About Denmark
Denmark is a nation located in Scandinavia on EarthMC. The nation is ruled by alek_b, a respectable Veteran who is known for being the McMMO lord of EMC.
The nation was founded on the 6th November 2018, and has been known for its god-armor shop, called “Denmarket”
The nation eventually fell Late 2021 after the holder could not get on, this was due to Denmark becoming a part of Britain. It was recreated after the collapse of Britain in March 2022 by MapleVK, and the capital is currently Kongsmark.
Early History
Denmark was founded by a council of five players, consisting of alek_b, Expadax, 4noah18, doriendragon, and Wildcat_Pvpz (with more joining later). This group was called The Copenhagen Council. Four out of the five, excluding Wildcat_Pvpz, were long time players of Classic EarthMC, and had excessive experience in most fields. The nation had been planned for Terranova months in advance.
There was another group of players who also intended on creating a nation in Denmark. The council made a decision to join the alternate group, which planned to select Odense as the capital, while making 2014delta king. The council merged with two new players from the other group, Fen_b and Dannie_b.
Denmark's capital and first town, Copenhagen, was created on the first day of Terra Nova's release, by 4noah18 and Wildcat_Pvpz. Ownership of the town was later transferred to alek_b shortly after.
After the release of Terra Nova, 2014delta turned out to be an inactive player, which made his chancellor, fen_b, support alek_b for the throne. Heavy internal discussions followed and the nationless danish citizens chose alek_b as their new king. The Danish nation was created on the 6th November, being the first nation in Scandinavia.
The Copenhagen Council eventually gained seven members, where it stood in early 2019. The members were alek_b, Expadax, 4noah18, dorien_b, dannie_b, Wildcat_Pvpz, and fen_b.
Swedish-Danish Conflict
Denmark, had claimed a part of Scania with it's capital, Copenhagen. The town of Malmoe and Sweden did not like this, and this sparked conflict over it. Then Malmoe proceeded to claimblock, which was reported after and removed. Both nations had sour relations for a long time because of this, and they never recovered to date. Unknown if any battles occured due to this, however, multiple times in the Danish discord it was mentioned "i killed a swede" or "Wanna go kill swedes?".
Rebels and Heide
In January 2019, the town of Heide requested home rule and some autonomy for western Denmark (Jutland/Jylland). The talks continued for a while, and eventually they somewhat agreed. The town of Thisted, was growing very fast, it hit 21 residents and grew quickly. The town's mayor, Boris_Johnson, eventually decided to rebel (presumably out of boredom). After this, the mayor started to kill all his residents, and looted all of them. However, two Loyalists in the town started to fight back, called for British help. This started the Battle of Thisted, which, after occuring, secured a loyalist victory.
War with Kaiserreich
On the 20th March 2019, fen_b created the town of Hamburg and expanded it rapidly. It was made to strengthen Denmark's grip on the Holstein region, which wasn't appreciated by Kaiserreich. War was declared by both sides, and continued on for a week, until both sides agreed to a treaty. The Treaty of Kiel.
The war was seen as a success in Denmark.
War of the Coalition of Four Nations
In late march, the town of Bornholm, a rightfully Danish town, joined the nation of Intermarium. Many other polish towns followed. In response, Denmark declared war, and created a coalition. Many nations joined, and many plans were made. Intermarium however, had a very inactive playerbase. All raids usually ended up with the Intermarium citizens camping in claims.
During this time, Poland was getting weaker and weaker because people betrayed it by joining Intermarium. Because of that, the nation was sold to Denmark.
Denmark had won two decisive battles, Battle of Wroclaw, and Siege of Wroclaw.
The war ended on the 8th April 2019, after a chancellor in Intermarium (dymoslaw) kicked all the towns out of the nation.
War with Poland
The war has begun when the polish king POGKPP violated the agreements with danish king alek_b about the borders of his nation inviting majority of polish while the agreement including the "allowed sphere" where the nation of Poland could invite towns. Every single sign of conflict such as battles etc. has ended with dominant victory of danish side, poles during the war mainly limited themselves to sit in claims and going out of them for 10~ seconds in order to hit the enemy soldier.
Denmark had two decisive battles that they won, Siege of Tarnopol, and Battle of Mazovia. These two battles affirmed Denmarks position as the dominant military power, and these battles greatly decreased Polands power and influence.
In the end, Denmark got a de facto victory, as it dominated all battles and managed to decrease Poland's influence for the long run. Sadly however Denmark began to decline after this, not due to the war itself, but because of this Poland got what they wanted in the region.
