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The Philippines is a conservative market republic. Its current president is YetI_MC and its nation owner is YetI_MC.
{{Nation|color = black
== Territory ==
|title1 = Republika ng Pilipinas
Philippine F.R.
|image1=[[file:Philippine_Republic.png|300px]]'''Flag of Federal Republic of the Philippines'''
|image2=[[file:National_Seal.webp|275px]]'''State Seal'''
|full_name=Federal Republic of The Philippines
|capital_city=[[file:Flag_of_Philippine_Republic.png|30px]] Greater_Manila
|established=February 12 2021 (Secession)/February 20 2021 (Formation)
|part_of=RAJASA Pact/Sunbelt Alliance
|political_system=[[File:Democracy_icon.png|30px]] Presidential Republic
|economic_system=[[file:Gold Icon.png|30px]] Market Capitalism
|chunks=1642 (April 2 2022)
|population=40 (April 2 2022)
|name_in_towny=Philippines|image3=[[File:Philippines2022.png|300px]]|motto="''Mabuhay ang Pilipinas''"|largest_city=[[file:Flag_of_Philippine_Republic.png|30px]] Pampalon (Chunks)
[[file:Flag_of_Philippine_Republic.png|30px]] Naga (Population) |oldest_city=[[file:Flag_of_Philippine_Republic.png|30px]] Dumaguete}}
'''The''' '''Philippine Federal Republic''' also known as the Philippines is a conservative market republic consisting of an archipelago in South East Asia. Its current president is YetI_MC and its nation owner is YetI_MC. It is in the Meganation of Nusantara. ----------> this page is for Terra Nova Philippines and not Terra Aurora Philippines (there is a new page for aurora in [[Aurora:Philippines|Philippines (TA)]] <-------------------------------
The Philippines is comprised of six nations. As of 12/5/21, these nations have a combined fifteen towns and seventy people.
The Philippines is comprised of six nations. As of 12/5/21, these nations have a combined fifteen towns and seventy people.
=== Mainland Philippines ===
===Mainland Philippines===
==== Philippines ====
The Philippines (nation) claims all of the Philippines' real-life territory except for parts of Mindanao. Its capital is Greater_Manila and its leader is YetI_MC. As of 2/16/21, the Philippines has fifteen towns and a population of sixy-three.
The Philippines (nation) claims all of the Philippines' real-life territory except for parts of Mindanao. Its capital is Greater_Manila and its leader is YetI_MC. As of 2/16/21, the Philippines has fifteen towns and a population of sixy-three.
==== Mindanao ====
Mindanao is a Philippine territory that claims much of the Mindanao island. Its capital is Davao, and its leader is Catbark897. As of 2/16/21, Mindanao has one town and a population of seven.
Mindanao is a Philippine territory that claims much of the Mindanao island. Its capital is Davao, and its leader is Catbark897. As of 2/16/21, Mindanao has one town and a population of seven. Its owner has been hacked and it has collapsed.
=== Overseas Territories ===
===Overseas Territories===
==== Mozambique ====
Mozambique is a Philippine overseas territory that controls the eastern land of real-life Mozambique. Its capital is Beira, and its leader is ThermoBomb. The Philippines shares ownership of Mozambique with Nubia. As of 2/16/21, Mozambique has three towns and a population of four.
Mozambique is a Philippine overseas territory that controls the eastern land of real-life Mozambique. Its capital is Beira, and its leader is ThermoBomb. The Philippines shares ownership of Mozambique with Nubia. As of 2/16/22, Mozambique has three towns and a population of four.
The Republic of China, or ROC, is a Philippine overseas territory that controls land south and west of Nanking. The ROC is backed by the Philippines and Japan in a civil war against the People's Republic of China, or PRC. Its capital is Kalayaan_City and its leader is PagongJuice04. The Philippines shares ownership of the ROC with Japan. As of 3/15/22, the ROC has five towns and a population of nine.
=== Colonies ===
=== Colonies ===
==== McMurdo ====
McMurdo is a Philippine colony based on the US research facility in Antarctica. Its capital is Onyx, and its leader is TheSalamiGamer. As of 2/16/21, McMurdo has one town and a population of one.
McMurdo is a Philippine colony based on the US research facility in Antarctica. Its capital is Onyx, and its leader is TheSalamiGamer. As of 2/16/21, McMurdo has one town and a population of one.
== Background and Revolution ==
== Political System of the Federal Republic of the Philippines==
By the end of 2019, many Filipinos throughout the nation were tired of the failing state of the Philippines. Her emperor, Skylordvoxaco, was largely inactive, totalitarian, and ethnically non-Filipino. SirInfinity attempted to rebel from the monarchy in the First Filipino Civil War but was defeated after months of conflict against Skylordvoxaco. Following SirInfinity's defeat and, later on, his ban, the nation saw a rapid population decline, falling from her peak at nearly 200 citizens to a much smaller 6.
By the later part of the year, however, several new citizens began to join the Philippines. Illidanlestat was the first of these new players, creating Dumaguete on September 11. He was followed by Jayisa, who created Naga on October 12, YetI_MC, who created Greater_Manila on November 12, PagongJuice04, who created Pagong_City on January 27, and Vippyyy, who created Palawan_Central on ___.
These new players all shared SirInfinity's discontent with the monarchy. Plans began to brew as the unrest began to overflow. A flag for a potential rebellion was proposed by YetI_MC on November 28, a new constitution was drafted in late January, and the revolutionaries swore to create a democratic Philippine nation that reflected the conservative values of the Philippine People in February.
However, rumors spread that Skylordvoxaco had uncovered the conspiracy against him. In response, on the 12th of February, 2021, Illidanlestat announced the succession of eight towns and the beginning of the Second Philippine Civil War. Pagong_City was the first to declare itself in a state of revolution, followed by, in order, Greater_Manila, Naga, Palawan_Central, New_Masbate, New_Muscat, and the Omani_Sultanate, Dumaguete, and San Fernando, many of which being forcibly removed by Illidanlestat. That very day, a battle broke out in the monarchist capital, and only remaining town, Manila. Revolutionaries quickly stormed the Parliamentary Building. Several players from outside nations also participated in the battle, such as Flux from Indochina (Pro Democratic) and Fruitloopins (Pro Imperial). This day is now largely known as the Lunar Day Battle of Manila.
== Political System of the Federal Republic of the Philippines ==
In the last days leading up to the revolution on February 12th, then governor of Pagong_City, PagongJuice04, established the Constitutional Commission, with the approval of the Revolutionary Congress. Assisted by Jayisa and YetI_MC, in 2 days, the original 4500 words that made up the Constitution were drafted. This Constitution is still used today.  The Government was broken into three branches; the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. All three served to balance the others in a system of checks and balances. The Constitution took heavy inspiration from the real Philippine Constitution, with certain American elements included as well.
In the last days leading up to the revolution on February 12th, then governor of Pagong_City, PagongJuice04, established the Constitutional Commission, with the approval of the Revolutionary Congress. Assisted by Jayisa and YetI_MC, in 2 days, the original 4500 words that made up the Constitution were drafted. This Constitution is still used today.  The Government was broken into three branches; the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. All three served to balance the others in a system of checks and balances. The Constitution took heavy inspiration from the real Philippine Constitution, with certain American elements included as well.
=== The Legislative Branch ===
===The Legislative Branch===
The Philippine Congress is the highest institution in the Legislative Branch. It is a bicameral assembly, the Upper Chamber being the Senate, and the Lower Chamber being the House of Representatives.
The Philippine Congress is the highest institution in the Legislative Branch. It is a bicameral assembly, the Upper Chamber being the Senate, and the Lower Chamber being the House of Representatives.
====== The Senate ======
======The Senate======
Each in-game city correlates to one senator. Generally speaking, the senator is also their city's governor, but this is not always the case, as senators are elected in 2-month intervals. The Senate is led by the Senate Majority Leader, which accepts proposals to the Senate Floor and establishes the Senate's agenda. The Senate Minority Leader may also submit issues to the Senate agenda. The Senate Majority Leader is appointed by the political party with the most Senate seats. The Senate Minority Leader is appointed by the remaining senators which are not in the leading political party.  Currently, as of January 2022, there are 25 Senate seats, many of which are currently vacant. Senators may vote three ways during a senate vote; Yay, Nay, or Abstain. If the number of Yays and Nays are equal, the vice president of the Philippines may cast a tie-breaking vote. The president and vice president cannot hold seats in the Senate at the time of them holding office.
Each in-game city correlates to one senator. Generally speaking, the senator is also their city's governor, but this is not always the case, as senators are elected in 2-month intervals. The Senate is led by the Senate Majority Leader, which accepts proposals to the Senate Floor and establishes the Senate's agenda. The Senate Minority Leader may also submit issues to the Senate agenda. The Senate Majority Leader is appointed by the political party with the most Senate seats. The Senate Minority Leader is appointed by the remaining senators which are not in the leading political party.  Currently, as of January 2022, there are 25 Senate seats, many of which are currently vacant. Senators may vote three ways during a senate vote; Yay, Nay, or Abstain. If the number of Yays and Nays are equal, the vice president of the Philippines may cast a tie-breaking vote. The president and vice president cannot hold seats in the Senate at the time of them holding office.
====== The House of Representatives ======
======The House of Representatives ======
Each city is allocated one representative per city barangay, regions of a city determined by nationwide censuses. Most representatives are also city barangay captains, but this is not always the case. The House is led by the Speaker of the House.
Each city is allocated one representative per city barangay, regions of a city determined by nationwide censuses. Most representatives are also city barangay captains, but this is not always the case. The House is led by the Speaker of the House.

=== The Executive Branch ===
===The Executive Branch===
The Executive Branch is divided into eight positions; the president, the vice-president, five cabinet members, and the presidential advisor.
The Executive Branch is divided into eight positions; the president, the vice-president, five cabinet members, and the presidential advisor.

==== The President and Vice-President ====
======The President and Vice-President======
The president of the Philippines has the power to declare defensive wars and to enact Executive Orders. A defensive war may be declared by the president without a vote from Congress if the Philippines either is attacked by a foreign power or feels threatened by one. However, a vote is required by Congress to continue the war forty-eight hours after it is declared. Executive Orders can be used by the President to enact any new policy or law, and long as the Order does not contradict or change any part of the Constitution. The president is elected every two months by all Filipino citizens which are eligible to vote. To vote, citizens must have resided in a Philippine territory for at least one month before the election. Additionally, players from select allied nations may purchase dual-citizenship for roughly 32 gold, although the price may vary by small amounts, allowing players to vote in Philippine elections without needing to live in the nation itself.
The president of the Philippines has the power to declare defensive wars and to enact Executive Orders. A defensive war may be declared by the president without a vote from Congress if the Philippines either is attacked by a foreign power or feels threatened by one. However, a vote is required by Congress to continue the war forty-eight hours after it is declared. Executive Orders can be used by the President to enact any new policy or law, and long as the Order does not contradict or change any part of the Constitution. The president is elected every two months by all Filipino citizens which are eligible to vote. To vote, citizens must have resided in a Philippine territory for at least one month before the election. Additionally, players from select allied nations may purchase dual-citizenship for roughly 32 gold, although the price may vary by small amounts, allowing players to vote in Philippine elections without needing to live in the nation itself.

