El Obeid

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Revision as of 16:09, 2 November 2020 by >57gorky
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El Obeid
Town Information
Economic System
Official Language Englishflag.jpg English
Official Religion 1200px-Isis.svg.png The Cult of Isis
Government Information
Political System
Mayor TwomooFace.png twomoo1119
Historical Information
Past Nations
Past Mayors
  • 17/01/19 - 05/03/20 TwomooFace.png twomoo1119 (First Time)
  • 06/03/20 - 26/03/20 VladPic.png VladimirVI
  • 27/03/20 - 06/05/20 ZovelPic.png zovely
  • 07/05/20 - 15/05/20 MoosePic.png MagicMoose,
Past Councillors

El Obeid is a town that is the capital of Nubia and is run by Mayor and Emperor of Nubia, twomoo1119. The town is one of the largest in both Africa and the EarthMC server by population having consistently been at 100 residents for the past several months when under twomoo1119.


Buildings and Landmarks

City Subdivisions

The Old City

The Old City is the area surrounded by the Darfur, Aegyptus, Nile Malakal walls and, as is to be expected, is the oldest part of El Obeid. It contains the nation and town spawn, two parks, an ice road station as well as the majority of housing. The old city is further divided into 4 quarters which are named according to the order they were claimed in.

The First Quarter

The First Quarter is the southeastern corner and is the oldest known part of the town.

The Second Quarter

The Third Quarter

The Fourth Quarter

Flag-0.png The Second Nubian Empire Flag-0.png
Member Nations
Flag-0.png Nubia | Molodezhnaya Flag.png Molodezhnaya | Botswana Flag.png Botswana | 1280px-Flag of Namibia.png Namibia | Kasaiflag.png Kasai | Nejd | Bura | Songhai | Cote Divoire | Songhai | Agadez | Algeria | Nepal | Cameroon | South Sudan | Angola
Significant Cities
Flag-0.png El Obeid | Harepan | Bollywood | Hammerfest flag.png Hammerfest | Moba | Gaborone | Screen Shot 2021-01-29 at 12.55.44 AM.png Matjiesfontein | Motherland | Kemenkaya | Yako | Los Pollos | Gao | SunaFlag.JPG Suna | TurkanaFlag.png Turkana
Nation leaders
TwomooFace.png Emperor twomoo1119 | TransientFace.png Colony Leader TransientBeing | PeterHead.png Colony Leader peterhobo | RandalFace.png Colony Leader RandalTaEndieGuy | BrobboFace.png Colony Leader Brobbo41 | MikFace.png Colony Leader mikzav | KarooFace.png Colony Leader TheKaroo | VogotliFace.png Colony Leader Vogotli | FijiFace.png Colony Leader Fijiloopins | EzyFace.png Colony Leader Ezy35613 | CreightorFace.png Colony Leader Creightor |
TwomooFace.png Emperor twomoo1119 | KostasFace.png MoCA UsualKostas | StarFace.png MoD StarKiller1744 | GorkyBoy.png MoFA gorkymoo1119 | MeganNewFace.png MoIA Mengan_ | LopFace.png MoTaC Lopile
Wars and Conflicts
Yemen-Nubia Conflict | The Dharug-Kraftier Rebellion | Svalbard-Nordaustlandet Unification War | The Vestspitsbergen Rebellion | Nubia-Kindu War | Ethiopian war of Independence |