Overview - IN PROGRESS
Peru-Bolivia is a nation located in west side of South America and it is a colony of the Austrian Empire.
History - IN PROGESS
The future leader and chancellors of Peru-Bolivia used to be in Ottoman Empire ( its named Ottoman Empire but not same nation with this Ottoman_Empire ) and Austrian Empire. The citizens in Ottoman Empire were scammed and betrayed, thus they seeked revenge and independence. Both parties combined their resources and established Bolivia. The first town, Izmir came to existence. After that raiders from Israel came to Bolivia. They griefed the area and attacked the citizens. The battle ended with only 1 casualty from Bolivia. The nation of Peru attacked Bolivia after they created the second town inside claims of Peru. 2 people including King of Peru attacked Bolivia. Citizens and commanders defended the nation while trying to negotiate, and the war came to an end. Politicians of Bolivia soon found their towns were inside claims of other nations and to avoid war they fixed it. Soon, they reached 7 towns and 120 citizens. The nation then joined the Austrian Empire by the request of the citizens, and new towns were established. In February 18th, 2021 the nation was renamed as "Rule4.1MsgStaff", due to the claims of staff saying the nation wasn't in its original place. So, to fix this the nation renamed itself as "Peru-Bolivia" for the accuracy. The nation is the first South American colony of Austrian Empire and a successful colony that is actively growing.
The nation was sold to La Plata diplomat FranchuFranchu on September 18th, 2021 for 1200 gold,