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Coat of Arms
Coat of arms of the Empire of Brazil.svg.png
Screen Shot 2021-01-14 at 11.22.37 AM.png
National Information
Full Name Federative Republic of Brazil
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem File:Hino do Império Brasileiro Legendado - Brazilian Empire Anthem Lyrics.ogg
Motto "Pátria Amada"
Population 369
Chunks 2472
Capital City FLXingu.png Mehinaku
Largest City Mehinaku
Oldest City Belem
Government Information
Political System Parliamentary Democracy
Economic System Descentralized Capitalism
Army Size 15
Part of
Historical Information

Brazil, officially Federative Republic of Brazil (Portuguese: República Federativa do Brasil) is a nation that occupies the eastern part of South America. The main language is English but around 20 people of the nation are native brazilians and currently 14 of them are active (updated 31/10)


Historical Governments

Brazil has wained in and out of various systems and here these previous systems are detailed briefly.

Xingu Direct Democracy (October 28, 2020 - January 20, 2021)

This system was carried on from the old system that came out of Xingu.

In the system, decisions and their implementation was decided by the residents all who had the same power and influence. The system relied heavily on the national Discord, which is very active. Every citizen could make a Proposal, in the Proposals channel. The Proposal would be debated by the public and liked or disliked till it got three likes. After getting three likes, the Proposal goes onto the Polls channel, where people make the definitive vote on the idea. If the Poll gets more votes For rather than Against, then it is implemented.

Towns where given the choice of becoming Democratic or Monarchic. Monarchic towns where rules directly by the Mayor, while Democratic towns are ruled by the Polls. This caused some trouble and division later.

Under this system, the King’s power was only to recruit, quell arguments, give advice, plan things, and create Polls, so his power was almost purely symbolical.

Every resident was given the right to have a plot. The Property of a resident is highly respected. The Mayor is only allowed to enter another persons plot if they have broken a law. All Government resources are distributed equally and free to take and use.

Poll Number 27 (Proposed initially by Kilomberox) was responsible for creating Ministers. These Ministers could act on their respective subject without Polls, provided they could justify the reasoning. This caused some trouble later.

Additional rules where put in place over time; If two Ministers argued against each other and would not stop, the argument would be solved and stopped by the Prime Minister, or King, if the Prime Minister was not available. The Polls dictate the rules and power over the Ministers, but, any Poll could be annulated by a minimum of 4 Ministers if they agree and vote democratically on the matter. Only residents of a town with more 20 people could candidate to the position of Prime Minister (this limited the role to only Mehinaku or Osaka residents). The first ever election of Ministers counted more than 50 individual votes. Elections where held at the start of every month, with three days between each Minister being voted in. Those three days where used to vote the Minister in.

There are five minister roles, listed below:

  1. PRIME MINISTER Could do anything the other Minister could do, and, could kick Minister they thought where bad.
  2. DEFENCE MINISTER Had the power to prepare the army and make the strategies in case of war. If there is a war, they are also able to plan attacks without having to create a Poll and Proposal. They can also build anything related to defence and can prepare towns for war.
  3. TRANSPORT MINISTER Had the power to make anything related to roads, streets, ice-roads, railroads, etc and the like without having to make a Proposal and Poll.
  4. JUSTICE and INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MINISTER Has the power to run the Courthouse, in which they are the Supreme Judge, along with two or more random residents who act as the Jury. They are also responsible for representing Brazil worldwide and make any decisions about alliances or enemies. For example; If a nation invited Brazil to be their ally, the person who would answer the request would be the minister and not the "King” Olivio as many Monarchic nations might have believed due to do not knowing how the Democratic system worked.
  5. ACTIVITY MINISTER Responsible for keeping active people in the Nation. Could make events to make sure people won’t get bored and leave. They could invite new residents and kick inactive ones. He can also update the inactive-residents-list channel in the Discord server.
  6. BUILDING MINISTER Responsible for making towns look better. They could build any public structures, project new ones and manage them. They could also determinate if certain regions of the towns where to be for certain things.
  7. COMMERCIAL MINISTER Managed the Economy and made sure Gold could be made without Taxes.
  8. AGRICULTURAL MINISTER. (created by poll number 54) was considered an extension of the Commerical Minister, and was the one responsible for managing the public farms and giving everyone the food required for feasts and other such events.
  9. CULTURE MINISTER (created by poll number 60). Was the one responsible for the Libraries, Museums, Art Galleries and Historical sights of Brazil. They where an extension of the Activity Minister.

