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ATTENTION: This Wiki is still being actively worked on. If you would like to submit information regarding anything mentioned on this page, DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT US at the Gujarat Discord Server. Alternatively, you can contact @Mapscientist#3728 on Discord or @Mapscientist1 on Twitter! Anything helps!


Gujarat was a small Terra Nova nation located on the western coast of the Indian Subcontinent. It was formed by indian7p on April 9, 2020, and its creation had been planned for more than a month. It was surrounded by the Land of the Maurya Dynasty to the north, the India Realm to the northeast, and the Lands of Bharat to the east. It had been an established presence in southern Asia for around five years, ending with the closing of the Terra Nova server.[1]

Gujarat was formerly a member of the Yemeni, Sri Lankan, Austrian, Second Nubian, and Irish Empires. It has had four Prime Ministers and three Presidents.<ref>see Government.</ref>

Regional Atlas

Political map of central India. May 3, 2022.

This political map of India was created by Mapscientist to fully illustrate the territorial claims and borders of central and western India while plotting each town and major ruin that existed at the time of its creation.


Beginnings with Yemen (2019-2020)

Gujarat, or Arabia as it was known in its early days, was founded on May 28, 2019 by player Tafffy, with Dubai as its capital city. Following a war between the Social Democracy of India and the Maurya Dynasty in March 2020, as well as its abrupt transition to a Socialist Democracy, India found itself in an economic freefall, and Chancellor LordHashbrown_ sold the nation to Yemen after Arabia was admitted too. Not wanting to stay with India after these events, Chancellor indian7p sought the funds to make his own country as a breakaway state. However, he wouldn't have to wait very long, as on April 9, 2020, he bought Arabia from Tafffy instead of creating a nation from scratch. He immediately switched the capital city to Ahmedabad, renamed the country to Gujarat, and adopted the government system he designed back on March 27, though Dubai would not be kept. More towns would need to be added under this new government, and two days after the purchase, Rajkot would be the first to join Gujarat.

With the inheritance of Arabia, Indian also inherited its alliance with Yemen as an autonomous member of its orbital bloc. While Gujarat was not a colony of Yemen, they were heavily dependent on Yemeni influence and considered a part of their empire as a "province". This arrangement could continue so long as the national opinion of the empire remained somewhat positive, and Gujarat relied on them politically or economically.

During Gujarat's first months, indian7p focused almost exclusively on consolidating his government and recruiting new residents and towns. He settled on the flag of the Gujarat Sultanate as the nation's official flag on April 14, and improved the ice highway network that connected the region to the rest of the Yemen Empire. Indian continued to implement mild national advancements while also developing Ahmedabad into the month of May. But while Gujarat was still reeling from prior tensions during India's war with the Maurya Dynasty, its westerly neighbors in Pakistan felt resentment towards ex-Chancellor Indian.

Assault on Ahmedabad

On May 7, King Jayden7566 of Pakistan and his ally, Windhoek Mayor Alex07DGB of Imperial Namibia, visited Ahmedabad to intimidate indian7p while he was working on the city. This came as somewhat of a surprise to Indian, as both Pakistan and Alex were loyal to the Yemen Empire just like he was, and he voted for Alex in a Yemen election after he formed the Citizen's Guard party the day prior to bolster his own support. Pakistan had even fought alongside Yemen and India against Roruka as allies. Despite these past interactions, a rivalry had brewed between Indian and Jayden.

Indian warned Jayden and Alex to leave Ahmedabad, but Alex set off TNT in the street outside the Reliance headquarters office before attacking Indian directly. When Indian asked Alex why he was attacking, he responded, "I gotta do what I gotta do." Jayden and Alex were both outlawed in Ahmedabad, and Namibia was declared an enemy of Gujarat. Before long, Yemeni Grand Vizier Argaeus (or "Vlad", as he was known at the time) intervened to secure the city, though without potions he claimed his ability to help was limited. After Alex built a structure outside of claims to fire on Indian from above, Indian reported the build as a proximity grief. Jayden argued that since Indian had done something similar in Osiris, the capital city Ancient Egypt and a close ally of Pakistan, he would face repercussions from moderators too. Indian dismissed the idea and claimed that Alex's actions were worse, though after the fight concluded without casualty, Indian spoke with Yemeni Emperor Raining_Oranges while Alex continued to wander Ahmedabad for some time.

File:Indian7p on pakistan.png
indian7p announces hostile policies towards Pakistan in the wake of an assassination attempt moments prior.

Following this conversation, Indian put out a statement informing the public of future tensions with Pakistan, and as Alex and Jayden still used the Maurya nation spawn, protections against intrusions from the north were suggested. Afterwards, Raining Oranges kicked Pakistan from the Yemen Empire, but this would do little to stop the hostilities.

Continued International Aggression

After indian7p survived an assassination attempt, measures would be put in place to improve security in Ahmedabad, and work on the nation would resume. Gujarat would lose the town of Harappa on May 18 from inactivity, and on the 20th, Rajkot Mayor Mapscientist would design the banner for Gujarat's flag. Most internal changes to the nation were small and innocuous, but the external political situation was beginning to tense.

