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===='''Conman's England'''====
===='''Conman's England'''====
During the Scottish War, Scotland had helped a player known as "CallMeKingJames" take over the town of Sheffield and establish the nation of England. Britain fiercely opposed the nation and declared war on it as it seeked to undermine the stability of southern Britain.
[[File:BritWar1.png|thumb|320x320px|'''British and Rebel held areas, June 2019''']]
[[File:2019-06-01 23.41.36.png|thumb|265x265px|'''''Players from across the server destroy Sheffield slums''''']]
During the Scottish War, Scotland had helped a player known as "CallMeKingJames" take over the town of Sheffield and establish the nation of England. Britain fiercely opposed the nation and declared war on it as it seeked to undermine the stability of southern Britain.  
Nevertheless, England did not last long as shortly after a month of its existence, pressure from Britain caused CallMeKingJames to hand over Sheffield to YellowVictini of Byzantium who then sold the town back to Britain while taking the nation of England with him to the middle east.
Nevertheless, England did not last long as shortly after a month of its existence, pressure from Britain caused CallMeKingJames to hand over Sheffield to YellowVictini of Byzantium who then sold the town back to Britain while taking the nation of England with him to the middle east.

Revision as of 01:17, 21 December 2020

Coat of Arms
File:Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom (HM Government).svg
British official Claim map.png
National Information
Full Name Neu Briton.png The United Kingdom of
Great Britain, Ireland and Norway
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem N/A
Motto Great britain.png Rule Britannia
Population PopulationSymbol.PNG 210
Chunks Land .png 8421
Capital City London Coat of arms.png London
Largest City London Coat of arms.png London
Oldest City London Coat of arms.png London
Government Information
Political System Crown.png Constitutional Monarchy
Economic System Gold Icon.png Capitalism
Army Size BARMY.png Classified
Part of
Historical Information

Britain (also known as the United Kingdom or Great Britain) was the first and is currently the oldest nation on Terra Nova. It is based in the British Isles, being along the English Channel which is a region labeled as the 'cradle of civilization' of Terra Nova. It was established by MineHero43 on October 27th, 2018 after the founding of the Urbs Antiqua, London.

It was also founded and built with the remnants of the Japanese state on EarthMC classic, many of it's mayors and notable people are characters from the Japanese Empire. Britain was, and is, also built along with the foundations and ideology of Accordo and Accordoism (see The Accordo Manifesto).

Government Structure

British Democracy

Britain is a Parliamentary Democracy & Constitutional Monarchy with many of its principles based on The Accordo Manifesto. The Monarch is MineHero43 who has reigned since October 27th 2018, making him the server's longest serving nation leader. While the Monarch is unelected, the Prime Minister who leads the British government is elected once every two months by a national popular vote.

The British Parliament consists of all mayors in the British nation. Although they cannot directly propose laws, they do vote on laws proposed by the government and if necessary, enough of them are able to band together and bring forward a vote of no confidence against the Prime Minister. The Monarch has the power to Veto the Parliament however this can be overruled by a 2/3 majority.

The Prime Minister heads the British government and appoints Ministers to help him/her run the nation. These individuals make up the cabinet which is tasked with proposing laws, coming up with government policies and assisting the Prime Minister with governing the nation. Ministers can be fired by the Prime Minister at any given moment.

See More: List of Prime Ministers of Britain




Britain is situated primarily off the northwestern coast of the European Mainland in the British Isles. Britain includes the island of Great Britain, the island of Ireland, the island of Jersey, the Faroe islands, Shetland islands and southern Norway. The vast majority of it's population lives within the British Isles.

Britain is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean with the North Sea between the island of Great Britain and it's holdings in Norway. The Irish sea separates the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. Towards the south lays the English Channel which separates it from France. Britain is however connected to the European Mainland via it's territory in southern Norway. Britain shares a border with the nations of Ireland, United_Kingdom, France and Sweden.


Britain consists of mainly flat greenland which allows for easy construction and development. This is especially the case for the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. While most original trees have been cleared out, some have been preserved in the form of national nature reserves such as the forests in Wales and Dublin. Scotland use to host some of the nation's largest mountains however the vast majority of them have been flattened. Britain does however hold a vast mountainous and snowy area in it's Norwegian territory.


The National Ice Line

Envisioned by MineHero43 ever since the founding of Britain, the national ice line is an underground network of ice tunnels that connect the towns across the isles to one another. It is one of the most ambitious projects on the server and is constantly being upgraded and expanded. One simply places a boat on the ice and follows the map towards the location one wishes to head to. Stations are set up across the nation.

