Nova:British Deseret

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The Flag of British Deseret


For the original Deseret located in the same town and region, see Deseret.

British Deseret is a nation located in the Salt Lake Valley of the modern state of Utah. It's capital is Argent.

The nation was founded on December 12th, 2021, by Unbated, who founded the original Deseret 2 and a half years prior. It was funded in the majority by MapleVK. Unbated had been unbanned the same day after a 30 day ban for the violation of Rule 2.7. Ironically, the same day, an ultimatum was issued to oversea nations stating war would be declared if these nations did not remove their colonies in America by Cascadia and other allies. No such ultimatum was sent to Britain, and the odds of such a thing happening are low.

The capital of British Deseret is the historic city of Argent. The colony was founded under the pretense of being a direct colony and nation of the North Sea Empire, similarly to how the original nation of Deseret was founded under the pretense of joining Cascadia immediately. .