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Empire of Brazil
Flag of Brazil (1870–1889).png
Coat of Arms
Coat of arms of the Empire of Brazil.svg.png
National Information
Full Name Empire of Brazil
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Motto "Independence or Death!"
Capital City Rio de Janeiro
Largest City Rio de Janeiro (Claims)

São Sebastião (Population)

Oldest City São Paulo
Government Information
Political System Constitutional Monarchy
Economic System Laissez-faire Capitalism
Army Size Classified
Part of
Historical Information

Brazil, officially Empire of Brazil (Portuguese: Império do Brazil) is a nation that occupies the eastern part of South America. Most residents are native Brazilians. The main language is Portuguese. The non-Brazilians residents usually live on Switzerland because its the only principality that English is the main language.

Brazil currently owns these principalities:


Brazil borders Argentina Empire, Imperial Brazil, Para, Amazonas and Incan Empire. Brazil also borders France, Italy and Greater Roman Empire because of its Switzerland province. The capital is Rio de Janeiro and the main cities are Salvador, São Paulo and São Sebastião In total, the nation has nineteen cities.


Brazil is ruled by a Emperor along with Princes and by the Parliament, a group of 7 Parliamentarians from different cities across the nation. The Princes rules over principalities of the empire of Brazil. The princes are heirs to the Brazilian throne. The Parliament is where Parliamentarians propose, discuss and approve laws and projects. Ministers assist the Emperor doing head of state tasks.

The current emperor is TwisterSelvagem.

Current Princes

Current Parliamentarians

Current Ministers


Brazil military are divided into a official army, principalities armies and militias. The official army have 3 ranks: Colonel, Captain and Soldier. The colonel leads the entire army and send orders to the captains. Captains lead a squad of soldiers and each squad have a specific purpose like cavalry or navy. The principalities armies are led by leaders of Brazil's principalities and have their own hierarchy system. Militias also take their part on Brazil military but they does not count as official part of the army because and are independent to choose to join Brazil army on wars or not.

Official Army




Political Map of South America, made by PrestusHood, updated in 04/12/19

Brazil borders the nations of Imperial Brazil, Argentina Empire, Para, Amazonas and Incan Empire. The entire coast is covered by forests and have few stripes of sand, it borders a warm water ocean. The northeast and southwest region are covered by semiarid desert rich in red sand and there are noticeable podzol banks on central region. Brazil also owns one of few islands in south Atlantic, making Trindade a strategic outpost.

(Current map is outdated)



In October 2018, the city of São Paulo is founded as an Urbs Antiqua. Some time later, in November 2018, the nation Brazil is created as a monarchy.

End of the First Empire

Over time, smaller cities began to decline and cities with members in parliament grew and benefited. With this, an integralist movement, led by Heinz88, began a coup against the government. The cities of Porto Alegre, Curitiba, and São Paulo sent the monarch an ultimatum, demanding their resignation and the immediate exchange of the leadership of Brazil. He resigned and Heinz88 took the lead.

Followed by the Coup, the unsatisfied city of Rio de Janeiro leaves Brazil, soon followed by Juazeiro, funding their own Nation based around the old Brazilian Monarchist system, "Monte Pascoal", also know as The Empire of Brazil, causing tensions and even skirmishes between both countries.

Brazil Becomes Federation

In December 2018, Brazil abandons the Integralist ideals and gradually begins to take its first steps as a federation. Later, a new constitution is drafted and the country officially has its elections for chancellor. The Brazilian Federation officially started.

Hindustani-Indian War

On December 21, 2018, resolving to support Hindustan, because of the relations between Brazil and the city of Nashik. India refuses the ultimatum and continues attacks on the city. There is a battle between the armies of the countries, where Brazil wins.

Days passed after that without the Indians initiating new attacks. Therefore, on December 26, Brazil officially deploys its troops from the territory of the city of Nashik.

Corruption Scandals

On December 23, the player Aettos bought the city of Brasilia from its current rulers. The purchase lasted approximately two hours and during that time, several chests of players were looted. After the purchase ended, they left the country to found their own city, Antarctica.

A player named Luigihero1 appeared before Aettos became the mayor and discovered that several objects were missing in their chests. He denounced the former mayor, claiming that he was the only one who could have opened his chest. It was at that time, that YanSTS, the former mayor's partner decided to give him a gold sum to keep him quiet.