New York Line

Britain became the first nation to establish a secure trans-atlantic ice transportation system after a player by the name of BorderPatrolAgent dug a tunnel from New York to Britain and connected it to the ice line. One of the greatest achievements ever on the server, the ice line has furthered relations between New York and Britain and can be used to easily transport villagers or other mobs across the Atlantic ocean.


Early History

(October 27th 2018 - November 20th 2018)


The nation of Britain was founded by MineHero43 after he sailed from his spawn point in South Africa to the British Isles.

OblongMango, MineHero43, Angloist & Wither255

Britain was pre-planned before the release of Terra Nova by senior members of the classic Japanese Empire. MineHero43 would go on to establish the first and oldest town on the isles, London. Alongside London came Isle_Of_Wight, Cardiff and Dublin. After mining for nearly two days straight, MineHero43 had the gold to create a nation, Britain was founded as the first nation on Terra Nova.

Early British Isles, 2018

Britain focused heavily on building its towns and establishing a secure presence on the British Isles. This lead to not only London becoming the first town to reach 100 claims but also London and Glasgow becoming the two largest towns on the server with over 200+ claims at one point. (Glasgow would later fall into ruin however London continued to prosper) Other towns such as Norwich, Dublin, York and Plymouth began growing in size as well. This saw the construction of famous landmarks such as Westminster Palace in London which at the time was one of the largest structures in Europe.

Although Britain maintained a neutral foreign policy towards other nations in mainland Europe, Britain would soon be dragged into its first conflict.

Norwegian Tensions

(November 28th 2018 - December 1st 2018)

The Faroe Dispute

In its mainland claims, Britain included the Faroe islands which at the time had an Icelandic town on its northern part. Britain soon established its own town on the southern island, Torshavn. The presence of Torshavn angered Iceland and its ally Norway and a large scale battle soon ensued over the islands, although no side lost anything as keep inventory was enabled at the time. Nevertheless, the dispute and battle pitted both sides against each other for the upcoming weeks.

Norwegian Civil War

The war soon turned against Britain as Norway captured the town of Sussex as a new mayor had recently taken over there. With the threat of more Norwegian towns on the Isles, Britain soon negotiated a peace with Iceland and Norway which allowed Norway to keep Sussex as a colony.

Less than a day after the peace was signed, Britain funded the mayor of Oslo, Magenent to create his own nation, Norge and start a Norwegian Civil war. Denmark under the leadership of alek_b would later join Britain and Magenent in their new conflict against Norway.

British and Danish forces storm the Norwegian capital of Lundegrend

The war turned greatly in Britain's favour after the town of Sussex returned to Britain after MineHero43 had negotiated with the mayor to hand it over to a new one. Norway would see a surge of inactivity and players leaving the server, including their leader twigking which allowed for Magenent to claim all of Norway under his new nation

The war is generally considered a victory for the British-Danish alliance which would continue even after the war.

Peaceful Prosperity

HMS Synargle at Norwich
Tesco at night

(December 1st 2018 - January 20th 2019)

Economic Growth

Once the situation with Norway was under control, Britain focused once again on continuing to grow its nation, this time its economy. Tesco was soon founded in London as the first store of its type on the server, making use of the new sign shop plugin. This saw a huge surge in Britain's popularity and economy which allowed for more British towns to grow at a rapid pace.

New Buildings

Buckingham Palace at London

Britain also saw the construction of more historic and iconic landmarks on its isles. Wither255 completed the first cathedral at Norwich alongside the first ship on the server, the HMS Light. Norwich would go on to become the hub for the vast majority of ships on the server with Wither255 constructing more ships, even for other nations such as Finland.

London saw further growth and the construction of iconic landmarks, such as the Arc de Lemon, SlyPrince theatre and Buckingham Palace beginning construction.

The Separatist Wars/British Civil War

(January 20th 2019 - June 16th 2019)

Scottish arrivals

British and Rebel held areas, January 2019

Britain would soon be interrupted by a number of new towns in Scotland created by people from places such as Africa and Siberia. This invasion lead by xSpifflesx and RuseOwl would seek to establish a Scottish nation, free from Britain. This would turn into a six month war between Britain and Scotland with thousands of gold being spent and the future of the British Isles at stake. This conflict would be known as the British Civil War/ Scottish War for Independence

Claim Warfare

With only very few major battles, the war soon turned into a war of claims between individual towns in Scotland and Britain. This saw Britain lose many of its claims to Scottish towns while Scotland would see entire towns fall into ruin, even losing their entire nation at one point. Many players would come and go with even RuseOwl leaving to Canada as the war continued and later on Shanka, the mayor of Glasgow would form his own nation United Kingdom. Nevertheless, both sides continued for a total of six months.

