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Cool flag2.png
Flag of Sibir
Coat of amr.png
Coat of Arms of Sibir
Map sibir nov.png
National Information
Full Name Khanate of Sibir
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem "Holy legionary youth"
Motto God save the Khan.
Population 21 -11.11.2020 census
Capital City Ilpyrskoe
Largest City Ilpyrskoe
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System Rep.png Republic
Economic System Gold Icon.png Capitalism
Army Size Unknow
Part of Peoples Republics of Siberia

The Rajasa Pact

Historical Information

Sibir is a nation located in eastern Siberia, in the Russian states of Chukotka and Kamchatka. The original nation, called Bukovina, was founded on June 26th, 2019, in Romania.

Bukovina was planned by dukasv for a while and was made just days after Transylvania declared independence.

Since then, the nation has relocated and changed names. Sibir eventually broke free from Japan as a vassal state, and became independent with dukasv as the Khan.

From 3 November Sibir merged with Magadan,every town that was owned by Magadan is now part of Sibir.

Ghemacu sell the nation to Kamtchatka Empire and 32Monsters take the lead, now Sibir a part of the Kamtchatkan Empire


The first town to joins Sibir was Bilbino (Suceava/today) and it was also the capital city for Sibir.The town was created on April 11 2019 by Dukasv.The nation was made by Dukasv on June 17.

Early History/April 11 2019 - November 11 2019

Nothing much is know about this period.Until December Sibir was badly governed and was Led by Uberietzsche because Dukasv doesn't really entered server the server.It can also be a dark period for Sibir and inactivity for Dukasv.

Late History/November 12 2019- November 11 2020

The nations gets out of Inactivity and Yllalen is elected Prime Minister of Sibir.Sibir joins Peoples Republics of Siberia.Magadan and Sibir forms U.S.K. then Magadan merge with Sibir.

Major Events

The Kamtchatka - Sibir war

It was a regional war that lasted from September 19 until 3 November.It was the biggest war in the Sibir history, and directly involved more than 25 people.

Magadan Sibir unification

On 08.10.2020 Magadan and Sibr merged making United Siberian Kingdom.One month later Magadan joined Sibir with all its town.


The Sibir doesn't have that much history with wars, primarily because the is not a lot to worry on the Siberian Area, but there has been 1 wars.

The Kamtchatka - Sibir war

It was a regional war that lasted from September 19 until 3 November.It was the biggest war in the Sibir history, and directly involved more than 25 people.From a neutral perspective this war was unavoidable because in the months before the war the Kamtchaka-Sibir relationship changed drastically because of Adriix leaving Kamtchaka and giving it to _Frisoubynight_.That meaned that Kamtchaka was no longer a puppet state of Sibir. The Sibir pretext that Kamtchaka stealling townS is not true as it sounds ,yes there was a town that was part of Sibir but it got disbanded leaving the town with no claims for good months.And the stealling of Anastasis is not true because that town was to Kamtchaka from the creation of it.Until November Third 2020 Kamtchaka and Sibir didnt have a border agreement.So the real purpose of this was because Sibir felt threatened by Kamtchaka because this towns were very near the capital city and it needed to do something about capturing the towns of Ancient-Town and Anastasis.So on September 18 Dukasv announced the PRS that Kamtchatka stole two towns from Sibir.PRS sent an Ultimatum telling that Kamtchatka needs to give back the towns or it would be war.Kamtchatka didnt take the ultimatum seriously so on September 19th 2020 the PRS declared war on Kamtchaka.

Battle of Anastasis

On September 20th 2020 at 19:23 UTC+2 soldiers from Sibir starded marching to Anastasis.The battle lasted about 2 hours both sides claiming different casualties. Kamtchatka :PRS deaths 5 - Kamtchatka deaths 7 PRS:PRS deaths 0 - Kamtchatka deaths 7

Battle of Ilpyrskoe or Skirmishes of Suceava

The PRS army met up on September 21st on the Capital of Sibir to march together all the way to the Kamtchatkan Capital. Due to there being way too many allies, Warriorr, a british PVPer, interviened with the march, Killing 2 PRS Soldiers in the process. Kamtchatka tried to claim the Skirmish as their victory, even though Kamtchatka never showed up to the skirmish. Later that day, Warriorr went to Kamtchatka to confront 32Monsters, but 32Monsters wouldn't come out of claims to fight. The Battle had no winner.Some troops later in the battle spawned in Far coming from the back of the Ilpyrskoe that plan.


On the 22nd of September, Kamtchatka surrendered to the PRS, signing the Armistice of AncientTown, with 100g as pay from the PRS so Kamtchatkan Forces could use towards its military. In total, an estimated of 15 Kamtchatkan Loses, and 6 PRS loses was the result.

The Second War

Sibir bought the city of AncintTown with 100g.It was a Sibir town,with the same mayor 32EnderTower.The town disbanded with the excuse that the mayor is now the leader of Nicaragua.PRS sent again an Ultimatum ,denyied by the Kamtchatka government.Kamtchatka signed a mutual defense treaty with the Russian_Empire .Kamtchaka decided that they will pay back 64 gold to Dukasv.