OCTOBER Getfrosted (resigned) sndor (formally yt_sandor) FelipeJmar GloireEtDouleir Hungrey_ Kilomberox (resigned) not created not created xCQB
NOVEMBER AfroboiArzouma Hungrey_ Ketchoop sndor (formally yt_sandor) Hungrey_ MagAnother (resigned) SirSneazy StrangeAlien0 v_Rodo
DECEMBER Luke_Show Hungrey_ Mr.Jheck Mr.Jheck V_Rodo TwisterSelvagem None None None

Current Government

v_Rodo’s Representative Democracy

This system came after Rodo and his allies spent many months campaigning and making Proposals.

The new system keeps all the old rules regarding what the King can and cannot do, and the Prime Minister still exists. All rights, freedoms, and nearly all rules previously created out by a Poll have been kept. Proposals are still made by the public, and with three likes it becomes a Poll but the Polls are voted on by the Parliament, not by the Public. When refreshing to all members of the Government, the name Member of Parliament is used, or M.P. The first Parliament of this system was a continuation of Rodo’s government of December, 2020. Elections begin on the twentieth of every month, with three days between Senator, Judger and President Elections.

In the current system, however, there are eleven elected officials;

  1. SENATORS There are ten Senator positions, and they all do the same job, that is, they vote on Polls and think of how to implement them. They are elected by the Public in a General Election.
  2. SPEAKER The Speaker is able to make a Poll without a Proposal, and is chosen by the Senators amongst themselves.
  3. JUDGER The eleventh position. Elected by the Public and responsible for managing corruption and making sure all Members of Parliament follow the rules of the Polls.
  4. PRESIDENT Chosen by the Public from any willing Senators. If there are no (or a lack of) willing Senators, the President can be any resident who is willing.
Members of Parliament of Brazil
Date Senator 1/President Senator 2/Speaker Senator 3 Senator 4 Senator 5 Senator 6 Senator 7 Senator 8 Senator 9 Senator 10 Judger
December v_Rodo None Hungrey Sndor MrJheck Olivio90 Olivio90
January Hungrey TwisterSelvagem V_Rodo Rsa_Agent FonzieB NartMasterZ GreekEnderman (resigned), replaced with Marechall Ketchoop BlackBox Sndor Olivio90


The current Constitution is a summarisation of the rules laid out by the Polls. It was written by Olivio90 and chosen on the 29th of November, 2020. It was reformed by v_Rodo to conform with the new system.

Olivio90’s original Constitution

The Constitution of Brazil

Article 1, about towns

Every town has the freedom to be Democratic or Monarchic. The Democratic towns are those that are ruled by the Polls. The Monarchic towns are those that are ruled by their Mayors.

Article 2, about Polls and Propsals

Laws and projects can be made, changed, started or stopped by a Poll, also know as a Bill.

I - A Poll can be created by an external event which provokes it to be created, or by a Proposal created by a resident of Brazil.

II - A Proposal can become a Poll if it has 3 likes, considering a dislike a negative (-1) like.

III - A Poll has a minimum of 24 hours to be voted on and its maximum time is 7 days. The time will be decided by its importance.

A) A Proposal can suggest the time for a Poll.

Article 3, about property

All Property of Brazilian residents must and will be respected.

I - Nations and Towns cannot change ownership by order of a Poll.

Article 4, about protecting Polls

If something is under discussion in a Proposal or Poll, this thing cannot be changed/destroyed/altered.

I - If someone breaks this rule, the person is automatically summoned to a trial.


