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ArcaPlays is a member of the EarthMC server. He isn't notable for much, as he hasn't really done anything noteworthy. Through hearing about EarthMC through SalC1's Gold Duping video on EarthMC , Arca joined EarthMC on February 26, 2019 at 8:31:11 PM EST.
Note: ArcaPlays was named "Sykadelical" from March 13, 2022 to April 13, 2022.
Early History
Starting out
While ArcaPlays was relaxing one day and browsing YouTube, a video appeared in his recommended section. It was the video where SalC1 duped lots of Gold in EMC. At the time, the queue didn't exist, so joining the server was no problem. After joining, he spawned in Southwest Michigan (Modern-Day Chicago) with plans to start a town in Russia. In the first hour, he built a boat and went on his way to Russia. He built a small wooden house and began to mine in order to get the required amount of gold for a town. Whenever he would log in, he would find his gold chest to be empty. After about a month of constantly losing gold, Arca got tired of it and asked to join a town. He got several invites, and accepted one at random. He accepted an invite from the town of New Lyon, located in Haiti.
Months of Townhopping
Arca joined New Lyon on March 31, 2019 and learned how to teleport to a town for the first time. The town was pretty smallish in size, being maybe 10-20 chunks large. He built another wooden house on the north side of the town and was proud of being in his first town. This didn't last long however. On April 3, Arca was on a boat off the southern coast of Cuba when the mayor of a town on the island messaged him. After talking to this mayor, Arca found out about some "terrible" things the New Lyon mayor had done. Without considering if these were made up lies, Arca took his stuff and left New Lyon. He was now the newest resident of La Jagua, and eager to set up again. He was given a plot and he placed his stuff down and began to build a new house. It didn't take long for Arca to go inactive again. It wasn't until May 8 when he logged back on again to find that his house and all his items were gone. He got pretty angry and blamed the mayor of La Jagua for what happened and then proceeded to live off the land and was townless for another month. He joined the town of New York in order to be able to teleport wherever he need to go on June 12. He was in this town for a long time, and didn't own a plot. He would play on and off until he went inactive one more time. There was a short time that he joined Arlington for a day before leaving and wanted to join an Arab nation. He accepted the first invite he got, which was from Nubia to join El Obeid.
Arca's Semi-Active Time in Nubia
Arca didn't really do much in his first months in Nubia. He was just a regular insignificant player on the server. He did eventually go inactive again in January 2020. In March he realized that his data was wiped and was trying to figure something out in Nubia's discord server. He settled on repeatedly trying to wait out the queue until he joined. He finally did join... after over a month. He had to join a new town, since Twomoo was not online at the time and he was trapped in El Obeid. He asked gorkymoo1119 to help, so he logged on to invite Arca to join Mersa. Arca lived in Mersa up until he made his first town. During that time though, Arca also acted as a normal citizen. He made three videos during his time in Mersa about EarthMC, which was also during the time of the Ethiopian Revolt. Technically meaning that Arca was Ethiopian from May 4 to May 19. Even during his time in Mersa, Arca was a very on-and-off player until Late July, when he joined the Nubian VC for the first time.
For more info about Nyala, read it's wiki ^
Nubia Era
Founding of Nyala
Many things happened during Arca's active era in Nubia. Most activity occurred from late July to around Late September. On July 24, 2020 in the Nubia voice chat, Arca won 64G from a Gold crate. Following this, Twomoo1119 asked him if he wanted to make a town. There was initial consideration for Arca to make a proxy town for Turkana, as he and the StarKiller1744, the mayor, had grown close. Arca decided to settle for an independent town instead. On July 27, 2020, Arca created his first town of Nyala just west of El Daein and East of Koukou. Over the months, Nyala would gradually begin to grow until its current size of 144 chunks, which was achieved on November 15, 2020.