The vice-president is elected by the president during election season. The vice-president may enact executive orders, but may not declare a defensive war without the president's permission.
The vice-president is elected by the president during election season. The vice-president may enact executive orders, but may not declare a defensive war without the president's permission.

==== The Cabinet and Presidential Advisor ====
======The Cabinet and Presidential Advisor ======
The five cabinet members are selected by the president after winning the election. These positions are the secretary of finance, defense, foreign affairs,  external development, and immigration. These positions have the powers to control their given fields.
The five cabinet members are selected by the president after winning the election. These positions are the secretary of finance, defense, foreign affairs,  external development, and immigration. These positions have the powers to control their given fields.

The presidential advisor is selected by the president after winning the election. The advisor is to, as the name suggests, advise the president.
The presidential advisor is selected by the president after winning the election. The advisor is to, as the name suggests, advise the president.

=== The Judicial Branch ===
===The Judicial Branch===
The judicial branch reviews and interprets the Philippine Constitution. The branch only contains a single position, the holder. The holder acts as a form of Supreme Court, making the final decision on matters brought to them. The holder is a permanent position unless they either are impeached by the Senate or resign. If the holder is removed by one of these methods, the Senate votes on a new holder.
The judicial branch reviews and interprets the Philippine Constitution. The branch only contains a single position, the holder. The holder acts as a form of Supreme Court, making the final decision on matters brought to them. The holder is a permanent position unless they either are impeached by the Senate or resign. If the holder is removed by one of these methods, the Senate votes on a new holder.  

== Political History of the Philippines (Categorized in order of Presidents) ==
===The Nation Owner===
While not in the Philippine constitution, the nation owner, or "king," of the Philippines is a permanent position. The role of the nation owner is to prevent the president from abusing their power, and to limit the power of the president. In all other aspects, the nation owner is treated the same as a normal citizen. The nation owner of the Philippines is YetI_MC. 
======History of the Nation Owner Position======
Originally, the holder was intended to own, or "hold," the Philippine nation, hence the name of the position. However, just before creating the nation on February 21, the holder of the Philippines, Phantom1958, went inactive, and stopped playing EarthMC. Because of this, the president at the time, YetI_MC, created the nation in Phantom1958's place, and has owned the nation ever since.
==Political History of the Philippines (Categorized in order of Presidents)==
The Federation of the Philippine Republic has undergone great change since its inception Republic, the internal history of the nation will thus be divided into several sections, closely following the administrations of each president.
The Federation of the Philippine Republic has undergone great change since its inception Republic, the internal history of the nation will thus be divided into several sections, closely following the administrations of each president.
=== The First Philippine Election, i.e., the Revolutionary Period (Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021) ===
======First Philippine Civil War======
By the end of 2019, many Filipinos throughout the nation were tired of the failing state of the Philippines. Her emperor, Skylordvoxaco, was largely inactive, totalitarian, and ethnically non-Filipino. SirInfinity attempted to rebel from the monarchy in the First Filipino Civil War but was defeated after months of conflict against Skylordvoxaco. Following SirInfinity's defeat and, later on, his ban, the nation saw a rapid population decline, falling from her peak at nearly 200 citizens to a much smaller 6, SirInfinity used his alt account Marangal to continue the fight. The war ended after illidanlestat became a messenger with SirInfinity's or now Marangal's Discord and Skylordvoxacos Private Messages.
======Second Philippine Civil War ======
By the later part of the year, however, several new citizens began to join the Philippines. Illidanlestat was the first of these new players, creating Dumaguete on September 12 (Philippine Time), however the EarthMC date shows it as September 11.. He was followed by Jayisa, who created Naga on October 12, YetI_MC, who created Greater_Manila on November 12, PagongJuice04, who created Pagong_City on January 27, and Vippyyy, who created Palawan_Central on ___.
These new players all shared SirInfinity's discontent with the monarchy. Plans began to brew as the unrest began to overflow. A flag for a potential rebellion was proposed by YetI_MC on November 28, a new constitution was drafted in late January, and the revolutionaries swore to create a democratic Philippine nation that reflected the conservative values of the Philippine People in February.
However, rumors spread that Skylordvoxaco had uncovered the conspiracy against him. In response, on the 12th of February, 2021, Illidanlestat announced the succession of eight towns and the beginning of the Second Philippine Civil War. Pagong_City was the first to declare itself in a state of revolution, followed by, in order, Greater_Manila, Naga, Palawan_Central, New_Masbate, New_Muscat, and the Omani_Sultanate, Dumaguete, and San Fernando, many of which being forcibly removed by Illidanlestat as many were not able to join EarthMC on that day. That very day, a battle broke out in the monarchist capital, and only remaining town, Manila. Revolutionaries quickly stormed the Parliamentary Building. Several players from outside nations also participated in the battle, such as Flux from Indochina (Pro Democratic) and Fruitloopins (Pro Imperial). This day is now largely known as the Lunar Day Battle of Manila.
===The First Philippine Election, i.e., the Revolutionary Period (Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021) ===
Following the beginning of the Second Civil War, elections were held in the Philippine government, and YetI_MC achieved a landslide victory. His party, the National Conservative Party, or NCP, defeated the Liberal Party run by WrongIsRight six to one.
Following the beginning of the Second Civil War, elections were held in the Philippine government, and YetI_MC achieved a landslide victory. His party, the National Conservative Party, or NCP, defeated the Liberal Party run by WrongIsRight six to one.
=== The First Yeti Administration ===
===The First Yeti Administration===
YetI_MC was the first president of the newly born Republic. He won the electorate by a landslide, picking up every province in the election.
YetI_MC was the first president of the newly born Republic. He won the electorate by a landslide, picking up every province in the election.

====== The Rajasa Pact ======
======The Rajasa Pact======
The Philippine rebellion applied to join the Rajasa Pact, a South-East Asian alliance, on February 14 and was accepted unanimously four to zero. The Rajasa Pact quickly became a major part of the Philippines, being incorporated into the Philippine Constitution itself and backing the rebellion in the Second Philippine Civil War.
The Philippine rebellion applied to join the Rajasa Pact, a South-East Asian alliance, on February 14 and was accepted unanimously four to zero. The Rajasa Pact quickly became a major part of the Philippines, being incorporated into the Philippine Constitution itself and backing the rebellion in the Second Philippine Civil War.

====== Godlyeriss ======
Yeti's presidency was not one without strife, however. The first of the term's two months were characterized by extreme political divide, turbulent foreign relations, and war. These problems can all be pinned to one governor's actions, Godlyeriss.
Yeti's presidency was not one without strife, however. The first of the term's two months were characterized by extreme political divide, turbulent foreign relations, and war. These problems can all be pinned to one governor's actions, Godlyeriss.

Godlyeriss was the governor of the Philippine colony New_Muscat, located in modern-day Oman. YetI_MC granted him the cabinet position of secretary of foreign affairs, trusting Eriss' promises to bring positive relations between the Philippines and the Middle East. However, Godlyeriss' aggressive demeanor and foreign policy were, at first, loved by some and despised by others, tearing the rebellion in half.
Godlyeriss was the governor of the Philippine colony New_Muscat, located in modern-day Oman. YetI_MC granted him the cabinet position of secretary of foreign affairs, trusting Eriss' promises to bring positive relations between the Philippines and the Middle East. However, Godlyeriss' aggressive demeanor and foreign policy were, at first, loved by some and despised by others, tearing the rebellion in half.

====== Godlyeriss v. Illidanlestat, and the Great Schism of Congress ======
======Godlyeriss v. Illidanlestat, and the Great Schism of Congress======
On February 15, only two days after succession, a map drawn by Eriss was leaked to the public, revealing his plans to colonize parts of Indochina. This discovery led to the largest court case in Philippine history, where Eriss sued Illidanlestat for leaking the map, demanding he both be labeled a traitor to the republic and pay a large sum of gold. The case made its way to the holder, Phantom1958, but after an entire day of the prosecutor and defendant arguing, all charges were dropped, as the evidence provided by Eriss was deemed insufficient.
On February 15, only two days after succession, a map drawn by Eriss was leaked to the public, revealing his plans to colonize parts of Indochina. This discovery led to the largest court case in Philippine history, where Eriss sued Illidanlestat for leaking the map, demanding he both be labeled a traitor to the republic and pay a large sum of gold. The case made its way to the holder, Phantom1958, but after an entire day of the prosecutor and defendant arguing, all charges were dropped, as the evidence provided by Eriss was deemed insufficient. The Godlyeriss v. Illidanlestat court case resulted in the great schism of Congress. On February 18, Jayisa split away from the NCP to found his party, the Bagong Lipunan Party, or BLP, which roughly half the country joined. Politicians who once agreed on everything harmoniously now found themselves frequently on opposite sides of arguments, as topics such as taxation, private property, and diplomacy became the center of debates. But this debate and fighting lead to the permanent decline of illidanlestat's activity on the server.

The Godlyeriss v. Illidanlestat court case resulted in the great schism of Congress. On February 18, Jayisa split away from the NCP to found his party, the Bagong Lipunan Party, or BLP, which roughly half the country joined. Politicians who once agreed on everything harmoniously now found themselves frequently on opposite sides of arguments, as topics such as taxation, private property, and diplomacy became the center of debates.
======Creation of the Philippine_F.R. ======
====== Creation of the Philippine_F.R. ======
The entirety of the Philippines spent three full days mining gold underground to fund the creation of a nation. Notable contributors were President YetI_MC, Secretary of Finance DTK69, Vice-President PagongJuice04, and Holder Phantom1958, who all pooled together hundreds for the project. On February 21, 2021, the rebellion finally gathered the 1024 gold they needed, and YetI_MC officially founded the Philippine Federal Republic, named the Philippine_F.R. in-game. The capital of the nation was, and still is, Greater_Manila.
The entirety of the Philippines spent three full days mining gold underground to fund the creation of a nation. Notable contributors were President YetI_MC, Secretary of Finance DTK69, Vice-President PagongJuice04, and Holder Phantom1958, who all pooled together hundreds for the project. On February 21, 2021, the rebellion finally gathered the 1024 gold they needed, and YetI_MC officially founded the Philippine Federal Republic, named the Philippine_F.R. in-game. The capital of the nation was, and still is, Greater_Manila.