Brazil currently borders French Guyana to the North, Inca, Amazonas and Paraguay to the West, South_America and the Ocean to the East, Argentina and Uruguay to the South.

The entire coast is covered by forests and there are some sandy beaches, it borders a warm Sea. The northeast and southwest region are covered by semiarid desert rich in red sand and there are noticeably large areas of Podzol in central region.


- Old Brazil Era -

Founding (Late October - November 9, 2018)

No formal plans where made by the Brazilians of EMC Classic, and this lead to the Brazilian pioneers of Terra Nova to be quite divided. The majority of early settlers had come from the original Curitiba and Salvador. The old Brazilian government also joined in pioneering and city-founding. This newly-settled land was divided into numerous City-States, Unions and Factions. On October 28th 2018, the city of São Paulo was founded as an Urbs Antiqua. The Factions continued to grow till the 9th of November, when the First Empire was founded, it is unclear how the founding happened. There are three possible Histories;

History one is that Brazil was founded and the Factions continued to bicker until MarcoJenkins was chosen Emperor.

History two is that a small Brazil was founded with MarcoJenkins as Emperor and they quickly absorbed the other Factions.

History three is that the Factions fought and bickered till MacroJenkins united them and they founded Brazil. This is the most likely history as supported by his personal history.

Whatever the truth, MarcoJenkings was a never really in control, being a puppet of Carlos_Dorelli/Eduardo, his friend and a member of the most powerful Faction, which owned São Paulo.

This ‘Empire’ of Brazil was founded on November 9, 2018, with each Faction being represented in Parliament.

End of the First Empire (Early December 2018)

Over time, smaller City-States began to decline as the ones with representatives in Parliament where given constant support. An integralist movement began against the Emperor, led by Heinz88. The cities of Porto Alegre, Curitiba, and even São Paulo sent the monarch an ultimatum, demanding his resignation and the immediate exchange of the leadership of Brazil. He resigned and Heinz88 took the lead.

Following the Coup, the unsatisfied city of Rio de Janeiro left Brazil, soon after, Juazeiro also left. They funded and founded their own Nation based around the old Brazilian Absolute Monarchy system, though they did not support the old Emperor. The nation was known as Monte Pascoal but was sometimes referred to as The Empire of Brazil. This caused tensions and even skirmishes between both countries.

Brazil Becomes a Federation (Mid December 2018)

In mid December 2018, Brazil abandoned the integralist ideals and gradually began to take make the way towards democracy, and becoming a federation. Later, a new constitution was drafted and officiated and the country began to have elections for chancellor. The Brazilian Federation officially started once the chancellor had been elected.

Hindustani-Indian War (December 21, 2018)

On December 21, 2018, resolving to support Hindustan, because of the relations between Brazil and the city of Nashik. India refuses the ultimatum and continues attacks on the city. There is a battle between the armies of the countries, where Brazil wins.

Days passed after that without the Indians initiating new attacks. Therefore, on December 26, Brazil officially deploys its troops from the territory of the city of Nashik.

Corruption Scandals (December 23, 2018)

On December 23, the player Aettos bought the city of Brasilia from its Mayor. Aettos lasted as Mayor for two hours, and during that time, he looted the chests of several residents. Aettos then fled the country and went south, to found his own city, Antarctica.

A player named Luigihero1 went online during Aettos’s two hours as Mayor and discovered that many objects were missing from his chests. He denounced the mayor, claiming that he was the only one who could have opened his chest. It was at that time, that YanSTS, the mayor's partner decided to give him a sum of gold to keep him quiet.

The next day, BlackQuartz realized that his items had also disappeared. Talking to luigihero1 he learnt the whole truth. The two sought out former mayor Aettos and set up a plan to reveal the truth.

BlackQuartz went to YanSTS and asked for the truth. YanSTS tried to pretend to not know anything, but eventually (accidentally) revealed the truth. Aettos and YanSTS then revealed the truth to the King of Brazil, Heinz88. Unfortunately, as they had fled to Antartica, they were never brought before the Courts and punished.

