Molotov1234 was the third and last Emperor of Brazil. He was son of TwisterSelvagem and his successor, also led the braziian army in many battles in 2019.
He lived in Juazeiro, Recife, Rio de Janeiro and was Councillor in Bern.
Molotov joined emc in 2018, initially had no political influence in the First Empire but was member of xenomorph's faction and lived in the first Rio de Janeiro, eventually moved to Juazeiro and spent some months with RUANVK_ building. During a long time he was inactive after disagreements with his faction until the First Civil War.
Eventually he moved to Rio de Janeiro in the grupe of exiles that returned to Brazil during Twister's reign and helped in the restoration of the new capital, was raised as a confederated soldier during the civil war and show his value in combat, eventually starts his political life when he joined the northern faction against Marcola
During xenomorph07 government as chancellor he ascend in the politics and is appointed by Twister the first general of the new nation, helps Lucastorni in the major military reform in Brazil and Brazil_Kingdom and manage to be appointed minister of defense. Led the Brazilian army many times during the Second Civil War, victorious in almost every single battle, was leading the alied forces in the bloody Battle of Brasilia and was forced to retreat.
Molotov was very capable, but impetuous. Some time after the Battle of Brasilia lost the command of the Brazilian army to his political rival offteachthegame but keep his military rank, was appointed minister by every prime minister during the Second Empire and was responsible for the political articulation of the Brazilian commonwealth. Was the last prime minister of TwisterSelvagem's reign.
For his loyalty and own ability he became prince of Brazil and son of Twister, who chose Molotov between 5 princes to succeed him as emperor. During his last months of life he build an imperial palace around the town of Vitoria, palace known as Disneyland, and financed alongside Adaster and New Granada the foundation of Israel. During his reign the colony of Columbia was lost, the queue killed about half of the Brazilian population, he ruled for around 4 months.
After his death Brazil went in a political crises known as Time of Many Kings and Rio felt, the colonies became independent and the civil war basically came to an end. Many important towns would still remain active, this way Brazil would change of hands may times into ketchoop reestablish Rio.