The Hibernation of Denmark (April 2019 to September 2020)
With the weakening forces of Poland and Intermarium pushing them to claim hide all the time including slow decline of Europe, all of the Danish government decided on moving to Japan, some of them created a new town on island of Shikoku called Shikara, and 2, Snowyy and fen moved on creating the new capital of Imperial_Japan.
The Return of Denmark
After most members went on a nearly 1.5 year hiatus, they came back. alek_b, Expadax, Wildcat_Pvpz, and 4noah18 became active again. This also sparked the Danish unification. German cabinet member and past king of Dania 32Lego decided to make Kongsmark join Denmark, and got the past Dania members; Esbjerg and Thisted to follow. Odense was made and also joined. Dybbol was bought and also joined. Alaburg and Hamburg are planned to be taken soon, once everything stabilizes.
After most of the mainland Danish towns were claimed, Oslo joined Denmark. After this, Asgardia, Bergen and Kristiansand also joined. However this was only temporary, as they did this to trick the Northern Five, which was succesful. They rejoined Britain later on, remaining on good terms with Denmark
Expansion into Sweden and Germany
While Sweden went inactive, Denmark ceased the oppurtunity and took Gothenburg. Not much response was there after this. One and a half weeks later, Tyskland was created in a large unclaimed part of Germany, between Berlin and Hamburg. There was immediate response by _Sidon_, Germany Kronprins. After this he asked why Denmark planted a town, and tensions were rising. During these tensions, Denmark captured another town in German Territory, however this town was in France the nation. The town was Wismar, located just south of Copenhagen.
Conflict with Malmo
The town of Malmo, led by Kornienko, suddenly claimed much of the southern Copenhagen harbour in mid October 2020. After this, a request was sent by Copenhagen to remove these chunks, the request was refused. A while after claiming these chunks, Kornienko built multiple boats in them, much to the dismay of Danish Citizens. After this, Maple_d sent a request, and was hit with a toxic reply. This stopped all contact between the towns, and they decided to wait it out. However, in late November 2020, Maple_d set out on another diplomatic mission, discussing a possible border and agreement with Malmo. Multiple borders were discussed, but to no avail. After this, Malmo proposed to take 150g for the 22 claimblock chunks. This proposal was refused, and Denmark decided to wait it out once more. After this, Maple_d met Kornienko in game, and got his outlaw status removed as a sign of peace. However, it was seen that the entrance in the gate between Malmo and Copenhagen was opened, and right behind this was a long pit with certain death if you fell down it. It is unclear whether Malmo intended this as a trap, however it is currently thought so, and the two towns continue sour relations.
Second Holstein War
Germany, as soon as Denmark was revived, has been in constant conflict with it. Both the towns laid claims over Hamburg, a once Danish town. Denmark and Germany both joked and insulted each other, without any pvp taking place. Denmark even established two towns in German territory, as a sign that Denmark controls Holstein region. These two towns were Tyskland and Wismar. The capture of these regions didn't bring much response from Germany. However on November 23rd, Germany retaliated with the town of Horsens, in the centre of Denmark. This town started conflict, also starting a small skirmish at Horsens with no deaths. The tensions continue to rise, as both sides continue to progress to attack each other. After this skirmish, Denmark officially declared war on Germany, however as in war, it was more of Denmark allowing any citizen to kill any German. After the announcement, a skirmish started at Copenhagen, which resulted in 0 deaths.
After the two skirmishes, no more took place. Germany was too claimed for any battles to take place, as no one was willing to leave their claims. However hostilities increases with Malmo, and soldiers began to, on a daily basis, invade and try to kill Malmo and its mayor.
For more info, see Second Holstein War
Population boom
Starting on December 7th, 2020, the nation started to have a drastic increase in population. This was due to the town of Slesvig massively recruiting members. Tyskland and Thisted got 7 of their own. One of Tyskland's residents went on to make a town in Sweden, Lodose. This further strengthened Denmarks grip over the disputed region. The town of Slesvig went on to recruit over 20 players, with the help of Maple_d. They got some active players from this, and the town went from /n list 6, to /n list 3. The nation has many active players now, and has a 140 chunk bonus with 60 population.
Holstein Advances
After this, the town of 'Frankmark' felt that Germany was dead, and wanted to join Denmark, after observing its recent activity and huge boost in population. This was also considered a great progress in The Second Holstein War, putting Denmark one step closer to gaining the lands of (Greater) Holstein.