Irish Rebellion

While Britain's attention was focused on Scotland, the town of Cork soon rebelled from Britain and with help from Wabanaki, formed the nation of Ireland. Although Dublin remained the largest town on the island, Britain declared war on Ireland as it began to undermine the stability on the island. Ireland would go on to ally itself with Scotland and form the Celtic Union.

Conman's England

British and Rebel held areas, June 2019

During the Scottish War, Scotland had helped a player known as "CallMeKingJames" take over the town of Sheffield and establish the nation of England. Britain fiercely opposed the nation and declared war on it as it seeked to undermine the stability of southern Britain. Nevertheless, England did not last long as shortly after a month of its existence, pressure from Britain caused CallMeKingJames to hand over Sheffield to YellowVictini of Byzantium who then sold the town back to Britain while taking the nation of England with him to the middle east.

The new mayor of Sheffield, Warriorrr would begin a huge cleanup project of the town, calling on all players to destroy the old slums built by CallMeKingJames and replacing them with new roads and a fresh town hall. Today, Sheffield is a part of London.

Peace and Reconciliation

After six months of warfare, Scottish and British leaders sought a diplomatic solution and re-opened negotiations in late June (previous negotiations had failed). After about a week of discussion, both sides reached a mutually benefiting agreement with the following terms:

  • All Scottish towns join Britain
  • Scottish nation is moved off the Isles
  • Scotland becomes an autonomous region
  • Scotland keeps its discord
  • Scotland keeps its /n spawn
  • United_Kingdom is sold off
  • Glasgow rejoins Britain
  • New Elections will be held

New Elections

With the isles now at peace, Britain held its first Prime Ministerial elections as a truly unified nation. Angloist had served as Prime Minister during the separatist wars however he indicated that he would not be running again and resigned. This led to AddoM19 serving as Prime Minister for a week from July 1st - July 8th as the elections ensued. On July 8th 2019, the elections concluded and FutureLemon was elected as the new British Prime Minister.

Prime Minister FutureLemon

(July 8th 2019 - November 3rd 2019)

1jmt's England

Months after CallMeKingJames' England was dissolved, the old mayor of Sussex during the Noridic wars returned and established the town of Cornwall. By tricking the mayor of Plymouth he was able to gain a small 40 chunk foothold off the coast of Plymouth and after various name changes, he settled with England.

This however did not last long as mounting British and foreign pressure forced him to disband both Cornwall and England, leaving the area to be reclaimed by the mayor of Plymouth.

Irish Civil War

When the war with Scotland concluded, Ireland was allowed to remain an independent nation and gain all towns on the island of Ireland, including Dublin. However, Government instability, and a phase of inactivity prompted the mayor of Dublin, Angloist to secede from the nation of Ireland and form his own nation, Eire.

Britain remained neutral as the Irish civil war ensued, however Ireland declared war on Britain as it believed Britain supported the rebellion. The leader of Ireland, Aerfort, held many of the Irish towns with alts and after they were banned or went inactive, these towns were taken over by Eire.

FutureLemon later held an official vote to merge the nation of Eire with Britain, this was passed with overwhelming support and re-cemented Britain's position on Ireland. Aerfort's Ireland had now been reduced to nothing more than the town of Waterford, south of Dublin.

Bob's Scotland

In early October 2019, a former New York resident by the name of BobDenim decided to form a new town on the island of Shetland. Shortly after this, he created a new nation named Scotland. Seeing a new rebellion forming, FutureLemon decided to trick BobDenim by pretending to rebel from Britain and join his nation. Lemon managed to convince Bob to hand over the nation to him. The nation was transferred on October 8th and Bob went back to New York after these events.

The Regional Powers Alliance

On the 15th September 2019, Britain would form the "Regional Powers" with Qin, Yue & Norway. This was a military and security alliance based on mutual assistance in conflicts and pvp as most of it's members were dedicated pvpers.

Prime Minister Warriorrr

(November 3rd 2019 - March 1st 2020)

Expansion into Norway

In November 2019 the Norwegian King Alexandre requested that his nation be merged into Britain's. This paved the way for British expansion into Norway. Towns such as Oslo and Kristiansand became the first major British towns in Norway. A deal with the Kalmar Union was also reached to further legitimize Britain's claims in Norway.

