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Profile Information
Nation Cascadia
Town Pacifica
Towny Rank
Political Party
Spawn Information
Date of Spawn
Place of Spawn
Physical Information
Blood Type
Status Information
Server Role
Date of Ban
Nation History

Fr0z3nW1nt3r is a Cascadian politician on Terra Aurora who has served as a member of the House of Representatives on numerous occasions, and has been Mayor of Pacifica since early 2023. Historically on Terra Nova, they had been involved in nations in Japan and California, being leader of Karafuto and Mayor of Monterrey. He has been previously known as Mountzilla and Illistnia.


Joining and first plans

When Fr0z3nW1nt3r first joined EMC in 2019, he had no real idea what he was doing and had spawned in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Not knowing exactly where to go and fearful of the general residents of both America and Europe, Fr0z3n decided to go north towards Greenland.

The First Home

Upon landing on the shores of Greenland, Fr0z3n explored the snow covered hills and made himself a place to stay within the harsh snowy climate, creating a small cave home to be able to survive in. This cave home was quite small and only contained the basics. While digging deeper to begin mining, Fr0z3n found his first gold and then was able to collect a small some of 20g through mining. He then mistakenly placed this earned gold into a chest within the cave which would prove to be a mistake at a later point.

The First loot and the meeting of comrades

Fr0z3n while browsing a map to try and find a good place to settle a new town within Greenland found an abandoned town which was cleared and showed to not be touched. Fr0z3n then set out to the town to see what had happend and found large amounts of loot which was quite the experiance for himself at the time. After the looting of the town Fr0z3n set off back home and then realized that he had left his gold in quite an unprotected spot. He set out on a trip to New York in an attempt to find an enderchest to store the gold but had been struck with bad luck and was killed. He respawned back home in his cave and decided to not attempt storing his gold in a safer place again. After this event, Fr0z3n went out and began finding friends to begin helping with the project to create a town in Greenland. This group then joined him in his cave and began improving the cave making it quite the place to live, though this sadly wouldn't last.

The loss of Gold and the end of Greenland plans

One day after logging on, Fr0z3n discovered that the pooled 40g of those he brought together had been stolen. This had put a great mark on his aims of owning a town, he gave in and decided to abandon his plans and join a town. Grabbing the last of his things, he set off to find and settle in a new home. After requesting the chat for a town he was soon offered a place in quite a nice spot: Militia

The First Town: Militia

Militia was a small town that was within Norway, being quite a nice place to the eyes of one who had just joined the server. Fr0z3n loved the town and decided to stay and build his own home. Fr0z3ns time within the town was generally filled with exploration of the local region through Nether Highways, an interesting pass time for Fr0z3n. Fr0z3n remained in the town and had not contributed much, mainly sticking to himself. Though at this time he did meet Marcellious, who would play an important role in determining the future of what Fr0z3n would do. After many talks and what seemed like a good idea, Fr0z3n left his home and headed down to the town of Sarawak, moving in with Marcellious.

The Late-Time 2019

This period of time was the middle point of Fr0z3n while active in mid 2019, during this time Fr0z3n was known as Mountzilla.

The Second Town: Sarawak

Sarawak was quite the experiance for Fr0z3n. While at first it seemed things were going well, it soon turned into a terrible situation for Fr0z3n. On first arrival, Fr0z3n was treated alright and had picked a house for himself. Though over time, Marcellious began turning hostile to Fr0z3n, passing insults his way and removing ranks previously held. The final straw was when Marcellious began rebuilding Sarawak. The first building to be torn down was Fr0z3ns shop without notification. This was the final straw for Fr0z3n and he began looking for alternatives to the toxic nature of Sarawak. All packed and ready to leave, Fr0z3n decided to move over to Scotland.

