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KobiKraft is a Pilbaran politician who is the Emperor of Pilbara, the highest level of governance in the nation above the Prime Minister. He is the head of state whilst the current Prime Minister, GabeTheSavior, is head of government.

KobiKraft Body.png
Emperor of the Pilbaran Empire
In office
11th November 2023 - Present
Preceded by Office Established
Succeeded by Currently in office
In office
Preceded by
Succeeded by
In office
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Profile Information
Nation Pilbara
Town Onslow Bay
Towny Rank Mayor
Political Party Pilbaran Progressors Party
Spawn Information
Date of Spawn
Place of Spawn
Physical Information
Nationality Pilbaran
Blood Type
Status Information
Status Active
Server Role
Date of Ban
Nation History
Australia, Greece

The following is the story of EMCplayer Kobikraft, mayor of Kraftier.

Beginning of his story

Kobikraft first became aware of the server in November 2019 and thought it would be enjoyable, but at the time, he did not know the server IP. Months later, in March, he logged in for the first time, spawning in central America. During his time in America, he opened his first gold crate and obtained 2 gold. He constructed a small house near Chicago and built a boat, then set sail for Europe, where he was subsequently killed.

A few days later, he logged in again. The queue was 150 players long, and after 4 hours, it was his turn. He opened a second gold crate and received 5 gold. He traveled to New Zealand in search of food but found none, then proceeded to Tasmania, where someone provided him with some food. Subsequently, he was invited to Newbelleville in Ancient Egypt, where he built a pleasant house and prepared for life. He remained in the town until May 6th. During those six weeks, he also acquired a god sword and god armor.

In late April, he engaged in a couple fights and was threatened by The_Imapler because, at that time, most of the world was at war with Ancient Egypt. He was also accused of being a scammer multiple times due to his attempt at selling 10 stacks of redstone for gold, but one individual asserted that 1 gold was worth 45 stacks of redstone. Kobikraft did not appreciate this and countered that the other person was the real scammer.


On May 3rd, Kobikraft messaged 57gorky, requesting assistance to fund his own town. At that time, after purchasing various items, he had 27 gold to his name and needed an additional 37 gold to establish his town. 57gorky informed him that once he reached 44 gold, he would provide an extra 20 gold. Following the proposal, Kobikraft worked effortfully to accumulate gold by selling various items such as redstone, sand, and iron, which he received from his daily gold crates. His desire to create his own town stemmed from the bullying he experienced for being a part of Ancient Egypt, which was widely regarded as the worst country on the server. He decided to leave on May 3rd.

On May 6th, Kobikraft logged in and informed 57gorky that he had reached 44 gold and was ready to establish his town. 57gorky instructed him to meet in Mersa, so, Kobikraft left Ancient Egypt and traveled to Mersa, where he received 20 gold and founded his new town, Kraftier. He then began constructing a farm and a house. On May 8th, Kobi welcomed his first resident, Todaystheday, who helped develop the town and farm. Over the next day, the town grew rapidly but was attacked on May 16th, during which one resident, Bmoboy, lost all his gold.

On May 18th, Minecookie200 and his friend joined Kraftier. They were the most active players in the town, with Minecookie becoming the town builder, responsible for constructing all houses since his arrival. They urged Kobi to go to war with them, and on May 20th, they attempted to destroy the Great Pyramids of Egypt. During this battle, Kobi lost his god armor. However, on May 21st, Kobi recovered his belongings and began selling his own book, "Cowfish Monster." During his adventures, he encountered a fork in the road, a taunter, Emperor 6k, who insulted his town. This conflict was temporarily resolved in the Maldives on May 22nd, when Kobikraft killed the Emperor during a hunt and subsequently moved to Nubia.

In the following week, Kobikraft struggled to attract new residents, but his town expanded by 10 chunks. He experienced good fortune with gold crates, and on May 25th, he opened his metro and shop, where he continues to sell various items such as plants, sand, emeralds, and glowstone. Thus far, he has earned 2 gold from these sales.

kobikraft likes to hit people with scooters for some reason