Highlands rebellion

In early January 2020, the towns of Inverness and Stirling decided to rebel from Britain and form their own nation in northern Scotland named Highlands. This led to a lot of controversy as it was believed that the GRE had funded their nation. Britain would declare war on the GRE because of this, however this was very short lived as it turned out that the Romans had not funded the Highlands and a peace deal was quickly reached.

The rebellion has stagnated as both Inverness and Stirling have gone extremely inactive, reduced to only logging on every now and then to vote.

Kalmar Border Agreement

In February 2020 Britain signed a border agreement with the Kalmar Union to officially recognize each other's Scandinavian claims. This was due to Britain's recent expansion into Norway, an area where Kalmar had previously claimed however as per the new agreement, all of southern norway would fall within Britain's claim zone. The deal meant that there would be no war between the Kalmar Union & Britain. Britain could also now continue it's expansion into Norway unopposed while Kalmar could keep it's land in Sweden and other parts of Scandinavia.

Coalition of Europe

As part of the peace deal between the GRE and Britain, it was decided to form a Coalition of Europe which would serve as an alliance between Britain, Spain, France & SPQR to unify behind the common cause of combating rebel nations in their respective territories. All member nations agreed to declare war on each other's respective rebel nations. The purpose of the coalition is to preserve the territorial integrity of Europe's major nations and foster in more co operation between the member nations.

Prime Minister Angloist

(March 1st 2020 - May 3rd 2020)

New Ireland

On March 18th 2020, Waterford finally fell into ruin. This marked the end of Aerfort's attempt at creating an independent Ireland. Angloist quickly moved to claim over the ruined town. However shortly after Britain annexed Waterford, UghBraces decided to form a new Irish nation in the south west corner of the island. The nation would later be given to IamGawain and his town Ossory, the current leaders of the Irish rebellion. However they only maintain sovereignty over a small portion of South-Western Ireland.

Expansion into Denmark

On April 26th 2020, Angloist announced that Britain would begin officially annexing Denmark. This was announced following a border agreement between Germany and Britain, leaving Britain with all danish lands north of Schleswig-Holstein. Britain however had already planted numerous towns in Denmark beforehand in an effort to curb the expansion of the Highlands in the region.

Prime Minister Seranil (WIP)

(May 3rd 2020 - June 28th 2020)

Glasgow secedes


Tensions with Germany


Colonization of India

-Scammed some NOOB! For India, was meant to pay 400g, paid 200g ;) Sold it for 700g, 500g profit x)

Prime Minister FBI_Bro (WIP)

(June 28th 2020 - August 30th 2020)

Denmark Negotiations


Relative Stability


Prime Minister Unbated

(August 30th 2020 - November 1st 2020)

Peace between Germany and Britain

Almost instantly after being elected Prime Minister, Unbated began talks with Germany about ending the cold-warfare that had gone on between the two nations for months. Originally, there was to be an alliance, but the vote did not pass in the British Cabinet, so it was annulled. Talks froze for about a week and a half, when Unbated began them again. This time, the talks bore fruit, and a peace treaty between the two nations was signed, ending the cold warfare.

Peace between Russia and the GRE

Over months the nations of Russia and Tzarist_Russia had been building tensions. Eventually, it resulted in war between the nation of Russia and the GRE Province of Tzarist_Russia. After only about a day, however, Unbated realized that one of the nations in the alliance that made up Russia was also a protectorate of Britain, that nation being Severny. He stepped in and began talks between the two warring nations. After only about 2 hours, the two nations signed a peace treaty, ending the war. It was named the Treaty of London, because in a Tzarist Russian national official's words "There would be no peace without Britain". This did result in the Prime Minister of Russia stepping down, however.

Hamburg & Germany

On September 28th, the mayor of the town of Hamburg, taken from Germany multiple months prior, expressed interest in selling it. Talks began and on September 30th it was sold to Heinikin34 for 2000 gold with the mod CorruptedGreed acting as a middle man, further increasing relations between the two nations.

Commonwealth Hyper-expansion

Throughout his time as the Prime Minister, multiple large and great nations and their territories joined the British Commonwealth as Protectorates. These nations being Salish, Severny, Illinois, and Bei Qi


What is called Brexit by many, even the news, was actually just the fulfillment of a months long desire of the British people to leave the Coalition of Europe, an alliance founded in January that year that the Brits saw as useless and annoying. A vote was submitted, and after being vetoed, submitted again, and passed, resulting in the departure of Britain from the CoE. This was much to the dismay of nations like the Greater Roman Empire and France, however.

