanian Empire : The biggest nation in Oceania

FatalSun_Yt, DeltaScorpior, Paso, Poms24 and LeChocolatier decided to create Oceania the 7th November 2020 ! All Oz towns and all Victorians towns had to join Oceania. The problem is that Poms and LeChocolatier had never joined this Empire because they want to keep the towns in Oz but it was a vassal state of Oceania like SouthAustralie (it was a one chunk town). Ocenia was top 5 of /n list with 250 residents on november-december 2020 but Paso made a big mistake for DeltaScorpior and FatalSun_Yt : Oceania became a province of Spain. Gbaguette, FatalSun_Yt and DeltaScorpior wanted to keep the independence of Oceania and SouthAustralia tokk his independence but FatalSun_Yt asks all towns to stay in Oceania because he wanted to let a second chance to Paso (The Victorians people didn't want to join Spain as a vassal state because Vic Dlt, an old enemy was colonized by Spain). Farfal scammed a beacon to Vic Dlt (Beacons = 175 G in 2020) and Poms and Vic Dlt decided to attack FatalSun_Yt on his real life. Farfal gave back the beacon and FatalSun_Yt stopped to play EarthMC and was sad because and paso did not defend him. Oceania had a big problem of stability and cooparation because Poms24 didn't want to recognize that FatalSun_Yt and DeltaScorpior were very powerful. A revolution began at the end of December. Wiked13 took the lead of Oceania.

8th November : New councill : PasobossMFG, DeltaScorpior, FatalSun_Yt, LeChocolatier, Gameking_Yt (Alaric_Yt) and Gbaguette

10th November : FatalSun_Yt wrote the new constitution

20th November : Apogee

21th November : Oceania joined Spain as a province

22th November : Protestations and Farfal scammed a beacon to Vic Dlt

23th November : Poms24, Paso and Vic Dlt threatened FatalSun_Yt on his real life

25th November : Farfal gave back the beacon

26th November : FatalSun_Yt stopped to play

29th December : Revolution in Oceania

January - Beginning of February 2021

Independence, happiness and last days of Victoria

In January, all ancient victorians spammed this famous sentence in the chats of the Oceania Discord : "Revolution, please everyone join SouthAustralia to build a new Victoria without Oz" with the motto "Vivat Imperium qui Vivat". Oz was very angry but stopped to play EarthMC. Victoria recruited Bichon20 in the Empire, wrote newspapers and uploaded videos on youtube. These videos from SouthAustralia News were like on TV.

In end of January, DeltaScorpior and FatalSun_Yt prepared elections because some people wanted to become the chancellor of the nation. A first drama between FatalSun_Yt and DeltaDrunki exploded ! The two mans became candidate. In the end of the month Jeanlepasroux and Fouquette came back in Victoria to win the elections. 3 big political parties was in Victoria and all were interviewed. There were the party of FatalSun_Yt and Gbaguette (Gaullist Union), the Imperial Monarchist Party by DeltaDrunki, the Moutonnist party by Lucifer and Boucheme and an other party by FatalMoon_Yt called Tortimer Company.

The elections were a terrible defeat for the Gaullist Union because of the coalition between IMP and MP : they didn't want FatalSun to have the power and they committed fraud (they invited discord alts to vote like the "sister of Bichon20" the day of the elections and they accused GU). This day was terrible and a revolution led by Gbaguette started against DeltaDrunki and Jeanlepasroux. FatalSun_Yt protected Gbaguette because it was digusting for him and the old victorians people. They decided because of DeltaScorpior to leave Victoria to create a nation called NorthAustralia against this fraud. DeltaScorpior has gone crazy and decided to destroy all SaintSiege, the prettiest town of the Oceanian continent.

