The Kingdom of Indochina is a nation in South East Asia which was founded on July 4th 2020 after Siam and Vietnam unified.
Founding of Indochina
After days of communicating, Vietnamese towns joined Siam and on July 4th Siam formed Indochina in a dual monarchy so both Siam and Vietnam have equal representation.
Integration of KampucheaTemplate:Infobox location
After more than a month of combat between the 2 nations in Indochina and Kampuchea, on July 7th the leader of Kampuchea, Computer_x64, suddenly disbanded the nation of Kampuchea and told all towns in Kampuchea to join Indochina without making a official peace deal. The citizens of Kampuchea got citizenship in Indochina but did not have access to the mayoral or citizen chats inside the discord. Soon after Kampuchea disbanded Computer went back to North Korea