Cabinet of Cascadia

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Cabinet of Cascadia
Coat of Arms of Cascadia.png
Aghast Cabinet in front of palace.png
AghastBlock Cabinet
since April 16, 2023
Executive Branch of Cascadia
Formation August 17, 2022 (as Executive Council)
Reports to President of Cascadia
Seat Presidential Palace, Olympia
Appointer President of Cascadia with House advice and consent
Term Length One month or less
Constituting instrument Constitution of Cascadia
Inaugural SayerQT Cabinet
President of Cascadia AghastBlock
Membership 7 members
• 1 vice president
• 5 principal officers
• 2 other members

The Cabinet of Cascadia is the chief executive body of the Republic of Cascadia. It is a body consisting of the vice president of Cascadia and the heads of the executive branch's departments in the government of Cascadia. It is the principal official advisory body to the president of Cascadia. The president chairs the meetings but is not formally a member of the Cabinet. The heads of departments, appointed by the president and confirmed by the House of Representatives, are the members of the Cabinet.

The Cabinet does not have any collective executive powers or functions of its own, and no votes need to be taken. As of now, there are 5 department heads in the current Cabinet. The members of the Cabinet serve at the pleasure of the president, who can dismiss them at any time without the approval of the House. Like all federal public officials, Cabinet members are also subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors".

The Constitution of Cascadia establishes the Cabinet in Article IV Section 3, authorizing the vice president, together with a majority of the heads of the executive departments, to declare the president "unable to discharge the powers and duties of their office". However, the Cabinet's real role, inferred from the language of the Opinion Clause (Article IV, Section 4) of the Constitution is to provide advice to the president. The heads of the executive departments are eligible—in the presidential line of succession. Until September 20, 2022, the Cabinet was referred to as the Executive Council of Cascadia.

The incumbent and ninth cabinet of Cascadia, in office since April 16, 2023, is the cabinet of President AghastBlock.

Current Cabinet

The incumbent and 9th Cabinet of Cascadia (Aghast) has been in office since April 16, 2023. It consists of the following members:

The AghastBlock Cabinet
Office Portrait Incumbent Took office
Vice President Jo Star.png Jo_Star April 16, 2023
Treasurer BlueBlock88.png BlueBlock88 April 30, 2023
Secretary of State Milgorn123.png Milgorn123 April 16, 2023
Secretary of Defense Setrus.png Setrus March 19, 2023
Secretary of Social Services YoOscar May 14, 2023
Secretary of the Interior DaCorgoKing.png DaCorgoKing February 19, 2023

Cabinet positions

Vice President

Vice President of Cascadia
Jo Star.png
since April 16, 2023
Legislature of Cascadia
Office of the Vice President
Member of
Reports to
Appointer Direct popular vote
Term Length
Term Limit
Constituting instrument
Inaugural Holder EstiQT
Final Holder
Formation August 17, 2022
Superseded by
Unofficial Names

The Vice President of Cascadia is the second-highest officer in the executive branch of the Government of Cascadia, after the president of Cascadia, and ranks first in the presidential line of succession. The vice president previously served as an officer in the legislative branch, as the President of the Legislature. In that capacity, the vice president was empowered to preside over House of Representatives deliberations at any time, but may not vote except to cast a tie-breaking vote, unless they are a directly elected member of the House of Representatives. The vice president is directly elected together with the president to a month-long term of office by the people of Cascadia via instant-runoff voting. Jo_Star is the 7th and current vice president of Cascadia. He assumed office on April 16, 2023.

List of Vice Presidents
# Portrait Vice president Took office Left office President Election
1 EstiQT (TA).png EstiQT August 17, 2022 September 17, 2022 SayerQT - August 2022
2 SayerQT.png SayerQT September 17, 2022 December 18, 2022 ViolentVampire - September 2022

- October 2022

3 ViolentVampire.png ViolentVampire December 18, 2022 January 15, 2023 TylenolEC - December 2022
4 DaPigThatBig.png DaPigThatBig January 15, 2023 January 17, 2023 EstiQT - January 2023
5 AghastBlock.png AghastBlock January 17, 2023 February 19, 2023 - Appointed by EstiQT
6 Small Cat.png Small_Cat February 19, 2023 April 16, 2023 Milgorn123 - February 2023

