Sparkar joined around 2019 to my recollection, Sparkar joined the town Donutville, as many people know Donutville was located in Sweden and was owned and founded by LiterallyADonut (at the time known as JustADonutHere).
Sparkar had plans to build in the town, however ended up quitting after having more fun playing other games.
after being invited by Odditylol and LiterallyADonut, Sparkar joined the town Nya_Asgard and built some notable buildings in Nya_Asgard.
- The “Swedish Salmon” paddle steamer located in the Nya_Asgard dock (N spawn Sweden).
- Some of the dock that surrounds the Paddle steamer
- Tree removalist efforts in Sweden.
At this time Sparkar was starting to become more involved with Earthmc. It was at this time that Sparkar gained the trust of a few Earthmc players and started playing actively.
Sparkar was part of the joint project to revamp the three towns that made up Stockholm with Odditylol and LiterallyADonut once again.
Sparkar was given the west-most town of the three, Kungsholmen
During that time Sparkar bought a shop off of 32fruit in Miami, this was the Spark shop, selling gear and enchantment books.
Sparkar started work on kungsholmen and the Swedish Rail Network or SRN, not to be confused with CTM.
This was meant to be a life sized rail way residing mostly in the wilderness.
During this project Sparkar and Yepitsace were assasinated by Clippyclappy by ClippyClappy.
After starting work on the railway Odditylol, Donut and Sparkar decided to move on from Sweden and Create the nation New Kingdom of Vietnam. Friends from Sweden ENLS, Dalalius and _Cra6914 would also move to the South East Asian area, Creating a nation called Malaysia
In Vietnam Sparkar worked in the underground section on the pub, the restaurant and The unfinished shop.
During this time Sparkar got IP-Banned for sending an IP logger to King of Indochina, Fluxeeh. This was a result of an active war going on between the nations of New Kingdom of Vietnam and Indochina. Sparkar then decided to give away most of his books and sets, as well as lots of resources for the people of Vietnam. Sparkar also wrote a book shortly before his ban, called My Tale which will be showcased in the Vietnam Museum along with my DeadlyFox2003 biography.
Thanks for reading, goodbye!