====== The Kalayaan Coalition ======
======The Kalayaan Coalition======
Godlyeriss' actions proved to be too much for the young republic. On February 24, the powers of the Senate created the Kalayaan Coalition (which translates to the "Freedom Coalition") to combat Eriss' influence and prevent further damage. However, arguments between Godlyeriss and Jayisa over who should be the Senate Majority Leader further divided the nation, and the position was removed from Jayisa's hands and into Eriss' for a brief period.
Godlyeriss' actions proved to be too much for the young republic. On February 24, the powers of the Senate created the Kalayaan Coalition (which translates to the "Freedom Coalition") to combat Eriss' influence and prevent further damage. However, arguments between Godlyeriss and Jayisa over who should be the Senate Majority Leader further divided the nation, and the position was removed from Jayisa's hands and into Eriss' for a brief period.

Line 77: Line 110:
On February 27, Godlyeriss delivered an insult to the leader of Xia, who then declared war against the Philippine_F.R. A day later, the nations Asia, Nunavut, and Sui joined the war in support of Xia. Attempts to deescalate were made by Illidanlestat. A temporary armistice was held between the two sides to discuss peace. However, this peace talk soured seven days after they started. The representative from Xia quoted, "GG guys, y'all played yourself xP" before talks were shut down, and the war raged on.
On February 27, Godlyeriss delivered an insult to the leader of Xia, who then declared war against the Philippine_F.R. A day later, the nations Asia, Nunavut, and Sui joined the war in support of Xia. Attempts to deescalate were made by Illidanlestat. A temporary armistice was held between the two sides to discuss peace. However, this peace talk soured seven days after they started. The representative from Xia quoted, "GG guys, y'all played yourself xP" before talks were shut down, and the war raged on.

====== New_Muscat's Forceful Removal and New_Masbate's Succession ======
======New_Muscat's Forceful Removal and New_Masbate's Succession======
Minister_Miong, senator of New_Masbate, was tired of the drama involving Godlyeriss and began plans to succeed from the Philippines to avoid the chaos. The Senate had enough with Godlyeriss as well, and, on March 1, almost unanimously voted to expel New_Muscat from the Philippines. However, this action came too late, as New_Masbate succeeded from the Philippines and formed its nation, the Holy Antarctic Christian Confederation, or H.A.C.C. Immediately following Eriss' removal, Eriss, despite being the one to send Xia an insult, aligned himself with Xia, making the Omani_Sultanate, the nation he formed from New_Muscat, a protectorate of Xia.
Minister_Miong, senator of New_Masbate, was tired of the drama involving Godlyeriss and began plans to succeed from the Philippines to avoid the chaos. The Senate had enough with Godlyeriss as well, and, on March 1, almost unanimously voted to expel New_Muscat from the Philippines. However, this action came too late, as New_Masbate succeeded from the Philippines and formed its nation, the Holy Antarctic Christian Confederation, or H.A.C.C. Immediately following Eriss' removal, Eriss, despite being the one to send Xia an insult, aligned himself with Xia, making the Omani_Sultanate, the nation he formed from New_Muscat, a protectorate of Xia.

====== Dumaguete's Succession ======
======Dumaguete's Succession======
On March 2, YetI_MC confronted Skylordvoxaco on the Greater_Manila - Manila border in an attempt to fight Skylordvoxaco, but Sky instead told Yeti of Illidanlestat's plan for the Philippine_F.R. to rejoin the monarchist Philippines. While Illidanlestat's intentions were just to end the civil war, this was unknown to the rest of the Philippine_F.R., who believed that Illidanlestat was a traitor to the nation. In the heat of an argument, Illidanlestat's town, Dumaguete, succeeded from the Philippine_F.R. This rebellion-within-a-rebellion was titled the Negros Republic, named after the island the town was located on.
On March 2, YetI_MC confronted Skylordvoxaco on the Greater_Manila - Manila border in an attempt to fight Skylordvoxaco, but Sky instead told Yeti of Illidanlestat's plan for the Philippine_F.R. to rejoin the monarchist Philippines. While Illidanlestat's intentions were just to end the civil war, this was unknown to the rest of the Philippine_F.R., who believed that Illidanlestat was a traitor to the nation. In the heat of an argument, Illidanlestat's town, Dumaguete, succeeded from the Philippine_F.R. This rebellion-within-a-rebellion was titled the Negros Republic, named after the island the town was located on.

====== War Against Okinawa ======
======War Against Okinawa======
On March 3, Okinawa raided the Philippines. YetI_MC, assisted by two others, traveled to Okinawa to counterattack, but his two assistants were trapped and killed by lava in a small box in Okinawa. Yeti fought the leader of Okinawa, but no victor was declared in combat, and the leader of Okinawa stopped fighting and teleported elsewhere. The events on that day caused the Philippine_F.R. to declare war against Okinawa. In the weeks that followed, Okinawa disbanded itself and became a part of Japan, and the Philippine_F.R. declared total victory in the war.
On March 3, Okinawa raided the Philippines. YetI_MC, assisted by two others, traveled to Okinawa to counterattack, but his two assistants were trapped and killed by lava in a small box in Okinawa. Yeti fought the leader of Okinawa, but no victor was declared in combat, and the leader of Okinawa stopped fighting and teleported elsewhere. The events on that day caused the Philippine_F.R. to declare war against Okinawa. In the weeks that followed, Okinawa disbanded itself and became a part of Japan, and the Philippine_F.R. declared total victory in the war.

====== Ending the Great Schism ======
======Ending the Great Schism======
With Godlyeriss' removal, Congress became less divided. The Kalayaan Coalition was renamed the BLP, and Congress became much more efficient. The Philippine_F.R. became increasingly stable as a result of this, and Dumaguete soon rejoined the Philippine_F.R.
With Godlyeriss' removal, Congress became less divided. The Kalayaan Coalition was renamed the BLP, and Congress became much more efficient. The Philippine_F.R. became increasingly stable as a result of this, and Dumaguete soon rejoined the Philippine_F.R.

====== Concluding the Second Philippine Civil War ======
======Concluding the Second Philippine Civil War======
On March 24, The Philippine_F.R. and monarchist Philippines agreed to an armistice, with the eventual goal of reuniting under one flag once again. Many in the republic planned to create a constitutional monarchy, with Skylordvoxaco acting as a powerless monarch and the democracy continuing unchanged. The walls of iron on the Greater_Manila - Manila border were removed, and a garden flourishing with flowers was planted in place of them.
On March 24, The Philippine_F.R. and monarchist Philippines agreed to an armistice, with the eventual goal of reuniting under one flag once again. Many in the republic planned to create a constitutional monarchy, with Skylordvoxaco acting as a powerless monarch and the democracy continuing unchanged. The walls of iron on the Greater_Manila - Manila border were removed, and a garden flourishing with flowers was planted in place of them.

====== Rapid Growth ======
======Rapid Growth ======
Following the end of the Second Civil War and the removal of Godlyerris, the Philippine_F.R. entered a period of relative peace and prosperity, which lasted for the remaining three weeks of Yeti_MC's presidency, and continued for months to come. Yeti oversaw the creation of two new towns, Davao and Coron, alongside the rapid expansion of the already existing towns. The Philippine population doubled in this period from twenty to forty as well.
Following the end of the Second Civil War and the removal of Godlyerris, the Philippine_F.R. entered a period of relative peace and prosperity, which lasted for the remaining three weeks of Yeti_MC's presidency, and continued for months to come. Yeti oversaw the creation of two new towns, Davao and Coron, alongside the rapid expansion of the already existing towns. The Philippine population doubled in this period from twenty to forty as well.

====== Minor Victory Against the Omani Sultanate ======
======Minor Victory Against the Omani Sultanate======
In April, the Omani_Sultanate created a town on Philippine soil, named Omani_QC. To counterattack, President YetI_MC, Secretary of Finance DTK69, and some Israeli supporters spawned withers in New_Muscat as a sign of strength against the Omani_Sultanate. With the help of some allies, they then harvested all of the sand surrounding New_Muscat, effectively shaping the landscape into a barren, stone wasteland. Finally, YetI_MC hollowed out large spaces underneath the ground outside of New_Muscat and linked them to both a blue ice rail system, using nether portals above the nether roof, and an array of ender pearl stasis chambers, enabling the Philippine_F.R. to frequently sneak attack the Omani_Sultanate. Such underground bases remain largely undiscovered and functional to this day.
In April, the Omani_Sultanate created a town on Philippine soil, named Omani_QC. To counterattack, President YetI_MC, Secretary of Finance DTK69, and some Israeli supporters spawned withers in New_Muscat as a sign of strength against the Omani_Sultanate. With the help of some allies, they then harvested all of the sand surrounding New_Muscat, effectively shaping the landscape into a barren, stone wasteland. Finally, YetI_MC hollowed out large spaces underneath the ground outside of New_Muscat and linked them to both a blue ice rail system, using nether portals above the nether roof, and an array of ender pearl stasis chambers, enabling the Philippine_F.R. to frequently sneak attack the Omani_Sultanate. Such underground bases remain largely undiscovered and functional to this day.

Peace talks between the Omani_Sultanate and Philippine_F.R. began on YetI_MC's last day in office, as a result of the three attacks against the Omani_Sultanate the day prior. The Philippine_F.R. was rewarded the entirety of Mongolia, which Oman had claimed beforehand, and Oman was rewarded a roughly ten-chunk island in South-East Asia. However, tensions between the two nations continued when the Omani Sultanate falsely announced total victory in the war, cropping out the term in which they ceded Mongolia and posting that on Earth MC Live, instead of announcing the real terms.
Peace talks between the Omani_Sultanate and Philippine_F.R. began on YetI_MC's last day in office, as a result of the three attacks against the Omani_Sultanate the day prior. The Philippine_F.R. was rewarded the entirety of Mongolia, which Oman had claimed beforehand, and Oman was rewarded a roughly ten-chunk island in South-East Asia. However, tensions between the two nations continued when the Omani Sultanate falsely announced total victory in the war, cropping out the term in which they ceded Mongolia and posting that on Earth MC Live, instead of announcing the real terms.

====== Improved Foreign Relations and Trade ======
====== Improved Foreign Relations and Trade======
Although no exact date is attributed to these events, the Yeti administration saw the opening of ties between the Philippine_F.R. and Israel, and later between the Philippine_F.R. and Himyar. While there was no official alliance between the nations, the Philippine_F.R. maintained strong relations with Israel and Himyar, owning four or more shops in Himyar and doing business deals left and right with the Israeli Frede, bringing a large amount of income to the Filipinos who worked alongside Israel.
Although no exact date is attributed to these events, the Yeti administration saw the opening of ties between the Philippine_F.R. and Israel, and later between the Philippine_F.R. and Himyar. While there was no official alliance between the nations, the Philippine_F.R. maintained strong relations with Israel and Himyar, owning four or more shops in Himyar and doing business deals left and right with the Israeli Frede, bringing a large amount of income to the Filipinos who worked alongside Israel.

