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Ethiopian Empire Flag.jpeg
Coat of Arms
Fullsizeoutput 53d.jpeg
National Information
Full Name The Ethiopian Empire
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem File:The Ethiopian Empire Anthem.ogg
Motto 'Ityopia tabetsih edewiha habe Igziabiher' (Ethiopia, Be Happy)
Population 27
Chunks 154
Capital City NewAddisFlag.PNG Addis_Ababa
Largest City NewAddisFlag.PNG Addis_Ababa
Oldest City NewAddisFlag.PNG Addis_Ababa
Government Information
Political System Constitutional Monarchy
Economic System Capitalism
Army Size 6
Part of
Historical Information


Ethiopia is a nation located in north-east Africa, west of the Gulf of Aden. Ethiopia is an independent nation that is enclaved within Nubia. The area located around Addis Ababa/Tsana (Addis Ababa being the main town), is hilly with a number of lakes defining the landscape of the area.


Ethiopia has a strong economy that is currently on the uprise. Sand/terracotta mining makes up a small portion of government income. The rest of the income of the nation is split between the Ethiopian Potion Brewery and Johns British Cow Factory.



Recruit4Days had initially joined the server upon the request of a friend, Triangle_Square_, with whom he had played on another Minecraft server that had died. The plan was to set up Ethiopia and create a colony in Italy as a Joke. Once the town members learned about the politics of EarthMC, the idea was quickly dropped.

Prior to Ethiopia 

Addis Ababa soon had expanded Eastwards making a new district. During that time the town suffered multiple attacks from the Neighbouring nation of Nubia which lead to the rise of anti-Nubia sentiment among the citizens. Addis Ababa reluctantly joined the nation of Nubia to help grown the town and quickly became the 4th largest town in the nation. 


On 13/03/2020, Addis Ababa declared independence from Nubia purchasing the nation of Ethiopia, which was previously Umayyad. Ethiopia would later go on to join United Africa and later the Yemen Empire. On 3/06/2020 the nation was renamed from ModsReadRule4.1 by the request of another player who wasn't in Ethiopia. 

People's Republic of Ethiopia

On the 17/4/2020, just over a month since independence was declared, President Triangle_Square established the Peoples' Republic of Ethiopia (PRE). During this time the nation saw little to no activity.

The Return of the Founding Members and the July Coup.

JackJackson, the former mayor of Addis Ababa returned to the nation on the 1/7/2020, spending most of his time raiding the nearby town of Kraftier. Following his return, former members John_of_Aus, Recruit4Days also rejoined the town. The former members unsatisfied with the new communist government launched a coup on the 5/7/2020, storming the parliament building demanding ownership of the nation. Triangle_Square_ agreed, giving the nation to JackJackson.

The August Coup

John_of_Aus's betrayal

The August Coup was lead by John_of_Aus the owner of the town's main source of income 'Johnny's British Beef Factory' located behind the council building. With the influence he had from owning the largest source of income, he used this influence to get Recruit4Days to standby in case of a coup. With the support of Triangle_Square_ and a handful of the new residents, John_of_Aus then launched a coup d'etat against JackJackson and forced him out of the nation. JackJackson then took refuge within South_Mersa, then John_of_Aus then stated in chat that "JackJackson has been found to have Nubian sympathies and is now the enemy number one of the Ethiopian state".


JackJackson organised a march on Addis Ababa with the help of South Mersa mayor NopNop101. Gathering gear and allies, they launched the attack. A handful of Addis Ababa residents were killed in the raid, leaving John_of_Aus and Recruit4Days without protection. Recruit4Days realising that their cause was hopeless, switched sides and handed John over to the Pro-Jackson side.

The September Coup

The Coup

John_of_Aus got bored and decided to oust JackJackson again. JackJackson fled to Zanzibar and soon after Australia. John_of_Aus dismissed then Ethiopian Crown Council. Placing himself as the sole ruler of Ethiopia. John ordered a deportation of all people from the Congo into the afterlife. This lead Negus Recruit4Days to declare Congo free from the Ethiopian Empire, starting the 17th Congo War.

JackJackson in Exile

JackJackson after fleeing to Australia used his Wealth and Connections to secure a high role in the Union of Oceanian States (UOS). Using his time in exile, he organised the Irish Royal Army (IRA), consisting of troops from Australia, Congo and Zanzibar.

The October Coup

Counter Coup

After a counter-coup was organised between JackJackson, Recruit4Days and Triangle_Square_, the IRA used the Royal Ethiopian Navy to land south of Addis Ababa. Following the landing they marched North to Addis Ababa and John_of_Aus surrendered the capital without a fight.

Rebuilding of the Empire

JackJackson decided to rebuild the Empires relations with former members, inviting Congo back to the Ethiopian Empire. Congo accepted and the Treaty of Tsana was signed. Triangle_Square_ and JackJackson made a deal in private to reaffirm Zanzibar-Nyasa will stay in the Ethiopian Empire.

Reorganisation of the Empire.

After regaining control, The Crown Council was reinstated with NopNop101 being Prime Minister and Azysiri being Foreign Minister. The reorganised Council was enlarge and took on people who were once considered foreign to the Empire.

Integration into the Australian Empire

After rebuilding the Ethiopian Empire, JackJackson made an agreement with the King of Australia Shellblu, offering the nations of the Empire as colonies. Ethiopia, Congo and Zanzibar would "Join" the UOS.

The Ethiopian Empire

(Still working on it) so basically Ethiopia got chongers



Ethiopia was a part of the Yemen Empire, however since declared independence.


Ethiopia opposes Nubia due to the fact that Nubia claims Ethiopia and controls most of the nation. 


Addis Ababa is a hub for travel around Africa/Middle East having an Ice Road that Links El Obeid, Aden and Mersa together.