02nd January : The civil war is over

09th January : Agnarok joined Victoria

13th January : DeltaScorpior spent 1200 G to create Ragnarok and the Democratic Union won the legislative elections

14th January : FatalSun_Yt launched VictoriaTV and The Empire News

17th January : Drama between DeltaScorpior and FatalSun_Yt

18th January : A stupid victorian enjoyed to kill important players like mods in their claims

22th January : Famous Hide and Seek in Ragnarok

2nd February : Elections and End of the Second Empire

February - March - April 2021

Fall of the Second Empire

In this period, FatalSun_Yt and his rp father DeltaScorpior were the worst enemies of earthmc. When Fatal and Gameking tried to create the nation NorthAustralia (you can check it for more informations) and build its capital, Fort Azertrix, Delta went to Bahamas. The Victorian Empire was divided in 3 parts : The Pro-Fatal, Pro-Delta, and the people like Jeanlepasroux, that exiled in Francia. The wonderful capital city of Victoria (or one of the prettiest towns on earthmc as Fix said), SaintSiege, was destroyed and Bichon20 became the new leader of this city. This is the biggest symbol of the Empire's fall. This was the darkest period in Victoria's history.

15th February : DeltaScorpior bought Bahamas

20th March : Gameking_Yt created NorthAustralia

25th March : Creation of the SECO, a francophile meganation that permited Victoria to exist

5th April : Some Pro-Delta stole 6000 G to Pro-Fatal with the help of Frisoubynight and Vad04

10th April : Farfal (a pro-delta) brought his apologizes and bought Costa-Rica

20th April : DeltaScorpior took Nicaragua

25th April : Important crise in NorthAustralia

May 2021

The Empire is back

Important tensions appeared in the beginning of May 2021 between Pro-Delta (Nicaragua, SouthAustralia Bahamas and their allies) and Pro-Fatal (NorthAustralia) when Costa Rica stayed neutral. On 1st May, Delta declared a diplomatic war on NorthAustralia to test the leaders of this country. Gameking, FatalSun_Yt and DeltaScorpior agreed that NorthAustralia joined the SECO (the new name of the Victoria entity). NorthAustralia and Nicaragua became very important in the world and a very famous wedding between _M0nsters and Farfal took place in Managua (Nicaragua). FatalSun_Yt, with the help of his friends (like gbaguette) bought Cape York for 3000 G, the place where _M0nsters and Farfal did their honeymoon. FatalSun_Yt and DeltaScorpior became good friends.

1st May : Nicaragua declared war on NorthAustralia

5th May : The war was over and NorthAustralia joined the SECO

13th May : FatalSun_Yt bought Cape York

14th May : Wedding between _M0nsters and Farfal

June 2021

Proclamation of the Third Victorian Empire

After the major events of May, June became the month of the new Victorian Empire, proclaimed by FatalSun_Yt with the help of DeltaScorpior. Papua became an influent colony and all the people of Victoria united. The governement was : Chancellor - FatalSun_Yt / Spy Master - Gameking_Yt / Intendant - Farfal / Marshal - gbaguette

6th June : Papua joins the Commonwealth of NorthAustralia and NorthAustralia has 1000 chunks

09th June : The Third Empire of Victoria was created

10th June : NorthAustralia, Nicaragua, Papua, Costa_Rica and Bahamas joined the Holy Empire of Victoria

11th June : FatalSun_Yt became the Chancellor

12th June : Draco unclaimed

13th June : The nation of Atyrau joined Papua as protectorate and became a province of Empire of Victoria

15th June : Volk_City joined NorthAustralia

16th June : Trev_Town had been delete by his mayor

18th June : Lea_Lea joined Papua

25th June : Victoria started a colony project in SouthAfrica

July 2021

The rise of an Empire

After the reunification of Victoria, the power of this meganation increased each days. ____Phoenix became the new chancellor after FatalSun_Yt resigned. The Emperor thought that a long period of depression would start, but nothing important happened. The World Expo was announced in BlueFields for December 2021 and the Football World Cup that took place in Paradise was announced on July 2022 at Victoria. The SECO, that became an alliance and that supported the Catholic Church joined the rebel movement of Francia and their Apostholic Church. The most important event is the back of MonseigneurAdam as a state secretary and then Intendant. SouthAfrica's guys left Victoria at the end of July. The conference De Fire took place to grow the Empire and reorganize the status of colonies.