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Despite joining the Rajasa Pact and creating the nation, the Yeti administration had a rough start, thanks to an abuse of power from his Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Godlyerris, who started wars and divided the country. However, as Godlyerris was removed from power and the nation as a whole, the Philippine_F.R. started what would soon become five months of continuous, exponential growth. The nation prospered in the final weeks of Yeti's administration, ending the grueling civil war and winning the independence of the nation, and winning a war against Godlyerris himself.
Despite joining the Rajasa Pact and creating the nation, the Yeti administration had a rough start, thanks to an abuse of power from his Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Godlyerris, who started wars and divided the country. However, as Godlyerris was removed from power and the nation as a whole, the Philippine_F.R. started what would soon become five months of continuous, exponential growth. The nation prospered in the final weeks of Yeti's administration, ending the grueling civil war and winning the independence of the nation, and winning a war against Godlyerris himself.

====== Achievements of the Yeti Administration ======
======Achievements of the Yeti Administration ======
-Joining the Rajasa Pact
-Joining the Rajasa Pact (that was my plan and i did most of it >:( -illidanlestat)

-Creating strong relations with Israel and Himyar
-Creating strong relations with Israel and Himyar
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-Doubling the population from twenty to forty<br />
-Doubling the population from twenty to forty<br />

=== The Second Philippine Election (April 12 2021) ===
===The Second Philippine Election (April 12 2021) ===
The three main parties of the April 2021 election were the BLP, the NCP (National Christian Party), and the Liberal Party. YetI_MC decided to take a break from running the nation to focus on school, so PagongJuice04 took the role of representing the BLP, with YetI_MC as his vice president. Marangal, who is a friend of SirInfinity in real life, represented the NCP, with Vippyyy as his vice president. The liberal party, unable to find a representative for their party due to minimal support and the party leader's inactivity, disbanded, reducing the election to a two-party system. In the end, the BLP defeated the NCP with a 75% majority, winning three to one. This election is known for having the lowest voter turnout of any election in Philippine history, largely due to poor communication and increased focus on school and college.
The three main parties of the April 2021 election were the BLP, the NCP (National Christian Party), and the Liberal Party. YetI_MC decided to take a break from running the nation to focus on school, so PagongJuice04 took the role of representing the BLP, with YetI_MC as his vice president. Marangal, who is a friend of SirInfinity in real life, represented the NCP, with Vippyyy as his vice president. The liberal party, unable to find a representative for their party due to minimal support and the party leader's inactivity, disbanded, reducing the election to a two-party system. In the end, the BLP defeated the NCP with a 75% majority, winning three to one. This election is known for having the lowest voter turnout of any election in Philippine history, largely due to poor communication and increased focus on school and college.

PagongJuice04's cabinet consisted of YetI_MC as vice president, DTK69 as the secretary of finance, ___ as the secretary of foreign affairs, ___ as the secretary of defense, and ___ as the secretary of external development. At the time, the secretary of immigration had not yet been incorporated into the Philippine executive branch, and was vacant as a result.
PagongJuice04's cabinet consisted of YetI_MC as vice president, DTK69 as the secretary of finance, ___ as the secretary of foreign affairs, ___ as the secretary of defense, and ___ as the secretary of external development. At the time, the secretary of immigration had not yet been incorporated into the Philippine executive branch, and was vacant as a result.
=== The Pagong Administration (term one) ===
===The Pagong Administration (term one)===
The Pagong administration added on to, and further catalyzed, the Philippine_F.R.'s success and growth started by the Yeti administration. To this day, the Pagong administration is credited as being the peak of the Philippine_F.R in many ways.
The Pagong administration added on to, and further catalyzed, the Philippine_F.R.'s success and growth started by the Yeti administration. To this day, the Pagong administration is credited as being the peak of the Philippine_F.R in many ways.

====== Minor Victory Against the Omani Sultanate ======
======Minor Victory Against the Omani Sultanate======
The peace treaty between the Philippine_F.R. and Omani_Sultanate (see above for more information) was signed around the time of PagongJuice04's inauguration. As such, the victory is attributed with both his and Yeti_MC's administrations. However, the peace that followed the end of the war would not last even an entire month, due to a new, quickly escalating, global conflict.
The peace treaty between the Philippine_F.R. and Omani_Sultanate (see above for more information) was signed around the time of PagongJuice04's inauguration. As such, the victory is attributed with both his and Yeti_MC's administrations. However, the peace that followed the end of the war would not last even an entire month, due to a new, quickly escalating, global conflict.

====== The Majapahit-Manado War ======
======The Majapahit-Manado War======
On May 13, Majapahit sent an ultimatum to Manado, a nation created within Majapahit's territory, to either join Majapahit or start a war between the two nations. Manado decided instead to join the Omani_Sultanate as a protectorate, and the Omani_Sultanate threatened to join the war on Manado's side if one were to break out. That same day, Majapahit declared war on both Manado and the Omani_Sultanate. Later, the ROC, which was previously named Xia, declared support for Manado, since the Omani_Sultanate was itself a protectorate of the ROC.
On May 13, Majapahit sent an ultimatum to Manado, a nation created within Majapahit's territory, to either join Majapahit or start a war between the two nations. Manado decided instead to join the Omani_Sultanate as a protectorate, and the Omani_Sultanate threatened to join the war on Manado's side if one were to break out. That same day, Majapahit declared war on both Manado and the Omani_Sultanate. Later, the ROC, which was previously named Xia, declared support for Manado, since the Omani_Sultanate was itself a protectorate of the ROC.

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Manado surrendered to Majapahit and disbanded on July 24, ending the largest front of the Majapahit-Manado War. However, fighting on the Arabian and Chinese fronts would continue into PagongJuice04's second term, although in a much smaller scale.
Manado surrendered to Majapahit and disbanded on July 24, ending the largest front of the Majapahit-Manado War. However, fighting on the Arabian and Chinese fronts would continue into PagongJuice04's second term, although in a much smaller scale.

====== Domestic Policy ======
======Domestic Policy======
PagongJuice04's most popular policies were a series of economic reforms, which balanced the national budget, generated a stable income for the Philippine_F.R., and improved the well-being and wealth of the Philippine citizens. Three new companies, PagongCo., YetiCo., and VippyyyCo., were created in this time period. The Philippine_F.R. began construction of automatic item farms, efficient brewing systems, and expansive mob farms, which allowed for the export of string, leather, and other renewable items in bulk. PagongJuice04 funded the creation of a new colony in Antarctica, McMurdo, which became a private spot used by Filipinos for gold mining, and is still the most common location for mining in the Philippines today. The netherite mining industry was also increased under the Pagong administration, although to a lesser extent than the gold mining. Nether expeditions brought vast quantities of wealth to the nation. Building services added on to this accumulation of wealth, with new buildings being constructed using Litematica by expert builders such as the president himself. Over PagongJuice04's two terms, his economic policy funded Filipino towns with almost 4500 gold in total, which expedited claims and saw the creation of plenty of new towns.  
PagongJuice04's most popular policies were a series of economic reforms, which balanced the national budget, generated a stable income for the Philippine_F.R., and improved the well-being and wealth of the Philippine citizens. Three new companies, PagongCo., YetiCo., and VippyyyCo., were created in this time period. The Philippine_F.R. began construction of automatic item farms, efficient brewing systems, and expansive mob farms, which allowed for the export of string, leather, and other renewable items in bulk. PagongJuice04 funded the creation of a new colony in Antarctica, McMurdo, which became a private spot used by Filipinos for gold mining, and is still the most common location for mining in the Philippines today. The netherite mining industry was also increased under the Pagong administration, although to a lesser extent than the gold mining. Nether expeditions brought vast quantities of wealth to the nation. Building services added on to this accumulation of wealth, with new buildings being constructed using Litematica by expert builders such as the president himself. Over PagongJuice04's two terms, his economic policy funded Filipino towns with almost 4500 gold in total, which expedited claims and saw the creation of plenty of new towns.  

In addition to economic growth, the Philippine_F.R. reached a new record population of roughly eighty by the end of PagongJuice04's administration, doubling from the end of YetI_MC's presidency. This population continued its upward, exponential trend through Pagong's second term as well.
In addition to economic growth, the Philippine_F.R. reached a new record population of roughly eighty by the end of PagongJuice04's administration, doubling from the end of YetI_MC's presidency. This population continued its upward, exponential trend through Pagong's second term as well.

====== Improved Foreign Relations ======
======Improved Foreign Relations ======
The Philippines started many unofficial alliances outside of its east-asian region during PagongJuice04's presidency. The first of these alliances was Nubia. The two nations' relations started when StarKiller1744, the Nubian prime minister, killed the Filipino Vippyyy in wilderness. PagongJuice04 then went out of his way to try and purchase back Vippyyy's gear from StarKiller1744, and the two nations began positive relations with each other after the conversations that followed. These relations were further strengthened by Zanzibar and the Philippine_F.R.'s joint colony in Oman, to the point where Nubia and the Philippine_F.R. considered themselves to be some of each other's closest allies.  
The Philippines started many unofficial alliances outside of its east-asian region during PagongJuice04's presidency. The first of these alliances was Nubia. The two nations' relations started when StarKiller1744, the Nubian prime minister, killed the Filipino Vippyyy in wilderness. PagongJuice04 then went out of his way to try and purchase back Vippyyy's gear from StarKiller1744, and the two nations began positive relations with each other after the conversations that followed. These relations were further strengthened by Zanzibar and the Philippine_F.R.'s joint colony in Oman, to the point where Nubia and the Philippine_F.R. considered themselves to be some of each other's closest allies.  

Ties between Victoria_Land and the Philippines slowly mended from Victoria_Land's succession in February, and the two nations became top allies. Relations with Greco-Bactria flourished as well.
Ties between Victoria_Land and the Philippines slowly mended from Victoria_Land's succession in February, and the two nations became top allies. Relations with Greco-Bactria flourished as well.

====== Recap ======
PagongJuice04's first term saw the fastest growth in both population and economy in the nation's history, and set the nation up for even more growth in the future months. He also improved foreign relations greatly with five major nations, and improved the Philippine_F.R.'s image across the globe. On top of that, he and YetI_MC lead the charge in both the Arabian and Chinese fronts of the Majapahit-Manado War.
PagongJuice04's first term saw the fastest growth in both population and economy in the nation's history, and set the nation up for even more growth in the future months. He also improved foreign relations greatly with five major nations, and improved the Philippine_F.R.'s image across the globe. On top of that, he and YetI_MC lead the charge in both the Arabian and Chinese fronts of the Majapahit-Manado War.