Daily Recruiting
After hitting 60, the nation aimed for 100. Everyday, the naton gained around 10-15 players. And then the nation reach /n list 2, and passed its rival nation of Germany.
Conflict with Sweden
The nation of Sweden, had recently been revived in activity. THe nation planned to own all of Sweden, but due to Denmark owning most of it, they attempted a border agreement. After reaching none, they said they will plant towns in Danish Sweden, with Denmark saying they will plant more in Sweden. After this, Denmark planted 2 towns, with Sweden planting 1.
Treaty of Copenhagen
After said situation occured, the nations agreed to work on a treaty for the betterment of Scandinavia. Britain was also invlovled, due to holding territory in Scandinavia as well. In the end, Sweden got to keep its current territories, holding two exclaves in Danish territory, with Denmark holding two exclaves in Swedish Territory. All unclaimed land in Scandinavia went to Denmark, meaning this treaty was mostly a gain for Denmark in the end.
"Nordjylland" Conflict
The conflict of Nordjylland was a conflict over claims, between Denmark and its ally Britain.
Oslo Claims
The town of Oslo, claimed a lot of Northern Denmark when Alaburg fell. The Northern tip of Denmark was left empty, resulting in Maple_d reating Frederikshavn to halt Oslo's expansion. This led to a battle.
Battle of Frederikshavn
The town, soon after being created, was fully claimblocked by British town, Oslo. Maple d was not expanding fast enough, leaving Oslo free to claim. This quickly escalated to a large battle, resulting in a British Victory.
Escalations with Scania
Attack on Sjostad
After multiple internal discussions, 3 members of Denmark decided to go on an expedition to the capital of Gotaland, Sjostad. After realizing the mayor was not on anymore, they proceeded to build and greif north of the town. They were later warned, however they completed their plans.
Bombing of Blekinge
After this, the Danes wanted further attacks to demoralize the Scanians. A former resident of the town convinced the mayor to grant him 4 plots, along a large tower. The ownership of these plots was transfered to a local Dane who would proceed to bomb the plots. He gained attention from the former resident's friends, and had just poured water on what was the tower. A spectator encouraged the bomber to lavacast the tower. He came back with several buckets to use in the attack. This gained a great amount of attention from Scania, as Blekinge lost 3 valuable Bees, stated to be worth around 24 gold each. So this was considered a successful Danish attack.
However, later the bees were found not to be dead, and the damage was considerably less than previously thought. However this remained a succesful Danish attack.
Inactivity Problems
After the absence of King alek_b for more than a month, many players considered leaving for North America. However, they instead stayed in Europe, and joined neighbouring nations. Slesvig left, and a few more considered leaving.
Merging with Britain
All towns of Denmark decided to join Britain, and the Danish towns in Sweden and Norway decided to join the Swedish nation. A few months after, alek_b returned and let Copenhagen join Britain, and the nation is currently held in Skaane.
After Skanne was chosen to hold the nation, it existed for a few months before falling. The original Danish nation from 2018 no longer exists as a entity on the server.
History under Britain/NSE
During its time under Britain, Denmark went through many events.
Buying Hamburg
During March 2021, Tomm bought Hamburg from Heinikin34. Germany did not like this, and continued to include it as a part of German claims. This also meant that Hamburg was now in the Danish region and succesfully taken, sort of ending the second holstein war although that ended a few months earlier due to Denmark joining Britain.
Blekinge joins Britain
The mayor of Blekinge, Metalcat2004, finally decided to leave EMC and Scania in April 2021. He sold his town to Britain, bringing it into Britain and being marked as progress in Denmarks cold war against Scania. Blekinge was planned to be eventually claimed by Aarhus which happened later on.
Fully claimed Jutland
Through British funding, and mining by MapleVK, the entirety of the Jutland peninsula was claimed in May 2021. The Aalborg region was under Oslo, Northeast Jutland under Aarhus, and the rest under Slesvig/Kongsmark.
Scania joins Britain
After negotiations between Scania and Britain had been going on for nearly a month, Kor finally decided to join Britain. The nation of Scania was disbanded, ending the Danish-Scanian Cold War in Danish victory. Malmo joined Britain however Kor did not play much from this point onward (he had been inactive for some months previously as well).
Oslo returns Aalborg
On June 8 2021, Oslo decided to let Kongsmark have its chunks in Aalborg. Kongsmark claimed over, however it cost around 1.5k gold. The region was cleared out however a small house and a park were kept as they were created long ago, possibly over 2 years before June 2021.