Scotland and Osamas_Bunker

Upon moving into Scotland, Fr0z3n was quickly invited to a new project out in Persia: Osamas_Bunker. Fr0z3n jumped at the oppertunity and before even fully moving in to Scotland, he moved and and joined in with Osamas_Bunker. During his time at Osamas_Bunker, things had gone quite well. Though after a while, Fr0z3n met the people of Sommerset and was persuaded to make a town for them, this town called Winhalte lasted about 2 days before Fr0z3n was convinced to return back to Osamas_Bunker. Fr0z3n remained in the town until collecting enough money to fund his own town within an area of the Persian coast. This town was called: Avion

The Time in Avion

Early Avion

Fr0z3n created Avion on the coast of what can be considered irl Pakistan. The town itself at the start was a simple home built into the side of a hill but slowly grew to become a small town of around 8 people. During this time there was a plan made with the leader of Osamas bunker to break away from Persia and form an independant Pakistan. While the discussion of those plans continued, many friendships were made with very many people. The major two things that occured were the activity of two residents and a friendship treaty with a town on in Scotland. The two very active members generated large consistent amounts of gold that they would donate to Fr0z3n in order for the town of Avion to grow. Without there help, Avion would have not been where it was. The 2nd big thing was the treaty of Friendship with a town in Scotland. It showed that even while small, the town was open to go out and discuss with very many nations to simply make friends.

Late Avion

During the later time of Avion, Fr0z3n started to grow tired of being within Persia while attempting to scheme against them. He either wanted to stay in peace and not have anything in the background occuring or he wanted the town of Avion to be free from Persian influence. While the aim was to continue the plan and split from Persia in order to form Pakistan, the leader of Osamas_Bunker had triggered an incident and had to leave. This ruined the plans that were originally in place in order to form a free Pakistan and greatly frustated Fr0z3n, so he decided to leave Persia.

Battle for Avion

The battle for a free Avion was quite short and ended up in a loss. The town simply decided to leave the nation of Persia but had no intention of creating a nation for itself. It would simply remain free of any influence and isolated from most of the world. Persia would have none of it and decided to send an army in an attempt to end the small independent town of Avion. After the army was sent, Sommerset sent an army to respond which surprised Fr0z3n quite a bit. During the battle Fr0z3n was killed and the town fell apart. Finally a deal was struck with the Persians and the town was sold for 80 gold to a Persian loyal leader. Fr0z3n then set off to join Sommerset.

A return to Sommerset

Upon return to Sommerset. Fr0z3n quickly understood the situation would be very similar to that he experianced in the town of Sarawak. Though that experience would also carry over as Marcellious knew the leaders of Sommerset quite well himself. Marcellious was determined to attempt to destroy Fr0z3n and get him off the server entirely and now Fr0z3n was in a nation where Marcel had some influence. Fr0z3n was sent down southward to take control of Nova Scotia along with another named Closed Donut. Fr0z3ns time in the colony was short as a fight broke out during a battle as Donut attempted to kill Fr0z3n during a fight against an enemy. Some harsh actions were taken and Fr0z3n was demoted. Fr0z3n went out to the lake at Nova Scotia, threw his things in the water, and spammed the /suicide command, promplty getting him temp banned for 10 mins.

The Return

After taking a couple months away from the server, Fr0z3n returned with his name changed to the one currently. His activity was short and not all that active during his first couple times joining but after a while he became significantly more active.

Cascadia.png Republic of Cascadia (Aurora) Cascadia.png
Cascadia.png AvolaCascadia.png ChaeroneaCascadia.png EphrataCascadia.png Jericho RanchFlag of Olympia.png OlympiaNeahBayFlag.png Neah BayFlag of Phoenix, Arizona.png PhoenixPyramid Lake flag .png Pyramid LakeFlag-of-Seattle.png SeattleSpokane flag.png SpokaneNewlogo.png Spokane ValleyGravityFallsFlag(TownAurora).png Gravity FallsFRESNO FLAG - EMC CASCADIA.png Fresno
Wars & Conflicts
Cascadia-Oregon hostilitiesSix-Hour WarOperation DragonflameGrand Canyon controversyRMF War
Notable Citizens
Aug 2022Sep 2022Oct 2022Nov 2022Dec 2022Jan 2023Feb 2023Mar 2023Apr 2023May 2023Jun 2023Jul 2023Aug 2023
Executive branch
CabinetVice PresidentPresident
Legislative branch
House of Representatives (current membersformer membersClerkDeanSpeaker) • List of Legislatures (1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12th13th) • Laws
Judicial branch
Supreme Court (ListChief Justice)
Major laws
National Constitution (2023)
Electoral divisions
Current: NorthernMetropolitanSouthernEastern
Obsolete: PacificWesternGreat NorthFrontierCentralSalish CoastOregonNorth Metropolitan (Salish)South Metropolitan (Rainier)OlympiaNorthwestEast