Nubia, upon declaring independence from the Yemen Empire, became hostile to Gujarat, and after Austrian player navyaxD moved to Rajkot on the 27th, militants from the Xia Dynasty and New Guinea would attack the city. Xia emperor IamSen233 fought Map and Navya at Mumbai before eventually retreating. On the 2nd of June, Pakistani players TheRealJewy and Coolgamer127 successfully assassinated indian7p by pretending to mutually combat Coolgamer in exchange for peace, after insisting he had betrayed Pakistan and attacked Jewy. Indian had already been pursuing moderator action against Jewy for some time by this point. As regional and imperial conflicts ramped up, the stability of Gujarat under Yemen had become fragile, and it would only take a slight provocation to permanently alter the nation's course.

Involvement in Yemen-Nubia Conflict

As a member state of the Yemen Empire, Gujarat had become indirectly involved in the Yemen-Nubia Conflict on Yemen's side. On June 3, Mapscientist and navyaxD, as well as Nubian player LumpyoctopusX99, traveled to the town of Kraftier to wage war against Mayor kobiKraft.

When Map and Navya reached Kraftier, Lumpy did not immediately join them in battle, but spectated from the outskirts of town. While Navya kept Kobi cornered in non-pvp zones, Lumpy eventually joined against him. After some time, Nubian player Nopnop100 arrived to support Kobi. The battle continued for several minutes before the belligerent food rations had run out, forcing Map, Navya, and Lumpy to all retreat. A small Nubian counteroffensive was launched against Rajkot in retaliation. Later that day, Lumpy was confronted at the Skirmish of New Gondar, where he was perceived as an ally of Nubia who had attacked an Ethiopian citizen. He was killed in the fight, but started a new conflict between Nubia and Ethiopia. After these skirmishes, peace between kobiKraft and the people of Gujarat was not immediate, but over the next few weeks, the schism between Gujarat and Nubia would begin to close, as Navya continued to do business in Kraftier. Some Nubians were dismayed at the idea of a possible alliance between the two nations.

The results of the first Gujarati election.

On June 8, Gujarat's first Prime Minister election was decided. zThunder7 became the nation's first PM after holding 2/3 of the popular vote. This election offered a referendum asking voters if Gujarat should stay with Yemen, and it was decided that the alliance would continue. During Thunder's tenure as PM, he offered free farms and highway infrastructure frequently. However, he was also accused of begging for funds from citizens, and this behavior made his administration rather unpopular. On top of this, due to Navya's combat capabilities and business ties bringing Nubia closer, he became favored among the people. During the month of June, Gujarat-Nubia relations had cooled, and the Gujarati people no longer wished to stay with Yemen, as Thunder had wanted.

On the 21st of June, a new election was held, which ousted Thunder from office, but in turn elected him both Minister of Recruitment & Populace and Minister of Economical Activities. In the same breath, navyaxD became the new Prime Minister of Gujarat, and the votes were cast in favor of leaving Yemen. On July 1, Gujarat officially left the Yemen Empire while still keeping their alliance intact, and proceeded to join Sri Lanka. This move further demotivated Yemeni Emperor Raining_Oranges, who had already gone inactive for quite some time beforehand, though it also consolidated relations with Nubia.

Gujarat Under Sri Lanka (2020)

Prior to July 3rd, the governing body of Gujarat consisted of President indian7p, Prime Minister navyaxD, and a Parliament of town mayors and a cabinet of ministers. However, that day, a Council was created that would include anyone in any Gujarati town with the "councillor" rank. This Council would extend the Parliament to all councillors and cabinet ministers. As Councillor of Rajkot, Navya wanted councillors to have more power than MPs, but Indian refused the idea.

Presidential Power Struggle

On July 6, Navya would begin talk of a new constitution. He planned to install himself as president through this new document, but indian7p saw this as an attempted coup. On the 16th, Navya held a vote to increase councillor power above MPs, but was immediately vetoed by Indian. The Council was temporarily closed to discuss terms of amendments to the constitution.

The following day, Gujarat left the Sri Lankan Empire due to the banning of some Sri Lankan leaders, as well as UghBraces selling the nation. The town of Latur defected to Sri Lanka, and negotiation efforts to bring the city back had failed.

Downtown Ahmedabad, capitol of Gujarat. July 3, 2020.

Gujarat on Hold

On the 20th of July, President indian7p was banned due to of rumors of an alleged doxxing of Raining_Oranges' friend. A statement by Indian was written in response. During this time, Gujarat was becoming a much more populous nation with the efforts of navyaxD, who became the "Emergency President". Indian released a video on his situation, but elections were put on hold indefinitely, and if Indian was not unbanned, Navya would have to step in as the new president.

The City of Rajkot. August 21, 2020.

The next month, Prime Minister navyaxD would buy Mumbai from Sri Lanka, causing him to move from the city of Rajkot and continue his work at his new home. This would cause Rajkot's second period of inactivity, but Mumbai would expand in population quite rapidly.

The Treaty of Ahmedabad. This document shows the agreement between Gujarat and the Austrian Empire, ratified September 6th, 2020. Note: "Rajkot" in Austria term 1 was meant to say "Gujarat," but was written mistakenly.

On August 27th, indian7p was unbanned, and the third election of the Gujarati Prime Minister took place on the first of September. The candidates navyaxD and Pokemaster01 of Neu_Frankfurt were the only choices, and Navya won by a landslide victory (6-0). This would be his third term as PM. Five days later, Gujarat opted into the Austrian Empire through the signing of the Treaty of Ahmedabad (shown left).