The other day, BlackQuartz realized that his items had also disappeared. Talking to luigihero1 he revealed the whole truth. The two sought out Mayor Aettos and set up a plan to reveal the truth.

BlackQuartz went to YanSTS and asked for the same proposal. YanSTS tried to pretend, but eventually accidentally revealed the truth. The two stolen then revealed the truth to the Brazilian leader, none the less, as they fled to Antartica, they were never judged.

Battle for Rio

After being abandoned by its residents and rulers, the nation of Monte Pascoal comes to an end. Resolving to recover their lost territory, Brazilians take the territory, facing resistance from other people who wanted to do the same. The entire territory was recovered on 25 December.

Separating again.

After the head of state, Heinz88, censoring a bill to advance the election, Senators TwisterSelvagem and Aettos came together to try to remove Heinz88 from the leadership of the nation.

They had a lot of ideas, but Aettos decided not to do anything authoritatively because that would make him as bad as Heinz88. Going against the ideas of TwisterSelvagem, he left from the country with his city, Londrina, and founded nation called Imperial Brazil.

TwisterSelvagem left the nation followed by 5 parlamentarians, making the parliament lose 75% of its power. Soon after, he founded the Confederation of Ecuador. The cities of Juazeiro, Porto Alegre, Aracaju and Recife moved to the new nation.

First Brazilian Civil War

The following day, Imperial Brazil and the Confederation of Ecuador declared war on Brazil and there were battles in the territories between São Paulo, Curitiba, Londrina and Rio de Janeiro.

Brazil-Brazil Kingdom Unification

TwisterSelvagem and MareshallZorn agreed to unify both Brazil Kingdom and Brazil. They would make Xenomorph07 temporary president and would call elections, making Brazil a republic. After TwisterSelvagem announced this, the Brazil Kingdom senate got upset and made a new referee to revert Brazil back to monarchy. The referee was approved by all senators, deposing Xenomorph07 and TwisterSelvagem was crowned king of Brazil.

Second Brazilian Civil War

After the Brazil-Brazil Kingdom unification, Imperial Brazil attacked São Sebastião and Balneario Camboriu without declaring war before, causing the São Sebastião Incident. After that, both sides declared war on each other. After Brazil won most of the battles, the war settled down. No peace deal was made and the war still going on after being almost a month old.

Estonian - Latvian War

After being asked by Switzerland prince PrestusHood, Brazil and all its provinces declared war on Estonia to join a call to arms made by House of Habsburg. Brazil side came victorious as Estonia surrendered and KARL465 sold his nation.

Architectural Wonders

Organized Crime

Brazil allows crime organizations to work in the country in exchange of bribe. The most notorious organization is Brazilian Mafia. Brazilian Mafia are in charge of theft, assassination and extortion crimes and are the biggest criminal organization in South America. Brazlian Mafia also took part on The Exclusion killing new players that joined the server because Toycat's new video.

Foreign Relations

Brazil is member of Union of Nations (UoN) and South American Alliance (SAA). Brazil is also represented by Switzerland on House of Habsburg (HoH).

Friendly Relations:

Hostile Relations:

Conflicts and Wars


The Empire of Brazil currently has 19 cities across 4 Nations, these being:

Town Name Nation Mayor Citizens Claims Founded
Bandeira da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.svg.png Rio de Janeiro Star.png Flag of Brazil (1870–1889).png Brazil TwisterSelvagem 24 141 2018 11/01 
Bandeira-saosebastiao.png São Sebastião Flag of Brazil (1870–1889).png Brazil Lucastorni 50 20 2019 03/10
Kkkkkkkbandeirakkkk.png Balneario Camboriu Flag of Brazil (1870–1889).png Brazil Arthurkla_Br 4 5 2019 03/25
Bandeira de Belo Horizonte.png Belo Horizonte Flag of Brazil (1870–1889).png Brazil vinimelocbr 1 11 2019 03/14
1200px-Flag of the Principality of Trinidad.svg.png Trindade Flag of Brazil (1870–1889).png Brazil Ebvim 19 9 2019 03/05
Bandeira de Campo Grande - MS.png Campo Grande Flag of Brazil (1870–1889).png Brazil IiIiBrunoGD 1 13 2019 03/03
BReses.png Espirito Santo Flag of Brazil (1870–1889).png Brazil Lanorn 1 4 2019 03/21
Flag of Ilhéus.svg.png Ilhéus Flag of Brazil (1870–1889).png Brazil VicZk 1 8 2018 12/27
Juazeiro Flag.png Juazeiro Star.png File:Bandeira Província do (Grão) Pará.svg Grao-Para Sou_o_A 1 30 2018 12/02
File:Bandeira da cidade de São Paulo.svg São Paulo File:Bandeira Província do (Grão) Pará.svg Grao-Para RUANVK_ 4 100 2018 10/28
1024px-Bandeira de Salvador.svg.png Salvador File:Bandeira Província do (Grão) Pará.svg Grao-Para Cafezinhu 13 74 2019 01/17
File:Bandeira de Recife.svg Recife File:Bandeira Província do (Grão) Pará.svg Grao-Para Luke_Show 2 20 2018 11/01
Bandeira imperatriz.jpg Imperatriz File:Bandeira Província do (Grão) Pará.svg Grao-Para DasKapitalReaper 3 25 2019 04/18
1200px-Bandeira de Belém.svg.pngBelem File:Bandeira Província do (Grão) Pará.svg Grao-Para Pessoa123 3 6 2019 04/16
2000px-Flag of Campinas.svg.png Osorio File:Bandeira Província do (Grão) Pará.svg Grao-Para TuckerTN 1 9 2019 03/13
File:Bandeira de Aracaju.svgAracaju File:Bandeira Província do (Grão) Pará.svg Grao-Para TeoPimenta 2 12 2019 04/08
1200px-Berne-coat of arms.svg.png Bern Star.png 2000px-Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg.png Switzerland PrestusHood 2 55 2018 11/02
Flag of Canton of Zürich.svg.png Zurich 2000px-Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg.png Switzerland magicthijthij 1 80 2018 11/01
Br-am-mn.gif Manaus Star.png Bandeira-da-colombia-2000px.png Columbia Xenomorph69 1 23 2018 11/30

Notable People

Notable people who may not be in Brazil today, but whose actions and dedication forged our history.

FLBrazil.png Federative Republic of Brazil FLBrazil.png
FLBrazil.png Federative Republic of Brazil Template:• Bandera Provincia Manabí.png Manabí Template:• Peru-Bolivia.jpg Peru-Bolivia
Former Nations
File:Bandeira Província do (Grão) Pará.svg Grao-Para Template:• 2000px-Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg.png Trinidad and Tobago Template:• 2000px-Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg.png Switzerland Template:• Bandeira-da-colombia-2000px.png Columbia Template:• 1000px-Bandeira do Pará (variante).svg.png Para Template:• FLPiaui.png Piaui Template:• 205px-Flag of Nepal.png Nepal
FLXingu.png Mehinaku Template:• FlagofBrasilia.png Brasilia Template:•Bandeira da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.svg.png Rio de Janeiro Template:• Bandeira de Vitória.svg.png Vitoria Template:•
File:Bandeira da cidade de São Paulo.svg São PauloTemplate:• 1000px-Bandeira do Pará (variante).svg.png Belem Template:• Juazeiro Flag.png Juazeiro Template:• File:Bandeira de Recife.svg Recife Template:• Bandeira de Belo Horizonte.png Belo Horizonte
Former Cities
1024px-Bandeira de Salvador.svg.png Salvador Template:• Bandeira-saosebastiao.png São Sebastião Template:• 1200px-Berne-coat of arms.svg.png Bern Template:• Tt-pos.gif San Francisque Template:• Br-am-mn.gif Manaus Template:• Kkkkkkkbandeirakkkk.png Balneario Camboriu Template:• Trinishvirginislands.png Port Cooper
Notable Citizens
P1.png TwisterSelvagem Template:• P2.png PrestusHood Template:• P3.png Xenomorph07 Template:• P4.png Cafezinhu Template:• P5.png Luke_Show Template:•
P6.png Molotov1234 Template:• P7.png Sou o A Template:• P8.png Adaster54
Wars and Conflicts
Falkland War Template:• Integralist Coup Template:• Hindustani-Indian War Template:• Battle for Rio Template:• Great Balkan War Template:• First Brazilian Civil War Template:• Second Brazilian Civil War Template:• Estonian - Latvian War Template:• Switzerland Independence Movement Template:• Venezuelan War Template:• Guerrilla Campaign against Mehinkau Template:• Port Hope Rebellion Template:• The Sudanese Rebellion Template:•