====== Achievements of the Pagong Administration (term one) ======
======Achievements of the Pagong Administration (term one)======
-Major participation in the Majapahit-Manado war
-Major participation in the Majapahit-Manado war

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-Doubling the population from forty to eighty
-Doubling the population from forty to eighty
=== The Third Philippine Election (June 12 2021) ===
===The Third Philippine Election (June 12 2021)===
The three main parties of the June 2021 election were the BLP, the NCP, and the BP (Banana Party). YetI_MC and PagongJuice04 competed for representative of the BLP in the BLP primary elections, and PagongJuice04 beat out YetI_MC by a single vote, picking YetI_MC as his vice president. The NCP was run by a real-life friend of SirInfinity, Marangal, with ___ as his vice president. The BP was a joke party run by Vippyyy, with Illidanlestat as his vice president. As the voter turnout reached a new record for the nation, the election commissioner, Jayisa, determined the BLP had a large enough majority over the other parties to end the election early, as it was statistically impossible for any other party to make a comeback. The BLP won with a 75% majority, followed by the NCP with 25% and the BP with 0%. In total, twelve Filipino citizens voted in the June election.
The three main parties of the June 2021 election were the BLP, the NCP, and the BP (Banana Party). YetI_MC and PagongJuice04 competed for representative of the BLP in the BLP primary elections, and PagongJuice04 beat out YetI_MC by a single vote, picking YetI_MC as his vice president. The NCP was run by a real-life friend of SirInfinity, Marangal, with ___ as his vice president. The BP was a joke party run by Vippyyy, with Illidanlestat as his vice president. As the voter turnout reached a new record for the nation, the election commissioner, Jayisa, determined the BLP had a large enough majority over the other parties to end the election early, as it was statistically impossible for any other party to make a comeback. The BLP won with a 75% majority, followed by the NCP with 25% and the BP with 0%. In total, twelve Filipino citizens voted in the June election.

=== The Pagong Administration (term two) ===
===The Pagong Administration (term two)===

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With the upset of the August 2021 election came the beginning of rising tensions between the two opposing factions.  
With the upset of the August 2021 election came the beginning of rising tensions between the two opposing factions.  

=== The Fifth Philippine Election (October 12 2021) ===
===The Fifth Philippine Election (October 12 2021)===
The two parties of the October 2021 election were the BLP-BC coalition and the PPP. The BLP-BC coalition, renamed to the BBC (Bagong-Banana Coalition), held primary elections between Vippyyy and YetI_MC. As in the June 2021 election, YetI_MC was defeated by a single vote, and was chosen by Vippyyy to be the vice president. The PPP was represented by Yoda2301, with Djole07 as the vice president.  
The two parties of the October 2021 election were the BLP-BC coalition and the PPP. The BLP-BC coalition, renamed to the BBC (Bagong-Banana Coalition), held primary elections between Vippyyy and YetI_MC. As in the June 2021 election, YetI_MC was defeated by a single vote, and was chosen by Vippyyy to be the vice president. The PPP was represented by Yoda2301, with Djole07 as the vice president.  

The election of August 2021 proved to be a major upset, with the PPP defeating the dominant party. However, as many of Yoda2301's friends faded away from EarthMC, and as Yoda continued to pump out statements and attempt to introduce laws which angered the dual-citizen minority, his populatity within the Philippines diminished, although the election was still relatively close. The BBC won the October 2021 election with a 65.2% majority, and the PPP received 34.8% of the twenty-three votes.  
The election of August 2021 proved to be a major upset, with the PPP defeating the dominant party. However, as many of Yoda2301's friends faded away from EarthMC, and as Yoda continued to pump out statements and attempt to introduce laws which angered the dual-citizen minority, his populatity within the Philippines diminished, although the election was still relatively close. The BBC won the October 2021 election with a 65.2% majority, and the PPP received 34.8% of the twenty-three votes.  

=== The Vippyyy Administration ===
===The Vippyyy Administration ===

=== The Sixth Philippine Election (December 12 2021) ===
===The Sixth Philippine Election (December 12 2021)===
The two parties of the December 2021 election were the BBC and the PPP. No primary elections were held in either party. YetI_MC represented the BBC with Vippyyy as his vice president, and Yoda2301 represented the PPP with Djole07 as his vice president. Allegations of voter fraud and bribery were thrown out by both parties, but, in the end, no definitive evidence was found that could convict either party of such crimes. Out of the eighteen people who voted, the BBC won the election with a 77.8% majority, and the PPP received 22.8% of the vote.
The two parties of the December 2021 election were the BBC and the PPP. No primary elections were held in either party. YetI_MC represented the BBC with Vippyyy as his vice president, and Yoda2301 represented the PPP with Djole07 as his vice president. Allegations of voter fraud and bribery were thrown out by both parties, but, in the end, no definitive evidence was found that could convict either party of such crimes. Out of the eighteen people who voted, the BBC won the election with a 77.8% majority, and the PPP received 22.8% of the vote.

=== The Second Yeti Administration (term one) ===
===The Second Yeti Administration (term one)===

=== The Seventh Philippine Election (February 12 2022) ===
===The Seventh Philippine Election (February 12 2022)===
The seventh Philippine election held an extra amount of significance when compared to the previous elections, as it was held on the one-year anniversary of the Second Philippine Civil War. The two parties of the February 2022 election were the BLP and the PPP. YetI_MC represented the BLP, and, by a game of luck, picked PagongJuice04 over Vippyyy as vice president. Yoda2301 represented the PPP party, and picked Djole07 as his vice president. No controversy soured the seventh Philippine election, as tensions between the two parties reached an all-time low. Out of the eighteen people who voted, the BLP won the election with a 72.2% majority, and the PPP received 27.8% of the vote.
The seventh Philippine election held an extra amount of significance when compared to the previous elections, as it was held on the one-year anniversary of the Second Philippine Civil War. The two parties of the February 2022 election were the BLP and the PPP. YetI_MC represented the BLP, and, by a game of luck, picked PagongJuice04 over Vippyyy as vice president. Yoda2301 represented the PPP party, and picked Djole07 as his vice president. No controversy soured the seventh Philippine election, as tensions between the two parties reached an all-time low. Out of the eighteen people who voted, the BLP won the election with a 72.2% majority, and the PPP received 27.8% of the vote.

=== The Second Yeti Administration (term two) ===
===The Second Yeti Administration (term two) ===

== Political Parties ==
==Political Parties==
=== Bagong Lipunan Party (BLP) ===
===Bagong Lipunan Party (BLP)===
The Bagong Lipunan is a center-right party that drew inspiration from the actual Bagong Lipunan Party in real life. Fundamentally speaking, the BLP strives for - -Laissez-Faire Conservative Economics -Emphasis on Philippine Identity and Assimilation
The Bagong Lipunan is a center-right party that drew inspiration from the actual Bagong Lipunan Party in real life. Fundamentally speaking, the BLP strives for - -Laissez-Faire Conservative Economics -Emphasis on Philippine Identity and Assimilation

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The Party has been in holding the House uncontested since the birth of the Republic in February of 2021, has held the Senate since March, and has been the ruling party since Pagong04's election in April. The BLP also is the largest political party in the nation by far boasting 40+ registered members, more than all of the other parties combined.
The Party has been in holding the House uncontested since the birth of the Republic in February of 2021, has held the Senate since March, and has been the ruling party since Pagong04's election in April. The BLP also is the largest political party in the nation by far boasting 40+ registered members, more than all of the other parties combined.
=== Liberal Party (DEFUNCT) ===
=== Liberal Party (DEFUNCT)===
While the Liberal Party was the political party to be created it quickly died down and lost support, while 2 attempts were made to revitalize the party both attempts failed as their leaders went inactive or abandoned the project altogether. Currently, there is no politician, in the Senate, the House, no Supreme Court Justice, nor Cabinet Member who affiliates with the Liberal Party, the Party also has no registered voters leaving its future bleak and unpromising.
While the Liberal Party was the political party to be created it quickly died down and lost support, while 2 attempts were made to revitalize the party both attempts failed as their leaders went inactive or abandoned the project altogether. Currently, there is no politician, in the Senate, the House, no Supreme Court Justice, nor Cabinet Member who affiliates with the Liberal Party, the Party also has no registered voters leaving its future bleak and unpromising.
=== Philippine Progressive Party (PPP) ===
===Philippine Progressive Party (PPP) ===
The PPP is a center-left party founded by Yoda2301. Its primary goals are:
The PPP is a center-left party founded by Yoda2301. Its primary goals are:

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The party was founded right before the August presidential election. It won its first election, winning 55,2% of the votes. The PPP has been in a state of rivalry with the BLP over the dual citizenship crisis. At one point, the fighting got to a point where people were mentioning the idea of ‘civil war’. This crisis prompted the president, Yoda2301 to concede under certain terms limiting the power of dual citizens to keep it fair. Things are calm now and the two parties are striving to keep it that way.
The party was founded right before the August presidential election. It won its first election, winning 55,2% of the votes. The PPP has been in a state of rivalry with the BLP over the dual citizenship crisis. At one point, the fighting got to a point where people were mentioning the idea of ‘civil war’. This crisis prompted the president, Yoda2301 to concede under certain terms limiting the power of dual citizens to keep it fair. Things are calm now and the two parties are striving to keep it that way.
=== Banana Party (BP) ===
=== Banana Party (BP)===

It's not a joke however, they have been spreading propaganda to support/join the Banana Party, they are growing slowly with a member every week or 2 or 3. The leader of the party is Viper/Vipor/Vippy and the vice-president is Illidanlestat.  
It's not a joke however, they have been spreading propaganda to support/join the Banana Party, they are growing slowly with a member every week or 2 or 3. The leader of the party is Viper/Vipor/Vippy and the vice-president is Illidanlestat.  

=== The Visayan Party ===
===The Visayan Party===
Founded recently in February 20 2022 by illidanlestat, the Visayan Party is a party consisting of people from the Visayas, its members are illidanlestat, Lammchpx & Vipor (Allegedly). The Party has been spreading posters already urging people to join them. Showing Luzon as a fascist and the Visayas as a liberator. Lammchpx's Poster is the first non joke poster in the Philippines. The Party supports the development of The Visayas, Mindanao, Palawan & Chinese Towns minus Pagong04's town. It supports the increased claiming of the Visayas & Mindanao and shows the town leaders of Luzon as Nazis, Imperialists, Skylordvoxaco Forgivers & Revivalists & Idiots. [[File:Philippine Republic.png|thumb|256x256px|Flag Of The Philippine Republic]]
Founded recently on February 20 2022 by illidanlestat, the Visayan Party is a federal political party in the Philippines devoted to Bisaya nationalism and the promotion of its sovereignty. Its members consist illidanlestat, Lammchpx & Vipor (Allegedly). The Party supports the development of The Visayas, Mindanao, and Palawan; as well as focused claiming on core Philippine territory. The reason for its creation was to combat Luzon's influence over the archipelago and make other political parties cater to Visayan needs as a developing area.
{{Philippine Republic|caption1=Flag of the Philippine Republic|full_name=Federation of the Philippine Republic|official_languages=English|capital_city=Greater Manila|population=162|population_(_colonies)=169|land_area=624|land_area_(_colonies)=700|leader=YetI_MC|economy=Market|established=February 12, 2021 (succession), February 20, 2021 (formation)|type=Republic|cities=10|cities_(_colonies)=12|major_allies=7|enemies=1|major_enemies=1|allies=The Rajasa Pact, The Sunbelt Alliance|image2=}}

Latest revision as of 22:24, 10 June 2024

Republika ng Pilipinas

Philippine F.R.