Gujarat Under Austria (2020)

The day after the new treaty was signed, the Gujarati Parliament was under investigation by indian7p. All MP ranks would be temporarily disabled until the investigation was complete. This caused some confusion from the MPs, but it was said by Indian that the target of the investigation was Prime Minister navyaxD. This was because Navya still had positive relations with the town of Kraftier and the nation of Kosovo, but poor relations with Nubia, which had been allies with Gujarat since the 20th of June. After Navya agreed to break all ties with Kraftier, Indian's investigation ended. However, Navya's Prime Minister rank would not be returned to him until the 15th, as Indian became irritated when Navya asked him for his rank back.

Involvement with Pakistan

During a border conflict between Pakistan and Persia in late September, the Council sided with Pakistan despite being enemies. This initiated peace talks with Jayden7566, and the Council suggested that if Pakistan became neutral or allied with Gujarat, the they would fund Jayden to aid him during the war. Jayden agreed to make a vote and let his people decide on whether his country should make peace with Gujarat, but no conclusion was ever formally reached, and thus the two nations remained at odds. One possible explanation for why this was could be that Pakistan was an enemy of The Syndicate, a group of nations which the Austrian Empire was in. However, no particular reason for Jayden's abrupt abandonment of the summit was communicated.

The Veto Controversy

On September 22nd, navyaxD and a new MP, InfiniteTapWater, brought up an important issue during a Council discussion: indian7p's powers as president. They cited the power of the veto as a reason why Indian had too much control over the government. Indian gave himself this power two days prior, and elaborated on his policy by stating, "Veto power only exists if the thing you are voting on exists or is in process, affects individual towns drastically or changes the political structure (where it is voted by citizens in general elections)." In a discussion regarding a tax bill by InfiniteTapWater, Indian also stated that taxation efforts would also be vetoed. No members of Parliament agreed to this, causing an unstable relationship between president and Council.

During the voting process of this new tax bill, indian7p continued to suggest amendments after the bill was already finalized, and he had the final say even if the bill was ratified by all of Parliament. This meant he had the power to bend any motion to his will, or void it entirely. Indian could also cast his own votes, which some MPs believed was undemocratic. The Council agreed that reform must be made in order to protect Gujarat's democracy, or else Indian risked a revolution.

The official flag of the Democratic Rebellion of Gujarat.

Instability and the DRG

Without indian7p's knowledge, the Parliament formed the Democratic Rebellion of Gujarat (DRG), and gained support from Austria, as well as ZodiakFlesh, the then-leader of Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Mississippi. The rebellion would not see action unless veto reform wasn't agreed to by Indian, and it would not turn violent unless absolutely necessary. The members of the group would split from Gujarat and form an independent nation if nothing was done, or it would attempt to reduce the president's power if not depose indian7p entirely.

The next day, Prime Minister Navya would hold a vote to abolish the veto. Two MPs would vote in favor of it before indian7p vetoed it, adding to the DRG's reasons to rebel. However, on the 26th, indian7p would announce new changes to the structure of the government.

indian7p's message to the public regarding new voting policies.

Indian had reformed both voting and veto power, giving into the demand of Parliament. There was no longer any need for the DRG, and thus it was disbanded. The introduction of this act would end the Veto Controversy.

The Rise of InfiniteTapWater

In early September, the town of Bangalore was created by player InfiniteTapWater, a relatively new player on the server. It was quickly annexed by Gujarat, and Tap became their newest MP. He spent most of his time on the server gaining as much wealth as possible, and the rate at which he acquired it impressed other members of Parliament. He began one of his largest contributions to the nation by drafting a taxation bill, which was seen and approved by members of the Council. This tax bill would be the basis of the Veto Controversy, but would ultimately be approved by President indian7p.

On October 1st, Tap would run against navyaxD in Gujarat's fourth Prime Minister election. His campaign succeeded, and became Gujarat's third PM after only being a part of the nation for less than one month. During his time as PM, he appointed the members of his cabinet while on vacation, but soon afterwards, Tap explained that he had been dealing with "personal stuff." On top of that, the nation was at an all-time low in terms of activity, and it was declining in membership. He resigned as PM on the 21st to focus on real-world problems, and handed the position off to Mapscientist, a cabinet member of his. Tap remained in the cabinet during Mapscientist's brief time as PM, though no legislation would be introduced.

The Dark Age Begins

navyaxD's speech on Gujarat's Dark Age.

On November 1st, the fifth PM election would take place, but only one person would be on the ballot: navyaxD. By this point, too many citizens had gone inactive for a close election to happen. Navya was reelected with the promise that he would revitalize Gujarat, and wanted every member of Parliament to pour their energy into recruitment and growth. His return came with a somewhat more authoritarian approach, as he wanted to weaken the Council but strengthen the PM and presidency, while expanding across the Indian Subcontinent.

Navya made a number of speeches and immediate changes, such as renaming the Prime Minister position to match the Chancellor rank, and the introduction of "Outward Westernisation," a program to implement western philosophical ideas into the government.

Throughout Gujarat's time as a colony of the Austrian Empire, the colonists had not fulfilled their promises to Gujarat that were outlined in the Treaty of Ahmedabad. They did not aid Gujarat during its decline, nor did they assist with military protection. The Austrian government also did not allow Gujarat to ally with Nubia, which violated the treaty. indian7p held a vote on November 9th asking the people if Gujarat should stick with them, and after it was decided that they would leave the empire, leader Toefte insulted Indian in a heated argument (that has since been deleted). It was announced in the Austrian Discord server that Gujarat had been kicked, although this wording irritated Indian and Navya.