Sibir is a republic.These are the most important roles :Khan,Prime-Minister,President,Ministers,Governors,Mayors.


The Khan is the leader of Sibir, owning both the nation and the discord. They have the final say in all national decisions and can override any action done by the Prime Minister, other Ministers, or any other citizen.

The Khan is directly in charge of the following:

•    Managing the monthly elections

•    Making final decisions about alliances and war

•    Final decisions about approving laws

•    Changing the President or the Prime-Minister

The Khan may appoint the following positions:

•    Governors: Anyone who owns a nation/district that is or considered a part of Sibir.

•    Prince/Princess: The Prince or Princess is the direct successor to the Throne, should the current Khan leave. The Khan may choose anyone as their successor, and can change who their successor is at any time. If the Khan is absent for 1 month, the Prince or Princess may assume the role of Khan.

In exceptional cases,the President can be appointed to fulfill the duties of the Khan and act on their behalf.


1. The PM represents the Sibir state and is the guarantee of national independence, unity and territorial integrity of the country.

2. The Prime Minister needs to cooperate with the Ministers and fund them.

3. The Prime Minister is changed every three months because he changes according to the ruling Parliament.

4The Prime Minister is directly in charge of the following: • Appointing and firing Ministers

• Proposing laws

• Ensuring that each ministry runs smoothly

The Parliament

1.The role of the Parliament is to make laws that will go to the government.

2.The Parliament can be dissolved by the Prime Minister,Khan or President if they decide that the Parliament is not doing anything good only if the citizens make a national referendum,the referendum needs to be more than 15 votes to be applied .

3.If the Parliament is dissolved then there will be a voting session.

4.Voting sessions are held every 3 months and the party that wins the most votes will take 40% of the 4 seats from 8 seats the next two parties will take 30% is 2 seats.

The President

1.The role of the President is to administrate internal or external problems.

2.The role of the President in war will be changed to supreme commander.

3.The President can be impeached by the PM and the Khan.

4.The President can dissolve the parliament only with the acord of the Khan and the citizens.

5.As the role is useless there are no elections held for the president.

6.The President is obligated to inform its citizens about any ex or intern problems or investments.

The Ministers

Minister of National Security

The role of the minister of NS is the most important role if the nation is not at war. This Minister is in charge of the next Subdivisions: -Federal Security Service (FSS)


Both subdivisions chiefs are chosen by the Minister of NS.

Minister of Resources.

Occupies with the resources within our borders.Both the miner and the blacksmith should report to this Minister

Minister of Agrarian Reform

This department deals with our agriculture within our borders.Farmers should report to Minister of Agrarian Reform

Minister of Infrastructure

This department does the roads and the buildings .He can contact a company to do the work for him or to gather a hand of people and make the roads and Buildings within our border.



Khan - Dukasv

President - Ghemacu

The Ministers -

2-The Minister of National Security - BigBangCat555

3-The Minister of Agrarian Reform - panda

5-The Minister of Infrastructure - The Meat

7-The Minister of Resources - Mil Sugio

Prime Minister - II - (elections)

Political Parties - III -

1- Globalist Sibir

2- Socialist Democratic Worker Party

3- Union of Democratic Forces

The Minister of National Security Subdivisions - IV -

1-Military -

2-Federal Security Service (F.S.S.) - Roman Reeee

Right Now we will not have a Prime Minister ,after the voting session that will be hold in November 28 2020 then we will know who will be the PM.


The Sibir military is known as Black Siberian Army and is made up primarily by a militia force of volunteers. Soldiers of the Sibir Army are required to supply their own arms and equipment, and in battle, it is mandatory that each soldier carry a shield with the Sibir flag so that they may be readily identified. Soldiers of the Sibir army are primarily tasked with the defense of the nation, fighting raiders, and other bandits, and protecting fellow citizens, however, whenever a conflict arises that requires military action, the Sibir army will be mobilized on the offensive and every citizen will be drafted in the army. The President of Sibir is the commander in chief of the army in times of war.


This are the top 3 biggest cities in Sibir
Ilpyrskoe 10 32Monsters 112
Suceava 4 UmutAral 94
Takhtoyamsk 2 __MrGaming__ 87

List of towns:Maki_Land,Takhtoyamsk, Mandrikovo, Ancient_Town, Port_Evensk, DarkestMansion, Gizhiga, Cherenkov_Point, nameville, Disownia, Ilpyrskoe, Anastasis

Sibir is made out of Districts.Sibir has sectors that are ruled by Governors/Ministers.Sibir has four main sectors:Wood,Food,Weapons,Resources

•The Minister of Resources has the next districts:Resources,Wood,Wilderness District,Haste District.

•The Minister of Agrarian reform has the next districts:Food

•The Minister of National Security takes the weapons district.