Kraftier Kontroversies
On July 25, 2020, Arca, Star, and Nop were messing around near East Kraftier, Kraftier’s at-the-time proxy town. While they watched Daniel10a, East Kraftier’s mayor, and Kobikraft, Kraftier’s mayor, one of the three fell in-between Daniel and Kobi. This triggered Battle of East Kraftier. Weeks later, Arca would also be involved with the Second Battle of Kraftier on August 16 and The Kraftier Raid on August 17. With all this controversy, Arca and Star wanted to end it and be peaceful with Sudan. On September 6, Arca and Star signed a non-aggression pact with Kobi and Super. This fell through less than a day later, as Kobi and Super broke the pact.
Dwindling Activity
Arca began his first month of high school entirely on Zoom amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic. However, in late September Arca began alternating between Zoom and physical school, meaning Arca started to have less time to play on EarthMC. Just prior to coming to school physically, Arca had an idea for a short project. This project was named “The Lake Azraq Project”, where Arca would completely drain the lake that completely surrounded El Azraq. This project lasted from September 18 to September 22, but was never actually finished by Arca. The lake seemed to have fully disappeared around November 22, 2020 by an unknown player.
Semi-Activity Era
Time in Yukon
On January 9, 2021, ArcaPlays announced in the Nubia Discord Server that he was going to be leaving Nubia and will be joining Yukon. That day, he founded Seward on the Seward Peninsula in Alaska. Seward was founded on the ruins of a town called Nome. Nome was started back in December 2019 and fell on October 6, 2020. Arca rarely recruited new citizens, as he mostly focused on expanding the town and working on structures. The largest undertaking Arca made in Seward was the flattening of the Bendeleben Mountain. Inside the mountain was the ruins of a large automatic farming building, which had been destroyed to the point it didn't function anymore. Arca began to flatten this mountain in early March of 2021 and finished around mid March. Arca began moving and building houses to the top of this new plateau to create a new residential area. On March 19, 2021, Arca moved his own house over to the plateau, however this came with a negative side effect. As Arca attempted to move his 4 pet rabbits (all were spawned when mod spawning was temporarily on on Feb 19, 2021), 3 out of 4 of them died of fall damage while scaling the staircase-hill up to the plateau. The remaining rabbit was nicknamed "Sanosuke", meaning "survivor".
Temporary Quit and New Start
On April 16, 2021, Arca made a video of him touring Seward. However, the start of the video had a goodbye message, where he announced he was quitting EarthMC. He had thoughts that he would come back eventually, when time permits. Eventually, he did. On May 12, Arca relogged into the server for the first time in almost a month. When Arca logged in, Seward was under new leadership and he was in a new town (this was done by a friend of his). He then began a journey by boat to a new location, where he planned to play on EMC casually rather than the stressful job of being a proper mayor. He initially waned to found the city of Hyderabad in central India, but after surveying the area and disliking the terrain he opted to stay in El Obeid until he reached 64G. After reaching that goal on May 15, he headed out to Ukraine to found Pripyat near its real-life location. He built a small house named "Pripyat House" and chilled out for a bit. He would be a part of Tzarist Ukraine for a few weeks until joining Austria on June 7.
Return to Nubia & Fall of Seward
On June 23, 2021, Arca disbanded Pripyat and moved into a home in Turkana. He's been living there since. Arca participated in his latest battle on August 17, 2021, named The Skirmish of Joe Town. On August 19, 2021, Seward collapsed. Most of what Arca had left there was recovered by StarKiller1744 and himself and was placed in his basement museum. Arca travelled to Seward and recovered the Rabbit Monument, a spire built to commemorate his 3 rabbits who died. On the same day, Arca killed Ghostyuu and displayed his armor in aforementioned museum. Two days later, Arca ventured to Seward to recover his last rabbit, Sanosuke, to bring him to Turkana. Unfortunately, while sailing in the Pacific, a boating accident occurred that led to the death of Sanosuke. Arca added Sanosuke to the Rabbit Monument shortly after, and begun a “ritual” where he would place a carrot at the foot of the spire every day he logs in.