Gujarat and the Darya Pact (2020-2021)

After leaving the Austrian Empire, Gujarat was free to ally or enemy any nation without worrying about an empire's cooperation. On the 19th of November, 2020, Gujarat became one of four founding nations of the Darya Pact, along with Nubia, Somalia, and Kaapkust. The purpose of this alliance was to support each nation's development and defense.

Darya.png The Darya Pact Darya.png
Member Nations
Flag-0.png Nubia | 1200px-Flag of the Gujarat Sultanate.svg.png Gujarat | Kaapkust Flag.jpg Kaapkust | SomaliFlag.png Somalia | Flag Congo Free State.png Congo Free State
Molodezhnaya Flag.png Molodezhnaya | Kasaiflag.png Kasai | 1200px-Flag of Rhodesia (1968–1979).svg.png Rhodesia
Nation leaders
TwomooFace.png Emperor twomoo1119 | IndianFace.png King indian7p | GeneralTFace.png King General_T123 | PoofPic.png Pirate King mrpoof_ | S11Daniels Head.png King S11Daniels
StarFace.png GV StarKiller1744 | TheBoss.png KoUD Thee_Boss | IndianFace.png KotT indian7p | MeganNewFace.png KoCA Mengan_ | GorkyBoy.png KoFA gorkymoo1119 | AwesomerFace.png KoD Awesomer______
Wars and Conflicts
The Sudanese Rebellion

Soon after joining the Darya Pact, false rumors began spreading of a Gujarati declaration of war against the Maurya Dynasty. indian7p addressed the allegations by stating they were indeed fake, and that someone had been impersonating him. Some confusion arose from this event, but no formal declarations were made.

In mid/late November, the members of Darya were preparing for the election the Maktaba, a group of individuals who manage all aspects of the pact. President indian7p campaigned for a position in the Maktaba as a Katib, a member who could oversee foreign policy, military, activity, urban development, or finances. On the 30th of November, the election results were released, and Indian became Katib of the Treasury.

Drafting the Constitution

Five days prior to the Darya Pact election, Indian would make an attempt to finish a draft of the Gujarati constitution the nation was waiting for. A vote was held to ask the people if the document should resemble Nubia's, and there would be two affirmative votes. Three days later, another vote was held on what the constitution should include, and all citizens could participate. Chancellor navyaxD's term was extended to an undetermined date so that the constitution could be decided. As of this writing on December 28, 2024, this version of the constitution has not been finalized, and voting has not yet closed.

In one of the first steps to regrow Gujarat, MP Mapscientist announces his return to EarthMC.

The Last Attempt

By December 2020, Gujarat was largely inactive. Many towns had only one member left, and old members of the nation wanted to do something about it. Some MPs expressed interest in renewing Gujarat's activity. Ahmedabad was already going through radical changes, and Rajkot was experiencing new transformations as well. A new recruitment campaign began in some of the larger towns in an effort to start expansion again.

These new strides would not be enough to motivate Chancellor Navya to continue his work, however. On the 18th, navyaxD resigned as chancellor, citing server and member activity for his reasons why. He also did not enjoy the server any longer, and wanted to distance himself from it as much as possible. The day after this resignation, indian7p appointed Mapscientist and InfiniteTapWater as the new chancellors. Gujarat never had two chancellors at once before, but this was not considered a problem.

The next day, Tap relocated to Rajkot to assist Mapscientist with recruitment, and left Bangalore behind. A large construction project that was made possible by recruitment efforts and government funding was underway, and each town was pouring hours of work into recruitment. This, however, was still not enough, as the December election was cancelled due to the citizens' continued inactivity and unwillingness to campaign.

Navya's "navya Doctrine"; a bill that would attempt to change how Gujarat handled produce.

The Navya Doctrine (2021)

On the second day of the new year, cabinet member navyaxD proposed a new bill that would introduce radical changes to the government, which mainly served to change how the state handled agriculture. It was titled "navya Doctrine," and it contained a series of 11 clauses that would reform control over agricultural affairs. There was much debate over the various clauses, and was unfavorable among the chancellors and president. The next day, Chancellors Mapscientist and InfiniteTapWater created a new doctrine based on Navya's that they believed had improved upon the old policies to rival the Navya Doctrine. There was no popular version by this point, so President indian7p created a "merger" agricultural doctrine to compromise. This version was not agreed to either, and there were no changes to the government.

The Death of Gujarat

After the events of January 2021, there was very little activity in-game from the members of the nation. On March 15th, Chancellor Mapscientist quit the server, but did not resign his position. Multiple towns fell due to inactivity, including Mumbai on the 11th of May. Some members still logged on just to keep their items and towns, but most of the country did not go online at all. Most towns only had one resident, aside from the small town of Goa, which joined Gujarat without communication.

July Activity Spike

On July 17th, Chancellors Mapscientist and InfiniteTapWater logged onto the server. They surveyed the ruins of once-great towns of Gujarat, and concluded that the country was in a state of dishevelment. After raiding nearby ruins and killing players found in the wilderness, an agreement was reached to annex the town of Bengal from India. This, however, couldn't work, as the town was too far from Gujarati claims to be subsumed, so they settled for an alliance instead.