War with Pakistan

The disbanding of the town of Waterford was very public. Multiple people from the nation of Pakistan flocked to make towns in the emtpy areas, claiming they had revived Ireland and would overthrow Britain. This, however, would not work out as two of the orchestrators were permanently banned and one of the mayors of a new Irish town was banned for being an alt. Pakistan would declare war on Britain, but just one day later un-enemy them

Prime Minister FBI_Bro (WIP)

(November 1st 2020 - Present)

Ice-line Improvements and Expansion


Expansion into France


Franche-Comté Negotiations


Zaragoza Negotiations


The Fall of Rebel UK


British Architecture

Architectural Wonders

List of Towns

Coat of Arms Name Province Mayor Population Size Founded
London Coat of arms.png London Star.png England.png England MineHero43 33 955 2018 10/26
Sussex COA.png Sussex England.png England Unbated 1 620 2018 10/28
Wales COA.png Wales England.png England RoseBrugs 7 681 2018 10/28
Norfolk COA.png Norfolk England.png England Wither255 1 361 2018 11/04
Yorkshire COA.png Yorkshire England.png England FBI_Bro 12 388 2019 04/16
EMC Trading COA.png EMC Trading England.png England awsomeman169 1 94 2019 04/01
Manchester COA.png Manchester England.png England HoldingLight 1 19 2020 08/29
Channel Islands COA.png Little St. James England.png England kuhreeem 1 56 2019 06/09
Edinburgh COA.png Edinburgh 2000px-Flag of Scotland.svg.png Scotland AddoM19 1 196 2018 11/01
Aberdeen COA.png Aberdeen 2000px-Flag of Scotland.svg.png Scotland Saayuuki 1 172 2019 01/25
Oban COA.png Oban 2000px-Flag of Scotland.svg.png Scotland TheShyAmmonite 1 157 2019 01/19
Stornoway COA.png Stornoway 2000px-Flag of Scotland.svg.png Scotland SirSpork 1 115 2019 01/31
Faroe Islands COA.png Faroe Islands 2000px-Flag of Scotland.svg.png Scotland BrexitDeal 2 90 2020 10/08
Dumfries COA.png Aipotu 2000px-Flag of Scotland.svg.png Scotland Wiznerd 1 28 2020 08/30
Stirling COA.png Stirling 2000px-Flag of Scotland.svg.png Scotland Pesetz 1 87 2020 08/06
Shetland COA.png Shetlands 2000px-Flag of Scotland.svg.png Scotland CrazyMarCraft 1 51 2020 07/28
Ulster COA 2.png Ulster Ireland2.png Ireland Seranil 61 342 2018 12/22
Dublin COA.png Dublin Ireland2.png Ireland Anglopilled 24 508 2018 10/28
Munster COA.png Munster Ireland2.png Ireland c08_ 4 215 2019 05/14
Connacht COA.png Connaught Ireland2.png Ireland Jooey83 1 172 2019 03/24
Killarney COA.png King Crimson Ireland2.png Ireland Captain Stein 1 156 2019 02/22
Oslo COA.png Oslo 2000px-Flag of Norway.svg.png Norway __Tomm 6 332 2020 02/02
Kristiansand COA.png Kristiansand 2000px-Flag of Norway.svg.png Norway Sirromz 1 188 2019 08/04
Bergen COA.png Bergen 2000px-Flag of Norway.svg.png Norway The_Impaler_ 7 134 2018 11/17
Militia COA.png Militia 2000px-Flag of Norway.svg.png Norway Hiskins 1 91 2019 04/13
Byglands COA.png Byglands 2000px-Flag of Norway.svg.png Norway DizzyDesert 1 129 2019 09/28

Notable People

Notable People who's actions and contributions to Britain have had a lasting impact on the nation and it's history.

  • MineHero43 - Founder and King-Emperor of Britain
  • FutureLemon - Prince of Wales, Former Prime Minister and funder of many towns
  • Angloist - Founder of Dublin, First elected Prime Minister & secured British victory over Irish rebels
  • Warriorrr -
  • Wither255 - Prince Admiral, designed many massive ships for the Navy
  • FBI_Bro -
  • Tomm -
  • AddoM19 - First Scottish mayor
  • (WIP)