Battle for Rio (December 25, 2018)

Having been abandoned by its residents and rulers, the nation of Monte Pascoal came to a sudden end. In an attempt to recover their lost territory, the Brazilians went to Rio de Janeiro, but found resistance from the many other people who wanted to claim and loot the ruins. The Brazilians won the battle with the help of Byzantium. The battle lasted 20 hours, ending with Brazil recovering its territory on December 25. This was the first recorded battle in the entire of South America.

Separating again (January 14, 2019)

After the King, Heinz88, censored a bill that would of improved the election, Senators TwisterSelvagem and Aettos came together to try to remove Heinz88 from the leadership of the nation.

They had a lot of ideas, but some arguments occurred and Aettos decided to make a new nation. He left the country with his city, Londrina, and founded a nation called Imperial Brazil, which was called the Empire of Brazil when in reference to its whole (the provinces, protectorates, puppet-states, dominions, etc).

TwisterSelvagem left the nation followed by 5 other Senators, which was 75% of parliament. Soon after, he founded the Confederation of Ecuador. The cities of Juazeiro, Porto Alegre, Aracaju and Recife moved to the new nation.

First Brazilian Civil War (January 15, 2019 - February 2019)

The following day, Imperial Brazil and the Confederation of Ecuador declared war on Brazil and there were battles in the territories between São Paulo, Curitiba, Londrina and Rio de Janeiro. The war was never settled in a peace treaty, but it did officially end in February. The Confederation of Ecuador eventually became known as (the) Brazil Kingdom.

Brazil-Brazil Kingdom Unification (April 3, 2019)

TwisterSelvagem and MareshallZorn agreed to unify both Brazil Kingdom and Brazil. They would switch to a Republic and Xenomorph07 would temporarily become the President. After TwisterSelvagem announced this, the Brazil Kingdom Senate became very upset and petitioned to keep Brazil a monarchy, with TwisterSelvagem as King. The idea was approved, and Xenomorph07 was only President for a day. This new Brazil was simply known as Brazil, but sometimes the Kingdom of Brazil.

Second Brazilian Civil War (April 4, 2019 - October 28, 2020)

After the Brazil-Brazil Kingdom unification, Imperial Brazil attacked São Sebastião and Balneario Camboriu without declaring war beforehand, causing the São Sebastião Incident. After that, both sides declared war on each other. After Brazil won most of the battles, the war settled down. No peace deal was made and so the war continued as a set of small skirmishes till March 2019, when Brazil saw a massive population drop, and Imperial Brazil simply didn’t want to fight. Despite this down-period, there was no peace deals and the war was still considered ‘on-going’ till October, 2020, when Imperial Brazil fell and Brazil was declared the winner. Despite being in the midst of a war, the time between March 2019 and October 2020 is often regarded as a time of peace (but also of inactivity and ruin).

Estonian - Habsburg War (Mid April 2019)

After being asked by the Prince of Switzerland, PrestusHood, Brazil and all its provinces declared war on Estonia to join a call to arms made by House of Habsburg. Brazil’s side came victorious as Estonia surrendered and KARL465 sold it.

Switzerland Independence (Mid April 2019)

Shortly after the Estonian - Habsburg war, a series of internal conflicts and problems with the Union of Nations, PrestusHood declared a independence from Brazil, threatening with war if he was not granted his wish. TwisterSelvagem and PrestusHood solved the issue, and Switzerland’s internal issues peacefully and no fighting occurred. Switzerland re-joined Brazil a short while afterwards.

The Time of Many Kings (Mid 2019 - February 12, 2020)

TwisterSelvagem seceded in mid 2019 and he was succeeded by Molotov1234, who ruled till September. In September, Brazil was given to another King and then passed through two more Kings, before finally reaching its lowest point of two towns (Belo Horizonte and Highgarden), a total area of sixty-five chunks and only two residents.