The following day, MP navyaxD and Chancellor InfiniteTapWater requested to become the presidents of Gujarat. In return for this position, they would return to the server and play actively. The following agreement with President indian7p was announced:

King indian7p hands the Gujarati presidency to navyaxD and InfiniteTapWater, therefore removing Mapscientist from the chancellorship.

The new President navyaxD made some immediate changes, like changing Rajkot town policy, and President InfiniteTapWater began work on demolishing old buildings in the city. However, activity from nation members was still relatively low, causing Tap to resign his presidency and leave Gujarat days later.

The ghost town of Mumbai. Nationless claims split the town into Mumbai and Bombay. June 19, 2021.
The remains of zThunder7's town, Indraprastha. June 19, 2021.
The town of Goa. June 19, 2021.

July 2021 to Today

In recent documentation, there has been little change in Gujarat since July 2021. On September 6th, the Land of Gujarat submitted to the Second Nubian Empire. The claims that split Mumbai disbanded, but were replaced with new ones under the new India nation. The town of Goa also collapsed, and similarly to Mumbai, was replaced by a new Indian town, "Donkeys island."

On January 26 2022, Cabinet Member Mapscientist logged into the server and was approached by Indian Emperor 69Shock. They discussed the relationship between India and Gujarat and posed the question of Gujarati subjugation. Map brought this idea to indian7p, claiming integration would benefit Gujarat largely due to the empire's proximity, as opposed to Nubia's faraway governance. However, the president rejected this proposal, citing Shock's alleged affiliation with scammers. Map complied with this arrangement, but agreed to stay tied with India.

Relations would be shaken, however, when Map encountered a scammer in the streets of Mumbai. The scammer was reported to Shock, who had vague but negative history with the person in question; even after this event, the alliance held.

At some point between September 6th and October 19 2022, the town of Neu Frankfurt collapsed. The cause was likely due to inactivity, as Mayor Scherzwaffle had not been seen on the server in quite some time, and Terra Nova as a whole was beginning to dwindle in popularity as Terra Aurora took over. While Neu Frankfurt was under Indian subjugation, it remained an influential part of Gujarati history long after its disbandment.

Today, Gujarat is a small and inactive nation with only two towns, each with only one resident. Its territory has diminished greatly, as both towns lie in close proximity on the Kathiawar Peninsula. Ahmedabad, Rajkot, and Mumbai are the only remaining registered towns who have withstood the tests of time, though Mumbai is no longer in Gujarati possession.


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Infographic by Mapscientist showing the structure of Gujarat's government. December 28, 2024.

Prior to Gujarat's "Dark Age", its government had a defined structure and hierarchy, with different positions, roles, powers, checks, and balances. To the right is an image outlining the basic shape of the internal system that kept the country running in 2020 before elections were cancelled.

While most of the governmental system of Gujarat was decided early on, the Council was a creation of navyaxD and indian7p months later on July 3, 2020 as an extension of Parliament that included town councillors. After its installation, it became one of the most active channels for members of Gujarat to voice proposals and concerns regarding the nation's operations. While there were attempts to raise the Council's power above Parliament, they were all rejected by Indian during his presidency.

Presidential History

From its founding on May 28, 2019, to the day it was given to indian7p, Arabia was owned by player Tafffy until Indian bought it and became president on April 8, 2020. indian7p remained the president until July 19, 2021, when he relinquished the presidency to navyaxD and InfiniteTapWater, although he never gave up being "king" of Gujarat in-game. However, after he was banned on July 20 of 2020, he created the position of "Emergency President" and allowed then-PM Navya to be treated as the president until his reinstatement on August 27<ref>see Gujarat on Hold.</ref>.

On July 23, 2021, Tap left Gujarat temporarily and abdicated the presidency, leaving Navya the sole president and Indian a cabinet member (and leaving the chancellorship vacant oddly enough). Once Navya's player data had been wiped for inactivity, Indian swapped places with him and remained the president until the end of Terra Nova's existence. Mapscientist was given the "President" role in the Gujarat Discord after Nova closed down, but only for the purposes of accessing more channels, and no real power could be bestowed by then.



Dynmap view of Ahmedabad. May 2, 2022.

Ahmedabad, the capital city of the Land of Gujarat, is the oldest town in the nation, which was founded by President indian7p on October 24, 2019 at 19:33 UTC. It is also the largest town by area at 131 chunks. It serves as the national spawnpoint and business hub for travelers. It houses 1 citizen, although much of the land is reserved specifically for residential use. The town is located on the northern end of the Kathiawar Peninsula on the Indian Subcontinent, and while it is the closest Gujarati town to foreign borders, it is also the furthest inland. It lies at a four-way boundary between vast deserts, jungles, swamps and savannahs, offering a wide range of natural environments and biodiversity.

Architecture & Infrastructure

File:Indian7p 10 28 2019.png
An Ahmedabad World Trade Center prototype (left) and town hall (right). October 28, 2019.