- March 2023

7 Jo Star.png Jo_Star April 16, 2023 Incumbent AghastBlock - April 2023


Treasurer of Cascadia
since April 30, 2023
Treasury of Cascadia
Member of
Reports to President of Cascadia
Appointer President of Cascadia with House advice and consent
Term Length
Term Limit
Constituting instrument
Inaugural Holder ViolentVampire
Final Holder
Formation 17 August 2022
Superseded by
Unofficial Names
Deputy Treasurer of Cascadia
since April 27, 2023
Treasury of Cascadia
Member of
Reports to Treasurer of Cascadia
Appointer President of Cascadia with House advice and consent
Term Length
Term Limit
Constituting instrument
Inaugural Holder Bachinuni
Final Holder
Formation October 28, 2022
Superseded by
Unofficial Names

The Treasurer of Cascadia is the cabinet secretary overseeing the executive department known as the Treasury of Cascadia, which is tasked with the proper functioning of financial services. The Treasurer also facilitates the proper functioning of the economy, and implements the Government's economic agenda. The Treasurer oversees the National Bank, and manages government spending with consent of the Legislature, including the proper distribution of Welfare Programs. The incumbent Treasurer is SayerQT, who took office on March 29, 2023.

List of Treasurers
# Portrait Treasurer Took office Left office President
1 ViolentVampire.png ViolentVampire August 17, 2022 September 17, 2022 SayerQT
2 Jtwokay.png jtwokay September 17, 2022 January 15, 2023 ViolentVampire
3 En Es.png En_Es January 15, 2023 March 10, 2023 EstiQT
4 EstiQT (TA).png EstiQT March 19, 2023 March 29, 2023
5 SayerQT.png SayerQT March 29, 2023 April 30, 2023
6 BlueBlock88.png BlueBlock88 April 30, 2023 Incumbent

Deputy Treasurer

The Deputy Treasurer advises and assists the Treasurer in the supervision and direction of the Treasury and its activities, and succeeds the Treasurer in their absence or unavailability. The Deputy Treasurer is appointed by the president and confirmed by the House. The Deputy Treasurer is not apart of the Cabinet. The 3rd current Deputy Treasurer is Ohgizmo.

List of Deputy Treasurers
# Portrait Deputy Treasurer Took office Left office President
Position vacant from October 28 to November 2, 2022
1 BachinuniSkin.png Bachinuni November 2, 2022 March 5, 2023 ViolentVampire
Position vacant from March 5 until March 6, 2023
2 LampeKing.png LampeKing March 6, 2023 March 10, 2023 Milgorn123
Position vacant from March 10 until April 27, 2023
3 Ohgizmo.png Ohgizmo April 27, 2023 Incumbent AghastBlock

Secretary of State

Secretary of State
since April 16, 2023
Department of State
Member of
Reports to President of Cascadia
Appointer President of Cascadia with House advice and consent
Term Length
Term Limit
Constituting instrument
Inaugural Holder xBest_Name_Everx
Final Holder
Formation August 17, 2022
Superseded by
Unofficial Names
Assistant Secretary of State
since April 17, 2023
Department of State
Member of
Reports to Secretary of State
Appointer President of Cascadia with House advice and consent
Term Length
Term Limit
Constituting instrument
Inaugural Holder Akeboun
Final Holder
Formation April 17, 2023
Superseded by
Unofficial Names

The Secretary of State supervises the Cascadia foreign service and administers the Department of State. The secretary must also advise the president on Cascadia foreign matters such as the appointment of diplomats and ambassadors, advising the president of the dismissal and recall of these people. The secretary of state can conduct negotiations and interpret treaties relating to foreign policy. The secretary also can participate in international conferences, organizations, and agencies as a representative of the Republic of Cascadia. The secretary communicates issues relating to the national foreign policy to the Legislature and citizens. Historically, the Secretary of State also oversaw election integrity, but this responsibility has largely been supplanted in favor of pure foreign policy. The incumbent Secretary of State is Milgorn123, who took office on April 16, 2023.