Ketchoop’s Brazil (March - August 2020)

Map of Brazil in 31/10/2020

After nearly falling into ruin, Ketchoop saw an opportunity, and after buying Rio, he restored Brazil and worked tirelessly on growth. This Brazil was often called the Kingdom of Ketchoop or Ketchoop’s Brazil. This one was particularly prosperous and due to the King’s many foreign connections, Brazil steadily gained a much better image to the external world than it used to be. Until then, the other nations in Europe and in North America disliked Brazil and viewed it as either an inactive hellhole full of ruins, or a third-world dictatorship without any infrastructure and always at war with itself. Ketchoop rebuilt many of the ruins and made the place more prosperous. Ketchoop’s Brazil saw little conflict, save for a war with the hostile nation of Pakistan.

During this prosperous period, the town of Mehinaku grew greatly and eventually became the nation of Xingu on 28 August, 2020. Ketchoop attempted to bring Mehinaku back to Brazil but they did not want to come back, so Xingu remained independent. No conflicts came from this.

Ketchoop’s Brazil became a part of Rio Grande in March and left in May, soon afterwards it became a colony of California and remained so up till the creation of the Pindorama Union.

The Beginning of the End for Old Brazil and the Creation of the Pindorama Union (August - October 25, 2020)

The nation of Xingu was growing quickly both in territory and population, wanting to resolve all issues they had with Brazil, they called Maganother, the former Prime Minister of Brazil to their Courthouse. The Prime Minister acted as the King’s vice and right-hand-man. It was an elected role, and the people of Xingu accused Maganother of causing corruption and being voted in without the system considering any of Mehinaku's votes, or Maganother not doing anything about the corruption. At the time of the June 2020 election, when the corruption was said to have happened, Mehinaku had a higher population than the entirety of the rest of the country. Maganother pleaded guilty, apologised, and was sentenced to death. After the trial, the people of Xingu where ready to make a strong bond with Brazil, and created the Pindorama Union, a pact which had the plan of merging all nations involved into one meganation but it ended up becoming a simple military and economic pact.

The Founding of New Brazil (October 27, 2020)

On October 26, a discussion began to finally do what the Pindorama Union had originally planned to do, and merge all the member nations into one mega-nation. This new nation was referred to (in the discussions) as New Brazil, while Ketchoop’s Brazil was referred to as Old Brazil. The agreement was that Para, Piaui and Los Pampas would all keep their nation status and capitals. They would be considered provinces and have extreme autonomy. The spawn of Brazil would move to Mehinaku, which was the biggest town in the union, and the spawn of Xingu would be moved to Rio de Janeiro, with its renaming to Rio, so people from Old Brazil (Ketchoop’s) could easily TP to their old capital. The reasoning behind moving the spawn of Brazil to Mehinaku rather than renaming Xingu to Brazil, was to avoid the cost of renaming a nation. In terms of Government changes, New Brazil would run on Xingu’s system of Direct Democracy and all political ties and some cultural ties to Old Brazil would be severed. Individual towns would have the allowance to choose wether or not they wanted to join the new Democratic system or self-govern, with their Mayors and chancellors being in charge.

The fate of this plan going ahead was reliant entirely on will of the people of Xingu. The people of Xingu chose for the plan to go ahead, and the New Brazil was formed. The main nation was simply ‘Brazil’ in towny, though it called itself the Federative Republic of Brazil. The whole Mega-Nation referred to itself as the Brazilian Republic.

- New Brazil Era -

Doxxing issues (November 5, 2020)

The player Kilomberox, who had just finished up his term as Transport Minister was showered in popularity for his work in improving Brazil’s infrastructure. He decided to start a small server for Brazil’s residents to play on, PvP, and practice build. Being so popular and trusted, his server became very popular and he got a lot of players. It is not known why, but Kilomberox stole the IP of everyone who went on his server. He later doxxed former Prime Minister Maganother and revealed his IP and address on Brazil’s discord server, much to the shock of everyone. He claimed to have everyone’s IP and arguments started. A number of Tickets where made, and after becoming overwhelmed with messages and arguments, Kilomberox left Brazil’s discord and was later banned from EMC.