[2]Historically, early Ahmedabad took a simple rustic approach to its architecture, with a basic oak plank town hall. Once mayor indian7p had gained funds for more advanced materials such as concrete and stained glass, all new buildings and construction projects took on a modernistic style, starting with the World Trade Center. Each building is made primarily of white or gray concrete and white stained glass. The city streets form a square net of straight, intersecting paths made with stone-based materials. Each street is lit by glowstone, and has medians complete with oak leaf bushes. The four central intersections are interrupted by fountains, which are not present in the outer ring of the city.

Domestic and international travel options exist near and within the stone fence surrounding Ahmedabad. One of the easiest methods of entering the city is by using the underground ice highways, which are connected to much of India and the middle east. Another common method of travel involves the north-south canal to the east of town, which not only connects the Indian Ocean to Ahmedabad, but also connects Ahmedabad to nations further north such as Punjab. If travelling by water isn't feasible, there is also a railway which connects the north side of the town of Rajkot to the north side of Ahmedabad, but this minecart line is not maintained.

File:2022-05-04 15.12.00.png
The current state of the Ahmedabad airport. May 4, 2022.

The most exclusive option for travelers visiting Gujarat happens to be Ahmedabad's airport. The building itself, as well as its terminals, are suspended high above the rest of the city, and employs the same consistent contemporary style. The airport was in operation during early 2020, but because the surrounding chunks were not claimed at the time, it was vulnerable to griefing and looting. When it was eventually claimed by Indian, the damage was not repaired, and the Ahmedabad airport remains closed to the public.

Like many desert towns, one common issue mayors must face is the occurrence of sand mining. Builders in search of sand and glass come to these towns to gather resources without cost. To combat this, the city limits are lined with tall stone brick fences to contain those who teleport via /n spawn. As a result, much of the terrain has remained mostly intact, and there are far larger deserts to the north outside of Gujarati claims.

Notable Sites

Important Businesses

For most of Ahmedabad's history, the city has not remained populous, and on average, only 1-2 residents live in it at any given point in time. However, there are many for-sale estates that are available for purchase, and construction projects in these areas are ongoing.

The Reliance HQ in Ahmedabad, prior to demolition. April 24, 2020.

One of the largest and most recognizable structures in Ahmedabad was the Reliance Headquarters. In this building, players would teleport inside using the /n spawn command, and could trade using the many sign shops found on each floor. During times of war or if suspicious activity was spotted nearby, the building could be easily locked down, barring visitors from leaving until the conflict was resolved. It was located near the center of the city, and remained as one of the tallest buildings in Gujarat for well over a year. However, the skyscraper would not last, as it was almost entirely removed in 2021. The site only had the outer walls of the bottom floor remaining.

This was not the only large structure in Ahmedabad. As stated previously, there exists an airport on the northern side of the town, which connected flying machine flights across the server. It was established on May 1, 2020, and is managed by Air India Ltd, indian7p's air travel agency. Initially, there were plans to expand the airline across all of Gujarat, but the only known ports built in Gujarat were in Ahmedabad and Mumbai.


Dynmap view of Rajkot. May 4, 2022.
Sunset off the coast of Rajkot. January 23, 2022.

Rajkot is the second largest and oldest town that still remains in Gujarat, being formed November 9, 2019, and has amassed 109 chunks. The town was created by an unknown player, but has been governed by Mayor Mapscientist for the majority of its existence. It is located at the southern tip of the Kathiawar Peninsula on the Indian Subcontinent, and offers a wide coastline along the Indian Ocean.

Architecture & Infrastructure

Rajkot is one of the most architecturally diverse towns in India, and this is due to its various collaborative projects constructed by many residents, as well as its creatively liberal philosophy. After the fall of its predecessor QuinnLand, many buildings were demolished and replaced with alpine rustic cabins, which were mainly used for town necessities (e.g. farms & storage). When navyaxD became councillor, Rajkot's recruitment initiatives saw massive success, forcing Navya to expand residential districts and build new storage sites. Many of Navya's builds were inspired by traditional Indian architecture, with bulbs and domed roofs becoming more common. Although they weren't as "alpine" in nature, they still followed the rustic wooden theme. At the same time, blank plots were sometimes given to new residents to allow them to build their own homes in whatever style they chose (although the rustic theme was still encouraged). As investments from Ahmedabad came in, the 7 Wonders Community was developed, bringing both direct influence by indian7p and his modern build style into Rajkot.

Because of the town's proximity to major cities such as Ahmedabad, Roruka and Mumbai, traveling to and from Rajkot was easy. It was connected to the same ice highway network as Ahmedabad, although it didn't have a direct line to Mumbai. It also had a railway which lead directly to Ahmedabad and back, though this route wasn't recommended, as it was poorly maintained and hard to entrain unless outside of both towns' claims.

Notable Sites

Historic City Center

At the southernmost point of the town, a large portion of the city was walled off by white concrete and quartz pillars. This wall enclosed the City Center, within which the old town borders were drawn before Mapscientist came to power. Much of the ground was replaced by stone bricks, which remained since the creation of Rajkot in 2019. This was where town necessities were kept, such as farms, storage, and even some expensive housing.

In the heart of the City Center lied the Bell Tower, a 25-block-tall concrete dome supported by stone pillars, complete with a beacon, floor design, and a stone clapper that hung from the top. It was constructed on May 18, 2020 as a symbol of amelioration, celebrating QuinnLand's rebirth. This was where members of the town would teleport to after using the /t spawn command. The beacon's effects could be felt across town, but it was the only active beacon in Rajkot.