During Summer and Fall 2021, Denmark remained a generally stable region. Kongsmark had reached a large amount of residents multiple times, however, by October it began to fall down. Denmark also experienced slight inactivity during this period.
Border Problems
In October 2021, Austria had accepted Swedish_Empire into their nation. Britain did not like this, and requested that they kick the nation, saying that Britain never accepted Austrian rebels into their nation. Austria said that they would like for Hamburg and Tyskland to be returned, and both nations went back and forth in a ticket. Eventually, Britain threatened Austria with war if they continued to act unreasonable. Austria later conceded and kicked Swedish Empire. Tyskland's mayor, OhMerxy, had made a deal with Mednis not to claim any further. However, he later decided to claim a bit of extra land to anger him. Mednis asked MineHero43 to kick Tyskland, however, nothing happened, and the land remained under Tyskland.
Blekinge claimed by Aarhus
Blekinge was eventually claimed by Aarhus on November 17, 2021. This was done in an effort to free up mayors for other tasks. This also meant that Blekinge was now under direct control of a Danish town
Collapse of Malmo
In early December 2021, Malmo collapsed of inactivity. Much of it was raided and destroyed. Copenhagen had been recruiting for a few weeks prior to this in anticipation. The nearby nation of Gotaland had also expressed a desire to claim Malmo, and tried to get a border deal with Copenhagen for Malmo. However, no deal was reached, and the day it fell, Copenhagen fully claimed the entire town. Destruction of the town began almost immediately and started to go under a rehaul.
Collapse of Kalmar
The town of Kalmar was set to fall in late January 2022, after the previous mayor LegoVK was banned, and the guy who got it could no longer log on to the server. Big recruiting plans for Aarhus began and just before the town fell, the right amount of residents was achieved. The entire town was quickly claimed without any foreigners being able to take it.
Recreation of Denmark
After the ban of British leadership, and then poor leadership skills shown by RoseBrugs (who took over as Queen Regent to lead Britain), many British citizens had had enough. This resulted in Rose making Wales due to her not being able to get London, which was her goal. She made Wales, and then Scotland, Ireland, Norway and Sweden were founded to reunite old Britain under a new decentralised union, which Denmark came a part of. Denmark was originally founded by Seranil after MapleVK gave him the gold, but he gave it back to Maple 2 minutes later. Since then, Denmark has created a strong foothold in southern Sweden, northern Germany, and even southern England with Sussex joining.
Hostilities from Wales
On March 25th, Welsh mayor greekenderman began attacking Danish players. He first tried to attack MapleVK at Ardal, a Welsh town in Norway. He failed however, and later went to go raid Oland. A player from Lapland, PrimeCyber (former British rebel), decided to go with him. Their journey by boat was interrupted by some foreign hunters who killed both of them. Greekenderman logged off, however it was later found out that greekenderman was going to try and convince Oland to leave Denmark.
Greekenderman and the new Welsh colony of Norge came into Oslo to attempt to kill MapleVK, _Joe76 and SlickVK. Two of the four that came died, and a third surrendered their items. Greekenderman fled the scene.
Hannover Joins
After a long wait, the Irish town of Ulster succesfully sniped the nation of Hannover, and handed it to Hamburg. Hamburg remained as a Danish colony, and Hannover might possibly be moved to a one chunk town.
Continued Hostilities with Wales and Norge
After the first few skrimishes, fights continued with Norge. Oland was sold to Wales and Norge, and Trollhattan started expanding along Denmarks border. This resulted in a raid of Trollhattan where AdellaJ was killed twice. The next day, PDZAnimeNerd was killed outside Trondelag (Big Wumpus). Denmark retaliated against the claiming in Denmarks Swedish territories by getting 3 towns in Norway and one right beside the capital of Wales, Liverpool.
Old Government
Denmark was a Monarchy With Council of Advisors and was ruled by king alek_b and chancellors 4noah18, Wildcat_Pvpz, and snowy.
Chieftain - alek_b
ies, and Denmark expanded into Welsh territory in Norway, by adding Bergen and Kristiansand. This eventually built up to a small fight outside Trollhattan in which Norge took 2 casualties.
Chancellors - noah_b, Wildcat_b, Expadax, Boosterr
Upper Council (including chancellors) - 32Lego and Maple_d
New Government
The new government is largely a monarchy with MapleVK as the head of state, however, alek_b, SlickVK, Seranil are Princes, with Wildcat_Pvpz holding a high position in government. It is possible that Denmark could be reformed into a Constitutional Monarchy if a constitution is ever worked on.
