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City of Avola
Town Information
Nation Cascadia
Population 8
Area 89 chunks
Coordinates [-22282, -9721]
Continent North America
Region Central BC
Economic System
Official Language English,
Coast Salish (ceremonial)
Official Religion Dirt Jesus
Government Information
Political System Mayor-council
Mayor cheeseballfluffy
Councillors Avola City Council
House of Reps. representation Northern
Historical Information
Established July 1, 2022
Past Nations Oregon
Past Mayors jtwokay (interim)
Past Councillors

Avola is a small town in the northern, mountainous region of Cascadia among other seemingly isolated towns of Kamloops, Bread_INC, and Banff, of which was formerly Avola's sister city. Under Cascadian jurisdiction, it resides in the nation's Great North district.


Avola was officially founded on September 16th, 2022 under the original name of White Rock by cheeseballfluffy after receiving the town from interim mayor jtwokay, whose motives were to retain the town for the nation of Cascadia until a rightful mayor was inaugurated. jtwokay inherited the town on the heels of the departure of wdym___, the former Avolan mayor and current Cuban. jtwokay held the town for only a few days as caretaker mayor, subsequently abstaining from altering the town from the previous administration. Today, Avola is largely under slow but steady construction.

Banff Insurrection

On March 5th, 2023, Avola's sister city Banff seceded from the nation to form a new capital, prompting Avola to sever ties with its western neighbor, while Cascadia declared Banff mayor EdgyIsRandom among others to be enemies of the state.

In response to an active claim arm campaign launched by Banff, Cascadian President Milgorn on March 14th funded Avola with 832 gold to bolster itself in an act of defensive claiming. Soon after an active demilitarized zone was established in between the two towns, peace talks concluded on March 16th with the Treaty of Banff being signed by Cascadian and Rocky Mountain officials. This officially recognized the Rocky Mountain Federation as a sovereign nation, albeit under direct colonial rule of Portugal, while additionally setting a border between Banff and Avola.


  • The Great Avolan Tree, situated centrally at the heart of the city.
    • In December, the Tree is renamed the Great Avolan Christmas Tree and is typically decorated for the holidays.
  • Avola General Store
  • Goat Zoo
    • The Goat Zoo in Avola is the largest goat farm on the entire server, housing 20 total goats in the enclosure as of September 2023. The goats enjoy a dirty space with plenty of mushrooms to graze on along with a pool arranged in the middle of their den. The pool is also utilized as a safe drop zone for any new herded goats to fall from the main loading zone. For the reclusive types in the enclosure, much of the dirt wall recedes into shady pockets.
  • Avola Border Wall
  • Town Mine
Cascadia.png Republic of Cascadia (Aurora) Cascadia.png
Cascadia.png AvolaCascadia.png ChaeroneaCascadia.png EphrataCascadia.png Jericho RanchFlag of Olympia.png OlympiaNeahBayFlag.png Neah BayFlag of Phoenix, Arizona.png PhoenixPyramid Lake flag .png Pyramid LakeFlag-of-Seattle.png SeattleSpokane flag.png SpokaneNewlogo.png Spokane ValleyGravityFallsFlag(TownAurora).png Gravity FallsFRESNO FLAG - EMC CASCADIA.png Fresno
Wars & Conflicts
Cascadia-Oregon hostilitiesSix-Hour WarOperation DragonflameGrand Canyon controversyRMF War
Notable Citizens
Aug 2022Sep 2022Oct 2022Nov 2022Dec 2022Jan 2023Feb 2023Mar 2023Apr 2023May 2023Jun 2023Jul 2023Aug 2023Sep 2023Oct 2023Nov 2023Dec 2023Jan 2024Feb 2024Mar 2024April 2024May 2024Jun 2024Jul 2024Aug 2024Sep 2024Oct 2024Nov 2024
Executive branch
CabinetVice PresidentPresident
Legislative branch
House of Representatives (current membersformer membersClerkDeanSpeaker) • List of Legislatures (1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12th13th) • Laws
Judicial branch
Supreme Court (ListChief Justice)
Major laws
National Constitution (2023)
Electoral divisions
Current: Great NorthMetropolitanSouthernFrontier
Obsolete: PacificWesternGreat NorthFrontierCentralSalish CoastOregonNorth Metropolitan (Salish)South Metropolitan (Rainier)OlympiaNorthwestEast