Philippine Republic.pngFlag of Federal Republic of the Philippines
National Seal.webpState Seal
National Information
Full Name Federal Republic of The Philippines
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Motto "Mabuhay ang Pilipinas"
Population 40 (April 2 2022)
Chunks 1642 (April 2 2022)
Capital City Flag of Philippine Republic.png Greater_Manila
Largest City Flag of Philippine Republic.png Pampalon (Chunks)

Flag of Philippine Republic.png Naga (Population)

Oldest City Flag of Philippine Republic.png Dumaguete
Government Information
Political System Democracy icon.png Presidential Republic
Economic System Gold Icon.png Market Capitalism
Army Size
Part of RAJASA Pact/Sunbelt Alliance
Historical Information

The Philippine Federal Republic also known as the Philippines is a conservative market republic consisting of an archipelago in South East Asia. Its current president is YetI_MC and its nation owner is YetI_MC. It is in the Meganation of Nusantara. ----------> this page is for Terra Nova Philippines and not Terra Aurora Philippines (there is a new page for aurora in Philippines (TA) <-------------------------------


The Philippines is comprised of six nations. As of 12/5/21, these nations have a combined fifteen towns and seventy people.

Mainland Philippines


The Philippines (nation) claims all of the Philippines' real-life territory except for parts of Mindanao. Its capital is Greater_Manila and its leader is YetI_MC. As of 2/16/21, the Philippines has fifteen towns and a population of sixy-three.


Mindanao is a Philippine territory that claims much of the Mindanao island. Its capital is Davao, and its leader is Catbark897. As of 2/16/21, Mindanao has one town and a population of seven. Its owner has been hacked and it has collapsed.

Overseas Territories


Mozambique is a Philippine overseas territory that controls the eastern land of real-life Mozambique. Its capital is Beira, and its leader is ThermoBomb. The Philippines shares ownership of Mozambique with Nubia. As of 2/16/22, Mozambique has three towns and a population of four.


The Republic of China, or ROC, is a Philippine overseas territory that controls land south and west of Nanking. The ROC is backed by the Philippines and Japan in a civil war against the People's Republic of China, or PRC. Its capital is Kalayaan_City and its leader is PagongJuice04. The Philippines shares ownership of the ROC with Japan. As of 3/15/22, the ROC has five towns and a population of nine.



McMurdo is a Philippine colony based on the US research facility in Antarctica. Its capital is Onyx, and its leader is TheSalamiGamer. As of 2/16/21, McMurdo has one town and a population of one.

Political System of the Federal Republic of the Philippines

In the last days leading up to the revolution on February 12th, then governor of Pagong_City, PagongJuice04, established the Constitutional Commission, with the approval of the Revolutionary Congress. Assisted by Jayisa and YetI_MC, in 2 days, the original 4500 words that made up the Constitution were drafted. This Constitution is still used today. The Government was broken into three branches; the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. All three served to balance the others in a system of checks and balances. The Constitution took heavy inspiration from the real Philippine Constitution, with certain American elements included as well.

The Legislative Branch

The Philippine Congress is the highest institution in the Legislative Branch. It is a bicameral assembly, the Upper Chamber being the Senate, and the Lower Chamber being the House of Representatives.

The Senate

Each in-game city correlates to one senator. Generally speaking, the senator is also their city's governor, but this is not always the case, as senators are elected in 2-month intervals. The Senate is led by the Senate Majority Leader, which accepts proposals to the Senate Floor and establishes the Senate's agenda. The Senate Minority Leader may also submit issues to the Senate agenda. The Senate Majority Leader is appointed by the political party with the most Senate seats. The Senate Minority Leader is appointed by the remaining senators which are not in the leading political party. Currently, as of January 2022, there are 25 Senate seats, many of which are currently vacant. Senators may vote three ways during a senate vote; Yay, Nay, or Abstain. If the number of Yays and Nays are equal, the vice president of the Philippines may cast a tie-breaking vote. The president and vice president cannot hold seats in the Senate at the time of them holding office.

The House of Representatives

Each city is allocated one representative per city barangay, regions of a city determined by nationwide censuses. Most representatives are also city barangay captains, but this is not always the case. The House is led by the Speaker of the House.

The Executive Branch

The Executive Branch is divided into eight positions; the president, the vice-president, five cabinet members, and the presidential advisor.

The President and Vice-President

The president of the Philippines has the power to declare defensive wars and to enact Executive Orders. A defensive war may be declared by the president without a vote from Congress if the Philippines either is attacked by a foreign power or feels threatened by one. However, a vote is required by Congress to continue the war forty-eight hours after it is declared. Executive Orders can be used by the President to enact any new policy or law, and long as the Order does not contradict or change any part of the Constitution. The president is elected every two months by all Filipino citizens which are eligible to vote. To vote, citizens must have resided in a Philippine territory for at least one month before the election. Additionally, players from select allied nations may purchase dual-citizenship for roughly 32 gold, although the price may vary by small amounts, allowing players to vote in Philippine elections without needing to live in the nation itself.

The vice-president is elected by the president during election season. The vice-president may enact executive orders, but may not declare a defensive war without the president's permission.

The Cabinet and Presidential Advisor

The five cabinet members are selected by the president after winning the election. These positions are the secretary of finance, defense, foreign affairs, external development, and immigration. These positions have the powers to control their given fields.

The presidential advisor is selected by the president after winning the election. The advisor is to, as the name suggests, advise the president.

The Judicial Branch

The judicial branch reviews and interprets the Philippine Constitution. The branch only contains a single position, the holder. The holder acts as a form of Supreme Court, making the final decision on matters brought to them. The holder is a permanent position unless they either are impeached by the Senate or resign. If the holder is removed by one of these methods, the Senate votes on a new holder.

The Nation Owner

While not in the Philippine constitution, the nation owner, or "king," of the Philippines is a permanent position. The role of the nation owner is to prevent the president from abusing their power, and to limit the power of the president. In all other aspects, the nation owner is treated the same as a normal citizen. The nation owner of the Philippines is YetI_MC.

History of the Nation Owner Position

Originally, the holder was intended to own, or "hold," the Philippine nation, hence the name of the position. However, just before creating the nation on February 21, the holder of the Philippines, Phantom1958, went inactive, and stopped playing EarthMC. Because of this, the president at the time, YetI_MC, created the nation in Phantom1958's place, and has owned the nation ever since.

Political History of the Philippines (Categorized in order of Presidents)

The Federation of the Philippine Republic has undergone great change since its inception Republic, the internal history of the nation will thus be divided into several sections, closely following the administrations of each president.


First Philippine Civil War

By the end of 2019, many Filipinos throughout the nation were tired of the failing state of the Philippines. Her emperor, Skylordvoxaco, was largely inactive, totalitarian, and ethnically non-Filipino. SirInfinity attempted to rebel from the monarchy in the First Filipino Civil War but was defeated after months of conflict against Skylordvoxaco. Following SirInfinity's defeat and, later on, his ban, the nation saw a rapid population decline, falling from her peak at nearly 200 citizens to a much smaller 6, SirInfinity used his alt account Marangal to continue the fight. The war ended after illidanlestat became a messenger with SirInfinity's or now Marangal's Discord and Skylordvoxacos Private Messages.

Second Philippine Civil War

By the later part of the year, however, several new citizens began to join the Philippines. Illidanlestat was the first of these new players, creating Dumaguete on September 12 (Philippine Time), however the EarthMC date shows it as September 11.. He was followed by Jayisa, who created Naga on October 12, YetI_MC, who created Greater_Manila on November 12, PagongJuice04, who created Pagong_City on January 27, and Vippyyy, who created Palawan_Central on ___.

These new players all shared SirInfinity's discontent with the monarchy. Plans began to brew as the unrest began to overflow. A flag for a potential rebellion was proposed by YetI_MC on November 28, a new constitution was drafted in late January, and the revolutionaries swore to create a democratic Philippine nation that reflected the conservative values of the Philippine People in February.

However, rumors spread that Skylordvoxaco had uncovered the conspiracy against him. In response, on the 12th of February, 2021, Illidanlestat announced the succession of eight towns and the beginning of the Second Philippine Civil War. Pagong_City was the first to declare itself in a state of revolution, followed by, in order, Greater_Manila, Naga, Palawan_Central, New_Masbate, New_Muscat, and the Omani_Sultanate, Dumaguete, and San Fernando, many of which being forcibly removed by Illidanlestat as many were not able to join EarthMC on that day. That very day, a battle broke out in the monarchist capital, and only remaining town, Manila. Revolutionaries quickly stormed the Parliamentary Building. Several players from outside nations also participated in the battle, such as Flux from Indochina (Pro Democratic) and Fruitloopins (Pro Imperial). This day is now largely known as the Lunar Day Battle of Manila.

The First Philippine Election, i.e., the Revolutionary Period (Feb 12 2021 - Feb 19 2021)

Following the beginning of the Second Civil War, elections were held in the Philippine government, and YetI_MC achieved a landslide victory. His party, the National Conservative Party, or NCP, defeated the Liberal Party run by WrongIsRight six to one.

The First Yeti Administration

YetI_MC was the first president of the newly born Republic. He won the electorate by a landslide, picking up every province in the election.

The Rajasa Pact

The Philippine rebellion applied to join the Rajasa Pact, a South-East Asian alliance, on February 14 and was accepted unanimously four to zero. The Rajasa Pact quickly became a major part of the Philippines, being incorporated into the Philippine Constitution itself and backing the rebellion in the Second Philippine Civil War.


Yeti's presidency was not one without strife, however. The first of the term's two months were characterized by extreme political divide, turbulent foreign relations, and war. These problems can all be pinned to one governor's actions, Godlyeriss.

Godlyeriss was the governor of the Philippine colony New_Muscat, located in modern-day Oman. YetI_MC granted him the cabinet position of secretary of foreign affairs, trusting Eriss' promises to bring positive relations between the Philippines and the Middle East. However, Godlyeriss' aggressive demeanor and foreign policy were, at first, loved by some and despised by others, tearing the rebellion in half.