List of Secretaries of State
# Portrait Secretary Took office Left office President
1 Xbest.png xBest_Name_Everx August 17, 2022 October 17, 2022 SayerQT
2 Arathorn52Skin.png Arathorn52 October 17, 2022 November 21, 2022
3 TylenolEC.png TylenolEC November 21, 2022 December 18, 2022
4 DaPigThatBig.png DaPigThatBig December 18, 2022 January 15, 2023 TylenolEC
5 Fr0z3nW1nt3rSkin.png Fr0z3nW1nt3r January 15, 2023 February 19, 2023 EstiQT
6 SayerQT.png SayerQT February 19, 2023 March 29, 2023 Milgorn123
7 EstiQT (TA).png EstiQT March 29, 2023 April 8, 2023
Position vacant from April 8 until April 10, 2023
8 Fr0z3nW1nt3rSkin.png Fr0z3nW1nt3r April 10, 2023 April 16, 2023 Milgorn123
9 Milgorn123.png Milgorn123 April 16, 2023 Incumbent AghastBlock

Assistant Secretary of State

The Assistant Secretary of State advises and assists the Secretary of State in the supervision and direction of the Department of State and its activities, and succeeds the secretary in their absence or unavailability. The Assistant Secretary of State is appointed by the president and confirmed by the House. The Assistant Secretary of State is not apart of the Cabinet. The 1st and current Assistant Secretary of State is Akeboun.

List of Assistant Secretaries of State
# Portrait Assistant Secretary Took office Left office President
1 Akeboun.png Akeboun April 17, 2023 Incumbent AghastBlock

Secretary of Defense

Secretary of Defense
since March 19, 2023
Department of Defense
Member of
Reports to President of Cascadia
Appointer President of Cascadia with House advice and consent
Term Length
Term Limit
Constituting instrument
Inaugural Holder shattered2907
Final Holder
Formation September 9, 2022
Superseded by
Unofficial Names

The Secretary of Defense supervises and administers the Department of Defense, which includes the nation's armed forces, the National Guard, and the Intelligence agencies of Cascadia. The secretary is tasked with the upkeep of both services, and to implement the government's military policy, and uphold the interests of Cascadia. Originally formed on August 17, 2022 as the Commissioner for Public Defense, it took on its current name with the passage of the Executive Reorganization Act, passed on September 20, 2022. Setrus is the 8th and current Secretary of Defense.

List of Secretaries of Defense
# Portrait Secretary Took office Left office President
1 Shattered2907.png shattered2907 August 17, 2022 September 17, 2022 SayerQT
2 PavTheYT.png PavTheYT September 17, 2022 October 9, 2022 ViolentVampire
Position vacant from October 10 until October 11, 2022
3 DaPigThatBig.png DaPigThatBig October 9, 2022 November 21, 2022 ViolentVampire
4 BachinuniSkin.png Bachinuni November 22, 2022 February 19, 2023 TylenolEC
5 Paradox 1080.png Paradox_1080 February 19, 2023 February 20, 2023 Milgorn123
Position vacant from February 20 until February 22, 2023
6 EdgyIsRandom.png EdgyIsRandom February 22, 2023 March 5, 2023 Milgorn123
7 EstiQT (TA).png EstiQT March 5, 2023 March 19, 2023
8 Setrus.png Setrus March 19, 2023 Incumbent

Secretary of Social Services

Secretary of Social Services
since May 14, 2023
Department of Social Services
Member of
Reports to President of Cascadia
Appointer President of Cascadia with House advice and consent
Term Length
Term Limit
Constituting instrument
Inaugural Holder EstiQT
Final Holder
Formation September 9, 2022
Superseded by
Unofficial Names
Assistant Secretary of Social Services
Department of Social Services
Member of
Reports to Secretary of Social Services
Appointer President of Cascadia with House advice and consent
Term Length
Term Limit
Constituting instrument
Inaugural Holder Vacant
Final Holder
Formation October 28, 2022
Superseded by
Unofficial Names

The Secretary of Social Services supervises and administers the Department of Social Services, responsible for promotion and activity within the nation and Cascaid, the social welfare program of Cascadia. The main focus of the department, and by extension the secretary, is Recruitment and bolstering of the population of the Nation; but this is not necessarily the sole duty performed by the Secretary of Social Services. It also oversees activity programs and events, in order to build a community and promote player activity. The position and department was established by the Recruitment Act, signed into law by President SayerQT on September 9, 2022. The department took on its current name of the Department of Social Services on January 28, 2023. The current Secretary is YoOscar. He was nominated by President AghastBlock to fill the vacancy left by Ir0n__.

