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This article is anecdotal.
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Newman6611 Skin.png
In office
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In office
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In office
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Profile Information
Nation Australia
Town Pilsy
Towny Rank Resident
Political Party
Religion Newmanism (in game)
Spawn Information
Date of Spawn 3th March 2024
Place of Spawn
Physical Information
Nationality Czech-French (in real life)
Gender Male.png Male
Blood Type
Status Information
Status Australia Resident
Server Role Player
Date of Ban
Nation History
RSA (1 month), Pilbara (6 months), Nubia (2 weeks), America (2 weeks), Australia (currently)

Newman6611 (surnamed Traitor of Traitors or formally Desired Cheese) is a French-Czech player of Terra Aurora.



Newman6611 began on Earthmc in 04th March 2024, he was invited to come in Vermont where he learned the bases of the server. After, his friend woomyyy_ (knew under the name of Woomy2k9) joined the server 1 day after him. Newman decided to quit Vermont in America to go to Laccadive Sea with woomyyy_ in a french town close to Southern India under the name of Maldives led by M4GM4, a French player who stopped to play on Earthmc since July of 2024.


Over there he began minging glod with woomyyy_ in Eastern Africa. As soon as they had enough gold to make a town, they founded Dodoma together over there with woomyyy_ as the mayor & joined RSA (knew under the name of Drakensberg) for 1 month after joined in various nations, notably Tanzania in 3nd Nubian Empire then quickly Madagascar for 1 month also. For 2 months they gradually advanced into the town joined by fatcat08 in the meantime.


After 2 months they were frustated that they couldn't ground Dodoma, therefore they quickly decided to found New Prague in Northwestern Australia by Newman. Quickly Newman was confronted with the Pilbarans which he was very suspicious of. They proposed to him to join Pilbara so he decided to join the nation and quickly left because of fact that fatcat08 didn't want to be in a nation & proposed to Newman to create heir own nation instead, he made him change his mind on the matter just before his desire to create a nation, originally proposed by fatcat08, resurfaced much later. Finally, he joined the nation again despite the fact that he received an invitation from Australia to join them due of the fact that Pilbara was ally with RSA, their old nation & after being encouraged by woomyyy_ to join again. A few days later he discovered the French nation of Victoria , after talking with the leader of the time (FatalSun_yt) then he decided to join it but Victoria didn't want to start a war with Pilbara and told him that he couldn't join their nation. This decision made Newman feel a bit disappointed. He met also the leader of East Timor, DesiredCheese96 who had offered him to join the nation. So he made a vote on the New-Prague discord server for choose if we should stay in Pilbara or join East Timor or even join Australia which ends with Pilbara having the majority over East Timor & Australia.


He stayed 6 months in Pilbara with many minor conflicts happening between Newman and Pilbara, which motivated him to try to escape their influence several times example when Newman made New-Prague leave the nation to join East Timor for 15 min just before returning in Pilbara after a dispute with Cobster (the name Newman took to using to refer to Kobi). In early October 2024 during the Great Australian War, some Pilbarans found out that Newman was using an alt account on EarthMC, with this alternate account being a member of the Australia capital of CooberPedy reportedly for just 3 days as a "troll" attempt. This was seen by those against his decision as a possible attempt to "exploit gold" from Australia (disputed), despite Newman already being the mayor of Pilsy on his main account. KobiKraft, upon discovering the alting, reported Newman to the EarthMC moderators. After receiving a warning and having his alt account banned, Newman expressed frustration in the Pilbara Discord where he was banished for squabbling with (and reportedly annoying) Pilbarans in the public channel (Disputed) and would later claim that he faced "unjustified hatred" and "constant insults and mockery" from members of the nation in the chat and private messages. This motivated him to leave Pilbara by selling at a loss his own town, Pilsy to Australia for 200G, which he founded after the loss of New Prague. After selling Pilsy, he founded Kiwi by joining Nubia in India to protect himself from what he alleges were his old allies who wanted to kill him.


To seek retaliation, he convinces woomyyy_ to transfer Onfast Bay to Australia. Then Newman gave him Kiwi and, to earn above all a profit and preferably attempt to piss off Pilbara to sell the town to Australia to strengthen its position in the south-east of Australia or to sell it to NA for instigate conflict between Pilbara and NA or to make Pilbara loose money, he bought the Pilbaran town of ACT for 100G and resold it to NA for being quicker than Australia to buy the town for 132G. According to Pilbarans who were involved, this gesture had little effect as the town was soon later bought back, however, for those opposed to Pilbara, it was interpreted as a significant loss for them as the town was bought for 400G which was enough to mock them. Following this, he then proceeded to establish Percy alone in South America in order to help Woomy on his new project who was cancelled after 2 weeks after buying of Bobbo by Woomy for 300G and having blown almost all of Onfast's winnings on Percy for finally assign Newman to the town for abandon it. This decision very annoyed Newman because he saw 2000G being wasted for nothing and because that he had made their town in South America just because Woomy wanted it and that Woomy had said that if he didn't do it in the place he wanted he would not participate.


After 2 months after leaving Pilbara he finally decided to join Australia on the urging of Woomy who finally wanted to come back to Australia because of more activity there and Newman decided to join Australia due to a very pronounced disgust for Pilbara and encouraged Woomy to do the same, finally they managed to get Pilsy again after the banishment of its mayor and after getting the city back they expanded it in width so as not to be overclaimed by anyone and after ACT tried to block Pilsy to the north, the city had no choice but to expand aggressively in order to protect itself from the claimblock which still ended up happening because of Wollongong who received an abnormally high amount entirely from the government to expand the city in a straight line horizontally all this to block Pilsy to the north and there was an attempt to block Pilsy by Yass which was dismantled. After that the Pilbarans wrongly accused that Pilsy was blocking them while they had every capacity to expand.