Godlyeriss v. Illidanlestat, and the Great Schism of Congress

On February 15, only two days after succession, a map drawn by Eriss was leaked to the public, revealing his plans to colonize parts of Indochina. This discovery led to the largest court case in Philippine history, where Eriss sued Illidanlestat for leaking the map, demanding he both be labeled a traitor to the republic and pay a large sum of gold. The case made its way to the holder, Phantom1958, but after an entire day of the prosecutor and defendant arguing, all charges were dropped, as the evidence provided by Eriss was deemed insufficient. The Godlyeriss v. Illidanlestat court case resulted in the great schism of Congress. On February 18, Jayisa split away from the NCP to found his party, the Bagong Lipunan Party, or BLP, which roughly half the country joined. Politicians who once agreed on everything harmoniously now found themselves frequently on opposite sides of arguments, as topics such as taxation, private property, and diplomacy became the center of debates. But this debate and fighting lead to the permanent decline of illidanlestat's activity on the server.

Creation of the Philippine_F.R.

The entirety of the Philippines spent three full days mining gold underground to fund the creation of a nation. Notable contributors were President YetI_MC, Secretary of Finance DTK69, Vice-President PagongJuice04, and Holder Phantom1958, who all pooled together hundreds for the project. On February 21, 2021, the rebellion finally gathered the 1024 gold they needed, and YetI_MC officially founded the Philippine Federal Republic, named the Philippine_F.R. in-game. The capital of the nation was, and still is, Greater_Manila.

The Kalayaan Coalition

Godlyeriss' actions proved to be too much for the young republic. On February 24, the powers of the Senate created the Kalayaan Coalition (which translates to the "Freedom Coalition") to combat Eriss' influence and prevent further damage. However, arguments between Godlyeriss and Jayisa over who should be the Senate Majority Leader further divided the nation, and the position was removed from Jayisa's hands and into Eriss' for a brief period.

War Against Xia

On February 27, Godlyeriss delivered an insult to the leader of Xia, who then declared war against the Philippine_F.R. A day later, the nations Asia, Nunavut, and Sui joined the war in support of Xia. Attempts to deescalate were made by Illidanlestat. A temporary armistice was held between the two sides to discuss peace. However, this peace talk soured seven days after they started. The representative from Xia quoted, "GG guys, y'all played yourself xP" before talks were shut down, and the war raged on.

New_Muscat's Forceful Removal and New_Masbate's Succession

Minister_Miong, senator of New_Masbate, was tired of the drama involving Godlyeriss and began plans to succeed from the Philippines to avoid the chaos. The Senate had enough with Godlyeriss as well, and, on March 1, almost unanimously voted to expel New_Muscat from the Philippines. However, this action came too late, as New_Masbate succeeded from the Philippines and formed its nation, the Holy Antarctic Christian Confederation, or H.A.C.C. Immediately following Eriss' removal, Eriss, despite being the one to send Xia an insult, aligned himself with Xia, making the Omani_Sultanate, the nation he formed from New_Muscat, a protectorate of Xia.

Dumaguete's Succession

On March 2, YetI_MC confronted Skylordvoxaco on the Greater_Manila - Manila border in an attempt to fight Skylordvoxaco, but Sky instead told Yeti of Illidanlestat's plan for the Philippine_F.R. to rejoin the monarchist Philippines. While Illidanlestat's intentions were just to end the civil war, this was unknown to the rest of the Philippine_F.R., who believed that Illidanlestat was a traitor to the nation. In the heat of an argument, Illidanlestat's town, Dumaguete, succeeded from the Philippine_F.R. This rebellion-within-a-rebellion was titled the Negros Republic, named after the island the town was located on.

War Against Okinawa

On March 3, Okinawa raided the Philippines. YetI_MC, assisted by two others, traveled to Okinawa to counterattack, but his two assistants were trapped and killed by lava in a small box in Okinawa. Yeti fought the leader of Okinawa, but no victor was declared in combat, and the leader of Okinawa stopped fighting and teleported elsewhere. The events on that day caused the Philippine_F.R. to declare war against Okinawa. In the weeks that followed, Okinawa disbanded itself and became a part of Japan, and the Philippine_F.R. declared total victory in the war.

Ending the Great Schism

With Godlyeriss' removal, Congress became less divided. The Kalayaan Coalition was renamed the BLP, and Congress became much more efficient. The Philippine_F.R. became increasingly stable as a result of this, and Dumaguete soon rejoined the Philippine_F.R.

Concluding the Second Philippine Civil War

On March 24, The Philippine_F.R. and monarchist Philippines agreed to an armistice, with the eventual goal of reuniting under one flag once again. Many in the republic planned to create a constitutional monarchy, with Skylordvoxaco acting as a powerless monarch and the democracy continuing unchanged. The walls of iron on the Greater_Manila - Manila border were removed, and a garden flourishing with flowers was planted in place of them.

Rapid Growth

Following the end of the Second Civil War and the removal of Godlyerris, the Philippine_F.R. entered a period of relative peace and prosperity, which lasted for the remaining three weeks of Yeti_MC's presidency, and continued for months to come. Yeti oversaw the creation of two new towns, Davao and Coron, alongside the rapid expansion of the already existing towns. The Philippine population doubled in this period from twenty to forty as well.

Minor Victory Against the Omani Sultanate

In April, the Omani_Sultanate created a town on Philippine soil, named Omani_QC. To counterattack, President YetI_MC, Secretary of Finance DTK69, and some Israeli supporters spawned withers in New_Muscat as a sign of strength against the Omani_Sultanate. With the help of some allies, they then harvested all of the sand surrounding New_Muscat, effectively shaping the landscape into a barren, stone wasteland. Finally, YetI_MC hollowed out large spaces underneath the ground outside of New_Muscat and linked them to both a blue ice rail system, using nether portals above the nether roof, and an array of ender pearl stasis chambers, enabling the Philippine_F.R. to frequently sneak attack the Omani_Sultanate. Such underground bases remain largely undiscovered and functional to this day.

Peace talks between the Omani_Sultanate and Philippine_F.R. began on YetI_MC's last day in office, as a result of the three attacks against the Omani_Sultanate the day prior. The Philippine_F.R. was rewarded the entirety of Mongolia, which Oman had claimed beforehand, and Oman was rewarded a roughly ten-chunk island in South-East Asia. However, tensions between the two nations continued when the Omani Sultanate falsely announced total victory in the war, cropping out the term in which they ceded Mongolia and posting that on Earth MC Live, instead of announcing the real terms.

Improved Foreign Relations and Trade

Although no exact date is attributed to these events, the Yeti administration saw the opening of ties between the Philippine_F.R. and Israel, and later between the Philippine_F.R. and Himyar. While there was no official alliance between the nations, the Philippine_F.R. maintained strong relations with Israel and Himyar, owning four or more shops in Himyar and doing business deals left and right with the Israeli Frede, bringing a large amount of income to the Filipinos who worked alongside Israel.


Despite joining the Rajasa Pact and creating the nation, the Yeti administration had a rough start, thanks to an abuse of power from his Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Godlyerris, who started wars and divided the country. However, as Godlyerris was removed from power and the nation as a whole, the Philippine_F.R. started what would soon become five months of continuous, exponential growth. The nation prospered in the final weeks of Yeti's administration, ending the grueling civil war and winning the independence of the nation, and winning a war against Godlyerris himself.

Achievements of the Yeti Administration

-Joining the Rajasa Pact (that was my plan and i did most of it >:( -illidanlestat)

-Creating strong relations with Israel and Himyar

-Starting the Second Philippine Civil War

-Creating the Philippine_F.R.

-Winning the Philippine_F.R.'s independence

-Achieving a total victory against Okinawa

-Achieving a minor victory against Godlyeriss' nation, the Omani_Sultanate

-Creating two new Philippine towns, Davao and Coron

-Rapid town expansion

-Doubling the population from twenty to forty

The Second Philippine Election (April 12 2021)

The three main parties of the April 2021 election were the BLP, the NCP (National Christian Party), and the Liberal Party. YetI_MC decided to take a break from running the nation to focus on school, so PagongJuice04 took the role of representing the BLP, with YetI_MC as his vice president. Marangal, who is a friend of SirInfinity in real life, represented the NCP, with Vippyyy as his vice president. The liberal party, unable to find a representative for their party due to minimal support and the party leader's inactivity, disbanded, reducing the election to a two-party system. In the end, the BLP defeated the NCP with a 75% majority, winning three to one. This election is known for having the lowest voter turnout of any election in Philippine history, largely due to poor communication and increased focus on school and college.

PagongJuice04's cabinet consisted of YetI_MC as vice president, DTK69 as the secretary of finance, ___ as the secretary of foreign affairs, ___ as the secretary of defense, and ___ as the secretary of external development. At the time, the secretary of immigration had not yet been incorporated into the Philippine executive branch, and was vacant as a result.

The Pagong Administration (term one)

The Pagong administration added on to, and further catalyzed, the Philippine_F.R.'s success and growth started by the Yeti administration. To this day, the Pagong administration is credited as being the peak of the Philippine_F.R in many ways.

Minor Victory Against the Omani Sultanate

The peace treaty between the Philippine_F.R. and Omani_Sultanate (see above for more information) was signed around the time of PagongJuice04's inauguration. As such, the victory is attributed with both his and Yeti_MC's administrations. However, the peace that followed the end of the war would not last even an entire month, due to a new, quickly escalating, global conflict.

The Majapahit-Manado War

On May 13, Majapahit sent an ultimatum to Manado, a nation created within Majapahit's territory, to either join Majapahit or start a war between the two nations. Manado decided instead to join the Omani_Sultanate as a protectorate, and the Omani_Sultanate threatened to join the war on Manado's side if one were to break out. That same day, Majapahit declared war on both Manado and the Omani_Sultanate. Later, the ROC, which was previously named Xia, declared support for Manado, since the Omani_Sultanate was itself a protectorate of the ROC.

Following the escalation, the Philippine_F.R., alongside four other members of the Rajasa Pact, declared support of Majapahit and war against Manado and its allies. Zanzibar, a colony of the Second Nubian Empire, did the same. These declarations were followed by the monarchist Philippines' support of Manado, cementing the Majapahit-Manado War's title as a world war.

Overall, the Majapahit-Manado war was split into three fronts; the Indonesian front, the Chinese front, and the Arabian front. The Philippine_F.R. fought extensively in two of these fronts.

