Port Cooper

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Revision as of 23:46, 25 May 2019 by >Craysamuel (I actualised some Facts and Dates, like the Claims the town occopies at the present Moment.)
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Port Cooper
Town Information
Economic System
Official Language
Official Religion
Government Information
Political System
Mayor craysamuel
Historical Information
Past Nations
Past Mayors
Past Councillors

Port Cooper

Port Cooper is a town, placed in the Caribbean - British Virgin Islands. It is ruled by the player craysamuel under the control of the nation Trinidad and Tobago. It has 41 chunks and 10 residents, as for 26.05.2019.


The town of Port Cooper is placed on an archipelago of British Virgin Islands in Caribbeans and it is part of British Trinidad, a province in Trinidad and Tobago. The four Islands are connected by bridges, all of them under the rule of craysamuel. A railroad and a ice road were built leading to another Trinish town called Elizabeth Bay, which. When xPadpai was the governor of the province and a Chancellor of the Nation, the town was the capital of British Trinidad.

The borders of Port Cooper - as of 8.05.2019


Port Cooper was created at the day of 11th of April 2019 under the initiative of xPadpai and Adaster54, the king of Trinidad and Tobago.

The town has been taken over by craysamuel in May, since xPadpai went to create Reykjavik and later the nation of Iceland as a colony of the nation Trinidad and Tobago.

Buildings and Structures

  • Many bridges leading to other surrounding islands
  • A tall lighthouse
  • An 'underground city' (?)
  • Underground ice road and railroad to Elizabeth Bay
FLBrazil.png Federative Republic of Brazil FLBrazil.png
FLBrazil.png Federative Republic of Brazil Template:• Bandera Provincia Manabí.png Manabí Template:• Peru-Bolivia.jpg Peru-Bolivia
Former Nations
File:Bandeira Província do (Grão) Pará.svg Grao-Para Template:• 2000px-Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg.png Trinidad and Tobago Template:• 2000px-Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg.png Switzerland Template:• Bandeira-da-colombia-2000px.png Columbia Template:• 1000px-Bandeira do Pará (variante).svg.png Para Template:• FLPiaui.png Piaui Template:• 205px-Flag of Nepal.png Nepal
FLXingu.png Mehinaku Template:• FlagofBrasilia.png Brasilia Template:•Bandeira da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.svg.png Rio de Janeiro Template:• Bandeira de Vitória.svg.png Vitoria Template:•
File:Bandeira da cidade de São Paulo.svg São PauloTemplate:• 1000px-Bandeira do Pará (variante).svg.png Belem Template:• Juazeiro Flag.png Juazeiro Template:• File:Bandeira de Recife.svg Recife Template:• Bandeira de Belo Horizonte.png Belo Horizonte
Former Cities
1024px-Bandeira de Salvador.svg.png Salvador Template:• Bandeira-saosebastiao.png São Sebastião Template:• 1200px-Berne-coat of arms.svg.png Bern Template:• Tt-pos.gif San Francisque Template:• Br-am-mn.gif Manaus Template:• Kkkkkkkbandeirakkkk.png Balneario Camboriu Template:• Trinishvirginislands.png Port Cooper
Notable Citizens
P1.png TwisterSelvagem Template:• P2.png PrestusHood Template:• P3.png Xenomorph07 Template:• P4.png Cafezinhu Template:• P5.png Luke_Show Template:•
P6.png Molotov1234 Template:• P7.png Sou o A Template:• P8.png Adaster54
Wars and Conflicts
Falkland War Template:• Integralist Coup Template:• Hindustani-Indian War Template:• Battle for Rio Template:• Great Balkan War Template:• First Brazilian Civil War Template:• Second Brazilian Civil War Template:• Estonian - Latvian War Template:• Switzerland Independence Movement Template:• Venezuelan War Template:• Guerrilla Campaign against Mehinkau Template:• Port Hope Rebellion Template:• The Sudanese Rebellion Template:•