List of Secretaries of Social Services
# Portrait Secretary Took office Left office President
Position vacant from September 9 until September 17, 2022
1 EstiQT (TA).png EstiQT September 17, 2022 December 18, 2022 ViolentVampire
2 Milgorn123.png Milgorn123 December 18, 2022 February 19, 2023 TylenolEC
3 Akeboun.png Akeboun February 19, 2023 April 16, 2023 Milgorn123
4 Ir0n .png Ir0n__ April 16, 2023 May 2, 2023 AghastBlock
Position vacant from May 2 until May 14, 2023
5 YoOscar May 14, 2023 Incumbent AghastBlock

Assistant Secretary of Social Services

The Assistant Secretary of Social Services advises and assists the Secretary of Social Services in the supervision and direction of the Department of Social Services and its activities, and succeeds the secretary in their absence or unavailability. The Assistant Secretary of Social Services is appointed by the president and confirmed by the House. The Assistant Secretary of Social Services is not apart of the Cabinet. The position was created on October 28, 2022 but no person has yet to hold the position.

List of Assistant Secretaries of Social Services
# Portrait Secretary Took office Left office President
Position vacant from October 28 to present

Secretary of the Interior

Secretary of the Interior
since February 19, 2023
Department of the Interior
Member of
Reports to President of Cascadia
Appointer President of Cascadia with House advice and consent
Term Length
Term Limit
Constituting instrument
Inaugural Holder Vorobyevite
Final Holder
Formation September 9, 2022
Superseded by
Unofficial Names
Assistant Secretary of the Interior
Moxies hoe.png
since February 21, 2023
Department of the Interior
Member of
Reports to Secretary of the Interior
Appointer President of Cascadia with House advice and consent
Term Length
Term Limit
Constituting instrument
Inaugural Holder jtwokay
Final Holder
Formation October 28, 2022
Superseded by
Unofficial Names

The Secretary of the Interior supervises and administers the Department of the Interior, which oversees the nation's roads, internal lands, forests, parks, iceways, and public infrastructure. The secretary is tasked overseeing upkeep and development of these services, and to implement the government's policies regarding to their duties. Originally formed on August 17, 2022 as the Commissioner for Public Lands, it took on its current name with the passage of the Executive Reorganization Act, passed on September 20, 2022. DaCorgoKing is the 4th and current Secretary of the Interior

List of Secretaries of the Interior
# Portrait Secretary Took office Left office President
1 Vorobyevite.png Vorobyevite August 17, 2022 September 17, 2022 SayerQT
2 PCRCKR.png pcrckr September 17, 2022 October 9, 2022 ViolentVampire
3 Falcoeur.png Falcoeur* October 9, 2022 February 19, 2023
4 DaCorgoKing.png DaCorgoKing February 19, 2023 Incumbent Milgorn123

* - Falcoeur also served under President ViolentVampire

Assistant Secretary of the Interior

The Assistant Secretary of the Interior advises and assists the Secretary of the Interior in the supervision and direction of the Department of the Interior and its activities, and succeeds the secretary in their absence or unavailability. The Assistant Secretary of the Interior is appointed by the president and confirmed by the House. The Assistant Secretary of the Interior is not apart of the Cabinet. The 2nd and current Assistant Secretary of the Interior is Moxies_hoe.

List of Assistant Secretaries of the Interior
# Portrait Assistant Secretary Took office Left office President
Position vacant from October 28 to November 2, 2022
1 Jtwokay.png jtwokay November 2, 2022 April 17, 2023 ViolentVampire
jtwokay and Moxies_hoe both served as Assistant Secretary until he was dismissed on April 17.
2 Moxies hoe.png Moxies_hoe February 21, 2023 Incumbent Milgorn123