After a lengthy debate, and after coaxing Kilomberox into giving answers, it was agreed that the IP stealing was done only out of curiosity and there was no malicious intent. The main issue was Maganother’s overreaction, and the all the hate directed towards Kilomberox before the issue had even been properly explained. Maganother was temporarily kicked from the Discord, because he had caused several smaller debates and arguments, including accusations of treason and of someone being a spy. He had also caused arguments and debates in the past.

Port Hope Rebellion (November 16, 2020 - present)

Way before its creation, the town of Port Hope was supposed to be made in Africa, but Olivio90 humiliated himself and begged Johnny to make it in Brazil, and to show his gratitude, Olivio sent gold and helped with recruiting for Port Hope. Olivio obviously commited a terrible mistake by helping the wrong person, since untill today the history has many versions and olivio couldnt ever put an end of all the lies made by Johnny.

New Brazil, the Brazilian Republic, ran on a direct democracy system, yet the Government failed to be sure they were helping the right people. Johnnydeputy was beginning to see these problems in Brazil’s system, and in time, rebelled because of them. Johnnydeputy hadnt done many good things to Brazil, but while his proposal to make an ice-road system passed, he received no funding or help despite their being a Transport Minister, a person responsible for assisting in building this sort of thing. Their where no well-defined roles or rules for the Ministers, and what they could or could not do was very debatable. Olivio90 gave more than 300 gold to help the town of Port Hope to be funded, and also helped to flatten the area of Port Hope. Olivio90 also recruited people for the town of Port Hope such as Pingola. Johnnydeputy manipulated a lot of people to belive he had done good things for Brazil, but the only thing he had done was build an un-finished ice road, which was paid for by Olivio90.

Only a few days later, on November the 16th, Johnnydeputy was trying to sell horses but he lost a sale due to the door at nation spawn, which could only be opened with a gold ingot. He went to the Discord, where he proposed that Brazil open the doors at the spawn. This gold from the door was used to refund those who got killed by Brazil’s enemies, which was mostly Cuban and Israeli hunters. The proposal did not pass because of the door’s use, and because the Prime Minister gave their option, which was no. After loosing the opportunity of selling, Johnnydeputy decided that port hope would become the capital of Brazil. He demanded to the prime minister and to the holder Olivio90 that the capital should be transferred to Port Hope or else he would rebel, the anwser was, again, no. In rage, he left Brazil and founded his rebel nation of South_America on November 28, 2020. The Prime Minister, Hungrey, declared war on Johnnydeputy and his rebel nation on December 11, 2020. The war is still on going, though has settled down considerably, with there being almost no conflict. Johnnydeputy once said he would destroy Brazil if his demands of becoming the new Capital were not accepted. His efforts in the war failed considerably and Brazil is internationally regarded as the winner, despite the inconclusiveness of the war. Brazil has managed to regain almost all the Gold that was given to Port Hope initially.

Maganother had never liked the idea of the Brazilian Republic and had fought against the union since it had began. With Johnnydeputy leaving, Maganother decided to do the same and left, along with his province, Los Pampas, in mid December, after the war on Johnny was declared. The nation of Los Pampas was given to Maganother during the early Pindorama Pact because he would not keep the deal without his own nation, but even with his promise to keep the deal, he decided to leave. Maganother hated Johnnydeputy, and so, did not join him in his rebellion, but he was still hoping that Brazil would collapse.

System Change (Late October, 2019 - January 20, 2020)

V_Rodo had been working to have the system of Government changed since Brazil’s founding. As Xingu, the Direct-Democracy system worked fine, but with various Provinces and a much larger population, the system wained and proved to be bureaucratic. Johnnydeputy’s rebellion was further proof of this. V_Rodo planned to change the system to Representative Democracy, which would limit the public to electing Members-of-Parliament and the Attorney General. These Members-of-Parliament would choose a person amongst them to be Prime Minister, and they would choose someone else to be the Speaker. The Prime Minister would choose a Secretary of Defence from amongst the Members-of-Parliament, and the Attorney General would (having been elected by the public) watch over the Government, enforcing the rules and dealing with corruption. This new system would continue to allow anyone to make a Proposal, and with 3 likes, it would go to the Parliament where the aforementioned people would debate it and vote on it in the form of a Poll. The Government would then implement the Proposal.