03rd July : ____Phoenix became the new chancellor

04th July : Announcement of the World Expo

7th July : MonseigneurAdam came back and creates Nouvelle-Empiria

08th July : Victoria joined the Apostholic Church of Francia and Ceduna was created by NathMN_

10th July : Victoria declared war on Lower Australia against Beaverman

17th July : A mayor of Victoria betrayed all the system

18th July : SouthAfrica project left Victoria

19th July : Victoria got 100 residents for the first time since 2019

20th July : DeltaScorpior, FatalSun_Yt, FatalMoon_Yt, DeltaDrunki and Alaric_Yt (Gameking) met at Orange irl for the Orange Conference

22th July : MonseigneurAdam became Intendant

23-25th July : Conference De Fire

26th July : Announcement of the World Cup

27th July : National Day and Victoria joined the francophile union

28th July : New plan for recruitment (Plan Adam)

August 2021

Second Apogee

August was an important period since it is one of the gold adges of Victoria. After the Conference De Fire and the Plan Adam, the economical activities rise but the Empire became very unsunstainable with major decisions of the new Chancellor MonseigneurAdam, elected by the people. The inactivity was too a big problem in an Empire with 500-600 residents and a capital city (Managua) in a place where nobody played. The important friend of FatalMoon_Yt that betrayed Victoria and created a town in Godthab. Victoria hosted the first francophile meeting. Victoria and Francia won a famous battle against France (Nova) and the Catholic Church, and this last one capitulated and decided to support Francia later. The Marshall gbaguette brought 10/16 people present in the battle from Victoria. Only Alaric_Yt died in this important event. After this battle, Victoria didn't continue to support Francia and supported Provence and its revolt. Victoria regreted and gave 400 G to Francia to apologize 2 months later. South India nation project (100 residents) joined the Holy Empire of Victoria in the middle of August, making Victoria bigger than ever. Troms also decided to join if Victoria gave it one recruiter; ____Phoenix, giving 130 residents to them. Important drama between Swed_Ish and FatalSun_Yt after the first one tried to get private informations on the second one. Alaric announced an important reform and MonseigneurAdam created a lot of non agression pacts, alliances with others nations like Brazil, Britain (Nova) and Nubia (Nova). The revolution against MonseigneurAdam starts at the end of August 2021 with the resignation of FatalSun_Yt, FatalMoon_Yt and Alaric_Yt.

1st August : Cat_City was deleted

05th August : Portwood was created

06th August : Project South_India joined Victoria and MonseigneurAdam became Chancellor

07th August : 200 residents for the first time and FatalMoon_Yt became Intendant

10th August : First Francophile Meeting at Victoria and Godthab

08th August : Attacks from french (ingame) players against Portwood and Troms joined Victoria as a province

11th August : Gbaguette wasn't Marshall anymore but continued to lead the armies

12th August : New Government

14th August : Victoria joined the Sunbelt Alliance

15th August : Francia and Victoria raided Vatican City

16th August : Non Agression Pact with N.W.T

19th August : Non Agression Pact with Brazil

22th August : Francia and Victoria, with its army leader Gbaguette and his army won one of the most famous battles against the Catholic Church in Paris (The Battle of Paris (8/22/2021))

23th August : Drama between Swed_Ish and FatalSun_Yt and beginning of the crise of Provence

24th August : The Emperor DeltaScorpior has shown his angry against FatalSun_Yt and the ancient Pro-Fatal and Alliance with Nubia (Nova)

25th August : Plan Alaric

26th August : Revolution and demonstrations started against the power led by FatalSun_Yt and gbaguette

28th August : Victoria got 500 residents for the second time in its history. The town of San_Paso joined the nation

29th August : A parliament meeting was blocked by the revolution, FatalSun_Yt was banned for a short time

30th August : _M0nsters won the chancellor elections and unbanned FatalSun_Yt