Ancient castle claimed by Rajkot. December 17, 2020.

In the region surrounding Rajkot, there were four individual ruin sites that predated Rajkot itself. One of these sites was claimed by Map, and lied at the northern panhandle in the center of the peninsula. This was claimed to ensure the preservation of a historical artifact, but anyone with permission could have explored the interior. Other sites included the remnants of a town that existed during the First Epoch, a rectangular wall surrounding an empty field, and other structures along the coast of the peninsula from just before the town's foundation.


Around Rajkot, there are numerous monuments and statues dedicated to the various idols of the town and constructed by Councillor navyaxD and Mayor Mapscientist. Behind the Bank of Rajkot, there is a single plot in which visitors may commune with the likes of Politoon Narendra Modi, Anakin Skywalker, and legendary Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade. On the other side of the Bank, there stands a tall wooden structure that illuminates the surrounding plots, known as Le Tour de Noir. Its constructor, Navya, built it out of pure boredom and did not dedicate it to anyone in particular, unlike its smaller stone counterparts.

Former Towns

This section is for towns that have previously been under Gujarati control, but have since disbanded and/or have been reclaimed by another nation.


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Dynmap view of Mumbai. August 6, 2022.
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View of Mumbai as seen from the beach island. October 20, 2022.

Mumbai is one of the oldest and most historic towns to have ever been under Gujarati rule. Created by LordHashbrown_ in late September 2019, it was the capital city of the Social Democracy of India until the nation disbanded in 2020. Thanks to the early success of the town, it had already grown to cover hundreds of chunks by this point, but was handed to player UghBraces. This ownership would not last long, as on July 9, 2020, UghBraces would offer navyaxD the city. Navya would agree to the terms, and move out of Rajkot to take up his new position, as this would be an important stepping stone in his swift rise to power.

Navya would continue as mayor of Mumbai until mid-May 2021, when the city fell into ruin. There was an attempt to regain control over the area, but as no one would join the new Mumbai and another player would compete to claim the town center, all efforts were futile. On July 6, Navya's Mumbai would finally collapse for good, and on August 19, a new Mumbai rose from the ruins. Eventually, the city was reclaimed entirely by the new Land of Bharat of the Indian Empire.

Architecture & Infrastructure

Throughout Mumbai's presence in the region, it has undergone multiple renovations by multiple mayors. The main aspect of this city's architecture which had remained constant through the years was its clear European Victorian/Baroque influence. The walls of each building were quite detailed, but generally had simple flat or rounded roofs. Light-colored materials, such as quartz, sandstone, and concrete were universally common in almost every structure. The roads in Mumbai were made of light gray concrete asphalt, with stone-based sidewalks and ditches. Ice highways were present both above and below ground, though the oldest, most interconnected, and least obstructed routes were subterranean.

Notable Sites

sizzle523 Palace/Mweeps Palace
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The sizzle532 Palace. October 20, 2022.

The sizzle523 Palace was a large estate in central Mumbai constructed post-Navya during Bharat's takeover and transformation of the city. It served to house the leader of Bharat, but contained multiple bedrooms. From the base to the roof, it measured 34 blocks tall, and the grounds spanned 5 chunks x 5 chunks. The identity of the builders is unclear, although it is presumed either Mweepniel or Sizzle took part in its construction. However, much of the south side of the grounds had been heavily bombed with some of the plots allowing PvP, suggesting a skirmish took place behind the mansion.

Mumbai Islands
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The Mumbai City Hall, post-griefing. July 17, 2021.

One of the first things seafarers would notice when approaching Mumbai from the west were its uninhabited islands just off its coast. The larger main island was built manually in late October to early November 2019, and instead of being a sandy beach island like it is today, it stayed as a flat, lifeless dirt patch in the ocean. A bridge was built connecting the main road in the city to this island. When Navya took charge in Mumbai, it became a grassy plain on which the 'new' Mumbai City Hall sat. However, because it was not claimed at the time, griefers tore it apart over time. Navya cleared the remains of the building entirely in July 2021 and left the island as a blank slate for future use.

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Mumbai's largely vacant islands. October 20, 2022.

After Bharat claimed the island, it was re-terraformed and turned into a sandy beach without buildings as seen above. A smaller, grassy, secondary island was built just south of it, although no structures were built on that island either. There had been no major construction projects on either of those islands since Navya's city hall.

Mumbai Arena
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The interior of the Mumbai Arena. October 20, 2022.

Mumbai's arena was one of the largest single structures in the city. It was almost as large as the Palace, but rather than housing government officials, it was built as a colosseum in which teams could fight to the death. It was measured at 24.5 blocks tall, and the grounds covered 4 chunks x 4 chunks. The floor was designed like the Indian flag, and due to the glass roof, it was visible from the Terra Nova Dynmap. Guests could stand in the floor above or be seated in the auditorium at the top of the arena to spectate the battles below. It is currently unknown how many fights have actually taken place inside this arena.


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Dynmap view of Neu_Frankfurt. March 1, 2023.

Neu Frankfurt was a large port town on the east coast of the Indian Subcontinent. It expanded, disbanded, and reformed multiple times during the early months of 2020, but was finally established by player Pokemaster01 on April 30. It remained as the furthest Gujarati town from the nation capital, Ahmedabad, within India. This town was far less documented than Mumbai, but there are some historical events that can be concluded based on recorded evidence.