The nation has no organized army, however all active members more or less have a god set, which means they all de facto serve the army, putting it at around 10 members.
Instances of Deployment
The Army has fought multiple times in emc history, including raids on many towns. The Danish army had a big pvp presence in the early history of EMC, and has been on the winning side of most battles and wars, contributing to them greatly.
- First battle of Sussex[1] (Indecisive)
- Second battle of Sussex[2] (Danish Victory)
- The Great Balkan War (Danish Victory)
- Blockade of Bornholm (Danish Victory)
- The Holstein War (Danish Victory)
- Siege of Tarnopol (Danish Victory)
- Danish-Polish War (Short term Danish, Long term Polish victory)
- The Ten Day War (Danish Victory)
- Battle of Mazovia (Danish Victory)
- Battles of Pomerania (Polish-Danish Victory)
- Byzantine-Danish Battle (De Facto Danish victory)
- Battle for Rio (Denmark with less losses, de facto victory)
- Battle of Thisted (Danish Loyalist Victory)
- Battle of Wroclaw (Danish Victory)
- Siege of Wroclaw (Danish Victory)
- Skirmish of Horsens (Indecisive)
- Skirmish of Copenhagen (Indeicisve)
- Occupation of Malmo (Danish Victory)
- Second Holstein War (Danish Victory)
- Battle of Frederikshavn (Indecisive)
- Skirmish of Oslo (Danish-Norwegian Victory)
- Skirmish of Trollhattan (Danish Victory)
- Skirmish of Trondelag (Danish Victory)
And many numerous other instances.
Border Conflicts
The nation of Denmark has been in many border conflicts throughout its history. These were mainly with Germany, and Poland and Sweden to a lesser extent.
A full comprehensive list can be found at List of border disputes of Denmark.
As of March 2022, Denmark has no border disputes with anyone, however, Austria continues to lay claim to two Danish towns (Hamburg and Tyskland).
The nation, at its n spawn, has a market called "Denmarket". This used to be the main stop for all god gear in early 2019. However, right now it hosts 2 shops, that have items bought regularly. Most citizens have above 100 gold. alek_b and his chancellors all have 1000 gold and above, with alek having 10 000+.
Currently, Denmark is rebuilding its shop sector and will have shops in Kongsmark.
Current Towns
Flag | Name | Mayor | Pop | Size | Founded |
![]() |
Kongsmark ![]() |
MapleVK | 25 | 867 | Mar 25, 2020 |
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Copenhagen | alek_b | 4 | 608 | November 2018 |
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Tyskland | OhMerxy | 1 | 179 | Oct 28, 2020 |
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Faroe Islands | SlickVK | 1 | 112 | Aug 2, 2021 |
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Aarhus | Dutch_Games | 10 | 792 | Oct 28, 2020 |
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Connery | CrazyMarCraft | 1 | 51 | Jul 28, 2020 |
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Bergen | The_Impaler_ | 14 | 339 | Nov 11, 2018 |
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Kristiansand | Sirromz | 14 | 268 | Aug 4, 2019 |
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Liverpool | jpbenzo | 1 | 70 | April 5th, 2022 |
File:Oppland våpen.svg | Vidalen | Kaspi99 | 1 | 49 | Mar 11, 2021 |
Flag | Name | Mayor | Pop | Size | Founded |
![]() |
Hamburg | Seranil | 49 | 498 | Mar 20, 2019 |
Flag | Name | Mayor | Pop | Size | Founded |
Argent | Wildcat_Pvpz | 1 | 122 | Aug 24, 2021 |
Towns that Existed in each Kingdom
(May be inaccurate due to lost records)
First Kingdom (Oct 2018 - Apr 2019)
Hamburg - fen_b
Stettin - snowyy_b
Heide - Unknown
Oslo - Magenent
Neu_Hamburg - Unknown
Odense (Old) - 2014delta
Rendsburg - Unknown
Rostock - Unknown
Grenaa - WorthyMeme
Mehringen - Syton
Tonder - Fjolnir05
Orsha - Unknown
Bayreuth - Unknown
Ringkoebing - Snoodlez_
Bialystok - Majoor_
FortYT - MKill
Thisted - BorisJohnson/Chubbybunny3047
Frederikshavn - zacha175
Second Kingdom (Oct 2020 - Late 2021)
Odense (new) - MeatballFreak420
Glesborg - Palouz
Frankmark - SpacemanNV
Kalmar - Sebandi2
Little_St._James - kureeem
Lofoten - Reddsmann
Vasteras - TheBuderMaster64
Mora - AchMine2k
Tyskland - ohMerxy
Gothenburg - Noaboat
Esbjerg - Sasakibe
Malung - Vagten
Ellesmere - vyncy
Bornholm - Gabson
Dybbol - Your_Leader
Sealand - Nonamex2
Vesterålen - TwitchPid
Nye-Thisted - ros1et0es
Lödöse - ChappyGreen
Wismar - Xenomiod
Thisted - henask
Copenhagen - alek_b
Skaane - WouterRookt
Kongsmark - LegoVK
Odense - MapleVK