Many Proposals where made by V_Rodo, including the creation of a Constitution, but he failed to implement a new system till by a stroke of luck, on December 15, 2020, Olivio90 proposed a slow change to Representative Democracy. Olivio’s Proposal was passed and Rodo won the Prime Minister election on December 21. Now having the ability to change the system, a week-long Poll was held in regards to which system would be used, and his system won. On January 20, 2021, Brazil was declared no-longer a Direct Democracy, but a Representative Democracy. Some parts of Rodo’s system where tweaked, with Members-of-Parliament being called Ministers, then Senators, the Prime Minister was re-named to President and the Attorney General was renamed to Judger. The Secretary of Defence position was not implemented.

Brazil and its variations throughout the ages

Brazil has changed its leadership and name many times, and this can cause some confusion, so all variants of Brazil and their system of Government have been listed below, along with their names.

Early Brazil

Early Brazil was not a nation, but a collection of City-States and Unions which acted as Factions and psuedo-nations.

Names: N/A

King: None

Founded: Late October, 2018

Fell: November 9, 2018

First Brazilian Empire

This was lead by King Marco_Jenkings. It had a Parliament with a representative from each Faction and City-State. The King was a puppet of Carlos_Eduardo. The same system was eventually used by the rebel state of Monte Pascoal.

Names: Brazil, Empire of Brazil, First Empire of Brazil, Empire of Marco_Jenkings

King: Marco_Jenkings

Founded: November 9, 2018

Fell: Early December, 2018

Integralist Brazil

After a coup destroyed the previous Brazil, Heinz88 took leadership and ran Brazil on the Integralist system. This Brazil lasted only a week.

Names: Brazil, Integralist Brazil

King: Heinz88

Founded: Early December, 2018

Fell: Mid December, 2018

Monte Pascoal

Founded in rebellion against the system change, this small nation continued to use the Faction-Empire system.

Names: Monte-Pascoal, Empire of Brazil

King: Unknown

Founded: Mid December, 2018

Fell: December 25, 2018

Federation of Brazil

The Integralist values where dropped and a change was made to become a Democracy. The nation became the Federation of Brazil and ran under a constitutional Monarchy, with some elected positions such as Chancellor. Overtime, this Brazil became more and more of a Dictatorship, eventually causing the Brazilian Civil War because of it.

Names: Federation of Brazil, Dictatorship of Brazil, Brazil

King: Heinz88, MareshallZorn

Founded: Mid December, 2018

Fell: April 3, 2018

Imperial Brazil

Created in rebellion against the Federation of Brazil. This Brazil grew incredibly large and was led by an Emperor.

Names: Imperial Brazil, Empire of Brazil, Second Empire of Brazil,

King: Aettos, BlackQuartz (x2), ReiMarombeiro

Founded: January 8 (or 14), 2019

Fell: October 28, 2020

Confederation of Ecuador

Like Imperial Brazil, this nation was created in rebellion against the Federation of Brazil, but on April 3, 2019, it merged with the Federation of Brazil and became a province under the name of Grao-Para.

Names: Confederation of Ecuador, Brazil Kingdom, Grao-Para

King: TwisterSelvagem, RuanVK, Sou_o_A

Founded: January 14, 2019

Fell: April 3, 2019

North Brazil

Very little is known about this nation, but it was know to have been a province of Imperial Brazil.

Names: Kingdom of North Brazil, North Brazil

King: tdfds, BlackQuartz, RicardoHBS

Founded: March, 2019

Fell: February 12, 2020

Republic of Xenomorph07

For a day, Xenomorph07 was the President of Brazil, during the merging of the Federation and Brazil Kingdom.