Early records show that the town ballooned in size quickly after its founding. On July 3, 2020, the town left Gujarat but joined Sri Lanka, which may have had a higher nation bonus, allowing for expansion. Their rapid growth caught the attention of the Gujarati MPs, and plans were devised to bring the town back into possession. On the 8th of September, the then-PM navyaxD convinced Pokemaster to bring Neu Frankfurt back to Gujarat, but aside from German player Scherzwaffle, the town would not add any new residents. By the end of September, Poke had left Neu Frankfurt altogether, making Scherz the new mayor. He would continue as mayor until the town collapsed sometime between September 6th and October 19, 2022.

Architecture & Infrastructure

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The Neu Frankfurt square. May 4, 2022.

The town's architecture was relatively unique for Gujarat. Because of its location in a dry biome, it had easy access to red and white sand, which comprised most of Neu Frankfurt's buildings. The buildings themselves took clear inspiration from both Arabian and European styles, complete with both fenced flat roofs and gabled roofs. The streets were made out of simple stone-based materials, but several artificial canals lined with sandstone had been dug throughout the town, offering easy access to land from the sea by water. Ice highways were available, but were not maintained.

Notable Sites

City Walls

Similar to Rajkot's predecessor QuinnLand, Neu Frankfurt was almost entirely surrounded by stone brick, cobblestone and oak log walls which measured to 12-13 blocks tall on average. The only side of town that wasn't walled off was in the bay to the east, providing the shoreline with a view into the Indian Ocean. Each wall remained mostly intact, with hardly any wear from griefing on all sides. It is clear that many attempts to scale or penetrate the walls had been made, both by former town members and outsiders.

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The western wall of Neu Frankfurt and the adjacent trench, as seen from the west side facing south. May 4, 2022.
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The southern wall of Neu Frankfurt, as seen from the south side facing north. May 4, 2022.
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The southern wall of Neu Frankfurt, as seen from the north side facing south. May 4, 2022.
Naval Features
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The INS Kamorta, as viewed from the Neu Frankfurt shoreline. May 4, 2022.

One of Neu Frankfurt's main attractions were its various naval vessels and lookouts. Docked within the city walls rested the INS Kamorta, a stone/andesite frigate built by resident Dingusmong and finished on March 16, 2020. It measured 65 blocks long from bow to stern, and 19 blocks tall from keel to the tallest mast.

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INS Shishumar & INS Shalki outside the Neu Frankfurt walls. May 4, 2022.

On the other side of the wall, two gray concrete submarines - the INS Shishumar and the INS Shalki - were also docked parallel to one another. Both vessels could be entered through thresholds facing the sandstone dock. Although their interiors were hollow and empty, they were also inescapable for outsiders who found their way in while the town claims were still active, and would force anyone without permissions to use /t or /n spawn to exit them. Because of their congruent designs, they each measured 68 blocks long from bow to stern, and 12 blocks tall from the bottom of their hulls to the tallest radio antennae.

Also similar to Rajkot, Neu Frankfurt had its own naval lookout tower to the north of the submarine docks. It was made purely of cobblestone materials, and was simple in structure. It may have been used as a tactical observation point to ward off attackers, but the amount of usage the townspeople gleaned from this small building is unknown.


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Dynmap view of Indraprastha. March 1, 2023.

Indraprastha was a small town created by its one and only mayor, zThunder7, in late May 2020. It was once Gujarat's northernmost town, similar in latitude to the likes of New Delhi and Mt. Everest - far north of the capital, Ahmedabad. It is situated on the eastern side of the Thar Desert, but to the west of the New Delhi ruins. The settlement constantly struggled with recruitment, as the maximum population this town was able to achieve was 2 residents, being Thunder himself and a friend of his. By January 4 of 2021, Thunder had gone inactive long enough for the town to fall into ruin.

Architecture & Infrastructure

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The ruins of Indraprastha's tower. May 4, 2022.

Indraprastha has had only one building throughout its history, that being the main skyscraper which its claims had protected for its lifespan. This tower was simple and modernistic in nature, and was only built with three materials: andesite slabs, black concrete, and black glass. Prior to the town's collapse, this tower still had an intact roof and interior, complete with shops and underground storage.

In terms of travel capacity, there were no designated roads or paths leading directly to Indraprastha, but it was not inaccessible. The most efficient method of reaching this area was by using the north-south water canal to the west; the same canal that linked Punjab to Gujarat. Otherwise, visitors were in for a hike through the desert on foot, as there were no known ice highways near the tower.

Notable Site - New Delhi Ruins

Not only was the Indraprastha skyscraper available for public exploration, but the ruins of New Delhi lie approximately 350 blocks east. This site was the capital city of both Yavanarajya and the most recent India nation, before it too fell to ruin due to inactivity. The area covered by New Delhi was so large that the maximum extent of its claims could not cover the full area, which grew larger than Ahmedabad and rivaled Roruka. Much of the premises suffered minimal wear from griefing and looting.


  • Details Oct 2022-
  • More photos
  • Improve grammar and formatting
  • Remove any bias
  • Photo gallery
  • Election results screenshots
  • add towns: Bangalore, Latur, Goa, scivolasworl, Krunia, Korigad, Chileñad, Surat, Harappa
  • once history is done, add detailed timeline somewhere, and put the history section at the bottom
  • fix links and new images