Third Kingdom (March 2022 - Present)
Kongsmark - MapleVK
Copenhagen - alek_b
Hamburg - Seranil
Faroe_Islands - SlickVK
Tyskland - OhMerxy
Aarhus - Dutch_Games
Oland - DonutSlayer_
Connery - CrazyMarCraft
Sussex - Unbated
Big_Wumpus (Trondheim) - Asyld__
Liverpool - jpbenzo
Kristiansand - Sirromz
Bergen - The_Impaler_
Vidalen - Kaspi99
Foreign Relations
- Norway
- Scotland
- Ireland
Good Relations
- Sweden
Poor Relations
- Austria
- Wales
The nation of Denmark, due to having a small area of land, is generally walkable. Everytown is within 5-10 minutes of walking, and so the need of ice lines isn't required. The town of Bornholm, due to being a bit farther, is only accesible through boat. Using a boat will take you 5 minutes to get to Bornholm, however an ice road is planned to further reduce this time.
Denmark also plans to create a superspeed pathway system, where members with soul speed III utilise paths with soul soil beneath them.
The land of Denmark, is relatively flat. The nation is home to plains, with a few hills scattered around. It is all grass, with very little sand (only found in the Esbjerg region), and no snow anywhere. The highest y level is usually no higher than 5 blocks above sea level. This means that building is usually easy and not restricted due to terrain, because it is flat.
Notable People
The Mayor of Copenhagen and King of Denmark. Known for his patience in grinding McMMO levels. He is the first person to make a Haste 2 potion on Terra Nova and he has the 2nd place on /mctop.
A well known member in the nation, also well known for his skills in pvp. He is also a chancellor in the nation and friends with all the _b's. He later quit the server completely after giving Bern to _Joe76 and Britain
Although not as old as the other original members of the nation. Wildcat_Pvpz has been the mastermind behind a lot of the planning within Copenhagen and when it comes to buildings and structures, he is the man. He has been behind creating many of the buildings, along the assistance of 4noah18, within the town itself.
Little is known about this member, his personality and how he got to be a Councilor. Some rumors say "Everything is planned and though about by himself, as he's a living machine that leaves nothing by chance". A wild card in Copenhagen's team that has the same willpower as alek_b about grinding, and the same stubborness as 4noah18 about people that aren't related. If he doesn't know you, don't take it personal that he doesn't trust you not even a bit.
noah_b was a player in Denmark that was a chancellor and very active during its early days. Known for his pvp skills, he was great at killing and led Denmark against the Danish-Polish War. He also held Denmark when everyone left for Japan.
The same as noah, he was a prominent figure in old Denmark. He was good at pvp and helped Denmark establish a global pvp presence. Also contributed a ton to the success of the nation at the time.
Same as the others, major contributer to Denmark. He was good at pvp and helped Denmark establish a global pvp presence. He also held Denmark when it joined Britain in 2021, however he did not log on and the original nation fell.
Fen_b was a member of Denmark in its early days and contributed to its success. He also made Hamburg at a time the region was disputed and helped Denmark secure control of the area. He later left for Japan with alek and others.
After joining Denmark in October 2020, MapleVK started to help around with Denmark a lot. He joined Kongsmark (Flensburg at the time), and helped recruit it all the way to 100. He started the invasion of Sweden by taking multiple towns, and helped get Denmark to 183 residents at its peak. He has remained an active member and contributer to the success of Denmark in Late 2020. He recreated Denmark in March 2022 after Britain fell apart.
He did the same as MapleVK, helped invade Sweden and recruited for Denmark. He was also a major contributer to Denmarks success and has been a prominent figure in the region ever since he joined EMC. He is currently banned however his legacy lives on.
After he joined Denmark in December 2020, he immediately started to attack Germans and other enemies. He also helped with invading Sweden and other enemies and is currently a Prince.
Made Denmark in March 2022 after the gold was given to him. Owns Hamburg, a large and important town in Denmark. Has also contributed to the regions development a lot.