The Philippine_F.R. was responsible for all of their side's involvement the Chinese front, as the Philippine_F.R. and Xia had never ended their war against each other. Raids were carried out by Filipinos such as YetI_MC and DTK69 in Chinese soil, tearing down entire skyscrapers outside of claimed territory and, as previously seen in the Filipino-Omani war, building secret bases outside of the Chinese capital, Nanking. By the end of the war, the Philippine_F.R. inflicted major damage towards Chinese infrastructure, which is still not fully repaired to this day.

The Philippine_F.R. and Zanzibar were also entirely responsible for their side's involvement in the Arabian front. Old underground bases below the Omani capital were restored and improved by YetI_MC, and sand mining became a daily activity carried out by the Philippine_F.R.. To this day, the Omani_Sultanate rests upon a thin platform of sandstone, covering a deep, hollow, enclosure which sand once filled. On July 19, the Philippine_F.R. and Zanzibar hammered the final nail in the coffin of the Arabian front, splitting the payment and ownership of an Omani rebel-nation and colony, named Oman.

Manado surrendered to Majapahit and disbanded on July 24, ending the largest front of the Majapahit-Manado War. However, fighting on the Arabian and Chinese fronts would continue into PagongJuice04's second term, although in a much smaller scale.

Domestic Policy

PagongJuice04's most popular policies were a series of economic reforms, which balanced the national budget, generated a stable income for the Philippine_F.R., and improved the well-being and wealth of the Philippine citizens. Three new companies, PagongCo., YetiCo., and VippyyyCo., were created in this time period. The Philippine_F.R. began construction of automatic item farms, efficient brewing systems, and expansive mob farms, which allowed for the export of string, leather, and other renewable items in bulk. PagongJuice04 funded the creation of a new colony in Antarctica, McMurdo, which became a private spot used by Filipinos for gold mining, and is still the most common location for mining in the Philippines today. The netherite mining industry was also increased under the Pagong administration, although to a lesser extent than the gold mining. Nether expeditions brought vast quantities of wealth to the nation. Building services added on to this accumulation of wealth, with new buildings being constructed using Litematica by expert builders such as the president himself. Over PagongJuice04's two terms, his economic policy funded Filipino towns with almost 4500 gold in total, which expedited claims and saw the creation of plenty of new towns.

In addition to economic growth, the Philippine_F.R. reached a new record population of roughly eighty by the end of PagongJuice04's administration, doubling from the end of YetI_MC's presidency. This population continued its upward, exponential trend through Pagong's second term as well.

Improved Foreign Relations

The Philippines started many unofficial alliances outside of its east-asian region during PagongJuice04's presidency. The first of these alliances was Nubia. The two nations' relations started when StarKiller1744, the Nubian prime minister, killed the Filipino Vippyyy in wilderness. PagongJuice04 then went out of his way to try and purchase back Vippyyy's gear from StarKiller1744, and the two nations began positive relations with each other after the conversations that followed. These relations were further strengthened by Zanzibar and the Philippine_F.R.'s joint colony in Oman, to the point where Nubia and the Philippine_F.R. considered themselves to be some of each other's closest allies.

Ties between Victoria_Land and the Philippines slowly mended from Victoria_Land's succession in February, and the two nations became top allies. Relations with Greco-Bactria flourished as well.


PagongJuice04's first term saw the fastest growth in both population and economy in the nation's history, and set the nation up for even more growth in the future months. He also improved foreign relations greatly with five major nations, and improved the Philippine_F.R.'s image across the globe. On top of that, he and YetI_MC lead the charge in both the Arabian and Chinese fronts of the Majapahit-Manado War.

Achievements of the Pagong Administration (term one)

-Major participation in the Majapahit-Manado war

-Massive economic growth

-Establishing positive relations with Nubia, Victoria_Land, and Greco-Bactria

-The creation of McMurdo

-Doubling the population from forty to eighty

The Third Philippine Election (June 12 2021)

The three main parties of the June 2021 election were the BLP, the NCP, and the BP (Banana Party). YetI_MC and PagongJuice04 competed for representative of the BLP in the BLP primary elections, and PagongJuice04 beat out YetI_MC by a single vote, picking YetI_MC as his vice president. The NCP was run by a real-life friend of SirInfinity, Marangal, with ___ as his vice president. The BP was a joke party run by Vippyyy, with Illidanlestat as his vice president. As the voter turnout reached a new record for the nation, the election commissioner, Jayisa, determined the BLP had a large enough majority over the other parties to end the election early, as it was statistically impossible for any other party to make a comeback. The BLP won with a 75% majority, followed by the NCP with 25% and the BP with 0%. In total, twelve Filipino citizens voted in the June election.

The Pagong Administration (term two)


The Fourth Philippine Election (August 12 2021)

The three parties of the August 2021 election were the BLP, the PPP (Philippine Progressive Party), and the BP. In order to focus on the beginning of his last year of high school, PagongJuice04 decided to completely withdraw from Philippine politics, and to allow YetI_MC to represent the BLP for him, with Jayisa as Yeti's vice president. The PPP was represented by Yoda2301, with Djole07 as his vice president. The BP was represented by Vippyyy, with Illidanlestat as his vice president.

While the past three Philippine elections had been dominated by the right wing BLP, the election of September 2021 proved to be the exception. Both Yoda2301 and Djole07 were friends in real life, and with them came many of their other friends, who all lived nearby in real life in Serbia. Yoda2301's town, Pampalon, made up over half of the Philippine population. As such, the BLP and BP, who shared many common goals and policies, merged into one party to combat the PPP's rising influence. However, after the largest election in Philippine history, the PPP still won with a 55.2% majority, and the BLP and BP shared a combined 44.8% of the twenty-nine total votes. Although not confirmed, it is estimated that the BLP-BP coalition won over every single Philippine town except for Pampalon in a landslide, but still lost due to Pampalon having an estimated forty percent of the entire election's influence.

With the upset of the August 2021 election came the beginning of rising tensions between the two opposing factions.

The Fifth Philippine Election (October 12 2021)

The two parties of the October 2021 election were the BLP-BC coalition and the PPP. The BLP-BC coalition, renamed to the BBC (Bagong-Banana Coalition), held primary elections between Vippyyy and YetI_MC. As in the June 2021 election, YetI_MC was defeated by a single vote, and was chosen by Vippyyy to be the vice president. The PPP was represented by Yoda2301, with Djole07 as the vice president.

The election of August 2021 proved to be a major upset, with the PPP defeating the dominant party. However, as many of Yoda2301's friends faded away from EarthMC, and as Yoda continued to pump out statements and attempt to introduce laws which angered the dual-citizen minority, his populatity within the Philippines diminished, although the election was still relatively close. The BBC won the October 2021 election with a 65.2% majority, and the PPP received 34.8% of the twenty-three votes.

The Vippyyy Administration


The Sixth Philippine Election (December 12 2021)

The two parties of the December 2021 election were the BBC and the PPP. No primary elections were held in either party. YetI_MC represented the BBC with Vippyyy as his vice president, and Yoda2301 represented the PPP with Djole07 as his vice president. Allegations of voter fraud and bribery were thrown out by both parties, but, in the end, no definitive evidence was found that could convict either party of such crimes. Out of the eighteen people who voted, the BBC won the election with a 77.8% majority, and the PPP received 22.8% of the vote.

The Second Yeti Administration (term one)


The Seventh Philippine Election (February 12 2022)

The seventh Philippine election held an extra amount of significance when compared to the previous elections, as it was held on the one-year anniversary of the Second Philippine Civil War. The two parties of the February 2022 election were the BLP and the PPP. YetI_MC represented the BLP, and, by a game of luck, picked PagongJuice04 over Vippyyy as vice president. Yoda2301 represented the PPP party, and picked Djole07 as his vice president. No controversy soured the seventh Philippine election, as tensions between the two parties reached an all-time low. Out of the eighteen people who voted, the BLP won the election with a 72.2% majority, and the PPP received 27.8% of the vote.

The Second Yeti Administration (term two)


Political Parties

Bagong Lipunan Party (BLP)

The Bagong Lipunan is a center-right party that drew inspiration from the actual Bagong Lipunan Party in real life. Fundamentally speaking, the BLP strives for - -Laissez-Faire Conservative Economics -Emphasis on Philippine Identity and Assimilation

-Revitalization of the Government through more active citizen participation in the Philippine FR government

-Sweeping Institutional Reform to ensure that Citizens of the Philippines are assured the most civic freedoms possible on EarthMC

-Reviewing and Expanding the Philippine Diplomatic Scene, emphasis on expanding diplomatic channels the Americans and North Africa

-Strengthening the RAJASA Pact Treaty-Economic Reforms that propel our nation into the global stage including setting up a modern shopping center in the planned Nation Capital Region

-Seek peace with belligerent nations and improve the international opinion of our nation

The Party has been in holding the House uncontested since the birth of the Republic in February of 2021, has held the Senate since March, and has been the ruling party since Pagong04's election in April. The BLP also is the largest political party in the nation by far boasting 40+ registered members, more than all of the other parties combined.

Liberal Party (DEFUNCT)

While the Liberal Party was the political party to be created it quickly died down and lost support, while 2 attempts were made to revitalize the party both attempts failed as their leaders went inactive or abandoned the project altogether. Currently, there is no politician, in the Senate, the House, no Supreme Court Justice, nor Cabinet Member who affiliates with the Liberal Party, the Party also has no registered voters leaving its future bleak and unpromising.

Philippine Progressive Party (PPP)

The PPP is a center-left party founded by Yoda2301. Its primary goals are:

- Keep the Philippines a democratic republic and continue to expand on its governmental system.

- Stop colonization and start integrating our existing colonies into the federal republic.

- Strengthening ties with the RAJASA pact and its members.

- Staying neutral when it comes to global affairs, and mainly focusing on East Asia.

- Expanding towns in the Philippines until the islands are completely claimed.

The party was founded right before the August presidential election. It won its first election, winning 55,2% of the votes. The PPP has been in a state of rivalry with the BLP over the dual citizenship crisis. At one point, the fighting got to a point where people were mentioning the idea of ‘civil war’. This crisis prompted the president, Yoda2301 to concede under certain terms limiting the power of dual citizens to keep it fair. Things are calm now and the two parties are striving to keep it that way.

Banana Party (BP)


It's not a joke however, they have been spreading propaganda to support/join the Banana Party, they are growing slowly with a member every week or 2 or 3. The leader of the party is Viper/Vipor/Vippy and the vice-president is Illidanlestat.

The Visayan Party

Founded recently on February 20 2022 by illidanlestat, the Visayan Party is a federal political party in the Philippines devoted to Bisaya nationalism and the promotion of its sovereignty. Its members consist illidanlestat, Lammchpx & Vipor (Allegedly). The Party supports the development of The Visayas, Mindanao, and Palawan; as well as focused claiming on core Philippine territory. The reason for its creation was to combat Luzon's influence over the archipelago and make other political parties cater to Visayan needs as a developing area.