Holding Morogoro
Around September 1, 2021 twomoo1119 acquired the town of Morogoro from Tanzania. After much convincing, Arca conceded and agreed to hold the town until someone else could take his place. He held this town for an extended period of time, asking every so often when a new mayor would come. Finally, on October 28 Arca had enough of waiting and tried to find someone. To his luck, VarJuice asked iamkeg if he wanted to hold the town and Keg said yes. The exchange happened and Arca returned to being a regular citizen of Turkana.
Lured Out
Mid-way through November, Arca was wandering around Venezuela inspecting a project he had placed there. While there, he noticed 3 random players (HDKONUK, Chauffeur1234, and Spartan1092) descending from New Granada towards his location. He reacted by teleporting to his res spawn. Shortly after, he received a PM from one of the players, HDKONUK, to come back. He did so after putting all his items in his chests. Meeting them in New Granada again, the players told him that they believed he was a citizen of the area and that they wanted to “show him something”. Arca agreed, already suspecting it was a lure. With an empty inventory and camera rolling, Arca followed the three outside the capital’s claims. It took only 10 seconds of walking for HDKONUK to pull out an enchanted diamond sword and kill Arca. This was nothing but comedic to Arca, though, as he expected this and the people who killed him gained nothing from the murder.
Rabbit Monument Controversy
Later that month, Star messaged Arca through discord stating that something had happened with the Rabbit Monument. One of Stars friends, SirKiyo, somehow gained ownership of the plot in which the Rabbit Monument was situated. On November 26, SirKiyo demolished the original monument and told Star: “i have plans for it”. These plans turned out to be a large stone rabbit statue with a sign that simple said “RIP”. Arca was infuriated with this news. On November 30, Arca regained ownership of the plot and filmed himself destroying it and rebuilding the Rabbit Monument. Although the blocks are no longer the original, its the idea that counts.
Fall of Nyala
On November 24, Caden and Arca began discussing Nyala’s fate. On November 3, Caden gave ownership of Nyala to a new player named Nickstorm1086. Since taking control, Nickstorm hadn't logged on. This led caden to try to convince Nickstorm to log on to save Nyala. After Nickstorm asked how he gives Nyala back to caden, Nickstorm blocked caden on discord. In response to this, Caden asked VarJuice to try to convince Nickstorm. A week later, on December 2, Caden told Arca that Var had been blocked by Nickstorm, meaning that all hope was lost now. Arca calculated the time that Nyala would fall, being December 16 at around 3pm EST. Arca planned to log on and save as much as he could, but was unable to as Nyala fell 9 hours earlier than calculated, at around 5-6 AM. Nyala had already by looted, likely by raiders or by Nickstorm. Arca was able to recover a few things, with one of these things being the concrete flag from Nyala’s ice road station. The flag was propped up in Turkana and serves as a monument to Nyala. Not all hope was lost, however. In early January 2022, Twomoo extended El Obeid’s claims and re-claimed Nyala as a part of El Obeid, saving it from the wilderness.
Starting off the new year, Arca became slightly more active on EMC. He became more active in Nubia's Discord specifically, where Arca met a player by the name of LPZE. On January 12, 2022, after Arca replied to a screenshot of one of BigCrow_'s announcement with "SexCrow_" (A joke that Star made in 2020 while Crow was Nubian), LPZE decided to reply to Arca with "ok odd1sout fan", referencing Arca's discord profile picture of that time. LPZE decided to start throwing insults at Arca with no provocation. After a while, Arca didn't want to deal with LPZE from then on, so he blocked him on Discord. On February 19, 2022, Arca visited Thee Boss' building competition in Mersa, of which only Tai showed up to built something. While there, LPZE decided to come and visit. When he arrived, he began following Arca around. Arca immediately /ignore'd LPZE before he had a chance to say anything of meaning. When Arca had left Mersian claims by accident, LPZE (still following) came out too and began punching Arca for no reason. Due to the new claimhide plugin, Arca wasn't able to escape, and nearly died until leaving combat and making it back to Mersa. In response, Arca and Boss grabbed a weapon and lured LPZE out into wilderness. They both successfully killed him. Since then, Arca has had no further interaction with LPZE.