Names: Republic of Xenomorph07, Xenomoph’s Brazil

King: MareshallZorn or Xenomorph07

Founded: April 3, 2019

Fell: April 3, 2019

Kingdom of Brazil

The union between Brazil Kingdom and the Federation of Brazil caused Imperial Brazil to become angry, as Brazil Kingdom betrayed them, and so, the second Civil War broke out, causing years of warfare to continue after that. The nation fell to its lowest-ever recorded population of 2.

Names: Brazil, Kingdom of Brazil

King: TwisterSelvagem, Molotov1234, 3 unknown others

Founded: April 3, 2019

Fell: February 12, 2020

Ketchoop’s Brazil

After falling so low, Ketchoop miraculously restored Brazil to a decent strength.

Names: Brazil, Kingdom of Ketchoop, Ketchoop’s Brazil, Old Brazil

King: Ketchoop

Founded: March, 2020

Fell: October 28, 2020


After a lack of representation, Mehinaku left Ketchoop’s Brazil and founded the nation of Xingu, which ran on a system of Direct Democracy.

Names: Xingu

King: Olivio90

Founded: August 28, 2020

Fell: October 28, 2020

Federative Republic of Brazil

The Pindorama Union merged into one mega-nation, the Brazillian Republic.

Names: Federative Republic of Brazil, Brazilian Republic, Brazil, New Brazil

King: Olivio90

Founded: October 28, 2020

Fell: Has not fallen

Foreign relations

(Updated as of January 29, 2021)

Brazil is a member of the ITO, an alliance of American Nations.

Friendly relations:

Hostile relations


City list

(Updated as of February 13, 2021)

Town Name Nation Mayor Residents Plots Founded
Río de Janeiro Brazil ketchoop 18 186 March 6, 2020
Sao Paulo Brazil GloireEtDouleir 21 180 March 9, 2020
Disneyland Brazil Obungle 1 31 July 23, 2020
Macapa Brazil LittleMining 1 82 September 3, 2020
Campinas Brazil v_Rodo 13 52 October 30, 2020
Mehinaku Brazil Olivio90 100 940 June 18, 2020
Vatican Brazil Hellomafrend 23 15 December 22, 2020
Paranagua Los_Pampas AnotherMag 1 32 May 16, 2020
Coari Brazil Rockett_MAN007 2 19 December 31, 2020
Porto Alegre Brazil LmaoTea 4 60 August 3, 2020
Townham Brazil RustyRoon 2 40 January 29, 2020
Bacurau Brazil RUANVK_ 1 39 November 10, 2020
Recife Brazil TwisterSelvagem 3 100 November 9, 2020
RocketLand Brazil RocketThink 4 14 October 28, 2020
Ponte De Sor Brazil xCQB 1 9 January 11, 2021
Belem Brazil Hoffman002 4 90 November 2, 2019
Paz Brazil rsa_agent 2 10 January 10, 2021
Osaka Brazil FonzieB 97 170 November 30, 2020
Milkyway Piaui goofymilk 2 91 August 4, 2020
Copacabana Rio Sfinch151 1 1 October 28, 2020
Utiariti Brazil IkBenStef 1 12 December 27, 2020
Xingu Brazil AfroboiArzouma 1 50 September 24, 2020
Vitoria Brazil vargario 2 10 January 14, 2021
France Brazil Niwa_Pixel 46 28 January 29, 2021
Fortaleza Brazil Kooz 1 31 January 29, 2021
Porto Seguro Brazil SasaiGaming 8 3 February 13, 2021
Cuiaba Brazil Chuquenoris 5 5 January 30, 2021
Barreiras Brazil bogdanilic 2 64 February 9, 2021

Notable people

Notable people who may not be in Brazil today, but whose actions and dedication forged its history.


Map of the Federative Republic of Brazil, late 2020
Sandor’s map of South America with a Bloated Brazil
LittleMining’s map of Brazil (Feb 16)
PrestusHood’s Map made 5th of May 2019