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Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name
Towny Name
/n list
Formed 2th September 2024
National Anthem
Motto Eastern Golden Town
Capital City
Largest City
Oldest City
Region Southeastern Australia'
Language(s) English
Religion(s) Freddoism; Newmanism (formely)
Discord Town, Nation
Government Information
Political System
Mayor Woomy2k9 face.png Woomy2k9
Economic System Capitalism
Army Size
Part of Australia
Historical Information
Pilsy was formed on the 2th September 2024 by Newman6611 under the impetus of Pilbara. It was eventually picked up by Australia.

Pilsy is a Big Australian City which was formely a Pilbaran Oceania colony located in coast near of Booderee. It was founded on 2 September 2024 by Newman6611 in Southeastern NSW and expanded later in Victoria.


Leader Historic

Name Reign time Nation
Newman6611 02.08.24 - 13.09.24 Pilbara
VisualVenture 13.09.24 - 03.12.24 Australia
woomyyy_ 03.12.24 - 14.12.24 Australia
Woomy2k9 14.12.24 - ? Australia


After lost of New-Prague in August 2024. Newman6611 decided to join temporally Onfast Bay as Councillor for think about creating a new town. He decided after about ten days staying in Onfast Bay to create his town further east and further south after a compromise on the location of the town with Pilbara, the town was placed on the coasts halfway between ACT (Pilbaran) and Booderee (Australian). The town then grew rapidly, reaching 15 inhabitants in 5 days and obtaining more than twenty chunks in this short period. Then the town continued to grow and eventually had around twenty inhabitants before being sold to VisualVenture, an Australia member as an act of resistance against Pilbara.

Beggining in Australia

After Visual's takeover of the city, it was operated as a military city and slowly continued to gain residents until the day Visual was banished for cheating, which stagnated the city and made it appear that it was permanently dead.


After 1 month and 12 days of suffering for the city, it was taken over by its former owners who were definitively in the Australian camp, the city just after its acquisition grew very quickly, going from 86 chunks (which had not increased since the takeover by Visual) to around a hundred chunks but the constant attempts to block Pilsy by all possible means including the aggressive expansion of ACT to try to block Pilsy to the north ends up forcing the city to expand in a very aggressive way in order not to not get blocked by Pilbara, which ends with the obvious claimblock of Northern Pilsy by Wollolong and a half-failed attempt by Yass to the south. After that the Pilbarans cried over their fate claiming that it was Pilsy who blocked them while next door they voluntarily enclaved Pilsy with the full support of the Pilbara government and in extremely disloyal ways.



Category Name Builder Date
Administrative North Pilsy Town Hall (no longer exists) Woomy2k9 September 2024
Shop Pilsy Mcdo (no longer exists) Woomy2k9 September 2024


Category Name Unter the entity of Date
Foundation Pilsy Genesis Pilbara August 2024 - September 2024
Revolt Pilsy's Revolt Australia 18th October 2024