Home Remodeling
On February 26, 2022, Arca felt that his home in Turkana wasn't spacious enough. To solve this issue, Arca moved all his stuff out, destroyed the house, and began building a new one. The building was completed quickly with the help of a tutorial, as the building was completed on the same day. On Feb 27, Arca moved his stuff in and nicknamed the building "Ivory Tower". That was when Arca found out that Star had built the same building on the other side of the city months earlier. Noting that the towers were so far, and that he was actually using his tower (unlike Star), they both simply shrugged it off.
Arca has made a total of three towns, all in different parts of the world. None of these towns exist anymore.
- Nyala, Nubia: Founded July 27, 2020, Collapsed December 16, 2021
- Seward, Yukon: Founded January 9, 2021, Collapsed August 19, 2021
- Pripyat, Austria: Founded May 15, 2021, Disbanded June 23, 2021
Fate of the Lion
Fate of the Lion was an 11 page book telling of the history of Seward. It begins with the fall of Nome from August to October 2020 to the founding of Seward in January 2021, The book was written on March 14, 2021 and is currently stored in Arca's House in Turkana.
State of EMC
State of EMC (Long title: The Current State of EarthMC and Nubia) is a 20 page long book where Arca expresses his opinions and feelings about the state of EarthMC and his nation, Nubia, in 2022 and how it compared to how they were in 2020. In it, Arca supports the cause for a reset to be done on the server. The book was written on March 15, 2022.
Town History
Note: Anything prior to October 14, 2019 may not be 100% accurate.
- March 31, 2019 - April 3, 2019: New Lyon, Dame-Marie
- April 3, 2019 - May 8, 2019: La Jagua, Cuba
- June 12, 2019 - September 17, 2019: New York, New York
- October 13, 2019 - October 14, 2019: Arlington, (Unknown nation)
- October 14, 2019 - January 18, 2020: El Obeid, Nubia
- April 25, 2020 - July 27, 2020: Mersa, Nubia
- July 27, 2020 - January 9, 2021: Nyala, Nubia
- January 9, 2021 - April 16, 2021: Seward, Yukon
- May 15, 2021 - June 23, 2021: Pripyat, Austria
- June 23, 2021 - present: Turkana, Nubia
McMMO Stats
Updated March 3, 2022
Skill | Level | Rank |
![]() |
3218 | 1102 |
![]() |
1354 | 914 |
![]() |
911 | 726 |
![]() |
123 | 1960 |
![]() |
296 | 515 |
![]() |
26 | 4853 |
![]() |
380 | 2153 |
![]() |
36 | 3246 |
![]() |
71 | 1702 |
![]() |
0 | Unranked |
![]() |
12 | 2916 |
![]() |
4 | 4114 |
![]() |
5 | 1426 |
![]() |
0 | Unranked |
ArcaPlays has been a member of the following battles:
Battles | ||
Name | Side | Outcome |
Battle of East Kraftier | Anti-Kraftier | Victory |
Second Battle of Kraftier | ![]() |
Victory |
The Kraftier Raid | ![]() |
Indecisive |
Battle of Town Name Here | ![]() |
Victory |
Battle of Myrtle Beach | Neutral | Onlooker |
Skirmish of Joe Town | ![]() |
Indecisive |
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Member Nations |
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Significant Cities |
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Nation leaders |
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Government |
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Wars and Conflicts |
Yemen-Nubia Conflict | The Dharug-Kraftier Rebellion | Svalbard-Nordaustlandet Unification War | The Vestspitsbergen Rebellion | Nubia-Kindu War | Ethiopian war of Independence | |