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Profile Information
Aliases RustiesAuto61 - Crusties
Nation Yukon
Town Brivlan
Towny Rank Resident
Occupation Builder
Political Party
Religion Jebism/Boatism
Discord RustiesAuto61#2319
Spawn Information
Date of Spawn 3/5/19
Place of Spawn Africa
Physical Information
Gender Male
Blood Type
Status Information
Status Active
Server Role
Date of Ban
Nation History
Madagascar - Cascadia - Pennsylvania - Yukon

CrustiesAuto61 is a player. He has been playing since March 5, 2019 making him 2 years old on this server.


Chapter 1: Africa

The story of this user begins on March 5th, 2019. Spawning in the Congo of Africa this user would seek out a place to stay. He decided to go to Madagascar. He didn't know about the /n spawn command so he went off on a boat. Once he got there he tired to join towns, but couldn't. So he made his own town. "The Base Of Crusties" Which wasn't even a real "town" and more of just a base where he could feel safe.

Chapter 2: The Queue

Around this time the queue was first added, he obviously didn't enjoy the queue but made worth of it. During the queue he would be one of the players to watch the queue parkour live while it was being built. He also experienced the wither summoning in queue and also when the mob spanners where active. This is what let him stay in the queue and play the server.

Chapter 3: Migration

During this time CrusitesAuto61 wanted to be in a new land, he got bored of Madagascar and even disbanded his town. So he went somewhere else. Where did he go? To Cascadia. He still went to places by boat and not /n spawn, so he took his boat across the entire Atlantic ocean to get there. When he arrived he settled a base in the mountains. This is around the time where he first died. He begged for some of his stuff back (he got it back)

Chapter 4: The East Coast

After a while he once again got bored of Cascadia. So he went to the east coast, toward New York. He went there by going through the entire Usa. While going there he stumbled of a giant base that was not yet claimed by a town. He got some good loot out of that base and continued to New York. Once he finally got there he made a house on a piece of land that was not yet claimed, and died. He once again begged for his loot (he didn't get it back though) and decided to join a town. Luckily the town of Philadelphia sent him a town invite, which he accepted. He later built a house out of lapis lazuli (for some reason) and enjoyed the server. Until one day

Chapter 5: The Quit And Rejoining

After a while he got bored of not only Philadelphia but the whole server. He ended up leaving for 5 months doing other things. However, he finally rejoined the server to see his house gone and him not being in a town anymore. So he went to Alaska. And got killed. So he got a new start (this is when he learned about the /n spawn command) so he went to the most remote place to settle, and settled at the very top of the Alaskan landmass. Then he went to an even more remote place in Alaska. The Aleutian Islands. After that he would just grind gold all day until he hit 64. Once he did he created a new town. The town of Adak.

Chapter 6: A New Community

Adak would meet the fate of an in-active town. Since the town was so far away it couldn't join any nation. Which meant getting supplies to Adak would take about ~10 minutes. Because of this, the town went inactive. After 2 months of being inactive, CrustiesAuto61 decided to pull the plug on his town. His town collapsed as he went to set camp at an abandoned settlement called "CrushSoda". He built some new structures but he wasn't safe. On day, a strange foe appeared in the town. Crusties logged off and waited until the player went away. he stayed there for a while until he noticed a very active community of players not far from his base. He was skeptical but eventually joined the town of Brivlan.

Chapter 7: Brivlan

Brivlan was a nice small town to hang out in. He imminently started improving the town with more resources and mining netherite. However, things started to go south when most of the town members going inactive, leading him to be the only active one there. He took this opportunity to create more structures without the permission of the group. He did this because he didn't want the town to go to waste. But he did not enjoy being alone. He warned the other members about what happens when they go inactive. But they didn't listen until it was (or almost) too late. He started developing a bad relationship with the other members, which caused him to get kicked off the town.

List of towns both joined and owned

  1. The Base of Crusties (Owned)
  2. Philadelphia (Joined)
  3. Adak (Owned)
  4. Brivlan (Joined)